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15812593 No.15812593 [Reply] [Original]

the incel bible

>> No.15812595

>welcome to my thread

>> No.15812597

KEK merchandising 101

>> No.15813499

And you think he's wrong because...
Give us your best arguments. I'm genuinely interested.

>> No.15813881
File: 265 KB, 1080x507, IMG_20200709_160653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And you think he's wrong because...
>Give us your best arguments. I'm genuinely interested.

>> No.15813922

There's nothing easier than being rational. It's a mechanical process, only limited by the capacity of your own mental calculator. You can be less brave than a bug while still being rational

>> No.15814048

these goofy mofos will come haunt my dreams

incels begone

>> No.15814180
File: 244 KB, 434x524, zoy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well first of all, the vast, vast majority of men are completely capable of finding a woman who'll love them without emulating the traits of sociopathy. Unless you're from a profoundly broken home and upbringing, you'll be able to count several cases in your immediate life yourself. If you're from a profoundly broken home an upbringing, unironically try hanging out on plebbit. Even the söyest of söyboys, who cry while listening to Söyfjan Stevens, collect Funko Pops, play Breath of the Wild and drink IPA's manage to have girlfriends, despite being so far from "alpha" as you can possibly get. And no, the idea that they're all constantly getting cucked is one you got from pornography. Even this guy, the poster-child, has a GF.

Now you might be thinking, well, the women these non-alphas get are low-quality. Fuck if I know, that might be. However, I sure as shit am not going to let some fat boomer from Las Vegas define what a quality woman is. The man was doxxed. He works with promo-girls in Las Vegas. To him, a quality woman is a bleach-blonde stripper whose histrionics he can somehow cull with his emulation of sociopathy, and the emotional battery of surreptitiously letting her know that he is simultaneously fucking another bleach-blonde skank on the side.

This is really quite fucking ridiculous. I am never going to take advice on women from bitter old men.

>> No.15815718

these are the guys telling you you're a cuck and all women are whores

>> No.15815728

Guarantee you look like one of them yourself, simp

>> No.15815752
File: 68 KB, 1022x731, It's_All_So_Tiresome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another incel thread

>> No.15815764
File: 643 KB, 1022x731, 1593879244039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another anti-incel poster

>> No.15815773

I abore this picture because I am a slightly more handsome version of them and I look identical to some of them at certain angles.

>> No.15815776

back to twitch

>> No.15815778

kek how do you not see the irony in your posts.
these are more your speed.

>> No.15815779

>back to twitch
Back to Onlyfans

>> No.15815788

Go get laid like I have, then we'll talk. Until then you're little more than a preteen to me

>> No.15815805

why do you fill /lit/ with shitty bait?

>> No.15815807
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tfw look like this

you cannot fucking blame us for turning incel with these genes what the fuck is the alternative?? i look even goofier without glasses and i can't grow any facial hair like the shitskins

>> No.15815809

It is a collection of blog posts, anon. Unironically. Now just imagine the pearls contained in it. I thought about reading as a humorous piece, but I got better things to do. This is the only red pill, it is pure marketing to sell bs to men.

>> No.15815853
File: 116 KB, 400x800, 1589422943656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you? People like you who complain about incels are many times worse than incels themselves. Anyone who has had sex or been in a relationship knows it's just another facet of life rather than some kind of litmus test for whether or not someone "succeeded" in life.
You've got some kind of personal problem that you're trying to compensate with by hating on other people for this reason alone. Could it be that - gasp! - you haven't had sex?

>> No.15815862

Are you retarded? I'm not complaining about incels. I'm complaining about people making threads about incels on /lit/.

>> No.15816042

thanks for the rec

>> No.15816126

I fuckin hate incels because it’s a choice, but even if you look like this there’s shit you can do. Get contacts and grow out your here, it will make your face look better

>> No.15817050

Here's a free protip: never wear square glasses. They're incredibly gay and less aesthetic than round glasses in 99% of cases.

>> No.15817398

I'm 5'6 and my facial hair barely grows. I haven't shaved since around March 14 and my beard hasn't grown more than to about my pinkie nail. Kid we all have problems. You're probably skinnyfat from the sound of it. Start working out and get better glasses.

>> No.15817431

Why does the narrator in the Audible version sound like he’s on downers?

>> No.15818009

Does growing a beard help this phenotype? Asking for a friend

>> No.15818761

I thought we hated them because they are spiteful, hypocritical little shits