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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 12 KB, 187x270, GR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15827243 No.15827243 [Reply] [Original]

I have a copy of GR that's been on my shelf for months. Should I go ahead and read it as my first Pynchon or will I be filtered too hard?

>> No.15827261

You'll get filtered in the first 20 pages if you're doomed to filtering

>> No.15827283

It was my first Pynchon and its one of my 'faves'

>> No.15827308

read it and i will let you fuck my sister, how bout dat!

>> No.15827436
File: 273 KB, 600x522, Pynched.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go for it

>> No.15827457

Keep it on your shelf for visitors to admire. Praise the book in your conversation and convince them to borrow it. Your reward will be great when the same visitor returns the book
in complete disillusionment. I do this with Evola literature.

>> No.15827574

it’s not even good honestly

>> No.15827725

>being PYNCHED this hard

>> No.15827737

It's the first and only Pynchon I've read so far. It took me five months to get through it

>> No.15827745

Alright lads I'm gonna go for it then once I finish reading Atlas Shrugged which I'm about halfway through.

>> No.15827869
File: 7 KB, 210x243, we gon get litty up n dis bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>own every pynchon novel
>haven't read a single one

>> No.15827872

this would be impressive if they were all first editions

>> No.15828901

Watch scat porn

>> No.15828934


>> No.15828980

Wouldn't they get mad at you seeing what he wrote?

>> No.15829303

It was my first Pynchon, I did not have any real trouble, enjoyed it quite a bit and have since reread it a couple times. I had already read a good number of large 'difficult' books including the other 2/3 of the meme trilogy, so I can not really say how it would be for someone who does not read such works, but I see no reason why anyone with a little determination can not get through it. Main thing to remember is to be ok with being lost, it is not a work that is meant to be fully understood as you read it, things did not start falling into place for me until the final section and it took a second read to really get a good grasp on things.

>> No.15829871

The meme trilogy?

>> No.15829876

wow, newest of the newfags.
Gravity's Rainbow, Infinite Jest and Ulysses. Pretty much the most talked about books here and have been since day one.

>> No.15829880

Probably the worst meme in the past 3 years of /lit/

>> No.15829916

>3 years
Considerably older than 3 years.

>> No.15830172


>> No.15830224

What is filtering?

>> No.15830244
File: 155 KB, 290x400, 1349048487982.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just Google the esoteric science bits, it is worth it. I think the key for me is that the book is about 3 heroes, Pirate Prentice (the would-be traditional war hero), Roger Mexico (the romantic Byronic hero) and Tyrone Slothrop (the slacker anti-hero) and what the events of WWII and the conspiracies do to them/their archetypes. People get bogged down in the hundreds of characters and events but if you remember those are the 3 to keep your eye on, you'll be OK.

>> No.15830248

Made to realize you are not smart enough to read big-boy books

>> No.15830265

read Inherent Vice instead, it is much more coherent and more fun to read

>> No.15830284

OP here.

Is it advisable to consult a guide or some sort of chapter-by-chapter text when reading GR for the first time or should I just go straight into it?

>> No.15830303

The thing about GR is it makes research fun

>> No.15830652

If it's your first time I'd say just go with the flow. Maybe look stuff up for your favorite parts, or things that stick out to you, but don't go for a full page-by-page guide until a re-read. Being lost and confused is intentional.
You could do a chapter-by-chapter and check it after you finish each part, but I still think that would rob some of the experience from you.
There's also a lot of theses online you can read after you finish that talk about a lot of the meaning in extreme depth, reading some of those was what really cemented my love for GR.
I've read the damn thing multiple times, and there's still bits that seem a bit obscure to me. I didn't understand the light bulb essay in the back third until my second or third re-read.

>> No.15830698

the lynched meme might be older but I literally made that pynched image like three days ago

>> No.15830708

great job

>> No.15830774

well said

>> No.15830983

Where to find a /lit/ arthoe gf that wants to talk about entropy and the consequence of action before having kinky sex?

>> No.15831008

In a Pynchon novel. In real life? Nowhere

>> No.15831022

Maybe in an nyc fine arts school but dont put your dick in that, bro

>> No.15831612

Read atlas shrugged like 8 years ago. It was sloggy but over all I enjoyed it.

>> No.15831659

Just read it. Ignore any meme about "book hard" unless referring to finnegans wake. Every other book is actually just easy

>> No.15831670

Girls are both interesting and fuck, are not sane. Fair warning. You only get two of three.

>> No.15831693

how much do you know about WW2 and the world prior to it? if standard burger I would come back later

>> No.15831896

>u must have in depth cultural background of every book u read
essentially virgin perspective.
chad dives in.

>> No.15831904

>consult a guide or some sort of chapter-by-chapter text
is not that deep

>> No.15832376

Not burger, relatively educated Irishfag

>> No.15832390

just have a basic timeline of ww2 under your belt and you are good. if you dont already have that you a) shouldn't be on this board b) shouldn't be reading serious 20th century literature

>> No.15832432

Go to any philosophy facutly, great conversations and really opened towards sex.

>> No.15832441

Horizontal reading > Vertical reading

Yeah, I agree.

>> No.15832508

I read Ulysses when I was 17.
Needless to say that I didn't have the proper cultural background to do such a thing.
I still enjoyed it a lot. It's really pleasant to reread the book and see how your interpretatioin of it changes.
The only thing that matters is that you enjoy it.
If you feel like you are not enjoying it/ have curiosity look for guides and ask on forums.
The only book where you can't do this is finnegans wake, I have all types of notes on the first 3 pages that I took from guides, which was fun but I ended up exhausted.
You'll probably have a good time reading it, give it a shot.

>> No.15832598
File: 24 KB, 500x386, vcndkjfnh9283254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rhizomatic reading > arborescent reading

>> No.15832629


>> No.15832707
File: 140 KB, 960x958, chadgarf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes i do read left to right, how could you tell?

>> No.15832720

that lynched meme has been around since 2011

>> No.15832745


>> No.15832810

uh yes it is

>> No.15832978

>he unironically got pynched

>> No.15833587

I had assumed that post was a continuation of the meme trilogy questions, it was 5AM, I could no longer follow a thread.

Pynched is pretty terrible but far from the worst in the past 3 years, I think I would have to give that honor to 'the blind pill.'