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/lit/ - Literature

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15813214 No.15813214 [Reply] [Original]

What's /lit/s problem with female writers?
This place is so pathetic, I cant believe Tao shouted you idiots out .

>> No.15813231

who is this tao?

>> No.15813232

>What's /lit/s problem with female writers?
They don't have a penis no homo I promise

>> No.15813241

98% of them are trash, the remaining 2% make childrens literature. Also, who's "Tao", sound like a minority, which are produce shit.

>> No.15813249

Stop spamming some self-absorbed cumbucket thinking of herself as big brained.

>> No.15813312

Untrue, you just don't know and haven't bothered to read any female writers, so of course you're wilfully ignorant. You refuse to advance your intellect because of your own sexism. Does that not sound weak?

>> No.15813346

Fake and bait and gay, but perhaps you might be able to suggest a good female author

>> No.15813376

I've read numerious, the only ones I liked where literal childrens and YA literature like Burnett, Broente, Christie, Alcott and Trott. And maybe some books on sewing and cooking like Davidis and one biography of Humboldt - which still made a greater point on socio-cultural stuff in his bio than hard facts. On any other subject the female choice is always inferiour when compared with a male counterpart. As is the natural way human interests fall.

Stop trying to shilll internalized sexism, like a retard. True stength means to accept which you can't change and concentrate on those which can be altert. Human nature isn't part of the later and trying to make women into mans equals only devalues their inert qualities as would be vice versa, trying to meme mens as experts on child birth and rearing, outside on pure rational fact sheets.

Now be gone, with your silly cuntposting.

>> No.15813382

> What's /lit/s problem with female writers?
This place is so pathetic,

I don’t have a problem with female authors, truth to be told I bought different cookbooks last month.

>> No.15813383

You're so stupid.

I'll recc Chris Kraus for you

>> No.15813414
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>wrote books like "I Love Dick, Aliens & Anorexia"
She's a heeb, isn't she? I bet she is.
Nevermind. Of course, she is.

>> No.15813435

>Woman write book called I Love Dick

Don’t worry. She was just referring to Moby Dick.

>> No.15813439

My main problem with female writers is that they are not sitting on my face right now as I'm typing this.

>> No.15813441

>On any other subject the female choice is always inferiour when compared with a male counterpart. As is the natural way human interests fall.

>Stop trying to shilll internalized sexism, like a retard. True stength means to accept which you can't change and concentrate on those which can be altert.


How can you not see how sexist your statement is. You're basing your idea on unfound knowledge and self-righteousness .

>trying to meme mens as experts on child birth and rearing, outside on pure rational fact sheets.

This has nothing to do with the biological ability of women but on male and female intellect . A woman can be just as good a scientist as a man.

Are you schizophrenic?
You know nothing about the work, clearly, but because she is a woman you see her as something inferior. Do women intimidate you?

>> No.15813445

I don't know why I even come here anymore. I'm going back to /sci/

>> No.15813451

Vast majority of them are average.

>> No.15813465
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penis envy

>> No.15813474

Can women disprove this without resorting to ad hominems? I mean, I don't believe it to be true, but I definitely would not ever trade my dick for a pussy so I intuitively feel there's something to it

>> No.15813478

better to be honest and explicit with your bias than vague and under the pretense of impartiality. the bluntness of lit is refreshing

>> No.15813482
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Facts aren't sexist nor racist, they are reality, just like any prejudge represents your brain working properly in terms of pattern recognition.

>A woman can be just as good a scientist as a man.
Can, but more likely than not will never be. Do I need to post the gender bell curve? Let me. Plus reproduction prevents female from truly engaging a subject and no sane woman at 40 years of age will be glad to have picked a job instea of a family (see suicide statistics).

>Do women intimidate you?
Nah, I consider most modern women to be a shame to my sex, tho mostly due to indoctrination. Lemmy guess, you're the hedonist from yeterday? Just a heads up, women distrust and dislike submissive feminist men and will go for a sexist chad when gven the chance. Instead of dwelling in sex in the city literature, maybe visit /fit/ instead?

>> No.15813488

The male ones clearly outshine them, and with the absolute state of literature atm seems it will stay that way for the rest of human history

>> No.15813530

The crux of most feminist theory revolves of such ad hominems toward men as "inferior" without bases. They're core claim on this is that they can exclusively produce children, but that statement gets equalized by the fact that they require the male's seed for that gift.

