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/lit/ - Literature

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1583006 No.1583006 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.1583011

OP is a faggot

>> No.1583017

8/10 would it be erotic? i love gay erotica.

>> No.1583018

>Planet far from the sun
>Utopian society, virtually no physical or mental deformities
>No health problems what so ever
>Light takes longer to reach it
>Discover the sun has burnt out, only giving them a small amount of time of sunlight left (about 5 days)
>Book centers around a man that has been blind all his life, having migrated from another planet
>Struggles to imagine what the sunlight even is like
>World goes to chaos, this man stands strong

It's more of a short story than a novel.

>> No.1583020

dystopian future. A jury member must decide whether to find the political dissident who spoke out against the government guilty or not. Must decide whether to do what he believes is right or what the state says is right.

>> No.1583025


>> No.1583036


Would be pretty interesting.


>> No.1583037

Doesn't matter what the story is about. Only matters how it's told.

>> No.1583043


thats not the point of this thread though.

>> No.1583046

Young couple moves into a new house and are terrorized by the previous owner. I can't decide whether the previous owner would be supernatural or just crazy, but either way it could be pretty interesting to write.

This was a dream I had last night, inb4 Stephanie Fatass.

>> No.1583053

Researcher trains apes to use currency. Apes engage in primitive forms of prostitution, slavery, and assassination.

>> No.1583060

The Europeans never left Europe and Japan becomes a superpower, in 1967 people from North America conquer Europe.

>> No.1583071


>> No.1583073

Could be interesting. I'd like to read it if it was kind of satire-y and meant to be funny.

It sounds kind of dry. 2/10.

>> No.1583093

This is already a movie. Had Ben Stiller and some other bitch in it. The previous owner actually lived upstairs, some crazy old lady or some shit. Movie sucked, but just letting you know your idea isn't yours.

>> No.1583095

Just saying that the thread's point is moot, brah. The ratings are pointless unless the idea poster goes into how he plans to tackle it. Style is so fucking important it's not even funny.

I like these threads, but they are worthless because they're so shallow.

>> No.1583100

Ninjas using astral projection to be oh so pro.

>> No.1583103

but hey, they're not completely useless.

I've already swindled three short story ideas and gotten them published. Hell, one of them was so good I'm still reaping dough even three months after first publication

>> No.1583114


link me to where i can buy the good one

>> No.1583115

10 words:

Second coming, but Jesus is a brain eating zombie.

that's nine words

Second coming, but Jesus is a brain eating zombie motherfucker

>> No.1583117


That's that movie with Michael Keaton

>> No.1583118


Overused idea


seriously. its on tshirts

>> No.1583121


Only interesting ideas in this thread.

>> No.1583123

Apes already do that stuff actually.

>> No.1583131
File: 22 KB, 343x390, durr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

link me, brah.

come on.


>> No.1583140

>5/10 for all so I can feel superior.

>> No.1583142

Tell me more

>> No.1583143

>Virtual holographic fighting game using unique avatars
>Tournament is held where kids can fight each other in a arena with their avatars.
>Protagonist, new to the game ends, up doing really good.
>Has to fight the top rank contender and wins.
>Struggles his way through the tournament unlocking new powers from his avatar.

>> No.1583146

A girl has sex with a frat boy who tells all his friends she was a lousy lay. In reaction she files a rape charge against him claiming she was drunk. The story is told from the perspective of a friend of hers who she's asking to corroborate her story.

If it isn't enough you can throw in a subtext of her (the girl claiming she was raped) actually getting raped by her father as a child.

>> No.1583152

true. I'd read Plath writing about her bowel movement and ignore Dickens' book on the answer to life.

