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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 80 KB, 750x423, e25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15819131 No.15819131 [Reply] [Original]

Any books about women who refuse to have children?

>> No.15819137

Anything about Queen Elizabeth I guess

>> No.15819170

Some people do not want children. Where are your children? What kind of dad are you that you're on the internet worrying about someone else?

>> No.15819188

My wife is pregnant and not having children is selfish.

>> No.15819212
File: 235 KB, 1100x600, 90FB8D88-80A5-48D7-811A-1E06B67AAEEF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stephanie Mills, an ecologist and author is mentioned in this article. Lots of women don’t have children.
Helen never had any either

>> No.15819221

>not having children is selfish.
Nonsense. Don’t bring out the antinatalist larper, please.

>> No.15819226

it makes me happy you will die before 99% of /lit/, truly.

>> No.15819251


>> No.15819252

Women who don’t get married and have children live longer and report greater happiness.

>> No.15819261
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>Ona bleak winter’s day in early 1975 — just after my 32nd birthday — I made the most radical and feminist decision of my life. I arranged to have an operation that would leave me sterilized.
Stopped reading after that.

>> No.15819265

Really? I think my perfect life is being married to some dumb fuck beaner moron who can't spell her fucking name. That is what would make me happier.

>> No.15819276
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Shulamith Firestone

>> No.15819285
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Helen calls herself a disgusting slut in the Iliad. She had at least one kid, Hermione, who grew up to be a slut too, see Euripides' Andromache and Orestes.

>> No.15819295

This is incorrect

>> No.15819301

obviously bait but
>My wife is pregnant
probably time to stop browsing anime image boards then
>not having children is selfish
who's the victim? the government?

>> No.15819307

By not having multiple children you fail your duty to the group evolutionary unit, and wrongly deny your own temporality, committing the fallacy of misplaced concretness about your self.

>> No.15819310

Australians eat locusts? that's kinda metal

>> No.15819316
File: 220 KB, 1345x1960, 3F678791-432C-4215-B2B8-62398C5D607C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The board that talks about suicide all the time
Be real. 40% will love longer than me.

You aren’t a big reader.

Pssh. This isn’t your regiment anymore lieutenant

>> No.15819322
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>> No.15819327

>who's the victim? the government?
The nation. And the State is the nation if that concerns you. The nation is the group evolutionary unit whole that you are a temporal part of. The victim is the whole that becomes less real by the failure of its present parts to actualise its future parts.

>> No.15819328

literally motherhood by sheila heti

>> No.15819334




Shut the fuck up

>> No.15819345

>love longer
Waha. Nice typo.

Helen Mirren.

>> No.15819351

>ull never get to cum deep in butterflies buthole

>> No.15819357

Shut the fuck up, now

>> No.15819365

You’re in the wrong thread.

>> No.15819373

>This isn’t your regiment anymore lieutenant
You are a living part of the World Soul. You are soldier in her march, an actor in her dance. You are her organised energy in a kinetic procession of complexity and entropy. Play the ball forward or give the energy, her energy, that you temporarily possess to another part of the World Soul that will make better use of their time in command of the bundle of heat and kinetic potential contained in your bodily mass. If you want make more brains then your body is waste energy that can be put to better use to other processes that will.

>> No.15819377 [DELETED] 

just stop posting. if we want another pic of your yeast infected vaginal discharge in your panties we'll ask.

>> No.15819381

Having children is the most selfish thing one can do. You want to vicariously live your youth through another while you attempt to groom and raise it to your liking. Childbirth is miraculous and can bring meaning to someone but it is done in selfishness

>> No.15819392
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Hit the wall after her porno.

>> No.15819413
File: 426 KB, 500x400, EB233B6E-E90C-4C1D-932C-FA9EAF716D92.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the article I linked above.
There’s a trend among some women in the know of this and the next couple of generations. If we don’t do something drastically different to avoid our extinction, there’s zero sense in bringing children into the world.
If I am a “soldier” I am tasking myself with learning and organizing what to do to avoid this, SO THAT THERE CAN BE A FUTURE

>> No.15819427

Individuals can’t change anything why bother

>> No.15819443

I'm cool with 1st world white women not reproducing.

>> No.15819450
File: 131 KB, 1920x1080, 7D95E83D-274D-4D8E-8ACC-B0994E8B069A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was quite good in The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover. And still attractive for her age.

>Max Stirner.PNG
>Getting Free.pdf

>> No.15819506

You need to stop.