From a practical perspective, look at how feminization has lead to the masculinization of women: in their behavior, job selection, identity, rights etc. The whole history of feminism has been a move to not expand and embrace the femininity of females, but to brute force their masculinity on par with males.

Rather than embracing the value of being a good mother (something exclusive to women), they have tarnished it as a derogation relative to being a successful career business woman.

>> No.15813536

Name one female writer who's Dostoevsky's equivalent.

>> No.15813540


She was undoubtedly smarter than you, as were most women writers and thinkers of history.

>> No.15813541
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I like this author, happy now?

>> No.15813574
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Ouch, my bad. Honorary man.

>> No.15813579


Is there name for this type of LARPer? You’re one of those positivist, Nietzschean, “Might is Right” incels yeah? Lol no it’s genuinely embarrassing, not because I think you’re totally brain dead, but I really can’t help laughing at sniveling men who get on this board and carve out the most “manly” philosophies to compensate for God knows what.

Wait let me try, “ah, the biological structures of society indicate that men and women are particular roles that must not be deviated from in any way less we deny the order of nature” right? And the holes in the argument are always glossed over. Do you think you can find em this time anon?

>> No.15813596


The point of feminism is having freedom to choose one’s relationship with femininity for themselves rather than be forced into it. Men have been allowed a spectrum of masculine expression for centuries and women have not, it’s literally that simple.

>> No.15813618
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I have no idea what your problem is, but if you felt the need write me your diary entry, because I don't share your delusions, consider getting help.

>> No.15813622

>you’re schizophrenic
>proceed projecting

I always wonder this: why are there so many b8 posters on /lit/? I think it’s just because word got out that people here are autistic as fuck, but you shitheads are so obvious, you always argue along the same lines, I just want to know why? I’m not insane; I know no one would be paying you for this; is it literally just for the benefit of laughing to yourself? This is so tiresome

>> No.15813638

>Men have been allowed a spectrum of masculine expression for centuries

lol no

If anything men are much more constrained in self-expression than women ever were. Women who don't do their role are shunned, men who don't play theirs are killed.

>> No.15813639

Mens spectrum has been as much restricted as that of females. Try becoming a male midwife or even kindergarden teacher and wait for the acusations of pedophilia or pervertism. Both sexes had their role and were more succefull and happy than they are today. Feminism also never meant the freedom of choice, otherwise feminists wouldn't degrade the role of motherhood as much as they do. Feminism was a marketing scheme to get more people in the workforce to squeeze wages down and give the state a bigger indoctrination spectrum (see the child rearing system in the sobjet union or eastern germany).

>> No.15813651

>Try becoming a male midwife or even kindergarden teacher and wait for the acusations of pedophilia or pervertism

You don't even need to pursue a particularly unmasculine role, just failing at a typically masculine role is already enough to make men miserable. Men kill themselves way more and it's often because they're undesirable to women, can't provide for their families or some other general failure at living up to the male role.

>> No.15813667

>The point of feminism is having freedom to choose one’s relationship with femininity for themselves rather than be forced into it.
So you've proven my point that feminism is about the masculinization of women (penis envy).
If you have X & Y, and you tell the X people that they don't have to be X, then their only de facto alternative is Y.

>> No.15813669
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I can't believe the Tao shouted us out

>> No.15813671

>just failing at a typically masculine role is already enough to make men miserable
Indeed. Corono meme killed hundreds of good men after they found themself unable to provid, which still and always will mean social shunning, where suicide is the more honorable exit. But women generally can't fathom this, as our world is so much easier in that regard. But it's not like any of thoe feminists want to talk about male suicides.

>> No.15813696

Oh and you reminded me of the "white feather" movement during the war. Can't think of a female equivallent tho. Funny, isn't it.

>> No.15813726
File: 261 KB, 520x650, F3C8BD76-CCF5-4451-B74D-DCA957427FDF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine giving a flying fuck what Terence thinks

>> No.15813805


That’s not even close to what I said.


You’re very blatantly using a narrow scope of “feminism” and probably attributing it to what you see of whit women on twitter. Read Audre Lorde.


Hardly, look at the history of poetry for example. You can be as soft an effeminate as Wordsworth or as masculine as Tennyson. You can be William Carlos Williams or Wallace Stevens, Edmund Spenser or John Milton, etc. etc. Meanwhile women were criticized for their first steps outside of “traditional femininity”. You don’t have to be a feminist to just trace the history of women’s expression juxtaposed with men.

