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15830577 No.15830577 [Reply] [Original]

Books to help me understand why current generations are the most depressed in recent history?
Reading Nietzsche helped me understand a bit but I think I still don't have the full picture.

>> No.15830591

nietzsche created nihilism. nietzsche said chirsanity was nihilism, but he created the nihilism of the secular humanist bourgeois that the middle class crave today.

nietzsche says that facts are irrelevant and created the moronic meme of creating one's values. this is how braindead he was and why the bourgeois took over. When you combine this with humanism, you get the mixture of capitalism with bourgeois humanism, bourgeois republic where the middle class feels righteous for just creating their won values through the goods they purchase. THe field of activities in the bourgeois republic, ie Purchasing goods and making capitalism thrive while shitting on capitalism during their arm chair philosophy time is the best basis of society that the bourgeois could have built for the middle class to feel smart and righteous while embracing an ideology which will always shit on them.

This is why the middle class likes nietzsche

>> No.15830607

>nietzsche created nihilism. nietzsche said chirsanity was nihilism

Did you actually even read him? He thought about christianity as a will to nothingness, not Not willing, that would be nihilism. Also he goes in depth on why it was Christianity that killed itself and created nihilism. Saying Nietzsche created Nihilism is so fucking retarded my guy

>> No.15830630


You should have Jacobi's letter to Fichte on nihilism instead of speaking things you clearly do not understand

>> No.15830675

What is your answer to the problem that God is dead if not by the transvaluation of all values? On what basis are things to be valued?

>> No.15830676

I recommend reading Kierkegaard's Either/Or, Heidegger's Being and Time, various works on Critical Theory (especially early stuff by Simmel), and Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit. These works may help to explain why people today are so depressed. God Bless.

>> No.15830681

Thank you fren. I always wanted to read phenomenology of spirit but its so hard

>> No.15830683

Hint, focus on technology and specifically its association with society, philosophy, morality and values/virtues. That should reduce the ammount of books to look at

>> No.15830694

Mein Kampf

>> No.15830718

I'll skip straight ahead and just give you the answer
Because as much as people prentend to want the fetishised idea of "happiness" they simply are, helplessly in love with misery.
Give a man the thing he wants the most today and next week he will find something else thay he simply, CANNOT possibly ever be happy without.

>> No.15830726

Nietzsche's philosophy is the philosophy of the aristocracy. The middle class wants slave morality such as christianity and socialism.

>> No.15830737

Simmel's 'The Metropolis and Mental Life'

>> No.15830748
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>> No.15830761

just look around you, most of the zoomers do nothing but drink, smoke and do drugs. add porn and masturbation on top of it and there you have it, le anxiedy amd debressiun
t. therapist fren zoomer

>> No.15830824

that seems an oversimplification

>> No.15831293

That Nietzsche's philosophy was the philosophy of the aristocracy is Georg Brandes' interpretation, one that Nietzsche himself favored:
"The expression 'aristocratic radicalism', which you use, is very good. That is, if I may say so, the shrewdest remark that I have ever read about me."

Unlike you, I'm actually not just pulling things from my ass.

>> No.15831307

is it really true that we're more mentally ill now or simply that cases of mental illness went undiagnosed across history? i think there are ancient accounts of PTSD (or what seems like PTSD) for instance

>> No.15831322

mental illness is mostly BS

>> No.15831371

Ted Kaczynski, industrial society and its future

>> No.15831416

i mean everyone in this thread seems to ignore the fact that zoomers have been raised by technology.

>> No.15831500

Amen brother, it would be insane to think that mass communication, the widespread availability of porn, and the echo chamber mentality of online forums wouldn’t have an effect on human beings

>> No.15831523

Who can even give lasting happiness to person?

>> No.15831546

Jesus Christ

>> No.15831563

I wish but i cant do the leap of faith.

>> No.15831564

Lack of guiding values. Humans need a reason to forge ahead. Some strange trick of the mind. Convince a human will die in 45years time and he is but a speck of dust floating in the infinite winds of the cosmos and watch how the taste of the most delicious chocolate turns to ash in his mouth. Th rational aspect of humanity is a extremely powerful tool but it can literally strip the meaning from your life if it isn't fed the right information. When God died the most terrible realization descended upon humanity. That we are in charge of our reality. And it crippled those who could not see the beauty of their own being.

>> No.15831574

>Books to help me understand why current generations are the most depressed in recent history?

it's unironically capitalism's fault. Read Marx.

>> No.15831580

this is the exact opposite direction you'd like to go. Read Hitler.

>> No.15831594

World is turning to shit, it seems perspectiveness. Leftists look at climate and fear that we will die within next century, right-wingers look at the demographics and fear that we will die within next century. And when all is futile, the world is but vanity, you go to hedonism. Carpe diem and memento mori, those were the two biggest literary motives in 17th century when 30 years war and black death killed 1/3 of European motives, it is nothing new. In the end if history repeats we will find ourselves in a new age of enlightenment, with the old struggles (between protestants and catholics) being irrelevant again as we moved on to another level of development.

