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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 940 KB, 2546x1447, Rejtan_Upadek_Polski_Matejko the fall of poland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15831137 No.15831137 [Reply] [Original]

So, /lit/, what's on your mind?

>> No.15831164

Overweight people who always excuse the fact they're fat as fuck. Go on a fucking diet then. When my gran died she was like 100 pounds. She was older than anyone and she never was 400 pounds cheeseburger eating lardass in her life.

>> No.15831277

I can't wait for butterfly to kill himself so i can post about it on r/DeadReddittors

>> No.15831298
File: 129 KB, 600x400, Marzipan2_anim_600x400_bbf007f20d.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just ate 200g of Lübecker Marzipan and I am not sorry.

>> No.15831349

The tree stump will be difficult to get out.
I think I'll just go light a fire instead.

>> No.15831369

A colorless flag is a sign of surrender, no patterns or symbols. What kind of man carrys such flag with no shame?

>> No.15831413

“The cosmos is within us. We are made of star-stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself.”

This quote by Carl Sagan sums up the anti-human trojan horse that is modern science. No, Carl! The universe is a way to know ourselves! Consciousness is the important part, not some chemical reactions in time and space.
Look at all those bugmen who "love science!", looking at digitally enhanced hubble photos like a billion fireworks in stasis; mouths agape, eyes wet in awe.
They never make the connection that the billions of stars are just matter, like everything, and that their prejudice tends toward the iridescent, yet the most unique process in 14 billion years (by their count): consciousness is relegated to matter worshipping matter.

>> No.15831518

I asked my 40+ co-worker what kinda books he reads and he said he has read all of the twilight, maze runner
And divergent books and then he asked me what kinda of stuff I read and idk how to answer that

how would you describe /lit/ books to a normal person?

>> No.15831524

Isn't your stomach going to absolutely murder you?

>> No.15831534

Why should it? I mean, it's 60g of zucker, which isn't healthy, but I rarely eat any to begin with. Otherwise it's just almonds.

>> No.15831557

"If I gave the slightest fuck what you were reading or doing on your free time I would place a shotgun in my mouth and pull the trigger with my toes."

>> No.15831585

I have no erection, yet I must coom.

>> No.15831604

Do people look forward to doing things? To meeting up with friends? Do they not dread the similarity of one day to the next but simultaneously recoil from change?

>> No.15831610

Suicide cus of le chronic pain

>> No.15831630

I've just travelled from the Netherlands to Switzerland, and I'm a bit shocked at how ugly, unfashionable, and generally unkempt people are here. Over in Holland I'm used to most men wearing business casual (siding mostly on casual) or at least acceptable swag-wear, but the people of Basel are a mess. Dreadlocks, graphic tees, cargo shorts, dreadful all round, over hundreds of cities I have never been to a place where the people are so blatantly ugly. Airport was fucked too, with how poorly organised it was I'm beginning to agree that we might as well just open everything up again and get it over with. Read My twisted world on the plane, what an unfortunate lad, one feels rather sad for him.
Good for you, marzipan is the shit.

>> No.15831751

I have to write a five minute argumentative speech for tomorrow, and I haven't even decided on a topic.

>> No.15832041

The re-unification of Yugoslawia. Just make up somepoints. It's too obscure for any anti arguments from your opponent or questions of your teacher. Plus Lindybeige just made aclip on the Yugos.

>> No.15832064

just say the balkan states joining the EU is defacto a re-unification of Yugoslavia and end with the question "what was the war then about? luckily it breaks the borders of my topic"

>> No.15832070

Cool. I'll look into it.

>> No.15832084

I want to do *something*, I just don't know what.

>> No.15832094

Clean your shoes. I bet the are dirty.

>> No.15832205

I have tasks, I meant it more as a long-term pursuit.

>> No.15832254

i dont know why but the idea of discovering found footage of a period before cameras being invented creeps me out, it really is good fodder for a horror story. there's so much that's wrong about it

>> No.15832270

i saw a bug die today, of natural causes. i could've been that bug. instead i'm me. that's cool.
I'll be dead by 50.

>> No.15832292

You wouldn't be you if you were someone else.

>> No.15832303

I want to read Ingeborg Bachmann and i don't know why.

>> No.15832324

How do you imagine the POV? Like some guy walking around with a camera in a medieval village? Hidden camera view?

>> No.15832345

You know what I mean. In theory, I could've assumed the consciousness of that bug instead of that of a human. "My consciousness could've belonged to that bug" would be slightly more correct.

>> No.15832349

fuck. can't even reply to the right post.

>> No.15832351

like 60s/70s grainy home video quality where it seems like there's a cameraman but no one acknowledges it, maybe depicting some minoan ritual on a peak sanctuary or what an ancient structure originally looked like, painted statues in ancient greece, etc.

>> No.15832378

Just think about the fact that the greeks already had the steam engine - but only used them as a toi. For all we know someone could already had discovered to implant photographies onto glass far earlier - but they simply shaattered in time.

>> No.15832387

Well, what do you want your life to be in the long run?

>> No.15832424

i think the fear is that if we were able to look into the past somehow, it would be nothing like we imagined, eg how jurassic park gave everyone the notion that dinosaurs looked reptilian when they were more likely feathery monstrosities

>> No.15832486

Well, pictures wont change anything. Just keep in mind that pictures already document a lie, as we don't take them equally, only in extremes. People in 300 years will wonder if we all have been nigger faggots grooming kids through discord, as that is all that will have survived in our media.

>> No.15832547

I will forever hate my mother for raising me as a single parent no matter how sweet to me she is now, or how she tells me she loves me or how much money she sends me. I will never be able to forgive her for denying me a father figure,

>> No.15832562

Good. And you should shame single mothers for the rest of your life unironically, so women come back to sense.

>> No.15832638

Trying to study French by absorbing as much of the language as possible (mainly by reading books). I can understand the l'Etranger without looking at the dictionary too much but I went to go read Harry Potter and it fucking knocked me off the pedestal I was on. So at the rate I'm learning it seems like I'll be fluent in a decade! I just want to fucking read. I don't care about speaking as much.

How do you learn how to read French? Inb4 just read but it seems spending all my time learning grammar rules to be able to understand the language takes away time from actually using the language.

>> No.15832705

IDK, a boyfriend? To look prettier?

Part of me feels like I should be pursuing some grandiose dream or something and that by just simply existing I'm somehow wasting my life.

>> No.15832728

harry poo is full of made up words anyway
side by side english french monte cristo might be cool, dont know how effective it would be at learning the langue

>> No.15832743

They're basically recording the decaying photons and various EM waves that have degraded over time which is why the quality isn't that great.

Physically travelling to and interacting with the past causes strange things to happen and from what I've seen it's only certain 'alien' races.

>> No.15832748

That's just not how it works. You need to know what you want from life, to have a chance at it.
How old are you? Do you want kids? If yes, you should know what kind of man you want on your side. Stuff like that. By wasting your life and getting weekend-endorphines you will only end up fucked up and unable to bond with healthy people. You're not some kind of genius, modell or whatever as to be able to stay afloat by mere existance. Use this weekend to think about how you want to leave this life.

>> No.15832788

>Use this weekend to think about how you want to leave this life.

Ouch. Are these goonish threats?

And to clarify, I am not simply existing like a piece of algae.

>> No.15832855

Might start with something less "big" but reading side by side does seem like a good approach.