>> No.1583153

A man is asked to take care of his neighbor's son's bird while they are on vacation

to the man's delight, he finds the bird to be a peacock

over the course of 7-days, the man has to resist his urge to abduct the peacock as it becomes increasingly extravagant and beautiful to him

he eventually yields and takes the bird with him out of the city down to the savages where he expects to be heralded as some sort of important guest

as he reaches to the back of his car to retrieve the bird he finds only its leash

distraught he begins to panic until he finds one of its left-behind feathers

he feels somewhat confident at that point and tucks the feather into his jacked as he approaches the kingdom of the primitives

meanwhile no one notices the mans disappearance and the neighbors son only kept the bird as a because of his parents, he really wanted a dog

>> No.1583158


>> No.1583166

>captcha: induced jorev

In a dystopian future, a young girl named Kierb is plucked from the streets by The Cult of Jorev, which worships a powerful (male) psychic from the ancient past who once ruled over a golden age for the downtrodden human race. Kierb is told that she is the reincarnation of Jorev, and trained in the use of her natural psychic capacities. As the training goes on, however, Kierb notices strange changes in her body; her period stops, and her voice starts to crack and lower. When she learns that the cult plans to forcibly transform her into a new Jorev to use as a figurehead, she flees to the safety of the urban sink, barely staying one step ahead of the ubiquitous cult. Kierb must come to grips with her dymorphic body and her changing personality in order to destroy the cult for good and escape the fate of becoming an induced Jorev.

>> No.1583167

could be a fun short story. 8/10

>> No.1583169

I liked that description. not sure whether any additional text would make it better. You could make this a three-page story.

>> No.1583171

>old folks home that uses its residents as slave labor for underground mining operation.

>> No.1583177
File: 35 KB, 400x600, watchmen[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idea that's been floating in my head for a while...

Very similar to Watchmen. This guy who was a lawyer back in the 80's lives in this world that essentially is full of heroes, some with powers, some without. Back in the 80's he basically eliminated all of them, either by holding them by trial or straight up killing them. The story is narrated in modern times by the lawyer (also the antagonist), who basically tells his version of the story, and also takes care of some unfinished business.

What do you guys all think? Be honest, my friends and family tend to humor me a lot.

>> No.1583185

but old people would just break themselves

yeah i don't know where to go with it

it was supposed to espouse a new kind of naturalism

it's kind of stupid

>> No.1583197
File: 35 KB, 400x277, Jared Leto (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it, but I think the plot needs to be more dynamic. [Sorry in advance for not giving a a number out of ten.] I don't know what you've read, but the books that tend to stick with me usually involve many other conflicts as well. I know I'm being vague, but I genuinely think if you only consider what you've read [Watchmen included], you'll clearly see what I mean and for me to say anything beyond that would be to write your story. The idea itself as a central idea sounds like it has great potential to me.

I'm fully aware that I was vague, and didn't provide a number or even a tl;dr

Whatever. I'm anonymous, so, if u mad, fuck it.

>> No.1583200

A man decides to take revenge on the guy that his girlfriend was cheating with -- he becomes a very successful business man and eventually employs his mark in a high ranking position. He then fires him once his mark is trying to buy expensive shit with the money he's earning, and ends up making his life a living hell.

>> No.1583205

>writer traveling the world writing a book along the way
>considers ideologies not by their merit, but by the image their followers convey
>the character is identifiably different between chapter to chapter
>his book is in the end as skewed as his beliefs, having no message that isn't contradicted by another message in his book

>> No.1583224

If done well, this could be fucking great.

>> No.1583244

This entire thread makes me feel like I have shitty ideas (which is true).

>> No.1583257

My ideas written out sound like shit.
It's really the ideas presented inside the main story that I think are the most imaginative in my case.

>> No.1583258

>Family of house flippers find the fountain of youth in their suburban new jersey house
>50 years later, the fountain runs dry
>shenanigans ensue in between
>also some things about the fickleness of the baby boomers, youth culture, bubble based economies, and urban planning

>> No.1583270

like tuck everlasting lol

i miss the 6th grade

no one really payed attention to each other

>> No.1583277

The anti-christ is put on trial by the world court for atrocities not yet committed.

>> No.1583281


that doesn't make sense

>> No.1583283

>oh yeah, and its not some gay shit like they have to keep it a secret because baaaw immortality is the worst, they exploit the shit out of it, the whole world is fucking dependent on it

forgot that part

>> No.1583301
File: 71 KB, 530x600, Dib (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck??!?!

