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/lit/ - Literature

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15829775 No.15829775 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of him? Just watched his video on Mill and I couldn't help but think he sort of inserts his own ridiculous contemporary-woke flair on things. As one of the most egalitarian thinkers around, I think Mills idea that the barbarians cannot become civilized except through a Charlemagne or Akbar is absolutely right - look at what happened in Afghanistan.

>> No.15829780

non greeks talking about philosophy is larping

>> No.15829786
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An auto-phil "woke" theater actor with serious psychological problems that reads a bit and makes an effort with the camera.

>> No.15829788

looks like he has a punchable face

>> No.15829823

This. Anglos are incapable of the world of forms and gaining gnosis. Whenever they are presented a metaphysical truth, all they can do is drag it down to the relative, pluralistic, and materialistic level thereby diminishing that truth. God? Can't prove he exist, and there is no point acting like He does. Consciousness, mind? Can't rove those either, only the material exists. Anglos are not philosophers by definition, not even Mill and philosophytube. Anglos are literally the drooling brainlet wojaks with vortices for a brain that drain the intellect of all non-anglos around them into a black hole of singularity of stupidity. Prove me wrong.

>> No.15830192

Seriously? Wow... kind of thought we were past this shit. You know it's 2020 right?

>> No.15830197

Anyone in a Youtube clip without at least DD breasts is automatically cringe.

>> No.15830228

Desperate contrapoints wannabe with the insufferable smugness of Hbomberguy.

>> No.15830334

This is a perfect description of this faggot.

>> No.15830601


This was, legitimately, one of the most braindead political takes I've ever seen:


The schizoids on pol have more insight

>> No.15830612

I don't watch or listen other people talking about books.

>> No.15830625

His primary audience is the blue haired 14 year olds he wants so badly to put his pp in

>> No.15830629

annoying theatre kid, should transition already

>> No.15830635

what is it with breadtubers and insufferable smugness?

>> No.15830641


>> No.15830662
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>channel awesome of philosophy
Not literature, go fuck yourself.

>> No.15830771
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>why the left will win

>> No.15830780

offputting arrogant faggot physiognomy

>> No.15830805

Dictators don't rule in the interest of the people but reign in their own interest. A group of morons trying to pursue their interests in a democracy is better of than being lead by a very smart leader is trying to fuck them over.

>> No.15830809

...who's trying to fuck them over.*

>> No.15830850

the US didn't enter Afghanistan to "civilize" the people, you fucking retard.

>> No.15830946

Don't care
I know about him because you retards spam him on this board but I've never watched any of his videos
E-celeb posting should be a bannable offense

>> No.15831133
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In a severe lapse of judgement I watched all of his videos during the quarantine.
He's a genuine midwit. All the videos that he makes under the guise of being short crash-courses to a philosopher's body of work end up being too simplified to achieve that goal, and always end up as a jumping off point to talk about some tangentially related political philosophy talking point. This on top of his inflated sense of self importance makes him too grating to take seriously. Every other video ends with him restating his goal of "giving away his philosophy degree for free" to the poor underprivelaged masses who couldn't afford college tuition. One of the worst examples was his humble bragging about viewers whose "lives were saved" thanks to his mental health video.
His later videos drop the pretense of being educational and just became Contrapoints-lite, but replacing the few redeeming qualities Contra has with overly long poetry recitations and cringeworthy acting reel monologues.

>> No.15831196
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>In a severe lapse of judgement I watched all of his videos during the quarantine.
You must have an iron will lad

>> No.15831207

I think he's an insufferable liberal. People who just dismiss Marx because he had "problematic opinions on X group" are insufferable.

>> No.15831221

>we'll win because we're weak
At least he's honest

>> No.15831227

Just proves Nietszche was right, these people really do have slave morality.

>> No.15831263

He's so self-congratulatory, its really gross. Patting himself on the back because he convinced himself that up is down.

>> No.15831266

he has a masters but otherwise yes

>> No.15831825

I thought he was pretty big on Marx. Didn't he do a whole seires about him?

>> No.15831907

most homosexuals have narcissistic personality disorder. percentage goes up when they're closer to the spectrum.

>> No.15831909

Post that letter he wrote to a University demanding a professor be fired for wrongthink.

>> No.15832110

I'll lmao my ass off if it's real

>> No.15832124

equally based

>> No.15832146

From what I remember, when his girlfriend was abusing him he put out okay starter stuff, everything else I've seen is horseshit.

>> No.15832234

Obviously a narcissist.
I'm not a right wing idiot, but it bugs me how he and inuendo studios are so disingenuous with their counterarguments. They are not stupid. They know that their arguments are not that solid,but they trust their audience to be stupid and naive.

>> No.15832653

desu they're no more smug than the skeptics who came before them.

>> No.15832965

He's hot af
I don't really care about his philo or political opinions, I just want to fuck him

>> No.15832994

No homosexuals allowed, I'm afraid. Either go back in the closet or transition.

>> No.15833004
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I like him, I think about him as an entertainer that discusses shit in detail, maybe I don't always agree but, he is a cooldude.

>> No.15833084

More like Philosophy Pseud.

>> No.15833168

Shut up

>> No.15833177

Kill yourself, faggot.

>> No.15833394
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And they're no less smug than the rightoids they oppose. Smugness might be the one thing that unites everyone.

>> No.15833405

there should be a separate yootoober/e-celeb/celeb board for the simpletons

>> No.15833436

He's a bargain bin phil 101 brain with an aggressively leftist contextualization. What other answer is there? Philosophy on youtube that isn't just history of philosophers, and overviews, is gay and dumb.

>> No.15833451

This would greatly increase the quality of literally every board on this damn site but it’ll never happen

>> No.15833509


disagree, the smarminess is much more
palpable with breadtubers. the skeptics just seem like people who arent quite smart enough yet, a problem with not being well engaged enough yet in the topic at hand rather than the pure self aggrandizment, and worse, knowing self aggrandizement of breadies. they bring up points they know might have nuance or could support the opposite position, but they consciously avoid it for the movement. skepties and eariler rightouds were just too dumb to understand different perspectives, breadies actively avoid and degrade them knowingly, so its much worse of a sin and much more two faced.

>> No.15833568

I'm a fan, but his later videos have gone too much style over substance. His rethoric gets progressively more dumbed down.

>> No.15833606

Cuck Philosophy and ContraPoints are the best leftie yootoobers

>> No.15833829

Hes a lib idealist moralizer.

>> No.15834183

He´s based and but /lit/ hates him cause tradcells bought onto Petersons slave morality

>> No.15834224

Based. It's would be like reading a 3000 word book version of white fragility to get through his videos.

>> No.15834437

You're not wrong but the smarmy attitude exists just as prominently on the right. Just because they weren't smart enough to be nuanced doesn't change the fact that they're smug shits about it.

>> No.15834954
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kys nigger. read a book.