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/lit/ - Literature

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15831990 No.15831990 [Reply] [Original]

Post em.

This is all the books I've read during 2020, the two on the top I'm reading right now, the Leviathan I gave up on for the time being and the one without a name is Dostoyevskis short stories

>> No.15832011


>> No.15832036

That's a nice stack, ngl. A bit too dark for a nice pandemic such as this one. Might want to get something comical on your shopping list, like, I dunno, Kafka, or something.

>> No.15832044

How’s the Wordsworth Leviathan? Should I buy it over the Penguin version?

>> No.15832148

I don't know about the penguin version but that's decent, sometimes it maybe even explains too much on the more simple terms but overall readable

>> No.15832209

Worst threads on lit. Vain posturing and absolutely 0 substance

>> No.15832243

what is Dosto's best shorty?

>> No.15832331

Nice stack anon. What was the best Camus book?

>> No.15832357
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i liked diary of a mad old man

>> No.15832362
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these threads are 98% /lit/-meme books

>seven months into 2020
>OP has only read 18 books, half of which are thin as fuck and highschool-level material
>mfw thickest one is only 592 pgs and Hobbes

>> No.15832366

not OP, but post yours, then

>> No.15832409
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not including one on Hoover, Andrew Johnson’s shit presidency, McCullough’s ‘Truman’ and one on Freddy Douglass
all as of mid-March

>> No.15832437

The fall

>> No.15832446

surprised that you delivered. cool. mostly non-fic. are you studying history for fun? have you found anything interesting?

>> No.15832472
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im a artist

>> No.15832485

These threads are the only thread I look at. I want validation from a bunch of retards I'll never meet because none of my friends read anything.

>> No.15832506
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>are you studying history for fun?
Yes and no. I have a bachelors in history but work in the food industry (not McDonalds) so it's as much a hobby as plan-B should I ever want to rely on it
Trying to make my way through every presidency post-Lincoln and found, not surprisingly, that the narrative of highschool never did any of them any justice. Hoover has probably been the most interesting so far, dude was socially inept as fuck and just wanted to do his best.
Starting Robert Caro's multi-volume work on LBJ after Ike, pic related

>> No.15832524

Based dover thrift

>> No.15832535

I have a feeling you don't remember much from most of those books.

>> No.15832570
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>questioning my reading comprehension

>> No.15832580

do you know something about Hoover's tax policy?

>> No.15832650
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Yea, that he had a pretty shoddy record but considering he basically inherited the Depression from Coolidge I think he deserves to be cut some slack.

>"cut" top tax rate by 1% only to raise it back to 25 a year later
>vetoed direct-aid measures because "muh laissez-faire"
>stuck to a balanced budget mindset even as things started spiraling out of control
>tried a 63% top-rate to save the budget but it only made things worse
>gave 2 billion to offset bank failures despite not wanted to use direct-aid measures
>wouldn't call for a bank holiday without Roosevelt and destroyed his legacy only for Roosevelt to do it immediately upon taking office
>mfw Roosevelt tried the same "save the budget" measures and caused the 1938-9 recession

>> No.15832721
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Since there aren't really suggestion threads here can anyone tell me if I'm allowed to read Miyazaki's Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind or will I get made fun of?

>> No.15832726

thanks anon, gave me a hearty kek

>> No.15832737

the latter

>> No.15832752

I would rather make fun of you for caring about peoples’ judgement of your taste than for your taste itself, you insecure, pea-brained faglord.

>> No.15833578
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>> No.15833609

i love japanese literature

>> No.15833647

you aren't luuk

>> No.15833661

I remember you from another thread. I see you went and bought it after all.

>> No.15833673


Why have you interspersed the Nietzsche books between everything lmao. It just seems like a really odd thing to do.

>> No.15833845
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Been reading the book of Disquiet ongoing for the past three months, almost done with the Makioka sisters, and I read a smaller book, this time the book of Tea, on the train ride to and from university. No I haven't given up the practice during quarantine, I just read them now before breakfast.

>> No.15833935

How is Serotonin? Is it a good addition to his bibliography? Should I read it?

>> No.15833947

I really enjoyed the first half of Fragments of an Unknown Teaching.

Good beginner stack, except Norwegian Wood is the odd one out.

>> No.15834292
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Rate my virtual stack

>> No.15834616

saved & really based. How was Haunted by Chaos?

>> No.15834630

>muh dad history
oh brother

>> No.15834662

It was my first intro to Chinese politics and it’s a great read. It starts from the civil war up to modern China with Xi. That’s what I was interested in. Doesnt talk before the civil war period, you will need another book for this

>> No.15834812

Thanks I was also a bit interested in new-age Chinese politics will look into that book. Love to see others reading "Modernising Money", overall some of the best read books I have seen keep it up.

I would also suggest "The Great Delusion: Liberal Dreams and International Realities" I belive you would like it..

>> No.15834959
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>> No.15835001

>responds to post saying "0 substance" as true
>Proceeds to judge books by their page count
found the pseud

>> No.15835007

>reads history

>> No.15835024
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this shit is long its taking me a while

>> No.15835282
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Books that I finished during the lock down.