>> No.15813810

women should be making babies not writing

>> No.15813812


What the hell are you talking about, incel? Deflecting because you know I’m right?

>> No.15813833

>I swear, real feminism has never been tried before
I think I've seen that episode.

>Audre Lorde
I didn't mind looking up who you mean and read some great female works, but seriously, from all available literature you had to pick some gay farm equipment which was to blame to terming the Unwort "afro-german"? What a disgrace.

>> No.15813886

Who would want to make babies with current generation males?

>> No.15813905

Because most of fags here are contrarians and nothing is sacred on /lit/. Be it a man or a woman these alienated nihilistic fucks hate normalfagism.

>I have not yet spoken my last word about women. I believe that if a woman succeeds in withdrawing from the mass, or rather raising herself from above the mass, she grows ceaselessly and more than a man.
Arthur Schopenhauer

>> No.15813946

i share most of his opinion and am not an incel so debate me if you have this ad hominem problem.
>believing people on 4chan
i have no real reason to lie online im just chillin here and thinking about good female writers. I can give you a springboard: Hannah Arendt was nice, I liked her take on Eichmann and I like Harper Lee but I heard most of what she wrote was actually her simp. Anyways, these two can't really compare to what contemporary men wrote and today's female writers are mostly generic trash.

>> No.15813972

that being said, women in general write better than men. aaaand were beck to the bell curve

>> No.15814004


What? Lorde is brilliant man, one of those things you kinda have to step out of your comfort zone to enjoy if you’re generally masculine. She’s wildly insightful but she’s entirely feminine and without pretension so it seems less digestible if you’re used to most western philosophers and canonical authors. I read the whole range and can tell you she is worthy of consideration, a lot more than someone like Judith Butler.

>> No.15814014
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they were mk-ultrad

>> No.15814015

the only female i respect is buttercunt.

>> No.15814026

Jesus, taking Judith Butler for comparison? Another gay and critical theorist? No, thanks anon. Those women are the worst my sex can produce, for which I don't even need to read their works, as their fields of interest are insightfull enought. Completely indoctrinated trash.

>> No.15814079
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How could this happen to us lads

>> No.15814083


Alright man, your loss.

>> No.15814106

beauvoir's only merit is having had the guts to let her thight ass get destroyed by that little mongrel.

>> No.15814114


There's only 2 kinds of writers, those who are worthy remembering and those who aren't.

Since you write with your hands and brains, having or not having a vagina/penis is pretty inconsequential.

>> No.15814141

I want a female writer to cuck me

>> No.15814177

Any charts for women authors? I'm interested in reading them but i'm not really interested in wasting my time with mediocre media.

>> No.15814278

google 4chan lit charts i can’t remember where it is exactly but there’s a pretty good list of canon women writers there

>> No.15814287

Sartre was a well-known ladies man despite his looks. She desired him because other women did.

>> No.15814290

also you should read rachel cusk who is contemporary and kind of popular in the nyc middlebrow literary scene but surprisingly not sjw/preachy or obnoxious, she wrote a trilogy and it’s good

>> No.15814328
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There are far fewer of quality, not just because they were prevented from engaging intellectually for centuries (Which is a factor), it’s also because any kind of exceptionalism whether it by physical, financial, intellectual or influential sources conveys an advantage to attract mates, men compete for women not the other way around (this is also why a lot of successful female writers were lesbians or bi) and so men are more likely to show exceptionalism because they might need to in order to reproduce. /lit/‘s attitude is a response to the modern opinion that women are just as likely to be exceptional in writing as men, they aren’t, the most famous female philosopher ever may be Ayn Rand, imagine if the most famous male philosopher was Lacan, it would be embarrassing to say it represented lots of exceptionalism.
She was big somethinged alright. Also she helped Sartre rape kids.

>> No.15814333

that dumb dwarf's smegmatic penis RAVAGING her throat was her only way to have her commonplaces published by an editor.

>> No.15814364

/lit/ doesn't have any problem with good female writers. Show me the hate thread about O'Connor, or Woolf or Munro or Austen. I'll wait while you search the archives to no avail.

>> No.15814366

>ladies man
More of a little girls man really.

>> No.15814380

Tao probably shouted out /lit/ because he owes virtually all his success to the anons here.

