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15826224 No.15826224 [Reply] [Original]

>Who are the Old Believers?
Old Believers (or Starover's) are the one of the most oldest Christian churches, the true descendants of the Byzantine Empire.
>What makes them the true descendants of the Byzantine Empire?
Their Bible is the literal translation of a Greek Testament, Septuagint, not different Hebrew sources.
>Are they Orthodox?
Yes, but actually no.
>How so?
They are Orthodox by an old definition. In 1666-1667, Russian Patriarch Nikon started the Raskol(schism), when he decided that he needs to update the Christianity by re-translating all the holy texts, and also by changing a lots of rules in Orthodox Christianity.
>What happened then?
He made it with the support of the tsar, and the grat Raskol begun. Pro-Nikon nobles and priests started to change all the Russia and it's religion. But some of the people said 'no' to the Nikon and the division started. That's how Old Believers appeared.
>Who was the leader of the Old Believers?
Protopope Avvakum Petrov(pic related), popular priest, linguist and philosopher. Wrote 43 books. Well known for his style of writing - he didn't used sophisticated terminologies purposely, and also was a great troll. "Catholics are the romanic whores", "I am shit because our sins are shit, and I am sinful man. Shit-human are worse than a dirty animal, because animals can clear the shit from themselves" - and other jokes and flexes is what his books can be filled with.
>Why he was against the re-translation?
He wasn't. The problem was not about re-translation itself but about the people who re-tanslate - guys like Arseny Grek, who was a foreigner that changes his religion 3 or 4 times in a life, and maybe was gay. Moreover, Grek's interpretation of a Bible were pretty unconservative.
>What tsar did with the Avvakum and the Old Believers?
They started to hunt the Old Believers, Avvakum was sent to Siberia on imorisonment with his family. Two of his sons died from starvation. While he was sent away, he continued to write books and also sent lots of troll letters to those who imprison him, like warlord Afanasiy Pashkov. Sometimes he was beaten with a whip for that.
Then they took him back, then sent him away again, hen put him to anathema(and after that he put to anathema the priests who put him), then they cut hisallies tongues, then burn him.
>What happened after that?
Some of the old Believers publicly burned themselves in a protest, at the time Tsar's ppeople were trying to capture them. Self-burning was a radical way to stop the government from giving orders to the person and was used in some ways by the little amount of Old Believers until 1941.
But most of the people just moved away in the deeeps of Russia or outside of the country.
>That makes Old Believers an international religion?
Yes. There are Old Believers in China, Brazil, Wesern Europe, and in USA(In USA there are some counties with Old Believers as a majority)

**Part 2 in replies**

>> No.15826237

What theologically separates them from the Russian Church?

>> No.15826244

I mean to read Avvakum, but I keep putting him off because I'm to lazy to go to the bookstore

>> No.15826270

I’m reading Leskov rn, he seems to write about Old Believers a lot. Sealed Angel seems right up your valley. There are also Melnikov-Pechersky’s works, of course.

>> No.15826312
File: 75 KB, 400x525, Morozova_avvakym.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

**Part 2**
>What happened with them in Russia?
The government considered its attempts to kill the Old Believers a failure. They've god rights equality in 1905. Soviets were hating them as much as all Christians. They are completely legal nowadays - there are 2 million of them in Russia.
>Sounds based! What books do you suggest, Anon?
1. Ostrog Bible(or Septuagint).
2. Life of Avvakum(auto-biography)
3. Pomor answers(Old Believers Q&A)
4. Historic literature on Raskol of 1666-1667

>> No.15826337

Lots of things, starting from how to put fingers while crossing and how to draw the Holy Cross, to different ways of interpreting the Bilbe. Also, Old Believers like to live without technology, like Amish people. But that is not a strict rule or something, just a popular lifestyle nowadays

>> No.15826458

Extra part I forgot:
>What modern Orthodox Christians think about Old Believers?

Orthodox church made a public apology to the Old Believers for rthe hundreds of years of suffering a long time ago. Noiwadays, a peace treaty is signed between two religions. 2020 is Avvakum 400 anniversary, as a celebration of that, Putin make the 2020 official Avvakum Year which results in lots of linguistic projects of translating his books to modern Russian and other languages. In Russia now there is no opression to the Old Believers whatsoever, they are well respected community. Same in USA.

>> No.15826847

Why did the old believers fund the bolsheviks?

>> No.15826968

>There are Old Believers in China
not for long.
>Soviets were hating them as much as all Christians.

lenin commies being anti-religious is one big reason for hating it.

>> No.15828303
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Cool thread OP, didn't know any of this until now.

>> No.15828343

>Putin make the 2020 official Avvakum Year which results in lots of linguistic projects of translating his books to modern Russian and other languages

>> No.15828388
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You trying to proselytize for a heresy, anon? I don't even think you're from this board