>> No.15831640
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look at these people. glassy eyed automatons constantly talking with themselves in endless internal monologue about their daily important attachments, never stopping to look around and see! I am the only conscious human in a world of NPC.

>> No.15831687
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yes. humanity suffers from severe vegetable disorder. no other animal will sit in abominable invention "chair" in stupid "office" 8 hours, even small children refuse to be jailed to a single place. to force themselves to sit people make themselves heavy, i.e. not eating enough to become weak, or using nicotine, or simply overeating. why americans are the most obese? because they are most driving nation. all day long they sit.

>> No.15831696

Unironically The Unique and Its Property by Max Stirner.
A lot of the unhappiness of people comes from being alienated, and little from being in a truly fucked up situation.

>> No.15831753
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>> No.15831812

hitler and marx would have agreed on a lot of things

>> No.15831849

>Kurt Cobain killed himself because of record companies making money off his music

>> No.15831877

Dictionary of obscure sorrows?

>> No.15831900

he never said such thing.

>> No.15832227

Well you have a generation being bombarded 24/7 by consumeristic ads telling them that all they want is to be lazy, lay in bed to watch netflix, buy cool clothes, eat at the trendiest restaurant and consoom in general.

Instead, what people would actually want is *insert what you think human nature is (for me it's working to improve your own condition)*

>> No.15832261

The opposite of Marx would be Adam Smith. Or if you are looking for something easier Ayn Rand, Sowell or Friedman

>> No.15832268

So what you're saying is we're living in the new Dark Ages?

>> No.15832290

jung - the undiscovered self

>> No.15832308

Yes. Nothing is ever enough. THIS can't be all there this, THIS can't be it. There has to be something else, and once I go there THEN I will be happy. It is always in the future.

>> No.15832322

>The opposite of Marx would be Adam Smith.

>> No.15832333

Reason precedes faith, use it

>> No.15832352

Das Kapital.

>> No.15832467

Reasoning out the fate seems like an impossible thing.

>> No.15832477
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>nietzsche created nihilism.

>> No.15832490

Materialism. Capitalism. Irreligion. Destruction of the family. Wealth inequality. Jobs going overseas. Social media. The list goes on.

>> No.15832536

>skyhigh housing prices
>have to go for meme degrees to have 0.1% chance at a decent job
>mostly stuck in grinding wage slave jobs
>all these while living in a literal polluted concrete jungle
>healthy food is hard to acquire, the rest is chock full of chemicals
You don't have to be a scientist to figure out why most people are depressed.

>> No.15832559

Read Deleuze and Marcuse. If you are a redpill fag you should try with their slef-help bullshit (Julius Evola and Jordan Peterson) but you'll probably end up screaming to 15 yo trans children on the internet or killing yourself.

>> No.15832581

What is good?—Whatever augments the feeling of power, the will to power, power itself, in man.
What is evil?—Whatever springs from weakness.
What is happiness?—The feeling that power increases—that resistance is overcome.
Not contentment, but more power; not peace at any price, but war; not virtue, but efficiency (virtue in the Renaissance sense, virtu, virtue free of moral acid).

if you do not have a goal, freedom, you will be depressed, weak, vegetable. end of technological progress, end of innovation means end of purpose, end of decisions, end of challenge. so, goys, expect depression to grow. that is communism you all expected to come.

>> No.15832588

Poor Nietzsche, but I don't think he'd be surprised if he knew desu

>> No.15832610

> Deleuze and Marcuse

Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

>> No.15832628
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>> No.15832635

Show me your widom please.

>> No.15832665

The poverty of postmodernism and critical theory, and the resultant contemporary moral-religious mass hysteria, delivers final verdict on their works.

>> No.15832716

based, it's no coincidence that this generation is also the first in modern history to be worse off than their parents

>> No.15832734

It's not the author's fault that a buch of teenage illiterates only have access to, essentially, self-help tweets for insecure queer teenagers vagely inspired by their ideas. But feel free to recommend any authors anon, I'm intrigued.

>> No.15832786

Or go directly to the source and read The Technological Society by Ellul.

>> No.15832870

I think fundamentally that Nietzsche is the alpha and omega. In the context of postmodernism, Foucault is Janissary-Nietzsche, castrated and forced into the service of Islam. There is no need to read Foucault if you can read Nietzsche.

Regarding the poverty of modern social theory, I think the case is best laid out by Karl Popper in e.g. "The Positivism Dispute in German Sociology" where he takes on the critical theorists, and by Steven Pinker in his seminal "Blank Slate" work.