>> No.15814385

> O'Connor,
> or Woolf
> or Munro
> or Austen

truth is there were just 2 great female writers in history: sappho and woolf.

>> No.15814392

Women produce few geniuses. Most female authors and philosophers are midwits.

>> No.15814409
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>excusez-moi mademoiselle, would you like to grab some coffee and have a talk over poetry?

>> No.15814708
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One of my favorite gay vampire books was written by a female author in the mid-70s and I also greatly enjoyed Edith Hamilton's retelling of Greek Mythology in the ubiquitous primer text.

>> No.15814719

Noobs get out.

>> No.15814761

The only women writers I like are shrill lesbians with aristocratic sentiments and those might as well be honorary men as far as contemporary feminism is concerned.

>> No.15814866

>when women act like men its just an extended form of femininity
You're wrong by definition

>> No.15814953

>One of my favorite gay vampire books was written by a female author in the mid-70s
Which book?

>> No.15815446
File: 1.06 MB, 943x1281, Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Noobs get out.
You know what?
That was pretty funny.
Maybe you aren't a total piece of shit ;_;

>> No.15815496

One would assume he means Anne Rice, famed for her gay vampire books, also she wrote bdsm erotica based on the story of sleeping beauty

>> No.15816210


These have way too many words now and the sentences are ham-handed. Sad. This is the magnum opus:

>To truly appreciate how Tao Lin changed Megan Boyle's vagina, one must appreciate the incredible endurance and stamina Lin brings to the bedroom. Where average males deliver a hundred to two hundred thrusts per copulation, Tao Lin exceeds 10,000 in around a half hour period. Megan Boyle's beef never had a chance. Her dainty veal slices were transformed by the hot crucible of Lin's locomotive hips pummeling and drubbing and smashing her beef until it grew as swollen and gnarled as a wrestler's ear. Lin must have marveled over time as he watched her beef blossom with each subsequent sexcapade until Megan was bashful about shorts and skirts and came to prefer yoga pants, which allowed her to tape and tuck her vajayjay jerky. Like an Earth boring machine grinding bedrock, Lin bored into Boyle to free her from herself, to give her the aesthetic charms of a wounded war veteran. Megan would grow to love her beef, to be proud of it. She liked that Tao had made the beef, that it was his muscular jackhammering that turned her bushy peach into a frizzy-headed split pomegranate

>> No.15816244 [SPOILER] 
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Their feet.

>> No.15816302

Frankly, this. They never miss a chance to free their belletristic tootsies during a reading or junket.
>you don't mind, do you?
Heard Mary Karr could match drum solos with how she strummed her dangled heels.

>> No.15816377

Lurk More

>> No.15816410
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>98% of them are trash, the remaining 2% make childrens literature. Also, who's "Tao", sound like a minority, which are produce shit.
1. Untrue, see pic related
2. Imagine being ignorant of the one actual author this board has produced
3. Learn to speak english

>> No.15816530

Tao isn't Tao that can be named

>> No.15816585

>women are so shit at writing they have to trick readers by giving a male pen-name

>> No.15816636

Read Jane Eyre and Beloved and stop while you're a head

>> No.15816644

Chicks live life on ez mode what do they have to write about

>> No.15816751

Only based post of this thread.

>> No.15816784

Insecure women always out themselves with their predictable terminology.

>> No.15816846


Nail Polish 0/10

On the subject of this thread, there's plenty of great female writers, the absolute best writers of all time are all males though (if simply due to greater male variability).

>> No.15816960

lol at picture related

>> No.15817978

>Imagine being ignorant of the one actual author this board has produced
Who's that?

>> No.15818064

Because the most popular female writers are Rand, Rowling, Lee, and the Brontes. All of which bored us to tears in high school. I'm sure there are good female writers, I just haven't been able to read one just yet.

>> No.15818082

I have no problem with female writers but female writers never write anything interesting nor seem to have interesting thoughts.

>> No.15818114

lit went through a period where it was intensely fascinated with the Tao Te Ching. i cant find the post anymore, but one anon meticulously went through it, analyzing its passages, and found a section that quite clearly gave lit a shoutout

>> No.15818252

>denies biology with a seething passion
Tranny hands made this post

>> No.15819548

Beauvoir is objectively a good writer.

>> No.15819648
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>> No.15819819
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>> No.15819839 [SPOILER] 
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