>> No.1583305

Which is probably why I'll never write it
I also had another idea
>inventor always trying to make grandiose machines, always failing
>Investors however find interest in components of these machines, which are ingenious and applicable to many existing machines
>inventor then choose to focus on these smaller components
>the inventory becomes rich off his work
>However, as he become richer and fatter, his work becomes smaller in scale and his innovation comes to a slowdown
>by the conclusion he is selling vague ideas for ridiculous prices.
>Due to his reputation, everyone continues to buy.

After the book is in complete form, it is to be split into three. books. Each book will feature progressively less detailed packaging than the previous one
The price will rise with each book.
Somewhere around the end of the book I will put in all caps "STEAL THIS, FOR FUCKS SAKE"

>> No.1583306

i know lol

what the fuck

seriously whoever that was needs to SPLAIN

>> No.1583309

>There are only a few people in the world who actually have souls
>Everyone else is a shell that goes about their lives without truly feeling anything
>There is a secret police force that can displace things (i.e. come up from hiding beneath tiles, move aside vents, or open just about any locked door) to actively hunt for anyone with a soul
>To keep a soul, a person has to do more and more insane shit, as apparently that feeds the soul
>Protagonist is discovering their capacity for insane shit, but is almost murdered by another guy with a soul, who has had it for so long, the only thing it deems "exciting" is killing, torture, rape, etc.
>Shit goes down, more spirit people are met
>Discovery that the police force/evil organization/whateverthefuck actually created these "souls"
>Protagonist ends up killing himself because it sends his soul into a frenzy, expands and bursts.
>Savior of the world by giving everyone souls, in exchange for his own

>> No.1583312

that's just


i'm sorry but it makes little sense at all
>they recharge their souls by doing crazier and crazier shit

>> No.1583318

Megalomaniacal sub-genius goes m2f HRT because he accepts the female form as the biologically default human state. He kills men, but doesn't like it. He thinks it his duty. He doesn't torture them or anything, just kills them and runs away. Themes include philosophy, depression, and other mental illnesses. It's a fictionalised autobiography. Been working on it for 10 years now.

Gonna release it as a VN, and include a lot of erotic scenes, as well as gore (from the corpses) for the parts where voiceover thoughts occur.

>> No.1583320

Think of it as needing a bigger dosage of a drug each time you get a high. Same thing goes here, they have to experience the most stimulating things in life to actually make in impression on their soul..

>> No.1583324

This makes no sense.
1) A planet that is 5 light-days away from a star is way too cold to support life, there would be no liquids of any kind.
2) Stars don't suddenly "burn out" like a light bulb, any changes take centuries at least.
3) Even if the star did burn out, how could they know it before the light (or lack of it) reached their planet? Information can't travel faster than light.

It might be a nice idea for a character, but it's totally unbelievable, sorry.

>> No.1583332

Is Darker Than Black Sci-Fi?

>> No.1583334

>Steampunk fantasy
>The story revolves around floating cities in the sky being ruled by a totalitarian theocracy, essentially a magical, more vile version of the Catholic church
>Sky pirates, rebellion, war in the sky, the story following a small group of heroes that begin to discover a dark twist to the world
>The planet was destroyed by the descent of dead gods afflicted by some sort of divine cancer
>The divine cancer decays reality itself
>Things go from a noblebright and majestic fantasy world to disturbing, dark bio-horror

>> No.1583341

A research scientist synthesizes a drug that when taken, makes everyone in the world "invisible" for the duration of the trip. That is, the user experiences everything else as normal, but other people cease to exist during the effects of the drug.
The drug has a very sudden come-down; suddenly people appear again. They don't mention seeing the scientist disappear; he was still in their world.

The scientist, being somewhat disenchanted with human interaction, begins using more and more of this drug. For longer and longer periods of time he works in a perfectly silent, one-man world. He finds himself building a tolerance and taking ever greater doses of his drug.
Over time he begins to notice his colleagues paying less mind to him. They don't talk to him as much and seem to notice him less and less. He grows increasingly unhinged, and eventually synthesizes and self-administers a massive, groundbreaking dose of his drug. People disappear for hours, then days. The scientist has no idea how long the trip will last, and so continues to work in peace.