>> No.15819700
File: 33 KB, 500x323, c84e219acfd5cebcede212f71a893246e95c3f4f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women in the know

>> No.15819711

This rendition of the 'chad nordic yes' looks far too ubanized and groomed to really be a chad, or is that the joke?

>> No.15819726

Its not supposed to be a chad.
Its supposed to be a civilized self actualized gentleman.

>> No.15819733
File: 23 KB, 389x280, toronto-ontariocanada-6th-saturday-june-260nw-1750650947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes. children for women are like slot machines and computer games for men. source of dopamine. bbbbbut, do those children report high rate of happiness? lol.

>> No.15819740


I have no idea why I find this poster so interesting. Of all the tripcoders I've come across, « Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ » is the most prolific in terms of activity.

What do you do, « Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ »? Are you involved in literature career-wise? How'd you end up on 4chan, and why'd you become a tripcoder? From time to time, someone will post your face, which means you put a selfie up on 4chan-- isn't that weird? What's your favorite book? Do you have any writing advice?

>> No.15819814

Shes a stupid bitch who craves attention.

>> No.15819821

>Don’t bring out the antinatalist larper, please.
He can't even prove life is suffering and projects his own faggy depression onto everyone else, he's a paper tiger.

>> No.15819830

Also, why does someone mark themselves, demanding recognition, only to leave dumb, mundane replies?

>> No.15819867

you would knew if you were smart

>> No.15819890

>you would knew

>> No.15819924
File: 42 KB, 323x500, 518+FKBn1hL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, that reminds me, can anyone link me up an audiobook of this shit?

>> No.15819929

What’s this, more. Catholic schizophrenia?

>> No.15819973

Bible stated that making children is a terrible punishment put on women for sinning. To see its terribleness you don't need any Bible, you just need to read about the process.

>> No.15819987

The fuck.

>> No.15820208

you would know. english is not my native. but you paid attention to form, not to content. do you use makeup, anon? cosmetics?

>> No.15820244

hey look butterfly made a thread

>> No.15820263

"She", I am pretty sure.

>> No.15820284

It's good that you believe this, because you have genes that tend to create a person that believes retarded nihilist shit, is obese, and tripfags on 4chan instead of having friends or good relationships with family.

>> No.15820291
File: 466 KB, 694x504, 85D81B44-04FC-4841-A8E4-83A85880B003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, no. I wouldn’t request such a book.

>> No.15820362

Shut up

>> No.15820424

Wait, Butters has a face? Let's see it, someone has to have it

>> No.15820433
File: 43 KB, 1857x342, butterfly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please god just smother me in your asscheeks butterfly
I want to drown in your foot sweat

>> No.15820439
File: 78 KB, 913x528, 1558174105440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are you doing?

>> No.15820469

Women want to play like men you pixie faggot.

>> No.15820493

people who believe that genes are responsible for world view are true nihilists denying reality and responsibility. they must be castrated first.

>> No.15820499
File: 988 KB, 500x277, 1C27247B-69E7-4D9E-B868-709C1AD7C315.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15820505

Kill yourself, namefag.

>> No.15820533

>I don't know what I'm talking about, distract yourself with the article I posted.
>Millions having access to sustainable underground shelters in the face of nuclear war means we are definitely going extinct.
>Let me disguise my personal failings by pretending I'm useful in other areas, when even then, me and degenerates resembling me are totally outnumbered and outclassed by women who've birthed and have superior systematizing skills.

Idiot. Never forget that you are anything but a straggler and a parasite.

>> No.15820541
File: 233 KB, 1000x1000, big brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Faerie's gonna pay the toll like everyone else.

>> No.15820556

>someone will post your face, which means you put a selfie up on 4chan
post it

>> No.15820564
File: 59 KB, 641x482, 1593116357467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not him but

>> No.15820566

if your genes are so cool, why don't you coom in your sister to breed?

>> No.15820575

You need to stop.

>> No.15820583

>The bomb shelter meme
Why are you on lit?

You need to shut up. It’s an awesome movie

>> No.15820595

Your parents and their parents and so on.

>> No.15820641

>>My wife is pregnant
>probably time to stop browsing anime image boards then

Why? Image boards are usually bad forms of human contact, but that anon sounds like he has more going on than you.

>> No.15820643

Just fuck off.

>> No.15820672

We don't eat moths mate.

>> No.15820722

dude shut up

>> No.15820810

>Having children is the most selfish thing one can do.
You give up 18 years of your freedom for another human being, nearly a quarter of your life. It is literally the most selfless thing you can do.

