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15814194 No.15814194 [Reply] [Original]

Was accelerationism ever a serious philosophy or is it just a rancid meme from five years ago?

>> No.15814265

>five years ago
Newfag detected. Educate yourself on the 1990s.

>> No.15814267

It's a high effort shitpost to justify defeatist armchair nihilism

>> No.15814276

The perfect philosophy for the internet age

>> No.15814299

it's a meme. the idea that Capitalism is Kant's noumenal implies that you can have Capitalism without mediated being, which means you can somehow have a Capitalism without use-values or exchange-values, which is basically a "Capitalism" that isn't Capitalism at all. the whole philosophy collapses from that one premise and honestly I think it's a perfect example of why strict anti-Hegelianism fails; the truth of Capitalism is a historical one, a historical truth mediated by being.

>> No.15814332

It is anything but. It says that the process that under-girds all that we consider Human achievement is anything but, and will continue on long after we fade away. It is the most radical and progressive affirmation of the process ever conceived and it is only able to do so by daring to think beyond the bigotries of Humanism, Speciesism, and Biobarbonism.

>> No.15814349

Could you elaborate what you exactly mean?
>t. anon whose philosophical education in school was close to nonexistent

>> No.15814358

mine was nonexistent too. I learned everything by reading in my free time. I'm not bragging but just saying that I'm not an expert so take everything I say with a grain of salt.
tell me what part you don't get and I'll explain.

>> No.15814372

A whole philosophy doesn't collapse because a term gets strained beyond its limits, lol what are you on? All that means is another wave of rectification of names is required. Anyway, you have but the cart before the horse in your failure to realise that Capitalism isn't the supreme principle or whatever in Land's philosophy, but on particular instantiation of a cybernetic process innate to matter.

>> No.15814387

>the idea that Capitalism is Kant's noumenal
>mediated being
>why strict anti-Hegelianism fails;
>the truth of Capitalism is a historical one, a historical truth mediated by being.

>> No.15814390

mmmm yes humanity will birth the star child. so affirming

>> No.15814398

Of course you can have Capitalism with people. Most of the stock market activity is trading bots divorced totally from the realities of use or exchange value. Pure number crunching.

>> No.15814479

i don't know a single thing about nick land i just know the people who talk about him are obnoxious trannies.

>> No.15814533

>Of course you can have Capitalism with people. Most of the stock market activity is trading bots divorced totally from the realities of use or exchange value. Pure number crunching.
Isn't this the main criticism of the financialisation of the western economies over the last few decades, that it is economically worthless number crunching that pushes GDP numbers but hardly in anyway improves live for everyone else or produces more than a token number of jobs?

>> No.15814547


>> No.15814585

>we are already in the event horizon
its not defeatist only if you are a beta that feels good when choices are taken from you because it makes everything easier

>> No.15814915

>the idea that Capitalism is Kant's noumenal
the noumenal is basically the world independent of sensory experience, it's the opposite of phenomenal which only occurs to us in the sense.
>mediated being
in order for you to know you exist, it has to be mediated by something else, "I think therefore I am", so a non-mediated being (what Hegel calls immediate being) is just nothing, which doesn't make sense because it's the opposite of being. Hegel realizes you have to acknowledge that Being and Nothing are just two moments of Becoming, a process that passes Being into Nothing, and Nothing into Being. Hegel takes this antinomy (process between opposites) to be a part of all things that exist. In general Hegel thinks all of Understanding is grasping a process between two things brought about by this kind of schism asserting them as opposites. this is what leads to Marx's analysis of Capitalism, where a commodity is an antinomy that passes from use-value to exchange-value, and capitalism is the process where commodities pass from money back into commodities again, and each of these antinomies imply the existence of their opposite as part of a large whole.
>the truth of Capitalism is a historical one, a historical truth mediated by being.
basically without Being, there are no use-values and therefore exchange-values, because use-values implies its opposite, exchange-values, which again implies use-values again. to say Capitalism is beyond the phenomenal, in the noumenal space, is basically Kantian since its ignorant of the antinomy of existence and how things are mediated by their opposite.
what about the cybernetic process is innate to matter? cybernetics itself implies human relations, a relation between subjects which can't be there independent of them. or are you equating the mechanics of physical matter to the transient synthetic systems we decide to operate by? I mean after a certain point you have to recognize that there is some kind of evolution waiting to happen by invisible forces (I don't mean into communism necessarily). for Capitalism to "consume as" and exist throughout time and space implies that it's a stable ecosystem which will never evolve into anything else and that doesn't make sense given the transience of previous "cybernetic" systems in history.
if you take the stock market trading bots and throw them into a completely separate plane where they just trade among themselves independently of what goes on around them, that's not capitalism, that's just an infinite state machine wanking itself off until it gets consumed by entropy.