The story closes with the scientist tinkering in his lab, without any living being in existence to bother him. Suddenly, the door behind him slams.

>> No.1583348
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I haven't seen it. The story synopsis that was posted has the sound of sci-fi about it, so I would think that it should be a bit more rigorous. Jusy sayin'.

>> No.1583349

>man quits job and moves to Arizona
>former wrestler, job was as a professor or neuroanatomy, new job is lab assistant covering neuroanatomical research
>throughout the story, reader learns the man is growing scales, claws, canine teeth; essentially becoming some form of reptile
>story covers his trip by train to Arizona and his conversations with an unintelligent man who spends his life traveling across the country in trains
>reptile man tells other man of his predicament, how he believes he acquired his condition, and what he plans to do to fix it
>man arrives to new job where the neuroanatomical structures of snakes & lizards are being researched

>> No.1583351

I was going to do a short story/short film
Two solipsists attempting to convince each other that the other does not exist.

>> No.1583362

>Man convicted of murder
>Broods over why world punishes those who kill only one person and allows others to kill many
>Enjoying last cigarette before lethal injection

Basically centers on a person's last day.

>> No.1583365


Someone has obviously been watching too many animes.

-4/10, meaning I'd probably stab myself in the dick before reading such garbage.

>> No.1583370

oh that makes more sense

but making it more extreme is kind of strange

you should require them to find something they've never found before

done something they've never done before

but it is your story...

>> No.1583377

A Jar of Leech:
A man experiences chest pain and goes to the doctor.
The doctor says the man has too much blood and prescribes leeches. Says to take two every day.
The man goes to the drug store and get a month's supply of leeches.

No one better steal my idea.

>> No.1583380

It's just there's a stream in contemporary sci-fi (there kinda always has been) where the underlying chaos of the universe comes to the fore. So I think they could have the sun suddenly disappear etc etc, they just need to properly go with it.

I agree with you now though, it does read like "I have not done basic research".

>> No.1583387
File: 595 KB, 1024x768, 1245700868209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiki's Delivery Service (Minus the Magic) + 1984

Young protagonist finds his/her way in a dystopian future. In 1984 Winston doomed himself, he was always paranoid, afraid and to some degree rebellious (which he had every right to be). In this story the protagonist doesn't care for how horrible things might be, in fact he/she doesn't seem to notice it all. Coming of age story, making friends, finding a niche, etc.

>> No.1583395

Idea for a comic, maybe a novel but I'm not sure what medium at this point.
>One day, everyone without faith disappears.
>Not just faith as in religion. Anyone with a truly strong belief in something remains.
>For example, a daughter who has complete confidence that her father would always be there for her and idolizes her would not disappear.
>To lose faith is to disappear.
>Supernatural creatures begin to appear. They target survivors who are close to losing faith or those whom they perceive weakness in. (If a comic I would do this, probably would abandon this for a novel and move away from action...)

Just a really rough idea I've been kicking around.

>> No.1583396

A boy lives his entire life in a glass bottle with a ladder outside that he can never get to. He spends all his time reading the same books over and over again. Those books contain stories based on story pitches written in this very thread, including this very one.

>> No.1583397

We just finished reading the Scarlet Letter in my English class, and now I have to write a poem about a character in which the character tells what they have lost, gained, and retained throughout the novel.
I chose to write about Chillingworth. Instead of a straightforward, mundane monologue, I'm thinking of writing a narrative poem in which Chillingworth begins to dabble in black magic. By doing so, he would invoke the "black man" of the forest that is mentioned throughout the story. He would confess what he had lost to the devil, and the devil would help him seek his revenge.
It seems a bit far fetched, but I think, if I can actually pull off a narrative poem, it might be rather interesting. What does /lit/ think? Would it work, or should I just stick to the rubric she provided?

