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15831281 No.15831281 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on cultural Christians?

>> No.15831285

Even more of a danger to Christian orthodox belief than gaytheists.

>> No.15831315

As a cultural Christian I agree. Even though I don’t believe in God I still want to raise my kids believing in God and reading the Bible.

>> No.15831318

The highest form of religion, you literally cannot refute this.

>> No.15831334
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You mean leftists?

>> No.15831342
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Scum like you want to see the world without the holy Church, with religion reduced to a couple thousands most irrelevant, insane fanatics living in their mothers' attics.

>> No.15831357
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>Christian culture causes vacuum of moral decay.
So you mean to tell me in a world where Christianity never became as widespread we'd all be raping and murdering babies, thinking it was O.K because no-one said it wasn't? Because in human nature and evolution co-operation, fairness, justice served no purpose?

>> No.15831379

>raping and murdering babies
This is exactly what the top authorities of the secularized western world do right now. So the answer is yes.

>> No.15831387

Lol why

>> No.15831392

It's also what the top authorities of Medieval Europe were doing. More to the point, his claim was
>we'd all be
not just the people in power.

>> No.15831393
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>> No.15831400

these "chad versus virgin" pictures are reddit now.

OP's isn't even entertaining or funny

>> No.15831408

>with religion reduced to a couple thousands most irrelevant, insane fanatics living in their mothers' attics.

Romans 11
>1 I say then, Hath God cast away his people? God forbid. For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin.

>2 God hath not cast away his people which he foreknew. Wot ye not what the scripture saith of Elias? how he maketh intercession to God against Israel saying,

>3 Lord, they have killed thy prophets, and digged down thine altars; and I am left alone, and they seek my life.

>4 But what saith the answer of God unto him? I have reserved to myself seven thousand men, who have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal.

>> No.15831414

Better than LARPers, worse than devout Christians (whatever denomination they may be).
A LARPer picks up a religion to confirm their biases. A cultural Christian differs from a LARPer and a nu-atheist by having a culture, particularly a religious one, whatever their metaphysical stances may be. However, where they fail in light of the devout Christian is that the devout also has some amount of culture (as Christianity is a faith best lived, and what is culture but a description of the way a people lives?) and also some amount of metaphysical view and religious beliefs behind it.

>> No.15831417

Go back to your basement and keep demanding the world to treat you seriously then.

>> No.15831420

What good is the Church if it's been eroded into feel-good bullshit pandering to people who think they're too cool to actually believe in it?
Look at American Prot mega-churches. It's all so hollow because that's what "cultural Christianity" does to an institution. Do you think Joel Osteen or those fundie radio salesmen actually believe in God?
Pope Michael is a laughingstock because he's a sede, not because he's a fanatic.

>> No.15831423


>> No.15831435

>A LARPer picks up a religion to confirm their biases
Depends on the intention of the LARP.

>> No.15831455
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They veered off course pretty quickly after the original became popular. People don't realize that the Chad selections are supposed to be ridiculous polar-opposites of fairly normal Virgin traits, that's what made the first few so funny.
Now it's just "Chad things I like vs Virgin things I dislike"
I know this sounds like autistic bitching but it was the funniest shit I'd ever seen when /fit/ was cranking them out and it kills me to see casuals missing the point

>> No.15831461

Fair, sometimes they just think churches are pretty, or, in some cases, it's an intentional attempt to believe even if they can't, though I'd mark them down as devout but struggling. Aside from aesthetics, a confirmation of political biases, and to appease one's family (though this might be under cultural rather than LARP, but the line is somewhat blurry desu), why would one LARP though?

>> No.15831479

>What good is the Church if it's been eroded into feel-good bullshit pandering to people who think they're too cool to actually believe in it?
World domination and preparing the grounds for the future Christian transhumanism and creation of the AI God - Singularity. The fate of the holy father is becoming the god emperor of united mankind and of our holy Mother Church - its guide and protector.

All antimodernists are enemies of the Church because they don't want to see Her succeed and dominate.

>> No.15831481

I used to be one. Religion is degenerate, it is a different type of degeneration than atheism but it is degenerate nonetheless.

>> No.15831482

>why would one LARP though?
For a sense of community; look at the right-wing Cathodox circles on Twitter.
Plenty of deus vult larping in between wignat garbage and generally antisocial and sinful shit.
"Catholic Twitter" people act like middle school girls but at least they actually discuss their religion and attempt to be pious.