>> No.15814928

>in the sense
*in sensory experience

>> No.15814933

>so affirming
Uuuuuuuh, Yes!

>> No.15814961

Weird and hysteric response. What choice has been taken away from you? The choice to command the direction of history? Awfully bold of you to assume you ever had it! Beyond historic power fantasies you have plenty of choices. You can live however you want. Accelerationism is entirely indifferent and unthreatened by the choices that you make.

>> No.15815002

>cybernetics itself implies human relations, a relation between subjects which can't be there independent of them. or are you equating the mechanics of physical matter to the transient synthetic systems we decide to operate by?

Neither and if you had ever read Land beyond shitposts on /lit/ you would be aware of what I am referring to. I would refrain from commenting on the matter more until you have actually investigated the topic.

>> No.15815062

This. Accelerationists do the stupidest mental gymnastics to try and justify reckless, ignorant behavior. Which ironically, is just what Kant wanted to free us from

>> No.15815131

I happy being a reproductive organ is enough for you anon. It seems nice.

>> No.15816183


>> No.15816825

>which means you can somehow have a Capitalism without use-values or exchange-values
Capital has been surprising us for millenias and marxist think their context-dependent definition of capitalism transcends time? They couldn't even foresaw Technique as the determinant, and instead propped up economics (a technique) as the driving force. A "capitalism" that isn't "capitalism at all" is not a counter-argument to capital as noumenon. It only shows that your own constrained definition of what Capitalism entails might be too narrow.

>> No.15818039
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You better start believing in accelerationist societies... you're in one.

>> No.15818823

couldn't the same question be posed with every continental philosopher from the poststructuralists onward

>> No.15819605

>the idea that Capitalism is Kant's noumenal implies that you can have Capitalism without mediated being, which means you can somehow have a Capitalism without use-values or exchange-values
lol wut, Nick Land never said anything like this

>> No.15819660

>Weird and hysteric response.
What's hysteric about it?

>The choice to command the direction of history?
By myself? Surely you don't think I meant that. And accelerationism is a tiny bit more than "the inevitable process guiding human achievement", sieur. It's a prescriptive claim about the future, essentially an apocalyptic cult like historical materialism, based on pseud understandings of control theory and whatever else.

>Beyond historic power fantasies you have plenty of choices. You can live however you want. Accelerationism is entirely indifferent and unthreatened by the choices that you make.
>It's true whether you believe it or not.
Now where have I heard that before? And if this isn't defeatism then you're just being pedantic.

>> No.15820138


>> No.15820142

Any man who attempts to argue otherwise is a defeatist armchair nihilist and will flee like an exorcised ghost if you tell him to post physique

>> No.15820584
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Any other philosophers of marketing and commercials?

>> No.15822021

Lmao neo china

>> No.15822028


>> No.15822323

>why does the sun takes so long to die
more like why do you die so fast

>> No.15822858

It's been around since Capital Volume 3

>> No.15822973

who is this bait even four?

>> No.15823025

Being an Accelerationist without power is pointless because if you lack power you can't Accelerate, you can only cope with
>w-who cares if things are getting worse, t-they'll get better e-eventually!

