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15830506 No.15830506 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15830550

It’s all kind of the same thing, this group thinks I’m that group but that group thinks I’m this group, so I’m alienated and lonely. Never heard a more nuanced take on it

>> No.15830567
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>> No.15830615


Quick rundown? I know who Rodgers is, but what are the general themes of his manifesto?

>> No.15830622

Asian people are subhuman because mommy

>> No.15830670

Is the argument that all hapa men are bad looking, or that they get some kind of psychological trauma from their mothers hating Asian men?

>> No.15831063
File: 86 KB, 455x675, c3bb37bca7adf5191fef78e37e889afb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine being attracted to this she-boon

>> No.15831093

The bible. They clearly speak about what should happen after beastiality.

>> No.15831177

u're gay lol

>> No.15831215

So Jesus ancestors and moses committed bestiality ? because they race mixed if tyou don't know. Jesus has non jewish women in his genealogy

>> No.15831261

Non of them did. Putting modern populations into said areas don't make them have the same race. Same goes for obvious minorities. No be gone, trash.

>> No.15831286

He was mad that his mom was a whore to rich white men, basically.

>> No.15831583

How is existing challenging gtfo. Read some books to up your mental game it’s not hard. I’m Italian/German and have zero issues.

>> No.15831918

more like psychological trauma of being born to a western man with no fatherly qualities and a cucked society

>> No.15831947

I know, these people need to stop whining. I'm English/Scottish and it's literally fine

>> No.15832048

Is it bad that I know who she is?

>> No.15832073

Seriously, what are these people on about? My mum was from London and my dad from Bristol and it's no problem at all.

>> No.15832101

"blah blah group a thinks im group b, group b thinks im group a,"
any challenges would unironically only be related to race by proxy
people with different potential world views have poor relationship outcomes and mixed race parents statistically have a tendency to not stay together, child abuse is exceedingly more likely to occur at the hands of step-parents and child neglect is common in single parent households
higher chances of not having secure attachment, mistreatment and potential perceived rejection
leading to higher likelyhood of a child being neurotic, having poor self concept, self esteem or being a psycho

>> No.15832135

Just pick any autobiography of some famous and successful person you know. Most of them are multiracial.

>> No.15832176

isn't that like vague and subjective because science is more adequate you're not gonna start rehashing phrenology because physiognimy is based