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15832888 No.15832888[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>if you are so smart, why aren't you rich?

Is this the ultimate test of any philosophy of life? Or is there rebutal to this argument?

>> No.15832899

>I don't feel the need to
Is a sound rebutal.

>> No.15832901

Wasn't there something in the History of Western philosophy about that? Like some Greek fag being asked this question then using his astronomy knowledge to play the food market.

>> No.15832913

i am not rich, because i am smart.

>> No.15832918

No this is

>if you are so smart, why aren't you in power yet?

>> No.15832921

Thales did something like this and I think it was laertus who recounted it and concluded every philosopher can be rich but it may have been plato recounting idr

>> No.15832925

Man I don’t know about you but the second I get power I try to get rid of it

>> No.15832932

Smart people know that being rich may not make them happy

>> No.15832934

I read it in Bertrand Russel's book

>> No.15832941

Perfect proof capitalism, or making wealth derivative of human action, in terms of power derivative of wealth, is a backwards way to dole out opportunity. You get power if you have tits, that's it. Awhile ago it was some other stupid variable. We never get to choose it or fix it because capitalism is too derivative and unable to comment on it.

>> No.15832943

I am rich just not materially so

>> No.15832949

Cause economics is the science of virgins

>> No.15832958

Nice I haven't read yet. I wish philosophers, or at least fields, made their own history of philosophies. It's certainly helpful to learning about the author and his book's content

>> No.15832961

Intelligence is useless without opportunities to apply it. You can't think your way out of handcuffs.

>> No.15832968

>you'll be mister man if you, trade stocks and become rich

>> No.15833014
File: 2.54 MB, 1996x3530, Epicteti_Enchiridion_Latinis_versibus_adumbratum_(Oxford_1715)_frontispiece.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just tell 'em virtue is the only good and that they shouldn't be focusing on externals which are not under their control.

>> No.15833019

Because getting rich is a function of luck and greed

>> No.15833033

George Buchanan was the best writer of Latin in 16th and early 17th century Europe and possibly the best writer in all from those times.
He died so poor his funeral was paid for by the state.

>> No.15833055

if you are so smart/rich why aren't you happy.

>> No.15833089

i have no desire to do what is needed to get enough starting shekels to speculate with

>> No.15833131
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>Because it would be unethical.

>> No.15833146

If /lit/ is so smart, why don't people report these posts?

>> No.15833233

I forgot the name of the philosopher but someone challenged him on this and he bought all the olive presses in town and they came running to him once the weather got good in that region or some shit

>> No.15833362
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If you are musician, where are your paintings? If you are space traveller, why aren't you eat chicken at KFC? If you are woman, where is your saxophone?

Theese are the same questions, in a way.

The person asking builds an A=B logical construction - "A means B", where in person's case A="being smart", B="being rich". Such construction requres both A and B to have *the same* qualities. Everything that can be considered a rich person life element is automatically can be considered as a smart person life element and vice versa.

If you think that A!=B, not A=B you should question opponent' truth criteria, by saying "Why the fuck do you think smart people are rich, you stupid peasant moron" and punch the uncultured swine in the face, or just end the conversation.

>> No.15834139

Tesla died poor and Paris Hilton is multi millionaire

>> No.15834487

Isn't that recounted in Aristotle's Politics ?

>> No.15835072
File: 35 KB, 439x405, Pareto Wealth.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Intelligence is not the only virtue which matters in life by a long shot.
2. Luck matters a lot.

The distribution of wealth shows the same distribution pattern as other semi-random events like forest fires and meteor craters on the moon - and the most common surnames. In other words, wealth cannot possibly be simply the outcome of any individuals actions.

Most of individuals life outcome is determined by factors completely outside individuals control. It is always beneficial to act as though you have control, but even this is mostly outside your actual control. Some people are more fatalistic, some are more depressive, some are lazy, some lack consistency...

Unlucky people tell themselves they could get rich if they wanted to, they just don't want to. Lucky people tell themselves they were smarter and better than everyone else who didn't make it. Sometimes these beliefs are even true.


>> No.15835085

"Smart" signifies intelligence
"Rich" signifies wealth, or income; but not intelligence
You're welcome OP

>> No.15835093

Because the best things in life are free, OP.

(That said, I'm doing well enough on a material/wealth basis), thanks)

>> No.15835123

I find the process of trying to recall the source of an anecdote displayed in this thread quite endearing.

>> No.15836720

based af

>> No.15836793

being smart isn't necessary or desirable for success. sociopathy, sadism, and a strong intuition of social power dynamics are. smart people are wierdo's with bad hair and bodies and people tend to hate what they say.

>> No.15836904

only if you focus your life on making money
else its 99% luck

>> No.15836907


>> No.15836923

But how do we know that's not sour grapes?
Those are drastically false fucking analogy and you know it.
Money is fungible.
Face it.
Money helps the musician make music because it buys him the most valuable resources in all the world: space and time.
How are you going to be a space traveler without being part of an organization that has the MONEY to pay rocket scientists.
>Such construction requres both A and B to have *the same* qualities.
But that is a construction you chose disingenuously.
Most people would agree that philosophy is about living your best life, and most people would agree that money enables that.
Money gives agency.
You have to afford to have morals.
If you can't eat, how can you be gregarious, how can you be charitable if you're starving?!
How then are they not the same qualities, if one is a necessary condition of the other?

>> No.15836940

>But how do we know that's not sour grapes?
how can you know it is?