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/lit/ - Literature

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15828882 No.15828882 [Reply] [Original]

How do I get into philosophy as an absolute beginner? Are there any charts for must-read philosophy books? Thanks.

>> No.15828885

Most charts are meme-tier. Don't ask for personal advice from /lit/, just search up introductory philosophy reading lists, courses, etc.

>> No.15828891

I started with Russell's History of Western Philosophy and I think worked quite well, I'm now somewhat able to follow basic discussions and I can namedrop some stuff among laymen to look smart. To be fair, I read Hume before it, but I could hardly appreciate it without the context around it.

>> No.15828914

>Russell's History of Western Philosophy
This + Sapiens and you've basically catched up with the western canon

>> No.15828917
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There is no "philosophy" for beginners. Philosophy is a method. Start with hegel. His method is the most comprehensive.

>> No.15828921

There's a /lit/ philosophy PDF I think I found on the site linked in the sticky. Right now I'm reading through A New History of Western Philosophy and then there's a book for people before Socrates, then Plato, then Aristotle. I didn't bother paying too much attention to the order it says after that because I know those are already going to take me forever to read.

I don't care if people say starting with the Greeks is a meme

>> No.15828947

Thanks for all the responses. I think I'll start with Russell

>> No.15828957

That pdf is autistic as fuck

>> No.15828965

Are you saying it's bad, or just autistic? Because I thought how it was arranged was weird and sometimes hard to follow. But it seems to be decent to rely on.

>> No.15828986

It's not bad but it's not practical. If you follow it exactly then it'll take you a very long while to work your way through everything. It's better to just read the key books/whatever interests you and then look to secondary sources to fill in the gaps imo.

>> No.15829001

This, don't forget you found it cause ur friendly neighborhood sjruru https://docs.google.com/document/d/1y8_RRaZW5X3xwztjZ4p0XeRplqebYwpmuNNpaN_TkgM

>> No.15829067

>when you unironically fell for the memes

>> No.15829095

If you had made this thread last year you would've gotten a bunch of people screaming at you about the greeks until the thread 404'd. I'm glad we're getting actually helpful answers that don't involve wading through a bunch of dusty old tomes whose content is hardly relevant to modern philosophy anymore.

>> No.15830021

Academy of Ideas is the best way to introduce yourself if you are ok with that kind of thing

>> No.15830055

Don't do that, retard. Russell is biased.

>> No.15830632

Unironically Greek myths-Illiad-Odessey-Plato.
Come back when you're done.

>> No.15830656

this might help

>> No.15830733

Dude. Why are you interested in philosophy? Like if you had a question that needs answering you'd have an easier time picking out reading material. I am trying to figure out what the best constitutional design is for example so I mostly read the classics of political philsophy. You can't go wrong learning logic so you can evaluate the arguments of philosophers.
A concise introduction to logic is a good textbook for this.

>> No.15830744

bertrand russell problems of philosophy

>> No.15830936

Look up philosophers. Learn what they were about. Pick one that seems interesting to you. Thats it.

>> No.15831850

There are some good responses in this thread, but I’d caution you against starting with Bertrand Russell. People often point out that the problem with his History is that it’s heavily biased towards philosophers he agrees with. While that’s definitely a flaw, it doesn’t change the fact that the book is overall a good intro. The reason I’d caution you against is that it’s very long, and it’ll take you a long time to get through the sections on ancient and medieval philosophy to the more famous and foundational stuff that might interest you.

I’d say you’d be better off picking a shorter history of philosophy, Roger Scruton’s ‘Short History of Western Philosophy’ is a good example. But if you get a really basic grounding in the central problems and concerns of philosophy, you can actually dive into some primary texts. If you want to start with the Ancient Greeks, there’s a penguin volume called ‘the Last Days of Socrates’ that’s got some of Plato’s more readable and introductory dialogues.

If you’re interested in modern philosophy, I’d recommend reading Descartes’ Meditations, and following it up with Hume’s ‘Enquiry concerning Human Understanding’. In ethics and political philosophy, John Stuart Mill’s ‘Utilitarianism’ and ‘On Liberty’ are good starting points. Locke, Rousseau and Hobbes’ key political works can also be read without much background.

Wherever you get stuck, just google it. Most of these key works have lots of supporting material online. I think you’d do a disservice to yourself by postponing reading some actual philosophy texts for too long. Read a history alongside, but don’t feel like you need a whole lot of prior knowledge to get stuck into some of those fundamental texts.

>> No.15831887

This one is very good as a general introduction.

The Russell book is littered with his biases.

>> No.15831894

everyone is biased. start (and end) with Nietzsche OP :)

>> No.15831905

its about thinking for yourself btw

>> No.15831914

anywhere, fren. philosophy is a long road. where you start on it barely matters, just keep moving.

>> No.15832394

Instead of reading the meme that is Russell read Copleston