>> No.15832868


>> No.15833764

i feel so alone. i am so uncertain over every aspect of my life. i seem to flip between periods of normality and neuroticism. this is most likely due to my lack of any meaningful interpersonal connections. i sometimes like to believe that my ego and self are at such great disparity that i will never be able to reconcile it. paradoxically yearning connections with others but being adverse to it at the same time. i dont feel comfortable speaking openly to anyone about my feelings, especially my therapist as i am sure i would be placed on meds. i mostly feel adrift in my life with very little desire to anything but to simple exist as a meat thing with no real substance. maybe i should go back to drinking

>> No.15833791

This fucking hangover. I used to not be such a lightweight.

>> No.15834493

You probably know this by now but just stick to clear spirits.

>> No.15834516

Cock and ball torture, why?

>> No.15834562

Tell your therapist, but say no when he asks the magic questions:
Do you feel suicidal?
Do you feel urges to hurt anyone?
Hurt yourself?
Would you hurt anyone?
If you're not a danger to yourself or society he can't force you to take meds.

>> No.15834628
File: 972 KB, 1617x1080, 1550863787732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

starting uni soon, gonna make an effort to conquer an arthoe, even if just temporarily

>> No.15835000

>If a lion could talk, we could not understand him.
Yeah, because lions totally don't have any experience similar to humans, like eating, pooping, sex, sleeping, attachment to family, touch, smell, sight, hearing, taste, etc. Wittgenstein was a hack.

>> No.15835011

Loneliness. Not being accepted and being shunned and laughed at for my lack of social capability.

Although I have been writing a lot more lately, which I'm happy about.

>> No.15835019

My friend invited me to a road trip but his wife won't shut the fuck up for a second. She complains about every single little fucking thing or person in her life.

>> No.15835050

you know very well this is a smoothbrain take which is why you didn't find it threadworthy

>> No.15835104

>this is a smoothbrain take
Not an argument. Wittgenstein says we can't understand the lion, that is because we have nothing in common, but we do have things in common, and which can be used to understand the things we don't have in common. I don't know what it's like to give birth, but I wouldn't say I have zero understanding of it, because I know of pain, other emotions, etc.

>> No.15835132

tfw traded your depression issues for anxiety issues

>> No.15835229

>If a lion could talk, we could not understand him.
>If a bonobo could talk, we could not understand him.
>If an African tribesman could talk, we could not understand him.

>> No.15835233

Am I going crazy or is it just the world around me? If I refuse to participate in social media and this disgusting modern culture, will I become more in tune with reality or would I just be ignoring the problems? Maybe some time in a slow country town would do me some good and get away from it all.

>> No.15835377

I deleted my facebook. I kept my instagram but unfollowed everything other than the people I know and some simpsons screenshot pages. Still alive and well.

>> No.15835547

The internet isn’t real and is a negative factor in people’s lives a majority of the time. Now is a bit shitty because of the rona but under Norma circumstances I think almost everyone would be better off if they used the internet exclusively for:
>contacting friends and family (one-on-one, not social media)
>accessing information
>entertainment in the form of a small number of “creators”, god I hate that word, that you deeply appreciate (as opposed to endlessly scrolling mediocre memes and 4chan posts)

>> No.15835552

Success won't make me happy. I think my depression is chronic.

>> No.15835553

What do you mean? Are you saying my hangover is due to me getting drunk on beer?

>> No.15835859

I simply wish to chill, and I will take solid and true steps toward achieving this state known as chill. Also holy shit setting display resolutions on Linux distro is aids.

>> No.15835870
File: 91 KB, 1080x1073, 9E8673F8-C69E-4DF3-AE6D-CEAB626E44FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The universe is mocking me.
I mean this sincerely and in the most schizo way possible.

>> No.15835874

cope harder brainlet

>> No.15835957

I found out this really fucking hot girl I know has an onlyfans and I'm really trying to convince myself not to buy it and copy all her images

>> No.15836012

only in this timeline could you do that
the dreams of men from the past lay on your hands

>> No.15836024

so is this just normal and accepted now? everyone is an amateur pornographer? I don't even really care but it's a bit odd

>> No.15836047

So true
I guess, but I remember a few years ago she went for some multi-level marketing shit. So she's always been a dumb bitch

>> No.15836085

At times I want nothing more than to blog fiercely about the dilapidated politics of my country. For one thing I am all for it because I offer genuinely penetrating analysis, fresh wit, and original ideas that aren't to be found elsewhere. Who could stand to bother with something so unpleasant if they were only going to churn out more of the same? At the same time an excessive preoccupation with politics violates one of my cardinal rules. To be too absorbed in politics is a sign of a decentered self ; it's a sign of lost autonomy and of objectification by circumstances, of surrender to an "external locus of control." Man may indeed be a political animal. What few stop to consider is that it is the politics which reduces him to the crude status of an animal. Giving yourself over to politics to the point of obsession and nasty emotions is an ugly thing indeed. It does nothing except rip you away from yourself, to fix you brutally amid the crude and unreflective sentiments of an age. It is a call not to think, carefully and critically about the nuanced problems afflicting your nation, but to pick a side and to sign off on whatever common denominator opinion that is most widely intelligible.

>> No.15836094


>> No.15836116

You're one of those "people" so you should be able to answer the question yourself.

>> No.15836128

Unironically the best post I've seen on /lit/

>> No.15836135

very based idea. Someone is going to steal this and make a budget horror

>> No.15836141

holy shit, sick idea, bruh. I'm picturing some grainy vhs footage of ben franklin fucking around in his barn that some how got recorded.

>> No.15836145

the fact that I may live to see the collapse of the industrial society, at least its beginning

>> No.15836160

my advisor is really generous and kind to me. she’s offered me lots of guidance and support on my scholarship that i hardly feel i deserve, but i’m thankful for her. i’m thankful for so many others, too. i’ve had a tough time this year—i’m 25 and this is my third year since moving away from my abusive family and they’ve tried to make it hell for me, but i’ve found my footing. i’d like to work a bit more and so i’m resolving to do that. i have read a book/parts of books each day for the past week. i’ve been losing weight. i’ve been playing music. i fall into a monthly depression which sucks ass but it’s predictable and i just don’t care. i have math, i have people who value me, i have a big inner life, and all of this small shit is meaningless. i’ll take awful depression and a shit family in stride. i’m my own person and putting my fear of my parents behind me feels really fucking good. we’re going to get my old kitty-cat from my childhood home and then i’m done. i’m free.

>> No.15836162
File: 145 KB, 2328x1238, fx9fv8bt55351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, it's just an election year. As soon as the calendar hits 2021 wuflu and blm will be a bad memory. At least until 2024 rolls around anyways.

>> No.15836184

This painting makes me sad even though i have no particular love for Poland or the Polish.

>> No.15836214

eh, it's not because of the blm and wuflu, I'm not even from the USA. wuflu is an annoying hoax, but at least it gave me some extra free time

>> No.15836235
File: 34 KB, 351x512, 3CDE9C83-5DD7-4F5B-8166-EB00ABBF754B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m concerned there will be billions of deaths in my children’s lifetime. Whether the earth is dying or civilization collapsing, etc.

I don’t care about humanity after I’m dead. I just don’t want my boys to suffer while they are children.

I’ve been re-reading Ludwig Klages and it’s bumming me out.

>> No.15837307

Finna bouta read Jeremiah

>> No.15837603

rolling, I'll join you in your quest anon

>> No.15837660

>the feel when trying to convince Africans that the fact the guy was smart enough to embezzle funds does not make him promotion material

>> No.15837676

I had something profound to say but I've lost it

>> No.15837683

At least you have a good mother. I have nobody. I have no sense of security and have never opened up to anybody.