>> No.1583399

>man condemned to death in old old timey jail
>go over how he got there, how he is justified in his individual and unique circumstances, that god will forgive him, etc
>figures he's also justified in killing the priest about to come in to read him his last rites in order to escape
>makes a shank, waits for the priest to come, and stabs him in the eye.
>However, the priest is unaffected, as two other prisoners have done the exact same thing years before, and the shank enters an empty socket
>main character dies and we all learn that you are not different from anyone ever

>> No.1583400

0/10 for endless recursion

>> No.1583404

10/0 for endless recursion*

>> No.1583411

>>1583404 10/0

404: This page does not exist

>> No.1583414

0/10 for ripping of a Ben Stiller movie
There was an actual experiment like that once. Not sure about slavery and assassination, but a male monkey paid a female monkey to get it on.

>> No.1583417


>> No.1583420

You're thinking of South Park.

>> No.1583421

what is this i dont even

>> No.1583422

Just finished writing story for an english writting class called An Unfunny Man, a story about a man who writes a humorist column for a newspaper. His editor fires him for being unfunny. The rest of the story is all based on his ridiculous exploits that end in anticlimatic ways. All of the humor in the story is derived from anti-humor. Think build up build up build up anticipation extremely anticlimatic finishes. He's basically a huge smart ass through the whole thing.

Also just finished a short film for school film contest about a kid who plays the long snapper on the school football team. Deadpan humor kind of thing.

>> No.1583425

Oh, it's kinda an autobiography btw.

>> No.1583426


>> No.1583429


>> No.1583430

Top one sounds pretty interesting. Mind uploading a copy of it to Rapidshare or something?
Not sure about the bottom one, but sports stories never appealed to me.

>> No.1583432

So there's all these magical equine creatures, the live in a land where magic and duty replace all the roles of nature. The story follows the adventures of an intelligent, magical, although somewhat socially sensitive unicorn. She has a baby dragon as an assistant and 5 other equine friends that embody spirits of honesty, kindness, laughter, generosity, and loyalty. They have many adventures where they learn about their various strengths and weaknesses.

>> No.1583434
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>> No.1583438

Well its shit right now. Just the rough draft is finished. I kinda did the kerouac thing. First thought is best thought. I literally wrote it in probably an hour. its 4 pages at the moment. I get into these autowriting modes when i go through prolonged period without sleep. Usually write pretty interesting stuff durring those time.

Heres a couple more ideas for the hell of it.
Story called the compromise im working on. It's about the compromises in life we must make as we mature and become more disillustioned as are childhood aspirations are met with the cruel limations of life. Main character starts living more and more reckless all sparked by itentionally speeding through stop signs at sites where he is unaware of oncoming traffic.

Also movie idea stoner zombie comedy.
Comet crashes in graveyard. Comet has radioactive bud on it. Zombies rise. Smoke weed. Get munchies. And go into town and eat the people. Killer Munchies.

>> No.1583440 [DELETED] 
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>daly life of an insane dude who lives an imaginary life where he is a journalist
>gets into mental hospital and his imaginary world got crushed
>tries to start again and live normaly

i just a big for surrealism and later some drama

>> No.1583445

I'm also more seriously working on a graphic novel that centers around matisyahu.

>> No.1583447
File: 245 KB, 667x993, 1295503952569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>daly life of an insane dude who lives an imaginary life where he is a journalist
>gets into mental hospital and his imaginary world got crushed
>tries to start again and live normaly

is just a big excusse for surrealism and later some drama

>> No.1583450

1st idea is like a scanner darkly
2nd idea sounds good

>> No.1583458

never seen a scanner darker.
animated film with keanu reeves right?

>> No.1583473

Sounds a bit like Shutter Island

>> No.1583479

never saw that movie

>> No.1583481
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>> No.1583485

Same premise as >>1583447, except the protagonist's a detective.