>> No.15831488

pointless, just be ab actual christian instead.

>> No.15831497

virgin virgin vs chad vs chad soijak and gigachad

>> No.15831505

Huh, I always thought it was just to give them a reason to disagree with gay people, or to pull documents from the Fathers about Jews. Might be a little bit of both, but I completely forgot about the sense of community that religion can bring.

>> No.15831507

>why would one LARP though?
I do because of exactly what you said:
>intentional attempt to believe even if they can't
If you define "belief" as "thinking something to be true" then I'm 100% atheist. Personal convictions can't be forced without a doublethink.

>> No.15831527

I'd mark a difference between somewhat believing, or even just wanting to believe, and not actually believing at all. Granted, it's obviously ideal to actually believe, but faith isn't just an intellectual assent, and living the faith may help one grow in their faith. Good luck in any case, anon.

>> No.15831559

>''cultural christians''

>> No.15831572

This. Cultural Christians = Liberals and SJWs.

>> No.15831587

It's a genuinely weird phenomenon- as someone who used to be fairly active in both of those circles, I look back on it and feel bad because most of the "TradFranciscoFrancoGroyper88" accounts are losers who want friends, and are willing to adopt whatever bizarre combinations of alternative views to do so.
The same way I *could* hang out with some antifa types, say all the right buzzwords, and have a sense of community for one day, even if I don't really believe what I'm saying.
With right-leaning internet communities it's stronger because everything is so steeped in irony and shitposting that you can let the mask slip more often and act like a real piece of shit.
I think the same thing applies to every fringe ideology you see on the internet but that's a different can of worms

>> No.15831592

Read The Grand Inquisitor

>> No.15831617

I blame evangelical apostates for building up a false narrative that "Christianity" is "sending Jesus a mental email that you consider him to exist". Christianity can be defined as a compass with two axes:
>X: sacramental regeneration - lack of thereof
>Y: merits of the life - lack of thereof
1. Sacramental regeneration with merits: heaven
2. Sacramental regeneration without merits: purgatory
3. Merits without sacramental regeneration: limbo
3. Neither: hell

By this definition, there can't really be LARP-ing or cultural Christianity because they're both "just" Christianity.

>> No.15831639

You guys are getting desperate for followers

>> No.15831703

For 1.5k years Europeans haven't been able to act in anything approximating ethnic interest (because Christianity), so they instead couch it in ideology and religion ("Jesus WANTS me to do this thing that benefits me!"). It's note worthy that the moment Protestantism showed up, it fractured into dozens of sects that all are really just an excuse of some group to act in their ethnic interests (Huguenot-ism essentially only exists to allow Huguenots to act in their ethnic interests).

So you get dumb White people tying themselves up in knots about ideology and religion as if these things really matter, and the rest of the world just stands back in wonder at us acting like retards. You can't just say "I don't like fags because they're gross and 50% of all kids adopted by them are raped" because Christianity, you have to justify your dislike of fags THROUGH Christianity. The opposite is also true, you can't just say "the media tells me I'm a good person for liking fags, and seeing men kiss makes my vagina tingly", you have to justify your like of fags THROUGH Christianity

Liberalism is still Christianity, just because you say you don't have a religion doesn't mean you don't have a religion. Moralistic Therapeutic Deism is still Christianity, it's just a shitty heresy.

>> No.15831711

It’s meaningless nonsense.

I’ve been thinking about this recently: Leviticus is a primitive sort of social/natural science. The ancient Israelites, trying to erect a civilization on the inhospitable Sinai peninsula in 500BC, were operating from the premise that God exists and things happen in the world according to his will. When negative outcomes emerge from a behavior, it’s taken to be contrary to God’s will. God tells the Israelites that all of the civilizations that he drove from this region and all of the civilizations that he will drive out made these mistakes. So, both the horrible deaths from infection due to primitive tattoos and the social dysfunction attributable to, for instance, widespread dishonesty are major violations of God’s will. The most famous tenet of Christianity, “Love thy neighbor as you love yourself,” is presented in Leviticus alongside rules governing personal hygiene with nothing to distinguish them in importance.

Most of the latter have been supplanted by modern science and technology. Advancements in agriculture have enabled us to plant two different seeds in the same field, for example. But the social sciences haven’t figured out the social dysfunction associated with the breakdown of community reciprocity, social trust, and love between neighbors (see: Bowling Alone).

