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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 8 KB, 267x189, 0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15810031 No.15810031 [Reply] [Original]

Pushkin and Dosto confirmed, many other cases. Did the smell of the Russian female foot inspire them to literary heights? Or were they just more based?

>> No.15810053

Confirmation bias. Stop watching porn. Fetishes are maladaptive behaviors.

>> No.15810054

Who gives a fuck you retarded coomer? Go fap and fuck off, this board is for literature, not shit like "did Melville prefer peaches or apricots?"

>> No.15810074

> tfw when the filename is "0001"

Don't tell me 2 - 1000 exist as well, OP.

>> No.15810082

That is an extremely sexy foot. I think anything could become erotic if you presented it right. That is the purpose of artists, though.

>> No.15810088

You and OP should drive off a cliff together

>> No.15810103

>Fetishes are maladaptive behaviors.
So passion is a maladaptive behavior to you? Fuck off.

>> No.15810108

I am a bit confused with this hatred for people who find certain things beautiful that you don't. How is this negatively impacting you?

>> No.15810134

Because it does not align with my particular set of beliefs and standards of beauty, now fuck off

>> No.15810147

Passion for a worthless act that does nothing? There are passionate heroin users more admirable than you.

>> No.15810156
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that you lack appreciation for the possible beauty of feet altogether seems to me the evidence of a tragic worldview where much of existence is full of objects and phenomena which cannot be seen as beautiful from any perspective at all. It is all the more disturbing that you take this perspective even on the human subject; as humans we should be able to find beauty in ourselves if we are able to find it in anything.

fullsize OP pic

>> No.15810161

It does have worth. It is only worthless to you because you do not value it.

>> No.15810169
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>> No.15810173
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>It does have worth. It is only worthless to you because you do not value it.

>> No.15810177

The fact that your opinion is non-inclusive of the beauty of BBC altogether seems to me the evidence of a tragic worldview where much of existence is full of objects and phenomena which cannot be seen as beautiful from any perspective at all. It is all the more disturbing that you take this perspective even on the human subject; as humans we should be able to find beauty in ourselves if we are able to find it in anything.

>> No.15810183

While that picture DID give me an erection, your defense is retarded. Why would you want things to be beautiful from any perspective at all? Such a person would have no taste, and ultimately not even have an aspiration towards beauty, since it is always present. You do not need to justify the things you value and desire. This is the exact thing that does not need to be rationalized.

>> No.15810187

shouldn't black women find BBC beautiful?

>> No.15810193

Passion doesn't give a shit. It just comes to you. Have you NEVER felt insurmountable passion in your life before? That's unfortunate for you, if so.

Strong passion for a lover can manifest in all kinds of ways depending on the self. A fetish is an expression of the passionate self through one's sensuality.

>> No.15810197

No I'm just trying to illustrate how fucking dumb this guy's rationality is

>> No.15810215
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>this whole thread

>> No.15810242

Why, thank you. It's my sovereign duty to protect this board from coomer footfags.

>> No.15810254

I think most feet are ugly but some women's feet can be beautiful, not sure why it's a specific fetish, every part of a woman can be beautiful if you're straight

>> No.15810256

Fetishists BTFO

>> No.15810262
File: 120 KB, 190x265, image3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you having fun in the realm of the Law? You fear being seduced.
>Perversion supposes a contract that is not a contract, that is, a transaction between two free agents, but a pact upholding
the obsevance of a rule . As such it establishes a duel relation (like a challenge) that excludes all third parties (unlike a contract) and cannot be dissociated into its individual terms. It is this pact, this duel relation, with its web of obligations foreign
to the law, which renders perversion invulnerable to the external world - and impenetrable to analysis in terms of the individual unconscious, and thus to psychoanalysis . For the realm of the rule is not part of psychoanalysis's jurisdiction, which concerns law alone. Perversion, on the other hand, belongs to this other universe.

>> No.15810270

Pseud and refuted by Plato in Laws.

>> No.15810279

pseud and refuted by Jean in Simulations

>> No.15810290

You can't go outside with bare feet in Russia because it is snowing all the time. Hence they never see bare feet in casual situations

>> No.15810291

Plato would appreciate feet though, and provides the very metric for determining a beautiful foot, which would be the degree to which it embodies the character of the Ideal foot.