Nick Land writes some extremely compelling, contemporary, neo-Nietzschean philosophy.

In the end, I also think that you should grow out of the verbose obscurantism of these kinds of thinkers. Philosophy of this kind has never, and will never, equal the explanatory power of mathematics. If you try looking into academic economics you will find a new world of social theory that is exhilarating in its stringent lucidity. Economics can obviously not stand alone, but given that you are well-versed in philosophy, learning math applied to social problems is really an immense cultivation of your own intellect.

>> No.15832881

You're really fucking stupid and probably rarely read philosophy.

t. (neet) with PhD in phil

>> No.15833195


>> No.15834062

Emerald Tablet

>> No.15834676

false. Industrial Society and Its Future engages many concepts beyond Ellul, and it systematizes everything into a very concise and easy to read essay which is far more accessible and introductory than Ellul. Kaczynski's manifesto is the best place to start.

>> No.15834727
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Technological Slavery

"(c) “Today,” you write, “one can… adopt whatever beliefs or lifestyle
one wants. One can also easily travel, experiencing other cultures….”
But to what end? What, in practical terms, does one accomplish
by changing one’s beliefs or lifestyle, or by experiencing other cultures?
Essentially nothing—except whatever fun one gets from it. People don’t need
only fun, they need purposeful work, and they need to have control not only
over the pleasure-oriented aspects of their lives but over the serious, practical,
purposeful, life-and-death aspects. That kind of control is not possible
in modern society because we are all at the mercy of large organizations.
Up to a point, having fun is good for you. But it’s not an adequate substitute
for serious, purposeful activity. For lack of this kind of activity people in our
society get bored. They try to relieve their boredom by having fun. They seek
new kicks, new thrills, new adventures. They masturbate their emotions by
experimenting with new religions, new art-forms, travel, new cultures, new
philosophies, new technologies. But still they are never satisfied, they always
want more, because all of these activities are purposeless. People don’t realize
that what they really lack is serious, practical, purposeful work—work that is
under their own control and is directed to the satisfaction of their own most
essential, practical needs."

--Kaczynski, Technological Slavery (2019), p. 250.

>> No.15834738

Read the Synthesis of the Objective and Subjective by the great Horia Belcea.

>> No.15834800

You would benefit from reading pp. 145-149 of Technological Slavery (2019) in particular.

In a nutshell, humans in a technological society lack meaningful freedom--real freedom---which is to undergo the power process and with autonomy (see ISAIF). Prolonged periods without this freedom and experience of power leads to helplessness and depression. These are not arbitrary concepts, but rooted in our understanding of animal biology: animals need to have purposeful work in which to experience power over their environments, without which they become helpless and depressed. They may even develop "learned helplessness" wherein their repeated failures at experiencing purposeful work and power result in defeatism and despair--an internalization of their frustration.

>> No.15835074


>> No.15835451

All three of these.

>as above, so below (when something ascends, others must degenerate)
>with great power comes great sacrifice (when power is attained, it must be lost elsewhere)
>as one aspect of society develops more and more advanced technology (i.e. they become more advanced), all other aspects eventually become impersonally enslaved to it (i.e. they degenerate)

No one has succeeded in reversing this process and no one ever will. If that worries you, go get drunk and forget about it.

>> No.15835792

>Books to help me understand why current generations are the most depressed in recent history?
Are they?

>> No.15835849

>is it really true that we're more mentally ill now or simply that cases of mental illness went undiagnosed across history?

We can argue about definitions of depression in comparison to historic people, or between wealthy nations and developing/poor nations. But suicide is pretty cut and dry for the most part. Suicide is at it's highest in wealthy, atheistic nations. And exists at higher rates now than it did in the past (as far as we know)

>> No.15835873

Read Baudrillard and Zygmunt Bauman. We are in Postmodernity or Liquid Modernity. The social fabric of the world before 1991 no longer exists, we are slaves to mass consumption and are raised by technology. Younger generations have no purpose, are more liberal than ever before, and are no longer given a sense of belonging in life. Nationality, race, gender, sexuality are becoming obsolete and muddled in the cesspool of globalized capital. Nietzsche accurately predicted that our generation would be the "Last Men" of history. We live in comfort, we embrace slave morality, but we are unhappy and meaninglessly living in casual nihilism.

>> No.15835889

Some economic journal

>> No.15835903

Imagine getting raped by horse niggers from the steppes during the twilight of Rome and thinking "well at least I'm not depressed!"

>> No.15835953

>he created the nihilism of the secular humanist bourgeois that the middle class crave today.
Stopped reading here. And I also thing you should stop reading, like in general, I guess you're just too dumb for it.

>> No.15836280

If this is true, if nothing is ever enough and we will never be happy, then seriously, why not just fucking end it all now?

>> No.15837339

>wealthy, atheistic nations.
That could explain SK but not eastern europe.