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/lit/ - Literature

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15820121 No.15820121 [Reply] [Original]

>he reads fiction

>> No.15820137
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>he collects junk data in his head he will never, ever use and gets mad when other people collect junk data in their heads that they can't ever use
>he feels superior about this for reasons he can never fully explain

>> No.15820273

everything is fiction
you can't prove anything
fuck you

>> No.15820279

Define fiction.

>> No.15820301

Based solipsist retard

>> No.15820316

interpreted reality and invented narrative

>> No.15820319


>> No.15820452

No, everything, including the greatest works of fiction, is non-fiction. prove me wrong.

>> No.15820468

everything is simultaneously non-fiction and fiction.
you can't prove anything but you also can't disprove anything.
i've figured it out.

>> No.15820476
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>thinking there's such a thing as a non-fiction book

>> No.15820653

you're right anon, Harry Potter series is no different than this biography about Stalin I'm currently reading

>> No.15820676

>"heh your totally IMMATURE KIDS BOOK is inherently inferior to my SUPERIOR HISTORY BOOK"
its all junk data you smug pompous faggot
all of it is just different narratives on subjects we enjoy, now go jerk yourself off with your history buffs while I read enticing gay werewolf erotica.

>> No.15820689

Let's say I want to improve myself as a person, how is reading non-fiction not more beneficial to me than reading gay werewolf erotica? I get that you can get the same narrative in both, but one actually happened and has better lessons out of it, no?

>> No.15820707

>Let's say I want to improve myself as a person
donate to charity or something

>> No.15820740

>Let's say I want to improve myself as a person, how is reading non-fiction not more beneficial to me than reading gay werewolf erotica?
neither are inherently more beneficial.
> I get that you can get the same narrative in both, but one actually happened and has better lessons out of it, no?
you can 'learn' anything in any genre. all things have their roots in reality. if you took a non-fiction book and swapped people's names, it won't change the lesson. even some fiction books will try to teach you a lesson that can be grounded in reality. dune for example can be interpreted as a lesson in the dangers of blind faith.

>> No.15821848

Based, fiction is a waste of our finite time
t. retard, you can't prove your own statement either by your own statement