>> No.15837710

>It is a call not to think, carefully and critically about the nuanced problems afflicting your nation, but to pick a side and to sign off on whatever common denominator opinion that is most widely intelligible.
Yeah. It sucks to talk about politics when you want to analyze every problem individually yet people demand that you pigeonhole yourself into a specific ideology just so they can criticize that ideology rather than commenting on the individual issue. Refuse to do so and they will still find a way to insult you without addressing the problem.

>> No.15837717

I fucking hate joggers. I hate them. I hate the way they breathe at you, tongue out, oblivious. Unyielding. Maskless. Spitting. Fuck joggers and fuck jogging, I just want to go on one fucking walk that isn’t a BRIEF FORAY INTO JOGGER HELL.

>> No.15837736

Men fear being cuckolded. Some men fantasize about being cuckolded.
Women fear being raped. Some women fantasize about being raped.

>> No.15837762


>> No.15838013

You know, if they're maintaining social distance, it would be very hard for you to trip them with a sudden sideways jab of the old umbrella.

>> No.15838370

My ex tried to get back in contact with me. 10 years ago she dumped me to chase hot guys in college and now she's into her 30s and single and needs to settle down I guess. She must have thought I'd want her back. I had a great time explaining I got married years ago and got kids, she was shocked. Her life is shit, I think. 32, still single and working shit jobs.

Anyone out there that had their hearts ripped out of their chests like I did years ago, I hope you get the feeling I have had as of late. It feels like revenge, but I didn't even do anything.

>> No.15838389

I'm pretty sure all women want to be raped in a roleplay. I haven't been with that many women but they all wanted to be held down, choked, hair pulled, forced to gag etc. It always starts vanilla but it always goes down this path too

>> No.15838795

In the corona thread that just got deleted some anon said that I sound like a schizo and I am rather intrigued as too why.

>> No.15838840

Isn't that just what they say here? It's like "basedboy" or whatever.

>> No.15838852

Sure, sometimes. Still curious.

>> No.15838874
File: 80 KB, 1004x513, baby shoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this image, but decided I don't want to be associated with it. Enjoy, Hemmingwayposters.

>> No.15838898

Never go to a road trip with a friend AND his wife. Or bring your wife too.

>> No.15838900

That made me happy. Thank you anon.

>> No.15838932

I started reading proust and damn he's madly readable

>> No.15838968

The worst is when they don't shut up about the various problems they perpetuate in their own lives by not taking control of things. No shit you're depressed, lethargic and aching, you eat junk food and watch TV every waking hour and never exercise. I'd be suicidal if I lived like some of these Hamlords I know.

With that out the way: this is a time of recuperation and consolidation, I feel. Like a fire which serves to prune the unnecessary and make rich the earth under the forest, this year will prove to be one of cultivating potential and growing slowly, eventually. Correct alignment here and living with this change of pace will lead to success. It will be beneficial not to keep one's foot pressed too firmly to the throttle. I am gaining a new appreciation for the virtue that is patience.

>> No.15839153
File: 25 KB, 435x330, Oster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m thinking about the patterns you see when you close your eyes and rub them. Under cover of darkness light emerges.

Rubbing your eyes produces patterns of white and red and blue, angels without names, Islamic religious icons displaying glory without face or form. In the spectrum of light, black is the combination of all colors, and white is their absence, so how can white emerge out of black? Surely light never emerges out of darkness. Lungs containing air, out of atoms arranged in magnetic array – sheer existence is the only exception to that law. Surely light never emerges out of darkness, but it is inevitable that darkness will come from light. Decay is in all things. So why, then, when I close my eyes, does light appear?

The Greeks word for those patterns is phosphenes. Three thousand years ago when they closed their eyes and pressed them, the pulsating form of absence still appeared. Nothing was emerging constantly out of something, in billions of isolated autonomous machines of perception.

I thought I read somewhere that the light that appears when you shut your eyes is the eye seeing itself. The inner mechanisms of the eye, pressed the iris, are fed into the brain instead of the outside world. Maybe something could be forced to appear out of nothing if the nothing were to perceive itself first. Or maybe the darkness is something, and the false pictures that the eye shows you are the ‘nothing’ - the decay of cells under the pressure of atomic association.


There's a schizophrenic lady screaming in the street below me. Eyes open or closed?

>> No.15839203

That if not that indecisive retard Poniatowski and his circle of "reformers" Commonwealth may have survived long enough to witness rise of Napoleon and who knows what could happen.

>> No.15839461

noumena noumena noumena noumena noumena noumena noumena noumena noumena noumena noumena noumena noumena noumena noumena noumena noumena noumena noumena noumena noumena noumena noumena noumena noumena noumena noumena noumena noumena

>> No.15839533

Reminds me of a dream I had as a kid that freaked me out. In the dream I had a camera that had footage of Jesus Christ on it somehow and all these religious fanatics were trying to kill me for it

>> No.15839583

I am tired... I am addicted to the stress, because I know, I'm afraid of what's beneath the surface.

My domestic cat has broke her conditioning. She's crossed the threshold where she's not just playing, now she's killing, quickly numerously. I might be witnessing the the beginning in a huge change in her psychology, already, she's serene beyond anything before. It will be interesting to watch... How will her vegan owner, who loves her more than anything, reconcile this conflict? How will [REDACTED] react when she brings home another dead bird and I can't hide it before it's seen?

I'm going to meditate.

>> No.15839605

That's a good thing anon, honestly, a huge step up. It means you have fight in you again. Anxiety is a war upon yourself, learn how to make peace, love yourself, meditate and study psychological mechanisms.

>> No.15839623

Pure nonsense. What are you 12?

Happiness is a pursuit for morons. Learn contentedness and change the things you aren't content with. Happiness is momentary.

>Assuming your male
Pick a skill and practice it everyday. That is the most rewarding thing a man can have.

Very low-iq post.

>> No.15839639

I somehow managed to pass two exams this week and have only one left when it comes to this semester (the exam is tomorrow). If I manage to do it I'll be free all summer and be able to read more during that period. If I fuck up, I have another chance in about 9 days, an if I fuck that up too I might as well say goodbye to leisure time since the next term after that is in august. I'm really nervous about this.

>> No.15839732
File: 1.33 MB, 5076x2874, 1583793672533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had heard of a land beyond the sea. It was not a place for me, but it was a place for a new kind of being. Malleable in the extreme, of thought quick and tongue sharp. Would they thrive there? Could we even imagine such a creature of being our kin? Not by any measure of which man can fathom would we find ourselves in commonality with such a thing.

For they had made evil obsolete. They wanted for nothing, so cared to inflict no vice upon the other. Even perversity could be satiated through empty facsimiles indistinguishable from the real thing. They had surpassed entropy, so any form or want could be conjured up with no cost. What was death, fear, cruelty, and malice to such things?

That was my fear. For they had not achieved a moral perfection, but a material perfection. When one can do nothing but be an angel, then can we conceive of virtue? And if they fell to our world and to our crude forms, how long would their pretence of kindliness remain? Their eloquence shall become wiles and deception, their intelligence would be turned towards new tools of control, and their strength shall force all others down to be ravished.

And that is the problem. Man did not “fall”, he rose. We did not gracefully descend from heaven, and we were never those angels. We crawled from a pile of corpses two billion years deep, blood and gristle clenched between our teeth. Always we have been prisoners to material conditions, and the dream of a moral world has been one where those conditions did not hold.

That was the wisdom of De Maistre. He saw it, trapped at the edge of the world.

“For the entire world, perpetually steeped in blood, is nothing but a vast altar upon which all life must be immolated without restraint, without end, without mercy, until the consummation of all things, until evil itself is extinguished, until the death of death.”

