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/lit/ - Literature

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1580801 No.1580801 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /lit/, first time here. I wanted to help my friend with the books he/she (he/she is androgynous) has read. Here's what he/she said.

Finally finished "The Long Hard Road Out Of Hell"~ gotta go back to the bookstore and pick up some things by LaVey & other occultist books. Any recommendations?

>> No.1580804
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shameful self bump

>> No.1580808

I can tell you're from Tumblr.
Please leave and take your mentally ill friend's wishes with you.

>> No.1580810
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it came from facebook.
here comes the shitstorm.

>> No.1580811

>occultist books
Methinks you'd have better luck with /x/

y'see anon, /lit/ is populated by English lit majors who think Finnegans wake is the greatest piece of literature ever made. /lit/ is very good at recommending HIGHBROW lit, but at this point the "reads for fun" element has basically left. Sorry

>> No.1580812
File: 64 KB, 371x574, grapesofwrath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Grapes of Wrath. /thread.

>> No.1580814

samefag bump.

>> No.1580816
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thanks, I'll go there.


>> No.1580818


>> No.1580819

And fuck your genres. That's a good book. There's only two kinds of books - - Good books and shit books.

>> No.1580845

>Any recommendations?

here's one: GTFO! and never return.