>> No.15821281

>What's this more...
>...Catholic schizophrenia

>> No.15821313
File: 70 KB, 726x960, 1588443553980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah, pure narcissism speaking, make a child and make yourself a victim.

Google: toxic narcissistic parents.

fucking brainlets.

>> No.15821314
File: 104 KB, 620x620, ye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people who have kids are most pathetic and selfish people. they don't even love their kids. that's why they bring their kids into this giant meat thrasher known as life without a single fucking thought.

>> No.15821335

And she's a satanist baby sacrificer.

>> No.15821341

I'm glad to be alive though because I'm not a failing depressed piece of shit, chances are very good my kids will be the same.

>> No.15821349

>that pic
What a cope, the children don't even exist.

>> No.15821364

Take more lessons.

>> No.15821374

kek, the ontological fallacy of expecting light at the end of the tunnel....

you coom inside your wife and after 9 months she shits out a leech, he is talking about that kid.

>> No.15821451

give more lessons.

>> No.15821464

oh you sure you are so special? many thought the same.

>> No.15821466

>you fail your duty to the group evolutionary unit
I'll take spook for 500 Alex.

>> No.15821480
File: 42 KB, 600x331, Iiwia2V5IjoidXBsb2Fkcy9hcnRpY2xlL2hlcm9faW1hZ2UvMjY0Ni9KRVNVU19BTE1PU1RfQ0VSVEFJTkxZX1VTRURfQ0FOTkFCSVNfV0lERS5qcGciLCJlZGl0cyI6eyJyZXNpemUiOnsid2lkdGgiOjYwMCwiaGVpZ2h0IjozMzEsImZpdCI6ImNvdmVyIn19fQ==.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is selfish love. they say they love children but cannot say what children love, who are childrens friends, what are their dreams.

to love a car, is it to love to drive it and show to friends and whores, or is it to know how it functions, how to fix it, to know what car needs and likes?

>> No.15821491

Having children is not only selfish but extremely evil, people who have children deserve to suffer in hell

>> No.15821494

Anyone who claims antinatalism isn’t objectively true is a larger or troll

>> No.15821499

I don't usually ask for souce, but give me a fucking source

>> No.15821503

Mishima-san please

>> No.15821511

There is nothing more depressing than a childless aunt/uncle. They wanted to live their life to the extreme in their youth, having fun, but let it go too far and never settled down. Then they ended up being in their 40s with nothing to do with their lives but work. Nobody wants to spend time with an old man/woman with no children, it's depressing

>> No.15821522
File: 3.68 MB, 1333x1897, Wife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Antinatalism is so cringe, it's just depressed losers who magnify life's suffering and minimize life's joy and assume it's the same for everyone else and presume to speak for everyone else, then when most people tell them that they're happy to be born (in fact, virtually all old people near death consider their lives to have been worth living) they sperg out and attack to defend themselves from the truth: that they're just weak assholes.

>> No.15821534

You only believe that because you’re a loser who can’t put rationality ahead of emotion, we antinatalists laugh at you losers.

>> No.15821538

>Nobody wants to spend time with an old man/woman with no children, it's depressing
you should sometime visit small towns, nursing homes, old apartment building etc. you should see the old people with kids suffering, decaying and counting days for their yearly meetup with kids on christmas.
you're right nobody wants to spend time with an old man/woman even if they have kids. most kids leave you to rot in those shitholes to spend their lives and youth in cities. it's way more brutal than rotting alone with no kids at least those people don't have any expectations.

>> No.15821543

We don’t mean people over 85 in nursing homes, we mean like post-40s people with no family or kids.

I’m an antinatalist and even I agree that people who don’t have kids lead sad lives

>> No.15821554
File: 248 KB, 750x450, 1588443264704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder: a century ago natalists created tens of millions of children who became neets and migrants without work permit, and exterminated each other on so far unprecedented scale in two world wars and many "genocides". happy birthday!

>> No.15821560

Just the opposite actually.

>> No.15821588



Bluepilled beyond all hope of redemption

>> No.15821589


>Reads Hegel once

>> No.15821594

SCUM Manifesto

>> No.15821603


You have to be over 18 to post here.