Evil will persist until death conquers us, or we conquer death.

>> No.15839751


Time for mass, dickheads.

>> No.15839852

Monsignor Richie sounding kinda pozzed rn

>> No.15839860

we need a return of Frank Zappa style
Dancing Fool and Jewish Princess are possibly the greatest songs of the 70s

>> No.15839872

That song about the lawn jockeys is p gud too

>> No.15839882
File: 135 KB, 678x710, 1566073640951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wish i had some frens to hang out and talk with, nobody keeps up with me anymore except for family

>> No.15839889

that's because you're a white nationalist chud

>> No.15839923

what is a chud

>> No.15840039

you are

>> No.15840178

Ouch ouch! Why does my dick hurt! Ouch! Sexy minion cake fail - or something otherwise, an aquarium, maybe a zoo. They say everyone gets HPV at least once in their life. But syphilis? Oh yeah, you're a goner buddy. Aint nobody gonna go near that thing - not with the scabs and such. And just when you think it's over with well that's when the craziness sets in, and then you're lining up to have your palm read by a black bitch on U Street. Don't you know its a scam? Does it really matter - what's $400 between enemies? And that guy out the front asking you your opinion on abortion. Well just tell him his girlfriends tongue was down your throat only moments ago. Doesnt matter if it's not true. Someone will fuck you - they just might be really really ugly. They might wear spandex tights with the universe print. They might have a big nose and fat cheeks and thick glasses. They probably give good head though.

>> No.15840782

Been thinking a lot about my father dying, he's fat, they all are. I'm fat too but I'm working on it, I have been for a while, unsuccessfully.

I'm 18 but I feel old and worn out on the inside.

>> No.15840886

pretty gud

>> No.15840901

I lead a very flat emotional life, lacking in both the peaks and valleys that other people seem to experience. Mostly I just feel contentment. I see others express joy or depression and it's almost like we're completely different species. I have to force a reaction that I really don't feel because it's what they expect. Makes it hard for me to relate to people, but fortunately I don't feel the need to. I don't long for love or companionship like so many people do. Never been truly close with anyone but only rarely do I feel that I want for it. Overall, it's pretty nice.

>> No.15840905

I'd really like to get a boat but know I'd regret it immediately. I've talked myself down from a 17 foot powerboat to a smaller sailboat like a Laser. Need to find a used one though. Too expensive new. I'm sure I won't get one because that will mean responding to an ad and meeting a stranger. No big loss. Even if I got it I doubt I would use it much.

>> No.15841996

Every passing year I get older my life devolves further into fantasising about everything I will never be. I can't conceive of many things worse than the fact that this is the only life I will ever have in eternity. Disappointment has ruled my life. Hurt and mediocrity. I wasn't even happy as a child so there's no memories and no solace to be taken there. If there's such a thing as hell I have no doubt whatsoever that I'm living in it.

>> No.15842014

The same thought occurred to me as a kid; that the center of consciousness which is "me" could just as easily have been tied to some other body. Seems to me like that suggests some form of dualism.

>> No.15842133

that's a beautiful picture. sunset yellow-red-orange truly is the most beautiful color combination

>> No.15843133

Chad kitty
>eats only meat
>[REDACTED] is going to fear her
>killing machine
>young and upstart
>deadly, birds fear her
>in perfect physical condition, great hunter
Virgin owner
>fears [REDACTED]
>fears dead and suffering
>spends his life blogposting on 4channel

>> No.15843153

why are modern people so against sex work? it seems the norm in a lot of books i read. same with being gay. why the modern stigma?

also cant tell if alcohol is based on not... it's like a 50/50 split based on what ive read.

>> No.15843305

>I will forever hate my mother for raising me as a single parent no matter how sweet to me she is now, or how she tells me she loves me or how much money she sends me.

at least you didn´t have a narcissistic mother, try to live with that

>> No.15843343

i´m addicted to this song, i can´t stop listening it in my brain


>> No.15844122

It was the anniversary of Aaron Schwartz''s death yesterday. Reddit has always been full of nerds but still it is sad to see how far its fallen. It used to be a bit edgy and now its essentially Facebook 2.0 in terms of content. It's like seeing a long time enemy grow old and falter. It's not as sweet as you think. I hated them but god damn did i respect them etc

>> No.15844139

Zoey can still be saved. The others are lost causes.

>> No.15844164

The only way to make universal basic income work is to ban porn, otherwise people will drown in hedonism and economic system will collapse

>> No.15844171

time closes the valley between enemy and self

>> No.15844172


>> No.15844325

I'm getting more sadder and angrier as time goes by. My circumstances and luck (thank you corona) mean that I probably won't be attending uni anytime soon while all my friends are in their final year. Dunno what God is upto but he's made me cry for the first time in 13 years. Wish I knew what the future had in store (positives only)

>> No.15844361
File: 78 KB, 226x300, crying_sad_cat_meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just hoping this whole communist revolution actually takes place and Antifa and Soros don't back down
I don't think Capitalism works very well, just seems like it made everything a corporatocracy
I don't wanna be ruled by cold blooded organizations that turn people into consoomers anymore

Any books on good alternatives to capitalism, I guess? Or maybe books on coping with it?

>> No.15844819

I have so many concepts I want to write about but have no idea where to begin with

>> No.15844828

>guy consooms 4chan 18 hours a day
>complains that people who work for a living buy stuff they like with the wealth they created

el oh el

>> No.15844829

my parents divorced and my mother left the country when I was 7 years old. she eventually moved back after about 6 years. whenever she talks about this period now, she always portrays it very positively.

>> No.15844877

LMFAO hahaha

>> No.15844911

>why are modern people so against sex work
It's highly exploitative and depending on the circumstance a huge disease spreader.
>same with being gay. why the modern stigma
It's a huge disease spreader and a pretty self destructive fetish. High amount of STD distribution and its largely a result of childhood trauma.
>also cant tell if alcohol is based on not
As long as you don't go overboard with it. Some people react to it differently.

>> No.15844935


>> No.15844998

hope things look up for you soon buddy, will keep you in my thoughts

>> No.15846039

Fuck you, you have clearly never tasted a good wine.

>> No.15846046


>> No.15846087

chapo is dead anon. let go

>> No.15846088

don't worry it gets a lot worse over time

>> No.15846117

I find that listening to rain sounds helps

>> No.15846184

Doesn’t work for me. Mines quite severe. I hear it over almost everything.

>> No.15846191
File: 477 KB, 1080x1142, Screenshot_20200713-153506_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right now, this girl.

>> No.15846358
File: 125 KB, 593x593, justtired.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel as if I'm playing a game of keep-away with ghosts from a past life, every glimpse we catch of each other resets the score. There's some a haven't seen since we started playing.

>> No.15846495

https://unblocked-pw.github.io/ You are welcome.

>> No.15846513

I didn't write for two months, and I was miserable and felt like I had absolutely nothing in my mind. I begin to write, and it fills that gaping hole again with actual conscious thoughts and ideas. I don't know what this means.

>> No.15846563

I really wish Fanny had come over. Cait, I would have put a screwdriver through her eyes and watched her flop around in pain like in that Dnepropretrovsk Maniacs video. It would be hilarious.

>> No.15846590

The Jaimes also have two young kids with them. I dream about abducting them and then castrating them while they are still alive. It would arouse me to see them cry as their tiny spic genitals are sliced off with a kitchen knife. I dream of a lot of fun things but I really don't have the "know how" or the car.