But it isn’t impossible to imagine social engineering schemes, pharmacology, psychiatry, etc. eliminating the negative outcomes associated with a society’s wholesale disregard for Christian ethical teachings. Huxley did, and we are moving closer to Huxleyan society with the ascendance of these things.

So to be a “cultural Christian” or the sort of bourgeois, banal “spiritual but not religious,” “Christianity is good advice”, “Jesus was a wise man” humanist deist is to concede that modern science can force the entirety of Christian teaching into obsolence, as it did with Leviticus’s regulations on agriculture and personal hygiene. We now think those are barbaric, and in Huxley’s society they view Christian moral doctrines similarly. Without belief in the cosmic or universal, you concede that they are correct to do so.

>> No.15831716

>Doesn't bother to read literature. Gets all of his talking points from YouTube atheists.

This is the largest problem I have with a couple atheists I talk to. They would rather listen to some guy reflect on Dawkins than read Dawkins.

>> No.15831736

tl;dr - these type of people value Christianity because of its outcomes. if we can achieve similar outcomes through social engineering, there’s no longer a need for Christianity. so they don’t really value it as anything other than a means to an end, and don’t really value it period. it’s oxymoronic.

>> No.15831761

Ritual has meaning and function outside of faith.

Following Christian tradition still has positive effects without sincere belief.

>> No.15831786

it's just incel culture, kill yourself

>> No.15831787

That’s a sad defense of Christianity. So do taking pharmaceuticals or participating in a bowling league. If you’re a deist, there’s no distinction between these things and Christianity in significance.

>> No.15831807

Absolutely true, at every level, for literally all White people. The problem is how you knock people out of this. Blacks and Asians are open about their ethnic interests, as are Jews if you actually listen to what they say, and none of these groups see anything wrong with openly discussing ethnic self interest (Jews are clever about it, but there's nothing stopping a goy from reading Tablet Mag or whatever). Whites are the only people who do this dumb shit. Even the early Whites who converted to Christianity saw it through a very clear and efficient lens of ethnic self interest ("Jesus gives me a nice afterlife, I want that for my people"). But, we're trapped in this loop, where we have to couch everything through religion and ideology, because we're not allowed to practice ethnic self interest.

So, how do you get around it? Half of the point of Atheism was doing that (or rather, half of the people who were "Atheists" in the early 2000s were attempting to do this). Convert to another religion? That solves the problem if everyone gets that we're going to worship Odin because Muh Whiteness or whatever, but how do you prevent this from happening again, but with Odin instead of Jesus?

How do you make people care about themselves?

>> No.15831809

>If you’re a deist, there’s no distinction between these things and Christianity in significance.

One of them is a collection of traditions that are the result of 2000+ years of philosophy and moral discussion, and reflect/teach/emphasize abstract conclusions of that moral discourse.

>> No.15831829

Following Mediterranean / Pagan tradition has more positive effects than Christian tradition. The Mediterranean diet is the best diet there is, for example. Christians also put an end to the Olympic Games in the 4th Century because they didn't understand their ritualistic value. Christianity needs to be abandoned and everything from it that's actually Pagan needs to be maintained.

>> No.15831847

>there’s no longer a need for Christianity
Repaying your creator?

>> No.15831866

Western Christian culture and tradition is ultimately the context within which society came into science and modernity.

>> No.15831871

cultural Christianity is the same as Christianity which is the same as atheism, everyone is larping to different degrees

>> No.15831873

You're absolutely right, a lot of recruitment strategies for these ideologies (Be they left or right, religiously influenced or secular) rely on providing a sense of community to people who may not have one. Imo it's part of why anime is so widespread in some of these circles.
That's a very good point, and to some degree it's part of my qualms with Evangelicals and other low-church forms of Christianity, it tends to reduce Christianity to literally saying "Christ is Lord" and that's it. I suppose a difference might be in the fact that cultural Christians are born into it, but LARPers take it on themselves, but that might almost make them more valid in a way.
For the most part I'd say this nails it on the head, though I'd disagree and say that religion does matter, and that ideally morality should be influenced by religion. That said, as you continue in >>15831736 if you're talking specifically about LARPers, I'd agree wholeheartedly.

>> No.15831888

it just sounds like you’re more interested in white supremacy than christianity

btw do you have schizophrenia?

>> No.15831903

So are the Old Testament rules governing personal hygiene. Should we just replace modern OSHA standards with them then?

