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15811166 No.15811166 [Reply] [Original]

I have ADHD and can't focus on the same book for more than 5 seconds, how could you tell?

>> No.15811173


based and failed out of two university degrees-pilled

>> No.15811177

ADHD is caused by being a coomer.

>> No.15811189

Because your head is too small for your neck

>> No.15811198
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>take ADHD meds
>focus on murdering my dick for 5 hours straight instead of homework

>> No.15811215
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can't be a coomer if I'm a f*male.

>> No.15811230
File: 149 KB, 1200x1169, Post+crying+cats_f6323a_6884338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's too real bros... is there a way to cope with the ADHD without frying my brain with meds? I think I'm smart, I could do great things If I hadn't this retarded condition.

>> No.15811237
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>> No.15811242

Unironically lifting weights helps a lot with focus and general mood

>> No.15811277

shut the fuck up tranny bitch

>> No.15811286
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required reading

>> No.15811287

Imagine wasting it. You had one tool to repair your past ruin and you RUIN IT by associating it with sexual activity. Look into conditioned place preference. Then look into the contradictory effects stimulants have on sexual activity (they suppress it until copulation ensues whereupon it heightens its frequency). Then look up how to kill yourself knowing that you've squandered the only way out of this hell.

>> No.15811292

not him but what if I'm a female (female) and don't want to lift weights? I don't want to get muscular...
i have vajayjay shut up mean

>> No.15811299

because you're an american teenager who has been addicted to prescription drugs since you were ten years old?

>> No.15811300

>I don't want to get muscular...
your naturally low testosterone levels preclude significant muscle growth

>> No.15811313

>because you're an american teenager who has been addicted to compulsive masturbation, snacking and prescription drugs since you were ten years old?


>> No.15811314

OK it's my parents fault, how do I stop? I didn't ask for this, I didn't have the power to tell them not to give me drugs.

>> No.15811333
File: 26 KB, 576x540, 3086360 - Gardevoir Porkyman etcxetc(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can still get shit done when there are other people around and beating off isn't an immediate option. I really fucked up online schooling though

>> No.15811335

I arrived at the use of reason by age 6 and would have instinctively been critical of such drugs, much less in the internet era where a simple search would show the stark inevitability of tachyphalaxis and a worsening of the existening problem, doubly wasted considering the nonsense learned in grade and high school isn't worth sacrificing dopamine receptors for. You're not going to make it.

>> No.15811339


>> No.15811351

Weed helps

>> No.15811356

it hurts....

>> No.15811361
File: 10 KB, 236x249, 5475f07b98fe34f609a8e5f46ead6b85--the-frog-frogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this tryhard

>> No.15811365

bitch I have ADHD and I finished my two Bachelors degrees in three years.

>> No.15811370

Just don’t lift so many that you get muscular, but muscular chicks are hot anyways. You don’t have to be a body builder but well defined arms and shoulder mmmmm. If you want more traditionally female workouts just do squats or some shit. A nice ass will probably boost confidence or something

>> No.15811385

meds? If not, please share secret no be mean you know beaing mean hurts ADHD people more );

>> No.15811391

>will probably boost confidence or something
do you... have any recommendations for workout? the guys at /fit/ always derail my posts when I mention I'm a girl,.

>> No.15811402
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>> No.15811408

I had already graduated by the time I got diagnosed. I knew I worked best in busy places, so I used that to my advantage. I still got a C in a class or two due to not doing the readings. But basically, math and stuff was always stimulating enough for me to focus on it easily. I did just get fired from my first job after graduating though so i dunno, dont come to me for the best advice.

>> No.15811410

Read the /fit/ sticky and take it as gospel
You are not going to accidentally turn into a bodybuilder, that's not how it works

>> No.15811434

where to buy.