>> No.1583488 [DELETED] 

There's a guy who takes a shit. He usually rates his shit on a scale of 1 to 10 based on factors such as odor, solidity, splashback, burn or lack thereof, number of wipes required, time taken, and general feeling after the shit.
He has never before taken a perfect shit; the shit is always lacking in some aspect. But one day it happens. A sold, odorless, and satisfying dump is released which falls into the water like an Olympic diver. A clean test wipe shows no more are necessary. Glorious. Tears come to the man's eyes. Under his breath he whispers, "a perfect 10." He wipes his ass one more time just to be sure. The paper is white as a cloud on a sunny day. He leaves the stall and takes off work early that day to peacefully reflect on the shit it took him 42 years to produce.
The next day the nature called once again. He knew this shit could not possibly be as satisfying as yesterday's. He had previously eaten Indian food. He held it in until the tightness in his colon passed. That night he thought about how such a satisfying shit will never pass though his anus again and it was better to quit life while he was ahead.The man hanged himself. Later on the coroner examined the man's hanging body. It was nude and rigor mortis was begging to take hold. Something was off, however. The coroner was very experienced with the shitty scent of death as all men have a final bowl movement at the moment of death. But, the room was odorless. On the floor the coroner noticed a small brown log. Surely such a sold specimen would have bounced or broken apart from the height at which it dropped, but not a smear adorned the white carpeting. The coroner nearly used his bare hand to place the shit log in the garbage but, but professional precaution kicked in at the last second and he put on his glove. "Holy shit." the coroner whispered.

Started to type my idea, but then the entire story came out.

>> No.1583498

There's a guy who takes a shit. He usually rates his shit on a scale of 1 to 10 based on factors such as odor, solidity, splashback, burn or lack thereof, number of wipes required, time taken, and general feeling after the shit.
He has never before taken a perfect shit; the shit is always lacking in some aspect. But one day it happens. A sold, odorless, and satisfying dump is released which falls into the water like an Olympic diver. A clean test wipe shows no more are necessary. Glorious. Tears come to the man's eyes. Under his breath he whispers, "a perfect 10." He wipes his ass one more time just to be sure. The paper is white as a cloud on a sunny day. He leaves the stall and takes off work early that day to peacefully reflect on the shit it took him 42 years to produce.
The next day the nature called once again. He knew this shit could not possibly be as satisfying as yesterday's. He had previously eaten Indian food. He held it in until the tightness in his colon passed. That night he thought about how such a satisfying shit will never pass though his anus again and it was better to quit life while he was ahead.The man hanged himself. Later on the coroner examined the man's hanging body. It was nude and rigor mortis was begging to take hold. Something was off, however. The coroner was very experienced with the shitty scent of death as all men have a final bowl movement at the moment of death. But, the room was odorless. On the floor the coroner noticed a small brown log. Surely such a sold specimen would have bounced or broken apart from the height at which it dropped, but not a smear adorned the white carpeting. The coroner nearly used his bare hand to place the shit log in the garbage bin, but professional precaution kicked in at the last second and he put on his glove. "Holy shit." the coroner whispered.

Started to type my idea, but then the entire story came out.

>> No.1583499
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>mfw im not that original

i still can make ir diferent!!

>> No.1583507

Your story just made my day. Thank you.

>> No.1583508

Linked to wrong post somehow. Either way, loved it.

>> No.1583521

Oh yeah, and the "detective" gets a lobotomy at the end of it all.

>> No.1583527
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>> No.1583532

So it's Total Recall.

>> No.1583533

>in a dystopian future
>okay, so there's this insane person/criminal

these concepts are not as interesting as you think they are

>> No.1583550

An intelligent young man grows up in a loving suburban home, a child of 2 christian engineers. He barely works through high school, having a natural nack for taking tests and manipulating his grades through breaking into teachers' records. He goes to college for 4 years, failing all the way through though fakes his grades to his parents while they foot the bill. He enjoys exploiting online MMOs and shares the rewards with his online community in attempt for social approval. he takes psychedelics for the first time and opens a world of insecurities on what he believes to be reality. He see the atrocities of the world and researches many different fields of spirituality and psychology and technology. he has many experiences with various people and drugs that continue to push him to the edge until he decides the only way he can truly be happy is save the world from everything that hes sees to be horrible bullshit. he gets a tech job and is doing well, he saves up for burning man and goes alone. he meets up with a group of foreigners and camps with them. he has a blast. on the last day when they burn the man he takes a hit of acid and ecstasy together right before the burn. as the man is being lit he is feeling the drugs kick in very hard. he is right next to a man talking to his 18 year old son, both on acid, as the father gives his fatherly rites of passage speech to his son.