Not shown: Sense & Sensibility and VSI to Locke, Hegel, and Rousseau

>> No.15835399

How are you liking "Ghosts of My Life?" I'm reading those essays right now as well. I really enjoy Fisher's scathing take on post-fordist pop culture, but i can't read too much of it at once because, as he's basically correct, the book is really depressing.

>> No.15835449


now these are real stacks

>> No.15835828

it was really good. couldn't access a solid chunk of it because i didn't know the music and movies he referenced, but he's great at picking out the best bits of other writers, like the non-place and the slow cancellation of the future and applying it to his autistic worldview. and really enjoyied digging into the caretaker's music thanks to his part about him

read retromania next. it's a more concrete and all encompassing look at the subject of cultural stagnation in art

>> No.15835987

>Elkin, Austen, and Fisher
Based stack

>> No.15836072

how was war in space?

>> No.15836091

excuse me op, but how the fuck is that edition of Stirner so god damned thin? Does it use like a 6pt font or something?

>> No.15836166

>no Parerga and Paralipomena 2 vols tras. by EFJ Payne.
KYS faggot

>> No.15836188
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>> No.15836192

holy fuck you god damn absolute retard. you're seriously being condescending to someone for reading history? that's the most pitifully reprehensible and inexcusable judgement I've ever heard in my life. seriously commit suicide with no hesitation. you're an absolute waste of space and energy.

>> No.15836200

>mark manson

>> No.15836204

lmao imagine being this much of an insufferable faggot

>> No.15836238

Do you only read lefty garbage?

>> No.15836285

How was the "ape who understood the universe?"

>> No.15836345

neo lib trash

>> No.15836368
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The Broadview edition of Leviathan is good if you can find it

>> No.15836427

fags. trying leaving your bubble and not being a moron

>> No.15837185

The first part is good, but isn't really anything new. It basically just reiterates a lot of the same points that have been made in a lot of other recent evo psych books, but it's a good summary and it's helpful because it provides an update on what has held up over the past few years. I especially appreciated the info on evolutionary biology because I don't really follow that closely.

The second part takes the evo psych stuff from the first part and applies it to the meme theory of culture. Culture adapts to our evolved nature and we adapt it, basically. Stuff that gels with us ends up sticking around and spreading in a process that is analogous to natural selection. This is the new and insightful stuff imo. It's quick, enjoyable, and innovate. Recommended

>> No.15837238

nice stack dude



>> No.15837247

faggot stack alert

>> No.15837270

only pseud old men with war boners read history books

>> No.15837294

You actually paid money for these?

>> No.15837381

when you are going to stop posting these? You have already posted these books a million times. Get some new meme material.

>> No.15837427
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>> No.15837468

What are you all so triggered about?

>> No.15837485

Meme books for teenage incels

>> No.15837502
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Not a stack, but here you go.

>> No.15837512

Good. You seem to have a fascination for fantasy and mythology.

>> No.15837522

>Hmm, what would /lit/ say?
>*Says what he thinks /lit/ would say*
>Hey I think I'm finally fitting in somewhere :)

>> No.15837548
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>3 Hobbits

>> No.15837681

i've noticed that most anons' copies of 1984 are much thicker than my copy. is it the font size? my copy is a paperback version

>> No.15837690

It's a used, mass market hardback copy. It's beat up but looks nice on my shelf.

>> No.15837698

it's in much better condition than my copy. i bought it at a yard sale for $0.50. It's literally held together with 2 layers of scotch-tape, and the first half of the book's pages are bent as fuck on the ears.

>> No.15837713

:( poor book

>> No.15837782
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not sure what a stack implies but this is what I'm currently reading. Just started on Neuromancer and plan on reading a little bit more before bed.

>> No.15837797

>musashi by e. y.
still one of my favorites

>> No.15837799
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help me please which one should I start with? I'm leaning towards Solaris or Absalom! Absalom!

>> No.15837862

Am I wrong? What kind of retard would pay money for those books and show a pic of them? Go to pol

>> No.15837924

Thanks will get this
It’s great, maybe but a bit futuristic but it in war in space...

>> No.15837928
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>Makes unsupported assertion
>"Prove me wrong"

>> No.15838012

Go back to Pol please you huge faggot

>> No.15838274

nice, non-pretentious, solid stack/10

the bottom three books are great, especially Dom Casmurro, the upper two I haven't read so can't comment but I would start with either Machado or Faulkner

>> No.15838682

I've read 44 books this year, but few that you have read. The number is lifetime total of books from that stack.















>> No.15838695

Thanks for posting this, that's how we can spot newfags.

>> No.15838723


>> No.15838740

So, the lower the number the better the stack? I would say so. All these people who keep posting the same 50 books, or worse yet, post philosphy and shit like that, are truly the cancer that keeps killing this board.

>> No.15838807


Have you read this yet?

>> No.15839021
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>> No.15840538

How do get over the feeling that book are only for learning? I always think that I’m wasting my time reading non fiction because I’m not consooming content