>> No.15846601

I have said it before but I would literally even target people who were nice to me like garcia just to watch them die. I want a really high score like my hero Kemper boy.

>> No.15846709

I have no energy nor clarity about my life so im just wasting my time doing nothing while days go by. I wish i could be a genius who lived till 30 or 35 but felt that he made an impact. Im sensitive, but not sensitive enough to dive into spiritual matters, intelligent but not intelligent enough to think through my life, angry but not angry enough to use it as an energy. Everyone around me knows something that i dont know, something crucial about the world.

>> No.15846977
File: 21 KB, 357x313, 1559818481739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know that feel bro

>> No.15847000

didn't DEVS do this already?

>> No.15847276

you could be /fitlit/, if you substituted marzipan with almonds, but enjoy your christmas treats

>> No.15847304

Thinking about adding an Afterword to my novel. Like Nabokov, just to make some intentions clear and flex on pseuds. What needs to be in a good Afterword? When is the best time to write one?

>> No.15847348
File: 67 KB, 1024x962, 1519267627331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting dumber.

>> No.15847699

There unironcially is a book about this very idea. It is called Jesus Video by Andreas Eschbach and is terrible

>> No.15847793

Well anon it's called afterword for a reason. What you should put there depends on the book, but from what I seen so far people usually describe publication process and obviously writing process, mention other people who helped them with the book; and their inspirations. Sometimes authors also tell their plans for the future.

>> No.15847884

Hangovers are less severe if you drink clear spirits.
Wine can taste good, but if you're just drinking to get drunk what difference does it make?

>> No.15847916

I hate how any thread can be on topic for this board if you just preface it with ''any books about...''

>> No.15847928

I appreciate your perspective.

>> No.15847940

any books about the downfall of a chaotic hobby forum with a community that hates itself, each other, and has not the slightest capability of practicing said hobby?

>> No.15848867

Does anybody else find learning grammar hard?
Going over Greenbaums book, excellent resource but there seem to be too many moving parts to keep a hold on, I wish I could get better at analysing prose.

>> No.15848902

Thanks man

>> No.15848996

god none of them are good

>> No.15849251
File: 2.84 MB, 720x1280, nx6kzjR4bAZuHufJ.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished reading The Three Body Problem yesterday, my first real venture into Chinese sci-fi. My interest was piqued after reading a bunch of Soviet era sci-fi last year and the current dam scare. I was surprised by how much I enjoyed the relatively hard science,, as I tend to prefer softer stuff that focuses on the social and psychological impact of high technology, future calamities etc. It puts me off a bit how all these institution big-wigs like Obama, GRRM etc have their little endorsements on the covers, on the first few pages. Makes me hope socjus normies don't jump to the conclusion that the series is a political piece on how awesome communism is, rather than being an entertaining and enthralling story that happens to be coloured by the country the author grew up in.
Political agenda kills what would otherwise be good stories, most of the time in these modern times. Thank you for your time.

>> No.15849331

If all you have is consent, everything looks like rape

>> No.15851014


>> No.15851053
File: 70 KB, 274x296, rona cold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.15851230

I wish I could quit my job and spend my life as the starving artists whose works are never published, read, or even discovered

>> No.15851250

what is stopping you

>> No.15851268

based and marzipilled

>> No.15851865


>> No.15851985

hehe scaredy cat

>> No.15852035

Definitely not worthy of its own thread but regarding reading Wittgenstein, can you just jump into the Tractatus or are Frege and Russell mandatory reading? If so, which of their works would you recommend?

>> No.15852053
File: 28 KB, 704x396, sub5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The culture wars are boring now. Everytime I open up the Atlantic, NYC, or National Review it's the same fucking 5 topics again and again: muh gender, muh LGBT, muh racism, muh economic inequality, muh nationalism.

I haven't read a single new idea within the culture wars in a very long time. Shit's stale.

>> No.15852107

This year is the year of metamorphosis.

>> No.15852136

Perhaps the problem with politics is politics itself? Perhaps the answer is to transcend policics, and become an actor beyond it, yet aware of it? Maybe the answer to political strife is to look to the future instead of the present, and to live for tommorrow rather than for a cause? Maybe one act of kindness to your neighbors is worth far more than a million years dedicated to an ideology?

>> No.15852185

> how would you describe /lit/ books to a normal person?
While you were distracted by the most primitive of fires, I was dancing upon the sun!

>> No.15852248

I wouldn't advise going full uncle ted but we can't escape the modern world - just like we can't escape postmodernism.

Avoid social media, its built to jack your brain. Instead use email if you can. Try to keep real human connections, video/voice chat is fine. Your goal should be to use technology as a tool rather than be a tool to technology. Your freedom ends where the bread and circus begins.

The only way to get in tune with reality is to live. Go outside, do projects, embody the existential ideal.

>> No.15852293

its muhlection time again
i once hoped the news would return to normal, but i forgot what normal news is

>> No.15852305

its fucked up, but i lose respect for a person if they are overweight.
i need to consciously tell myself it isnt right to "deduct" value or worth from a person just because they're obese.

>> No.15852625

if shit posting added calories we'd all be fat fucks, I try to think of it like that, i just have vices that aren't as obvious, although people figure them out eventually anyways

>> No.15852649

It doesn't help that obese people tend to display poor behavior. I've never met an overweight person that was hard working. Its almost like the same force that underlies their obesity also drives their poor work ethic and weak stature.

>> No.15852688

Work ethic is for cucks.

>> No.15852708

I've never met anyone without work ethic who was really happy.

>> No.15852742

Happiness is for cucks.

>> No.15852796


>> No.15853339

>going to uni in this time
I am willing to bet money on you getting into Marxism in order to catch a woman, not catch anyone and end up another suicidal liberal

>> No.15853946
File: 143 KB, 750x908, 1549400976965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The riots and the consequent attempts at appeasement by the media has left me disturbed for the future of America. I don't even know how to begin to articulate how I feel, or where that type of venting would be appropriate.

Being a loser at 30 isn't helping anything.

>> No.15854031

That's a really great way to think about it, thank you for this anon.

>> No.15854069

>luckily it breaks the borders of my topic"

>> No.15854089
File: 18 KB, 428x300, viletta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't even get pussy anymore I have to make do with anime bitches everything is online I'm paying full fee for recordings of last year's lectures and I can't even get art hoe pussy just end me

>> No.15854121

Oh boo hoo, there are a million male role models putting themselves out there in the public sphere, you have plenty of sources to leech off of as father figures. Sounds like you're letting something completely out of your control, and long, long, long since out of your mother's control rule your life and using it as an excuse for whenever anything bad happens to you, which is often because of your terrible attitude.

>> No.15854152

It's not that we have nothing in common. You are able to understand countless people which you have nothing in common with. It's because your perspectives on life and the world are completely removed from one another. You cannot see the lion's umwelt, and thus anything you try to talk to him about will result in confusion and a lack of understanding. He is, of course, not actually talking about lions. You will find this clash of understandings in discourses with most people nowadays, for example.

>> No.15854155
File: 3.11 MB, 1900x1500, noise_on_noise_by_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The largest thing that exists within the universe is the biggest thing which is You. Yes, You. Are. The. Biggest. Thing. Ever. Nothing in this universe compares to you in this universe as you are the biggest thing in it! Biggest. Thing. Ever. You in this universe as you are the biggest thing in it! Compared to you in this universe as you are the biggest thing in it! Biggest. Biggest thing in it! Within the universe is You. Yes, You. Are. The. Biggest. Thing. Biggest. Universe is You. Yes, You. Are. You.