>> No.1583553

the protagonist cries. the effigy lights up, his hands raise in the air as the flames completely engulf him as oil drums shower torrents of flames into the heavens. the effigy slowly falls apart until one arm is raised in a last stand of defiance, and falls to the earth. he moves close as the the fire dies down to safer levels and feels his entire life burn through him. he concieves an idea to liberate mankind through technology. he is no longer against the grain in reguards to capitalism, but rather embraces it. He concieves a plan to work within the capitalistic world and develop a system based thinking backwards from The Multivax. He struggles with making it a reality until he finds a way of combining modern trends in a way so powerful that it turns the entire western hemisphere on its axis. Education becomes free and open, the concept of intellectual property is shattered, entire industries start moving over to open platforms

>> No.1583575 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 268x428, aku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long ago, in a distant land, a shape-shifting Master of Darkness unleashed an unspeakable evil! But a foolish samurai warrior wielding a magic sword stepped forth to oppose him. Before the final blow was struck, he tore open a portal in time and flung the warrior into the future, where evil is law! Now, the fool seeks to return to the past, and undo the future that is Aku...

>> No.1583579

Best thing on /lit/, except the panda story.

>> No.1583580

Fuking LOVED IT!!! 10/10. I can very much relate to this story btw.

>> No.1583586

A man dies and walks through heaven and hell in a world devoid of the USA and USSR. Heaven and hell are now in a permanent state of cold war; both sides have phased out religion through experimental astral travelling and established their reign as permanent throughout the infinite plain of death. He ends up realizing he is the only one who created it and brings it to oblivion.

>> No.1583589

Can't say I've read that book you referenced but the narrative poem sounds awesome mate. Best of luck with it!

>> No.1584107 [DELETED] 

Every afternoon, a 15-year old girl (We'll call her Daphne) stops by at the library to read, and stays until closing. One day she's confronted by an employee at the library, a 22-year-old man (we'll call him Max), about the book she's reading. They discover that they share the same sense of humor and taste in music, and quickly become friends. Every day, she shows up at the library, and they talk for hours. However, Daphne is not truthful. Thinking that he'd reject her if she told him her real age, Daphne tells Max that she's 19. She develops the character of this older Daphne as she talks with him, and she almost starts to believe it herself. As her relationship with Max becomes more and more intimate and sexually charged, she finds it more and more difficult to hide the truth, but also more difficult to tell the truth. They've already gone too far for her to let him know. Meanwhile, at home, Daphne struggles with the relationship she has with her mother, and her lack of motivation in school. The rest of the story is about how the tension in both of her lives build simultaneously, and how she tries to juggle them. In the end, Daphne breaks down with the pressure, and tells Max her real age. Although he is not terribly bothered by this, she believes he is, and leaves never to see him again. The situation with her mother continues.

>> No.1584110

Every afternoon, a 15-year old girl (We'll call her Daphne) stops by at the library to read, and stays until closing. One day she's confronted by an employee at the library, a 22-year-old man (we'll call him Max), about the book she's reading. They discover that they share the same sense of humor and taste in music, and quickly become friends. Every day, she shows up at the library, and they talk for hours. However, Daphne is not truthful. Thinking that he'd reject her if she told him her real age, Daphne tells Max that she's 19. She develops the character of this older Daphne as she talks with him, and she almost starts to believe it herself. As her relationship with Max becomes more and more intimate and sexually charged, she finds it more and more difficult to hide the truth, but also more difficult to tell the truth. They've already gone too far for her to let him know. Meanwhile, at home, Daphne struggles with the relationship she has with her mother, and her lack of motivation in school. The rest of the story is about how the tension in both of her lives build simultaneously, and how she tries to juggle them. In the end, Daphne breaks down with the pressure, and tells Max her real age. Although he is not terribly bothered by this, she believes he is, and leaves never to see him again. The situation with her mother continues.

>> No.1584126
File: 12 KB, 245x343, spacker_gimp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two words:

Spastic Detective.

>> No.1584128
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Call it Mink.