>> No.15821611

hey tripfag who has been here as long as i be come here too

can you respond to this brainwave I had

Crawling through an etymological whole today, we've become schizophrenic.
Schizo is schism, to split, to divide, to cut, which is wisdom, sophia, sophos - we're not sure how from here we get to the fist, the fasces, the fight, but we know it has something to do with judgment, decision, division - vision as it relates to the German wissen, and a fission hence as all of this is prompted by kanye west's leaked vision "yandhi" on which he slurs on track six ("alien"): "i don't believe in time/i just believe in science" and it sounds like signs, sein, not zeit! Untimely indeed is Mr. West on the origin of the work of art in the proto-indo-euro-cambrian era. Prepare yourself! Prepare yourself as the phallic thrust of the west unites with the multiple pragmatisms of the east as we declare a Pan (all) Demic (to the people) utopia. For we will rebuild the tower of babel, we will LAUGH at its collapse, we will LIVE and we will DIE. for while god is one, fairies are many, and with Tradition Sundering Joy(s) together we proclaim:

>> No.15821655

what is essential difference between illegal migrant and legal migrant from vagina border?

>> No.15821720


What is it that they lost?

>> No.15821726

It should be noted here that this person did not respond to you. I personally believe it imprudent to advertise oneself as an individual on this website, as often one may receive too much attention, and ultimately end up with a stalker. I really hope this doesn't happen to this particular tripfag, but it would be foolish to think it an impossible, or even improbable, eventuality.

>> No.15821734


Regardless, what is the Moral relevance of selfish vs. selfless?

>> No.15821757

Antinatalists always make me smile. Though he believes it fundamentally wrong that he exists, it doesn't seem that David Benatar is in any great hurry to terminate his existence. I'm not suggesting that it would be good if he were to do so, but living is obviously important to him. Given that he values being alive, then it follows that he values being born. You cannot have the one without the other.

>> No.15821758

Great. I get banned for a week for posting about forced diversity in books yet this leaking vaginaed attention whore gets to post shit threads and not even get deleted.

Fuck you simp jannies.
Lick "her" asshole more online, you're never gonna get laid. NEVER.
I hope every one of you pathetic limp dicked faggots catch corona and die.

>> No.15821763


Why not? Life precedes birth by all Ontologies.

>> No.15821768

Well, if one were never born, one could never engage in the pursuit of "the good life", or art, or shitposting on an anime imageboard. I understand what you're driving at, but that is merely the beginning of life. It is the middle and the end that are most valuable, are they not?

>> No.15821794


My point being that one's life is most likely not contingent on one's birth, but on the initial life with precedes both. And that there is no reason to think of birth as a necessary intermediate.

>> No.15821834


>> No.15821843

So, a book about retards then?

>> No.15821847

So it's your belief that you could be functioning just as you do now if you were never born?

>> No.15821858

interesting fact: jannies are also someones children. goo goo gaa gaa

>> No.15821871



>> No.15821991

Everyone fear death. And most people don't have the balls to end it

>> No.15821998


>> No.15822126

>Everyone fear death.

>> No.15822167

He's right though.

>> No.15822175

So you are also committing a crime against yourself if you don't get as fat as possible?

>> No.15822187

You literally oppose the purpose of life, you are so far from rational that it’s almost unbelievable. Every single antinatalist (Or anyone not wanting kids) I have met in my life have been deeply emotionally damaged consumerists with dopamine addictions, they project their own failure onto the world

>> No.15822210
File: 2.43 MB, 498x278, 1584609804865.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is the epitome of nu-/lit/
>/pol/ bait title tacked onto "books about-?"
>full of attention-seeking namefags and other posters giving them attention
>anti-natalist poster somehow still derailing the thread
>not a single mention of a book because about 70% of anons in the thread don't read

all we need is guenonposter and the entire board would probably collapse into a black hole of pure wankery

>> No.15822217

It's an obvious logic: anons who read are probably reading now instead of shitposting.

>> No.15822231

Snapping nu- on bad thing will not retroactively change the fact that old stuff was no better.

>> No.15823244

>another reddit right wing spam thread
dead website

>> No.15823283
File: 28 KB, 440x329, Guenon-author-pg-image-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need to have children to keep tradition alive. Not having them is not only inmoral but also irrational and against nature. A women that does not fulfill it's role in society is of no use.

>> No.15823303

Kek. This anon knows.

>> No.15823350

Kill yourself roastie

>> No.15823354

Does anyone actually like childless older women besides themselves?

>> No.15823398

>Implying childless older men aren't even more depressing to be around.

>> No.15823411

they don't even like each other.

>> No.15823701

Reminds me of the Philmarilion Incident on /sp/.

>> No.15823720


>> No.15823733

using combustion engine and electricity is 1 bln times more unnatural.

>> No.15824148

>implying old cat ladies aren't the definition of COPE

>> No.15824161

>My wife is pregnant
Where's the dad? Did he run away?