>> No.15854236
File: 54 KB, 564x706, 4995d3fc0592c1c79c164bd9235a6b2b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just lost my child in pregnancy and I don't know where to burry it after the miscariage, as it doesn't even count as a corpse.

>> No.15854242

In my year one psych course we learned about the biological processes of the eyes, including the lights that you're talking about. It's really simple stuff, like just seeing the blood vessels in your eyelids, etc. The little "floaties" you can see sometimes are minor blockages in the nerves on the surface of your eye. Stuff like that.

>> No.15854249 [DELETED] 

Your wife induced a miscarriage on purpose because you're a chud

>> No.15854269

Idk who you're referring to but I run a business
We may live in a shitty consoomerist society governed by corporations but I'm not going to be sitting at the bottom of the totem pole

>> No.15854300

I'm referring to the guy I replied to. Who the fuck are you and why are you replying to some post from a day ago?

>> No.15854316

Check out "A Grief Observed" by C. S. Lewis. It might be good for you. It isn't a long book.

>> No.15854322

How do you know he sits on 4chan 18 hours a day? Also, someone bumped the thread
Go buy an iphone and get back to work

>> No.15854328

Damn, you almost had that Section-8 in the bag!

>> No.15854341

Thanks, I like Lewis and will oder a copy.

>> No.15854342

>Claims to run a business
>Acts like business owners don't work more than anyone on the payroll
>Resentful about iphones that cost like a grand

Not a successful business I guess

>> No.15854387

Is this bait? Why do you assume so much? Lmfao
Your astral projection or telepathy or whatever you think you have doesn't work, anon

>> No.15854686

For someone who is supposed to be informed, you clearly haven't read any of the scientific literature on obesity and its causes. If someone is hungry all the time, there is something biologically wrong. You'd eat too if your hormones suggested that you do. Not only that but when they eat, those same hormones prevent the body from doing what it would normally do in a healthy person and just burn off that day but it stores those same calories as fat. Obesity is a disorder that exists in a person without any conscious control. Some niggas are just hedonistic idiots, but it's really a small minority. I was fat before and having learned about the root of it, I am able to lose weight and keep it down. I now even eat more than I did when I was fat because I understand the biology of it. Your body has to be in disorder to become obese, otherwise you can eat double the amount you would normally and hardly gain any weight. FFS it isn't even hard to figure out. If you would step outside of your pompous, holier than thou ego, and given a second's thought to why some people are fat you would probably realize that there is something else other than "I dumb like to eat hurr durr"

>> No.15854954
File: 258 KB, 549x598, 1594676168591.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to kill myself but someone I really hate told me to do it a couple of months ago and I really dont want to give into his wishes. Fuck this little bitch. Got into an arguments about niggers in a group chat.

>> No.15854980

Based. Keep on living fren

>> No.15855019

okay fattie

>> No.15855026

Do your best to overcome your enemies and later call them gay retards, I believe in you

>> No.15855296

I gave up on youth because I felt I was not entitled to it. Starting to bald in your teens really really sucks.

>> No.15855308

Stop jerking off bloody wanker!

>> No.15855367

Lol. I mean yeah I am but it would be like being upset at someone who has an allergy or asthma. Yeah you can will your way through it as long as it isn't life threatening but unless you have the luxury of knowledge and ability, it's doubtful that you will ever get better. Help people lose weight if it bothers you so much.

>> No.15856355

For you.

>> No.15856558

Hope all goes well anon

>> No.15856606
File: 149 KB, 500x747, whyyy-are-you-so-its-genetics-genetic-premium-ice-cream-33041638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just fast, you fat fuck. You can control your ghrelin levels within 2-3 days. You're just feeding the feedback loop. Stop trying to larp as scientifically literate when you're going to spew such bullshit.
t. ex fatty

>> No.15856686

I am frankly baffled at how the mainstream consensus about the historicity of the Old Testament is that it's mostly made up, and there was no kingdom of Judah until fairly late. Why would so many stories qualifying for the principle of embarrassment be untrue? Why would the writers cite a hundred books we no longer have, like records of wars, books written by seers and prophets, and so on?

The sheer amount of incidental detail, the twists and reversals that don't meet Aristotle's criteria for a good narrative because they have too many completely unnecessary (by poetic logic anyway) elements, none of it adds up if it was largely fabricated. Why does Asa, a mostly good king, put Hanani in the stocks? Who are the "supporters" of Hanani? Elsewhere the supporters or followers of prophets are called "benei" (sons, but also disciples) and it's apparently more or less agreed by scholars that there were "guilds" (like sufi lodges, or guru movements?) of prophets. But prophets of what?

It's clear that they're Yahwists, and it's clear that Yahwism is moral and not just mystery-based or conventionally pagan. I'm annoyed that most of the mainstream scholars try so hard to be critical that they throw the baby out with the bathwater. There is clearly a prophetic tradition, arguably unlike anything else we know of in human history, extending back to the beginnings of the Bronze Age. That is an amazing possibility and they don't even try to reconstruct it most of the time.

What bothers me most is how scattered the mainstream accounts are. They go on and on about archaeology or the minutiae of the Tel Dan Stele, but they don't mention how the Chronicler knows the ethnic composition of "Shishak's" army, Shisak who is clearly Shosenq I? Why include such an incidental detail, that they brought Libyans with them? Forget that then, why include that SHOSENQ WON THE BATTLE and exacted tribute from Asa?

None of it makes any sense at all unless you are
>discounting the more than a dozen books and records regularly referred to (all of which make sense if we assume there were prophetic lodges/groups with internal records of their preeminent "seers" like Iddo, Nathan, and Ahijah)
>assuming that the chronicler/deuteronomist made all this back-and-forth shit up just for flavor, even when it makes Israel/the kings look terrible

The only POV that makes sense is the prophets, and they would have no reason to fabricate so many books. It's obvious that Yahwism is ancient. How can there even be people who doubt the historicity of David/Solomon? I am no expert but I find myself thinking the experts are morons or willfully ignorant, when I read the text.

>> No.15856692

> extending back to the beginnings of the Bronze Age

I meant to say beginnings of Iron Age, or end of the Bronze Age.

>> No.15856702

>it's muh hormones
>people have always had weight problems
>it's just coincidence the only fatties in the olden days were the rich and gluttonous
Reminder: being fat shows a flaw in character.

>> No.15856707

Then why is obesity such a modern condition? It has only become fucking normal for young people to be fat in the past 40 or so years. It's because SOME people can't control themselves and eat unhealthy food. The rest of us now how to look after ourselves.

>> No.15856777
File: 196 KB, 750x450, 1569895860020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always say that. Your physique is just your character leeking through. There is no "inner beauty" for degenerates.

>> No.15856812

My parents are more /lit then I am.

>> No.15857158

Damn, so Gandy is the perfect specimen when it comes to character.

>> No.15857285

Food is on my mind
Gonna eat soon

>> No.15857327

You explain the allegory of the cave and let them figure it out.

>> No.15857362

Just tell him you read "classics". Is it that hard?

>> No.15857507

Space is terrifying.

>> No.15857642

time too

>> No.15857730

spilt a months old fermented milk/cum bottle in my leased room/cell and now it smells like dogshit and rotten kefir
I think I'll give up on the bond and leave the country

>> No.15857764

2400? yeah I'm thinking it's hot bourbon time

>> No.15857848

The universe is making me depressed. It's so infinitely large and we'll most likely never even make it past the Oort cloud, even with the most mind-boggling technological advancements, before the inevitable extinction of our species.
We're stuck here on this little shitty planet until we all die.