>> No.15810294

Hahaha I remember Dostoyevsky talking about feet a few times. Do you remember the quotes?

>> No.15810304

>Did the smell of the Russian female foot inspire them to literary heights?
They just hadn't coomer-type thoughts to interfere with their writings, since they already had their balls drained while licking some of those russian footsies

>> No.15810309
File: 495 KB, 1080x709, reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every part of a woman can be beautiful if you're straight
When the form is right, absolutely.

>> No.15810323

fingers are too long

>> No.15810368

looks like a tranny

>> No.15810378

why did that gorilla kill that man?

>> No.15810423
File: 63 KB, 600x400, awoo sad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>russian gf says she'll wipe her smelly, mongol/slav feet on my oily italian face

>> No.15810431
File: 573 KB, 2514x1529, Francesca-Chillemi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reeeeeeeeee an attractive woman is posted i have to let everyone know they look like a tranny so that my tranny self can feel better about trying to look like a woman

>> No.15810465


>> No.15810476
File: 153 KB, 1080x1350, stink russian feets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15810997

this is why we need to advocate for open and carry.

>> No.15811039 [DELETED] 
File: 244 KB, 594x806, 7cca4279e2e6479e4798306e2e4c5e0c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anime feet are the only good byproduct of the industrial revolution

>> No.15811182
File: 3.10 MB, 1600x1067, 1566580217507-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15811217

Does look like a tranny.

>> No.15811269
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>> No.15811301
File: 1.87 MB, 3024x4032, C688C804-C11E-4150-A2F2-99930F960ABC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have fun shapes

>> No.15811312
File: 180 KB, 920x920, 1588070786627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw unaesthetic slipper-dippers

>> No.15811332

lol americans
it's always the black men's penises with you fuckers isn't it
mutt's law is real

>> No.15811344

Feet are influenced by estrogen, and very feminine women often have noticeably delicate, feminine feet. Anyone who truly appreciates female beauty can notice it in the smallest curve and protruding bone

>> No.15811354
File: 309 KB, 1080x1016, Screenshot_20200524-071208-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sculpture kino

>> No.15811373

More like /lit/'s law
The more leftists congregate at a spot the more interracial porn addicted cucks you find

>> No.15811418

why are feet so fascinating?
toes are crooked, bent, imperfect
there are wrinkles
the foot is by nature utilitarian.
Yet fascinating.

>> No.15811551

You really have no idea what you are talking about. It is not an emergent aberration of pornography. Read Sacher-Masoch if you wish to understand.

>> No.15811584
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>> No.15811601

What the fuck. It gave me an erection too and I never have been into feet or any fetishes.

>> No.15811617
File: 1.83 MB, 1450x2790, 25C5F673-F615-4EED-86DF-9D73D7CC0572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15811632
File: 20 KB, 504x608, 2AD9FABF-8B5C-4685-8C56-8066DF42B3D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15811649
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>> No.15811655
File: 275 KB, 900x1200, 848FE513-5F28-4472-9F01-926899C39F42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15811668

As far as I know this is a somewhat common ocurrence in 19th century lit and I would imagine in 18th century lit too. In hispanoamerican literature and poetry (From novels like Amalia or the poetry of Martí) when describing a beautiful woman they would do it by their feet, their hands, their ankles, their necks etc. With most of them it could be explained by the fact that they were the parts that a woman would sometimes expose, that does not really explain precisely the interest they had with feet it but I would imagine it is probably related to that in some way.

>> No.15811680

Licking feet may be beneficial, it preserves salt resources within community and boosts immune system.

>> No.15811684

Yeah I notice this in old novels too. What can account for this difference in attitude? Why does it seem strange now? Have we become more alienated from our bodies?

>> No.15811733

that is incredible work

>> No.15811745

i can tell this is a humanities board

>> No.15811773

that's bartolini isn't it? i saw it in the louvre. fucking amazing statue

>> No.15811875

I bet you guzzle cum to preserve salt resourses you hopeless faggot

>> No.15811939

Laugh all you want but I actually find this interesting. A lot of writers describe feet so vividly, I can pretty much see them in my mind's eye. I'm a foot fetishist myself, so I find remarkable similarities in the way I look at women's feet and the way some writers portray them.

