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15815576 No.15815576 [Reply] [Original]

I don't want a list of fascist writers, I want to know the authors of the ideas that made fascism possible. Who were the thinkers that gave birth to fascism?

>> No.15815590

According to Funky F, Lenin did

>> No.15815592

It was a mob movement away from the libs. Theory was crafted during or afterwards

>> No.15815596


>> No.15815600


>> No.15815847

Why yes, of course I know the exact person whose ideas made fascism possible. It was Unga, leader of the Bunga tribe, who was the first person in history who came upon a brilliant idea to make everybody in his tribe to obey him and stick together in order to defeat the Obongo tribe. What kind of retarded question is that? Do you seriously think that ramblings of some XIX century bookworm are responsible for a political movement lead by opportunists and supported by illiterate peasants.

>> No.15815911

>I want to know the authors of the ideas that made fascism possible
So you can selectively cull such authors and ideas? So fascism will be impossible if we delete e x a c t l y the right set of books? Are you going to save us all, OP?

>> No.15815924

According to Popper, everyone.

>> No.15815935

>Do you seriously think that ramblings of some XIX century bookworm are responsible for a political movement lead by opportunists and supported by illiterate peasants.
We're not discussing the bolsheviks anon

>> No.15815955


>> No.15816140

Look into Georges Sorel. He was a revisionist Marxist and the progenitor of much of fascist thought.

>> No.15816162

Bacon's New Atlantis

>> No.15816247

fucking destroyed

>> No.15816525


More dubious are Spengler and Schmitt.

>> No.15816532

Bolsheviks barely had peasant support. It was mostly opportunists, defectors, and radical bourgeoise.

>> No.15816689


>> No.15816704


>> No.15816718


>> No.15816766

Well, no. I'm a fascist. I just wanted to dive further into the ideas than the skiagraphic bullshit /pol/ throws at me.

>> No.15816785

That's not entirely wrong. A lot of fascists and National Socialists were heavily familiar with Marx and Lenin's works.

>> No.15816794

Best of luck. If you can create a competent movement that isn't dominated by Hitlerite retards I might be interested one day.

>> No.15816813

absolute btfo’d

>> No.15816854

Plato, Berkeley, Hegel, Nietzsche, Sorel

>> No.15816898

That's a state. Not necessarily fascism

>> No.15816925

Given that fascism does not even have a stable definition you would be better off just reading the entire western canon

>> No.15816941

>ideas that made fascism
The term itself was introduced by Jews*.
*citation required

>> No.15816971

look into the Italian futurist movement and the artists in it. they helped shape fascism in italy.

>> No.15817129

no one gives a fuck. not everything a jew touch turn into his tool. you can use fascism and socialism for your nation benefit.

>> No.15817267

How so?

>> No.15817291

Read Prussian Socialism

>> No.15817303


>> No.15817337

I saw this rec'd in the other thread. I just started decline. It's quite incredible. What translation do you recommend for Prussian Socialism?

>> No.15817372

>fascism in general
Le Bon

>national socialism
All of the above plus
De Gobineau
Moeller van den Bruck

>> No.15817397

I dont know much about the translations. I just got my copy from a fascist publisher. Which publisher did you get your copy of The Decline from? I've been looking for a decent copy, but there are no good ones on Amazon.
Didnt Hobbes propose the idea of the social contract? I saw the social contract as being opposite to fascism. The social contract says that society and social morality are artificial wheras Fascism says society is organic dictated by natural law. In what way does Hobbes relate to fascism?

>> No.15817405

id add Fichte, Carlyle, and de Maistre.

>> No.15817471

"Giovanni Gentile" for the philosophy of Italian fascism .

>> No.15818303

My copy is Vintage Publishing so it's Random House; it's also abridged, unfortunately. Translated by Charles Francis Atkinson. It was a gift. What publisher exactly? Sounds like a good source for alternative literature.

>> No.15818334

>Who were the thinkers that gave birth to fascism?
Mussolini. He invented an ideology in service of his dictator ambitions and made shit up as he went along. Due to the state of politics at the time me-too others followed in his propaganda foot steps and made shit up as they went along too.

Fascism is not a real ideology and therefor doesn't have a coherent structure or thought leaders.

>> No.15818393

bullshit. many writers like gentile and many moments like futurism gave birth to fascism.

>> No.15818411


>> No.15818423


>> No.15818427

I dare you to find a work that definitively defines fascism. Note: Umberto Eco declaring "everything I don't like is fascism by my personal definition" does not cut it.

Nightmare mode: summarize what fascism is here based on that work.

>> No.15818448

Arktos has great stuff. Theres also Wewelsberg Publishing but I dont know if they're still around. I'll get more details later

>> No.15818453

Kant is there as supplement to Hegel and Nietzsche

>> No.15818501
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>> No.15818545

What country are you asking about? Italy?

>> No.15818586
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>d-dude reactionary!

The idea that fascism has no philosophical underpinnings is kike propaganda.

>> No.15818637

you're gonna have to start with the greeks

>> No.15818677

Thx m8 I appreciate the response. I'll be checking these out. Counter currents seems to publish some good stuff that is otherwise hard to find.

>> No.15818787

Fascism is just rebranded Caesarism

>> No.15818842

just made my fucking day kek

>> No.15819396
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This is the publisher I got my Ernst Junger from.

>> No.15819484

Well yes, but Félix didn't mean it that way, and what he said was mostly a provocation to their leftist critics

>> No.15819524
File: 1.79 MB, 720x480, asuka feet.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


here's a little known pro-slavery confederate writer who defended slavery by claiming that wage slavery was worse


he was also for enslaving whites

>> No.15819570
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who invented combustion engine? electricity? blame them. who breeds new people (children), migrant via vagina, in a time of industrialization? blame them.

you think fascism is gone? you wear glasses. blind. all you stupid civilized pederasts just larp like parrots.

>> No.15819593

Cringey anime pic

>> No.15819610


>> No.15819612

>totalitarianism and genocide are wrong but not when I do it.

>> No.15819624

is this you?


>> No.15819653

And? Who else? Go on, I'll wait..

>> No.15820651

hello retard

>> No.15820718
File: 79 KB, 501x935, degaussforfree.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>elder abuse for assaulting security guard over 65

>> No.15821447

(((Foreign))) financial support

>> No.15821459

Based Sorelposter, très basé

>> No.15821465

>Fascism says...
I'd love to meet this fascism person, he sounds like an interesting dude, with very clear cut opinions on politics

>> No.15821470

Ackchually, it's just Maistre, because he was an actual aristocrat, so French usage requires the preposition be dropped when designated by his family name (as opposed to De Gaulle, not real aristocracy)

>> No.15821475


>> No.15821490

>Fichte, Carlyle, and de Maistre
Do you think Mussolini ever read those guys? Doubt.

>> No.15821505
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>> No.15821523

I'm not French.

>> No.15821552

yeah, so I surmised

>> No.15821931


>> No.15822003

>>totalitarianism and genocide are wrong but not when I do it.