>> No.15823128
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>> No.15823202
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>We have been robbed of our anuses, just so they can turn them into parts for their ignominious machine which produces Capital, exploitation, and the Family. Reduced to its most practical biological functions the anus is becoming fortress—impenetrable, singular, productive. Our very excrement is assigned commercial value—so many nutrients per cubic foot, average moisture content, cost of processing.

>To reject the commodity logic of shit, we embrace the anus becoming flower—pleasurable, penetrable, commune. The anus has five muscles; the flower, five petals; the fist, five fingers. The anus is the common sexual nexus, an enclosure in the commons of pleasure. We refuse the mediation of our anuses under the logic of biopower, instead unveiling their insurgence by elaborating a logic of scat. In other words, the anuses of our revolt are scatological rather than biological.

>The human strike blossoms at every point of rupture; which is to say, at every point of emergence. Let us speak of the anal rupture, the emergence of fecal matter from our bodies. The human scatological strike will produce nothing in the act of defecation; while leaving nothing behind but an empty rectum. In the space of this void, we become whatever singularities. Our feces, freed from the logic of capital, take lines of flight toward police, while our anuses, no longer mere appendages of flesh upon a machine of nitrate circulation, are filled with found objects. Our anuses becoming… cumming glitter, shit, whatever.


>> No.15823217
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>the apocalypse is coming and you can do nothing about it

>> No.15823337

lol I think you guys confused Camus with Nick Land. he never says things will get better or that we should be happy about things

>> No.15823362


>> No.15823489

>Capitalism is Kant's noumenal
/lit/ to understand this statement?

>> No.15823497

fanged noumena

>> No.15823503

There is none it's just trannies on twitter

>> No.15823546

>he never says things will get better
i never said he said that either, that's the point dipshit. that's precisely why it's defeatism

>or that we should be happy about things
sure. but that makes you even more of a dipshit. it's one thing being a cuck, but another thing being a cuck and not wanting to be a cuck

>> No.15823578
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How can it be defeatism if I've gotten a ton of pussy from it?

>> No.15823624

wait, why does that make it defeatism? if anything, the last few year, Nick Land has been pessimistic about technological process and how humans are fucking everything up. what text would you say of his is defeatist? I have no idea what the cuck syllogism is supposed to mean.

>> No.15824444

I think the whole point of Land's writings on this topic is that Critiques of Capital don't really have any affect on it.

>> No.15825389


>> No.15825698


>> No.15825912
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i donno man ive just been talking out of my ass

>> No.15825969

fucking lmao

is this the power of accelerationism?

>> No.15826084

If anything capital keeps dissapointing us by being consistently lame and actually not a gleaming eldritch abstraction at all. We live in the lamest imaginable cyberpunk dystopia. Nick Land is a generic racist boomer libertarian on twitter. You'd expect trannies to at least be depraved and outrageous people but they are just consumer bug shitlib cattle latching to a semblance of personality.

>> No.15826151
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Transwoman michelle houellebecq will the last publishing industry sensation before the entire thing self combusts.

>> No.15826198

i dont even get this. non-op'd trans women have the best of both worlds. vaginas are gross. men like pensises, whether they admit it or not. when you go through a cosmetic surgery don't you look at the hundreds of other examples? maybe im living in a bubble but ive never seen a surgery like this without at least an obvious twinge of regret. this is coming from king tranny lover

>> No.15826235

Roberto Calasso's preface to frank wedekinds fin de siecle novel mine haha. Pierre Klossowski's living currency lyotard's economie libidinale fanged noumena anime girl imagery. A new language created by the universal prostitution of all beings. And what is the most prostituted being if not the being by excellence God himself? Esoteric significance of jeffrey epstein transhumanism cogsci immortality device, french petition against age of consent laws, the marquis de sade's metaphysics proving more accurate than marx'.

>> No.15826261
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cyberpunk gilles de rais