>> No.15857904


>> No.15857913

Shut the fuck up you fucking faggot. I lost 160lbs from diet and exercise. Learn some self control and take control of your life you fucking slob.

>> No.15857928

Great attitude man. That “enlightenment” you possess is really making your life much better eh? Way better than being an ignorant normie amirite LMAO.

>> No.15857934

What's your point? It's not like I can make myself stupider.

>> No.15857943

Space? I don't want to go. Not interested. If you're not satisfied here, you won't be satisfied anywhere else. Even if you go to space, look back at the Earth, you'll just think: "blue". If you want that, just look at a picture book. Do you really think your life would be any different on Mars? That you would learn anything new? That you would find fullfillment, happiness, satisfaction? There is nothing worth anything in this world. It's all just a bunch of nonsense. Space exploration is just Cold War propaganda anyway. Don't be fooled.

>> No.15857961

“Restart” your brain by learning to appreciate the simple things. Humans being finite beings should be viewed as a gift rather than a curse. Being limited allows you to find pleasure in the simple things in life. Viewing your life or our species through a nihilistic lens is absolutely a way to interpret things but where does it lead you? What’s the point of being “enlightened” if all it brings you is misery and unhappiness?

>> No.15857965

I wanna meet an ayy

>> No.15857971

Go to a jewish embassy then.

>> No.15857994

I think you're correct, but I think we as a species are really too far gone for that. I mean, just look at how popular pop science is. And while people don't learn anything real from that, my point is that we'll never be able to go back to being blissful God-fearing peasants. Just me trying to do that in an enlightened age isn't gonna go too far.

>> No.15858011

What's wrong with misery and unhappiness? Why should anyone be happy to be alive? The only reason for happiness is that happy things survive longer. If it makes you happy to eat, sleep, fuck and shit - that's because you've evolved, developed this way. Doesn't mean that it's right. It just means you're a slave, your perspective skewed by your biological programming. Fuck you.

>> No.15858018

Don’t underestimate the power of the individual. Your impact on the world is greater than you know. “He who changes himself changes the world”

>> No.15858037

everyone is an individual so it cancels out
don't think you're somehow special

>> No.15858043

We’ve also been programmed and evolved over millions of years to enjoy what we enjoy and pursue what we pursue. Misery and unhappiness are your bodies natural responses that are telling you that you are in a bad situation or you’re doing something wrong that needs to be fixed. It’s your choice to ignore them and remain complacent but you can’t call every other person broken just because they’re following the “ques” that make their brain light up. Don’t be so sure you’re not a slave either, your ideas are not unique in anyway. Nihilism has been around as long as we’ve been conscious. People don’t have ideas, ideas have people. Which ideas Are holding you hostage, anon?

>> No.15858059

Everyone is an individual but not everyone acts as one. It doesn’t take much to be special to someone or even a community as a whole. Being special isn’t a particularly high bar and I don’t understand what you’re trying to solve or prove by diminishing an individuals ability to try and become special. What do you have to gain from doing so?

>> No.15858061

Huge black schlongs. I like them in my mouth. If you have one, email fourlitreview at yandex dot com.

>> No.15858070

You're based, however, only if they have an obscene amount of foreskin and are attached to women.

>> No.15858096

>natural good
>trusting your body or emotion to tell you something is bad or wrong
I will do no such thing. I will never trust anything that grew through the blind process of stacking a bunch of corpses on top of each other. The process of evolution is just mindless cruelty. Something that constructed pain and misery, for no other purpose than to chain you in here just a bit longer until you procreate. You will be tossed away soon enough.
Don't you realize? None of your senses, emotions, thoughts, bones, muscles, organs are there for your own benefit. This pathetic flesh will betray you one day. You're not the goal, you don't even matter in the least. At best, you're just a stepping stone. A failed experiment.

>> No.15858136

You should aim to outlive your enemies, just to spit on their graves

>> No.15858150

Are you criticizing evolution as a whole or just humanity? Evolution as a whole is exactly how you described and is responsible for the death, suffering, and extinction of billions of species that have existed on earth. I believe the notion that my body will fail and betray me one day as it appears you are living proof of what it looks like when your mind becomes twisted and assumes control.

>> No.15858241

nah, your very mind is designed to fool you and betray you as well
you are looking things from a skewed perspective, we all are - from a perspective where life is good and you want more of it (basic human needs bring pleasure), you forget and don't see things which would make existence hard, basically you have to adopt this perspective as all other perspectives die out

what is "right" is just what remains

it's like living in an abusive household, with no concept of how things could be better, and those that object are killed

>> No.15858255

You’re destroying your own argument by saying that no ones view can be trusted, not even yours.

>> No.15858283

of course, it's all just nonsense

>> No.15859226

after 4 years he tells me he doesn't love me

>> No.15859361

Time isn't real.

>> No.15859429

There are a million thirsty guys out there and you had to pick one that doesn't even love you, lol

>> No.15859472

I thought he did It's the only relationship I've had and I guess I'm just retarded

>> No.15859568

I always thought that being loved by another person (especially if it's a woman) was enough to make you happy and love them in return. I mean how else would there even be so many couples? What are the odds of two people coincidentally falling in love with each other? Or maybe it's just something like peer pressure, where one acts like they love another because they're too afraid to hurt somebody. Or they settle, or they think it's just what you're supposed to do.

>> No.15859681

I guess it's karma for all the times you told lonely nerds on the internet to "just have sex". Still a four year long fake relationship is more than most people on here are gonna get. Like that Uffie song says "Illusion of love is better than none".

>> No.15859695

Some people just really hate masturbating so that they always have to be in a relationship even if they don't really like the other person. If I didn't have autism I'd certainly consider it.

>> No.15860258 [DELETED] 

I've never told anyone anything that

>> No.15860273

>where one acts like they love another because they're too afraid to hurt somebody
This is exactly what he told me he was doing

>> No.15860290

I've never told anyone anything like that

>> No.15860311
File: 27 KB, 433x344, amsterdam_affair_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I should be a wagecuck and have the standard family life or live of benefits and earn some extra money with little effort and fuck hookers once or twice a week.

>> No.15860445

Life in Corona World has me pretty damn depressed. With nowhere to go, I just sit alone and dwell on all the regrets I've gathered over the past decade or so.

>> No.15860907

Same. Time doesn't seem to mean much anymore. What I usually do isn't able to be done now. My habitual goings on were taken away. The worst part is that most people here don't seem to be stopped. They're just carrying on with their lives as if there's no pandemic. No masks. No care. What the fuck?

I'm also fretting about my job. Just emailed my boss with some questions and probably won't get a reply for a while, if at all. I hate being kept in the dark. When it comes to things like this I really enjoy when people communicate about things. I've heard from my boss twice in a year. I'm just freaking out. Argh.

>> No.15860937

I'm coming down from DXM and my previous inhibitions when writing are gone. I feel so much powerful when writing. I guess write drunk, edit sober is very true.

>> No.15861149

The work-related stuff has been terrible. They want us to work remotely for good now. They're also trying to permanently lay off the portion of our staff that had been furloughed.

>> No.15861432

Feeling down because my life's been shit and I feel like I was destined for greatness.
Gonna finish a degree in psychology and try to help depressed people, hopefully giving me a form of happiness even though I am
severely unhappy myself.
Also after isolating myself for years and having zero interest in women I have fallen for a girl significantly younger than myself,
which makes me feel kind of disgusted with myself.

>> No.15861452

We should never have come out of the water.