>> No.15811957

I am laughing.

>> No.15811961

Funny, I've never found any vivid descriptions of feet. Usually a single adjective like "slender" is all you'll get. The rest is in your imagination, which is best really.

>> No.15811962

Any examples that stick out in your mind? Some ones that I remember have been Kawabata, Tolstoy, Mishima.

>> No.15811964

Thank god for that. Have you ever seen footfags describe feet online? They keep comparing them to food smells and using undignified babytalk words like "stinky." Makes me want to strangle them.

>> No.15811971

Those are fake russian bots trying to slander us.

>> No.15811975

I've read some pretty recent Turkish literature, the scene is basically like this: Dude's walking in some bazaar or some shit, sees a women who looks like his fiancée with some guy. He can't see his face so he describes her bare feet in high heels, the way her heel turns slightly white from pressing against the shoe, her thin ankles, her shoes etc.

I also vaguely remember something like this from Tolstoy I think? He was describing how peasant like some women's feet were and how beautiful that made them.

There's also A perfect day for bananafish, but it's just the protagonist there who's obsessed with feet.

>> No.15812004

I forgot about Salinger. Practically all his stories that I've read have quite vivid evocations of feet and barefootedness (especially if the subject in question is a young female, lol).

One vivid image I remember from Tolstoy was from 'Childhood, Boyhood, Youth', where he describes lying in bed across from his friend who was kneeling down and praying, and the distinct impression of vulnerability or tenderness he got from seeing the soles of his friend's feet. Seeing him in a way he hadn't seen him before. Can't remember exactly.

>> No.15812014

You're right, I recently read that book from Tolstoy, and I remember it was that scene.

You have a good memory Anon.

>> No.15812044

Why do you amerifats always have bbc on the mind? You fuckers make me sick.

>> No.15812051

the question of Melville's pitted fruit preference would have more literary value than this vulgarity

>> No.15812059

Oh, thanks anon. I also distinctly remember how the book opens with Tolstoy's fictional analogue having his feet tickled.

'The Lake' by Kawabata features a lot of this kind of thing too.

>> No.15812077

how the fuck did you know that it's salty.

>> No.15812191

I didn't; how did you?

>> No.15812292

Well, I googled it AFTER your coming out.

>> No.15812338

My coming out of what??

>> No.15812364

It's ok anon, don't fight it.
I am sure that gayness has some positive role in the evolutionary process as well; if it is just to remove degenerated genes from the population then so be it.

>> No.15812371


>> No.15812538

Cope harder nigger

>> No.15812695

kek, they all look like incels too
shit thread.

>> No.15812879

moo-slim detected

>> No.15812884

Feet is literally the most phallic part of the woman. Feetfags are closeted homos.

>> No.15812904

you should see a doctor if your dick resembles a foot bro

>> No.15812961
File: 96 KB, 640x430, 1593296342535_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cursed thread

>> No.15812971

imagine being so insecure that phallic objects trump your own
what a sissy

>> No.15813003

Fetishes do not only develop from porn, footfags have a specific brain deformation that causes feet to be mixed into the sexual processing part of the brain. That being said, feetfags are gross weirdos, they should not be seen as sexually attractive

>> No.15813005
File: 128 KB, 671x960, ae7dcb3cb265b5dd4a1c1dbff8744aab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

diary of a mad old man by tanizaki
trilby by du maurier
footsucker by geoff nicholson

>> No.15813011
File: 587 KB, 3419x4096, 1586212557984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obligatory image to save the day

>> No.15813013

Footfags are dicklets confirmed

>> No.15813030

imagine if feet had pussys... bros it's not fair

>> No.15814481

Fetishes do not necessarily develop from porn, brainlet. An actual fetish rarely does.

>> No.15814490

Damn I love cute girl feet.

>> No.15814690

Yep, this is the best type. Not sure why it's not more appreciated, it's literally a sign of femininity and good health

>> No.15814807

the clit is literally the most phallic part of a woman

>> No.15814846

surely the fingers/thumb would be more phallic? Does your cock have five prongs?

>> No.15814895
