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File: 2.03 MB, 2667x1567, edithstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15832393 No.15832393 [Reply] [Original]

alright I'm tapping out.
48 pages in and this Husserlian-Thomist nun has btfo me.

>> No.15832406



She may live in a convent and she may say Hail Mary and she may wear a habit, but I guarantee you she ain't no nun. She's up to something.

>> No.15832473

imagine looking at nonsense like this and not immediately discarding the book and its author. go study game theory and evolutionary principles, you might actually learn something useful

>> No.15832540

Yep. If you don't understand it, then it's nonsense.

>> No.15832606

>forever stuck in what it already comprehends
>never transcends its current understanding, merely adds to it
>responds aggressively to anything that threatens its certainty

The eternal anglo rides again.

>> No.15832615

that must be why /lit/ disregards anything rooted in mathematical reality while praising kike idiocy like the presented diagram

>> No.15832651
File: 20 KB, 475x475, 7050856._UY475_SS475_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah don't be so one-dimensional in your thought

GT + evo-etc are all subject to ontology and, for the most part, construct such arbitrary, superficial, and convoluted causal narratives that they are little better than fanfic for the reductionist ideologues whose primary concern is how big their grant money bag is going to be.

I really just wanted to see if anyone here was a pro on Thomistic/Husserlian ontology and could help me through this stuff a bit because it seems like an interesting synthesis but i know fuck all about Thomism and it seems our girl Stein is playing at the deep end of it.

pic related is the work for those who are interested. There's been a few typos in my edition so far, not the best printing desu

>> No.15833245

who the fuck cares about this shit, this is why people think philosophy sucks because of this random as fuck irrelevant masturbation of a metaphysical delusional thinking

>> No.15833260

ur a retard, the reason why little retards like you have to go back to kant is because you dont get the simple distinction that the cringe you posted is based in a purely retarded realm of reason where as and i say this as a perso who doesnt like evo psy that much on empirical evidence, your a fucking retarded catholic from frog twitter adn should stop larping and go get a job in micky ds

>> No.15833317

Zoomer genocide when?

>> No.15833354
File: 38 KB, 866x600, 1593456167348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain why I should care about this diagram if I own a firearm. I could shoot the diagram's author and then it will not matter what she has laid out here for us.

>> No.15833378

>The transitoriness of his own being becomes evident to man when he tries to penetrate to its ultimate ground. Stein is aware of the engulfing nothingness, of the darkness which both precedes and succeeds the fullness of existence in the punctual actuality of finite being. She is aware, too, of the dread which accompanies man -- unredeemed man -- in various disguises throughout his life, now as fear before this or that, but ultimate as anxiety before his own not-being, which "brings man before nothingness.

Pretty based, gonna have to check her out

>> No.15833383

yo based?

>> No.15833403
File: 229 KB, 500x741, husserl btfo pseud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even thinking about reading that book in the first place

>> No.15833404

looks completely retarded and esoteric OP

>> No.15833415

goddamn this board is worse than usual lately.

>> No.15833444
File: 372 KB, 490x510, 1585748769903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's part of my new philosophy, which is that most philosophy is utter shite in the presence of our material weaponry, the firearm.

>> No.15833450
File: 41 KB, 249x249, 1592397759851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guys please humor these obfuscated insights

>> No.15833498

I'd rather read our 478th Blood Meridian marketing thread than be reminded that there are faggots who see deep meaning in diagrams like OP's

>> No.15833502

So mad about a fucking diagram lol

>> No.15833572

It's how I have fun on your board, that it upsets you only enhances this

>> No.15833593
File: 208 KB, 969x1280, RP03__59994.1430420522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who see deep meaning
the way you phrase things indicates you are either underaged or philosophically illiterate.
how are you getting filtered this hard by such a straightforward demonstration of a system's topography? you, and the other babies in this thread, also seem to be under the delusion that the OP is an invention of Edith Stein herself, whereas she is really just summarizing Thomistic axioms and doing so in a very lucid way. your illiteracy again shines through.
what are you even doing in this thread?

>> No.15833674

The very insinuation that your interests might be unsophisticated was enough to spiral you off into accusations of literacy and ageism. What a joke? Maybe you should go read the CPR before you blab on about your axioms and chick charts.

>> No.15833675
File: 5 KB, 225x219, diagram.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sort of autofellating tripe makes philosophy look like a bunch of retarded bullshit. Here's a diagram I just made. It's called "The dialectic of shitpisscum"

>> No.15833974

I can tell you're just a kid because you appeal to Kant like he's your priest. Pretty sad. What does Kant have to do with phenomenology?

>> No.15834006

It doesn't matter to me what age you think I am, because the entire poster you think you're interfacing with is just a hallucination in your mind. It has nothing to do with me at all. Tomorrow I will still be making great posts and you will remain retarded.

>> No.15834034

Literally deluded. You'd be a mathfag who autisticly sets numbers equal to one another forever if math wasn't too hard for you. So instead you blow your time on equally as gay and useless shit that nets no knowledge about the world.

>> No.15834060

You're trying too hard to sound intelligent.

I hope for your sake you're in your early 20s.

>> No.15834094

I accept your resignation from even trying to make a point. Be well.

>> No.15834148

sorry anon but that's actually very insightful

>> No.15834182

What point did you make? "Go study math and make money?"

>> No.15834211

do what >>15832473 said, pseud

>> No.15834245

Is this natively written in English, or are you text-to-speech translating from fucking Aramaic? What the fuck did I just read

>> No.15834271

What will evolutionary principles teach me about life?

>> No.15834421

ask your mom

>> No.15834439

Imagine thinking 'use' is something unrelated to ontology

>> No.15834479

>imagine looking at nonsense like this and not immediately discarding the book and its author.
> go study game theory and evolutionary principles, you might actually learn something useful
gay, game theory is retarded math. Evo principles are alright but after 12th grade biology it's just just-so stories or retarded math.
Study statistics and the empirical world. Good psychology and history mostly. Learn human nature, who rules you and where everything came from. Exchanging autistic philosophy for autistic math (setting things equal lol) is like the choice between Republican and Democrat.

>> No.15834494

If you think that comment was trying to sound intelligent you need an IQ test buddy

>> No.15834495

based evo psych retard