You’re either a Christian or a “””Cultural Christian”””. The latter don’t accept God as creator.

>> No.15831927
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>liberals and SJWs seeing Islam in anything less than a positive light
>pointing out Islam extremism only has them reaching for "Christian extremism" which may or may not be fabricated, just a cult, or existed too long ago to be relevant
>want to get rid of Christian culture while championing moral decay as "progressive"

>> No.15831960

That's Neo-Christianity for you. Christian childhood conditioning passed into a secularized adult environment breeds paradoxical thought and asinine behavior.

>> No.15831983

I'd say this: reality is objectively real. It's a truism. It can be understood through empirical experiment. If something is real, empirical experience can show it regardless of one's private opinions. This is what truth is. If God is real, sacraments and merits are real. Intention doesn't matter, this is why I'm anti-tomist and pro-modernist.

>> No.15831994
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is obama the ultimate pseud?

>> No.15832021

I'm not >>15831736. Anyways, I agree with you totally about the necessity of religion. The problem I have is with the nature of Christianity, wherein when done properly it totally eradicates the possibility of both caring about The World and being moral and good (because it's nothing compared to the World To Come). The only way a Christian can act in their self interest is when Christianity's interest and theirs align (as we see with the Copts and various other Semitic Christian groups, and indeed Medieval Europe). But when they don't, you're get trouble.

Yes, within the Christian framework, the obvious answer is "well, stop caring about The World then!", but as we can clearly see while that's good for the true believers, it totally fucks over anyone who isn't such. To put it another way, people are GOING to care about The World, and if you don't account for them, you're going to have a bad time.

I disagree with the technocratic-atheist notion that you can just replace religion with Logic and Reason, and I'm not saying we should ditch religion as a whole. Rather, Christianity has had consequences, and I have no idea how to get around those consequences in a meaningful way.

>> No.15832028
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cringe zoomer larping

>> No.15832871

are you 14 years old or do you own a fedora

>> No.15833531

>I read theologians for their ethics
>Oh and I lie to my kids about what I believe

>> No.15834137

That's puritans for you.

>> No.15834167
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You should read Taleb. You'll love his take on religion.

>> No.15834168

You can do that through Islam though. I know it's true because the Quran said so, and God said the Quran is perfect, in the Quran.

>> No.15834198
File: 28 KB, 474x355, pope francis kissing nigger feet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One of them is a collection of traditions that are the result of 2000+ years of philosophy and moral discussion
We've spent 2000 years developing nigger feet slurping social technology

>> No.15834209

lmao he is the avatar of NPR walking this earth

>> No.15834229

Christianity already builds on these ancient pagan creeds and therefore has more than 2000 years of Lindy.

>> No.15834230

>le pathologizing opposing ideas face
You will scald in pitch forever, kike.

>> No.15834233

>moby dick, Emerson, the bible
This actually makes me like Obama a bit. And I don't see why he would include Moby DIck if he didn't mean it since it doesn't score you any prog points to like that book.

>> No.15834252

This, anyone who uses it to be "virgin thing bad and chad thing good" completely misses the fucking point. Youre supposed to put the normal/accepted/good thing as virgin and make something really funny chad.

>> No.15834255

Look at pagan europe. You had disgusting unwashed germanic barbarians, and hedonistic slavery obsessed degenerate romans. The christian age was no doubt an improvement

>> No.15834282

idk it's often things that are sort of true, like confident people do walk in a different more assertive way like the image implies. But it's blown out of proportion

>> No.15834283
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>World domination and preparing the grounds for the future Christian transhumanism and creation of the AI God - Singularity. The fate of the holy father is becoming the god emperor of united mankind and of our holy Mother Church - its guide and protector.

>> No.15834325

They will rot in hell with the atheists. In fact, Christ said it would be worse for people like that than for unbelievers if I remember correctly.

>> No.15834700

>culturally "christian"
>doesnt believe in God
Absolute cringe

>> No.15834704

they're weird but acceptable i guess

>> No.15834748

Read the Tikhon chapter from Demons to know how fence sitters are even worse than evil people.

>> No.15834896

see you there nazi

>> No.15834944

The church is joke. it done squat to stop pedo priests. It time to have rule where priests can't be alone with children anymore.

>> No.15834957

Real cultural Christian's are pretty based and americans are fuckijg cringe whatever they're doing so take from that what you will.

>> No.15834964

No such thing, you're not a Christian in any sense unless you believe in God