>> No.1584136
File: 21 KB, 180x223, p-niles2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Two words:

>Butler Assassin.

>> No.1584144

Two more words:

Sex Police.

>> No.1584149


Menk - the pitch

Menk is a genius detective with cerebral palsy who's augmented and souped up his electric wheelchair to a constantly surprising degree, so that it even talks to him. Also, monkey helper, somehow.

>> No.1584160


Think Knight Rider meets Every Which Way but Lose meets My Left Foot.

Who wants to start the bidding for the rights. Shall we say $10m?

>> No.1584166
File: 23 KB, 448x336, menstrual_bleeding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


two words:

bro. mance.

>> No.1584167

Too weak; blind man already has experience with sun's heat and energy. His needs are the same as the other habitants. No health problems? then why is he blind?

>> No.1584171

With the Earth's resources depleting and water levels continuously rising, humans have fled to the seven orbital habitats now circling the Earth. However, levels of importance were established as space was limited, and many people were left to live within the slums of the ruined cities.

Micah, a young man travelling from city to city via the cross-channel highways, is in search of a mysterious girl known as The Parasol Girl - a elusive Crosser (person who can attach themselves to electronic signals and teleport, usually short distances however) who can attach herself to satellite signals. Soon enough, he finds himself thrown into the acts of the terrorist group - Liberateurs du Ciel - a group of Crossers who claim to be guardians of The Parasol Girl.

>> No.1584172

How about some kind of a story where someone's fooling around on the sofa with their girl and the telephone rings and someone tells the guy to stop messing with his daughter?

I can't think of a surprising twist at the end though, it needs one of those M. Knight Shamalangadingdong type endings.

>> No.1584181

The Ostrich that saved Halloween

>> No.1585207

The vatican enters the next world football tournament.

>> No.1585216

Coming-of-age story. Adolescent boy kayaks up a river and has psychedelic and traumatic experiences in the same vein as Heart of Darkness/Apocalypse Now. Written in third person stream-of-consciousness mostly.

>> No.1585221

Turn of the century.
Chauffeur for the president becomes founding member of new underground automobile racing syndicate.
Syndicate hits the big time, high ball players connected to foreign hostile forces.
Early CIA finds out about chauffeur in attempt to get deeper info into hostile forces through racing.

>> No.1585222

>A dude is hanging from a clliff for dear life
>Only has one arm
>Also has an itchy ass

>> No.1585228

Negroes end slavery with funk-dancing

>> No.1585253

>Man falls down stairs
>1500-page epic
>From the point of view of the stairs

>> No.1585254

>Man's daughter is stricken with a bad heart.
>She must get a hear transplant, or she will die.
>7 other people on the waiting list above her for a heart transplant
>Dad decides to kill 7 registered donors to attempt to save her.
Obvious plot hole is why not kill the 7 sick people with bad hearts, but I figured to stress that there is heavy security at the hospital.

>> No.1585258

>the stairs is an interplanetary advanced being schizophrenic who is actually the man falling down the stairs.

>> No.1585261

A team of scientist supported by a group of companies and world governments builds super computers out of planets using a combo of nano and bio tech networked together using wormholes. The the network is used to store and run human minds.

first half
decades later
Religious group, using both hard and software tool rage war on the network. The network defends itself .

>> No.1585263

>Sequel focuses on the interactions and relationships between the various steps

>> No.1585265

A man orders a pizza, and the story begins from the perspective of the delivery boy. From there, the pizza is taken to the man and narrative switches to him. After eating the pizza he needs more, and his descent into madness is tracked through this farcical drama of how FUCKING DELICIOUS pizza is.

>> No.1585268

sounds like a horrible anime, set in the daemon world :D ?

>> No.1585272

This sounds a Lot like court of the air

>> No.1585273

yeah, and the fact that killing 7 people would still be 1 person short

>> No.1585311

In a way it reminds of The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus, because of the way it ends(except Doc P. was never that famous).

6/10. I would give it a shot.

>> No.1585340

How did you get back in here Alfred Hitchcock?!

>> No.1585363

Why are you on /lit/ and not writing this? This sounds fucking awesome!