>> No.15861475

i was going to post a seapunk meme but then i notice it was from 2012 holy shit time flies

>> No.15861628


>> No.15861997
File: 44 KB, 590x428, funny-fat-cat-sitting-in-the-kitchen-picture-id894583804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something pretty miraculous happened, and now I'm able to express happiness and my life has improved 10 fold overnight.
I really really want to cry, and have spent many years trying to do so but can only ever tear up.
Please does someone know how someone can regain the ability to cry ? It would mean the world to me anons

>> No.15862152

Put deodorant on the head of your cock.

>> No.15862163

I already tried that and it didn't work

>> No.15862180

Just see something truly beautiful. Instead of someone's butt and you'll probably feel something.

>> No.15862517

sick of being kept out of the loop
I'm trying to rebuild something that vaguely resembles a social life here

>> No.15862669

it's not lack of feeling, it;'s inability to express feeling even to myself

>> No.15862683

here as in /lit/ ?

>> No.15862711

I wish I could work remotely. I work retail. My boss doesn't communicate. I am just a lowly employee. One of one hundred. I wonder if any of them even asked him anything? If they even care. I wanted to use this as a foot-in-the-door but it looks like COVID has shot me in the foot and then chopped it off.

On top of that I gained a stone due to medicine making me ravenous. Not hard to lose now that I'll be eating normally again but not fun.

Everything seems bleak today.

>> No.15862790

It's been 3 weeks since I filed for unemployment and I'm still waiting. I hate New York.

>> No.15862927

What's a good alternative to Jordan Peterson if you're over 25?

>> No.15862967

Joe Rogan.

>> No.15862993

Being hit in the face with bricks until you die from it.

>> No.15863065

Driving around town while fasting today and I've come to view America as a ceaseless Gullet, opening its maw and feasting on Capital for the sake of Capital, an endless sea of nail salons, credit unions, and appliance stores.

America is Capital realized. Ten million washing machines must be made in ten thousand varieties, and ten million Capitalists meet its call. Truely a symphony that supply and demand has become, and evolution so sophisticated it meets that of the Brontosaurus, or the Great White Shark. The American is imbued with more want than the poor man in a third world country for the poor man's wants are simple: he wants food in his belly, a happy home and healthy children. The American wants Want as though Want is an artform in of itself. I want a green sedan with a V6 engine and four wheel drive. The cupholders are too big? How about this red coupe hybrid with a touch screen panel? We subsidize our Want. Why want today when we can borrow from tomorrow? We are an orgasmic orgy of ecstatic buying and selling, or changing money and eating money and swimming in money and swimming through money - a revelatory Exhibition!

>> No.15863200
File: 247 KB, 638x359, retar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I encounter a problem I'm too retarded to handle, I feel upset.
But whenever I'm given the choice to make that problem easier to handle, I feel even more upset.
How do I cope?

>> No.15863557

America deserves nuclear holocaust.

>> No.15863755

I want to cry but never can

>> No.15863785

For some reason I often find myself arguing with people, online or in real life, about things I don't really believe in or care about much. And on the few occasions I am arguing for something I really do believe, I have a much harder time articulating my position.

>> No.15863807

what do you care about?

>> No.15863815
File: 75 KB, 576x576, 1594196181297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dog is going to die in the next day or two.

>> No.15863828

I didn't mean to praise or condemn; it was merely an observation.

>> No.15863845


>> No.15863902

get away from me

>> No.15863943

a dude I saw on /x/ a few months ago claimed to have seen medieval footage. All the replies were reminding him of renaissance fairs

>> No.15863966


>> No.15864078

Sorry, man. That sucks.

>> No.15864627 [DELETED] 

The only time I'm really happy and content is when I'm writing code. I need to remember that and write much more code. I've been working a liberal artsy job for the last decade just so I can talk about literature and shit, but maybe I really should get a programming job after all. I don't know. All I know is trying to figure out some hard ass shit is the best.

>> No.15864654

I unironically feel like eating an apple tarte tatin. Should I try to make one tomorrow, anons?

>> No.15864667

Puff pastry is a lot of hours to make.

>> No.15864676 [DELETED] 


This shit goes.

>> No.15864700

Il n'y a pas de beurre, anon. Sacre bleu, mille sabords.

>> No.15864724
File: 3.63 MB, 2560x1600, 0984962306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever fuck a girl who was exactly as much fun to fuck as she looked like she would be? Like voluptuous, sensual curves, thick supple thighs that made your mouth salivate in anticipation, soft, perky bouncing breasts, a nicely developed ass with both tone and enough jiggle to wiggle just right, and she could ride you like a horse carousel? Like a bucking bull? Like she could fuck like a fighter jet. A fucking jet fighter. Jet fucking fighter. Like your cock was inside of a warm, slick sleeve of cotton candy? A pleasant swelter of everything you could ever want. That her every vaginal contraction of her tight, moist, clasping hole felt better than your lubed hand had ever felt? That when you orgasmed it felt like you just unloaded a testicle or two inside of her, with big flurping lumptuous cumquatic swirls of semen oozing from the hot, stonehead of your throbbing manpower? And then as soon as you both climax in inexplicable bliss, in unfathomable ecstasy, you immediately rev up for round 2, then 3, until you're both a hot, sticky, sweat-soaked mess of comfortably hot, wet compounded flesh, both of you jittery from all the energy you've just expended while still in an otherworldly state of ease?

>> No.15864738

gtfo of my head nigger

>> No.15864758

Were you watching Chopped After Hours earlier?

>> No.15864774

No, I'm listening to an ASMR glow french video and she was repeating tarte tatin, tarte tatin, tarte tatin.

>> No.15864782

i always felt like if dolphins learned how to talk they would have some really interesting stuff to say, interesting opinions, funny stories, insightful

>> No.15864788

I am condemning them. It's what they deserve.

>> No.15864804

that's ok, it'll come back

>> No.15864810

thank you bukowski

>> No.15864817

Do unto others what thyself wishes done unto thee; thou art a wee cunt a-flutter, ye Judas rascal.

>> No.15864834

Christian hegemony of the western world

>> No.15864837

I'm American. The ultimate irony.

>> No.15865199

Can they really force you to take meds if your suicidal?

>> No.15865222

fides quaerens intellectum

>> No.15865570

I honestly don't know if my mom loves me. In my 28 years of life I don't think we have ever had a sincere conversation. She's has never been cruel, just distant. Shouldt I feel love? Is it supposed to be clear? I don't even know my grandfather even though he is alive and has a whole new family apart from the one he started with my maternal grandmother after their divorce. Nobody talks about him. I'm starting to suspect I remind her of her father and she resents me. Maybe it's just her personality? I also believe she is taking medication for depression but of course we don't talk about that. What worries me is I dont feel any desire to form a stronger bond with her, shouldnt she have fostered that feeling in me with compassion? Me and my dad are close and I feel his love for me, it's clear. Why doesn't she want to talk to me? Why isn't she interested in me as a person? Our sporadic phone conversations are consistently superficial and feel like an obligation. Should I have behaved differently? When I eventually admit to her that I don't believe she loves me will she be surprised? I wouldn't treat someone I love like an acquaintance. Am I imagining that she treats my siblings with more compassion? I'm not clinically depression but I have put my gun to my head and taken the slack out of the trigger, does she feel the same way I do inside, and is that the reason she doesn't love? I don't want to wear a mask around my family anymore so maybe I will abandon them.

>> No.15865588

Of course

>> No.15865605

I've been reading Céline, and I'm sure at this point in my life that I'm no writer. The best cut through pretense with such ease that I fear the pen. I'll always be a freshman driver, white knuckling the wheel, jerkingly glancing between mirrors.

>> No.15865977

What’s your skill?