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15828036 No.15828036[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Philosophy/Literature that explains why transgenderism is the new norm?

>> No.15828051

Mein Kampf
Culture of Critique

>> No.15828076

Lordship and Bondage in Hegel's POS.
Truth and method- Gadamer
Ethics- spinoza

>> No.15828145

My opinion is that it's a "white man's burden" complex given new shape

>> No.15828192

All you need to know is that the CIA and Rockefeller foundation bankrolled the 'counterculture' movement in America which normalised faggotry and that this eventually normalised trannyism as well.
Just remember that it goes ahead at the behest of the American establishment, and that despite leftists larping as 'revolutionaries', they're actually just doing exactly what American elites want them to do.

>> No.15828241

>transgenderism is the new norm
Its not. You have an unhealthy fixation on trans issues to such an extent that you think it's the "new norm"

>> No.15828318

why are trans issues constantly pushed & talked about when they're less than 1% of the population? why should transition of gender dysphoric kids be the norm when at least half and probably more desist and – this is important – being transgender is bad. not in the moral sense, but it is bad to be transgender because it makes your life much, much harder, and will make your life harder no matter what? why? because changing your sex is an asymptotic procedure. you will never actually, truly change your sex, you just approximate the other sex. most trans people don't pass. most people do not want to date transgender people, because they are not attracted to feminized male or masculinized female bodies, and because transgender people cannot perform the reproductive functions of their assumed gender. transition & being transgender is an unfortunate necessity for a very small minority of people; that's it. it's not a cool, sexy lifestyle, it's a disability.

>> No.15828412

Just bc you can't stop thinking about women with dicks it doesn't mean it's the same for everyone else

>> No.15828958


I'm only going to answer your first question cause the rest is absolute transphobic hardwash.
Fact is transpeople are mistreated these days, and were treated far, far worse in the past. People feel more comfortable coming forward as trans, or fighting for trans rights and fair treatment. This upsets people who hate change, or are bigoted and/or have deep-rooted issues of their own.

At the end of the day, people who specialize in psychology and medicine know more than you do on the subject. They are probably smarter than you overall, in fact, given the talking-points you just mindlessly repeated here.
Transgenderism is real. It's not a mental illness. It's treated via transitioning, usually to the extent the trans individual feels comfortable with. Dysphoria is a problem, and it's treated via transitioning. Transitioning vastly improves quality of life for trans people.

>> No.15828961
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>Transitioning vastly improves quality of life for trans people.

>> No.15828985

We don't give anorexics liposuction. A brain that wants the wrong thing is not treated by giving it what it wants.

>> No.15828997

>Anecdotal evidence

Pathetic. Here's real evidence showing your full of baloney.

There's more studies out there as well.
False equivalency and completely ignored the academic and medical consensus I pointed out. Have some respect for the intelligent people on this board and stop posting drivel.