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/lit/ - Literature

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15807194 No.15807194 [Reply] [Original]

What am I in for?

>> No.15807274

some pretty entry-level opinions on the American caste system

>> No.15807691

>one of the most important philsopher alive
>ashkeanzi jew so very intelligent

>> No.15808080

He's not a philosopher; he's a fucking linguist dude.

>> No.15808087
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>> No.15808089
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Epic post dude! Nice numbers though 808080

>> No.15808091

Philosophers regard him as among the most important philosophers of language of the 20th century.

>> No.15808098

No I don't

>> No.15808110

The wrong answer

>> No.15808112
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>> No.15808118

don't call him a philosopher, anyone can email him and see for themselves that all his opinions are completely status-quo left. The only reason he is popular is because people like having a so-called intellectual saying the same things as them. He is the type of guy that you will know all his opinions on a topic before you even ask him. I would say his most important contribution to philosophy was his debate with Foucault.

>> No.15808135

didnt even know he was an antisemite, how quaint

>> No.15808141
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For a detailed directory of the ruling class, check out pic related (endorsed by Chomsky).

>> No.15808150

Because he invented status-quo

>> No.15808152

>don't call him a philosopher, anyone can email him and see for themselves that all his opinions are completely status-quo left
Cringe. You don't even know what Philosophy is, do you?

>> No.15808183

>I would say his most important contribution to philosophy was his debate with Foucault.
Holy FUCK you're a retard. Here are Chomsky's most important philosophical writings:

>Chomsky's Philosophy:
Language and Mind (1968)
Reflections On Language (1976)
Rules and Representations (1980)
Knowledge of Language (1986)
Language and Problems of Knowledge (1988)
New Horizons in the Study of Language and Mind (2000)

Having political opinions is not philosophy, dumbfuck. It's just part of being a citizen.

>> No.15808495

No one cares about your boyfriend dude

>> No.15808537

This is the Chomsky thread, son. You'll find your Milo thread here: >>>/pol/

>> No.15808563

Chomsky is a /pol/ author https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/chomsky/

>> No.15808891

So, uh, what's his philosophy?

>> No.15809057

>What am I in for?
Apparently a book on how Noam Chomsky rules the world

>> No.15809083

Howard Zin-tier bluepilling.

>> No.15809119

Fuck Chomsky. Linguists do not take him seriously. He built a cult following of sycophants which gave him prestige; thats it. Generative Syntax was shown to be bullshit early on. If his Linguistic contributions are reyarded then his sophomoric political hot takes in book form are even more retarded.

>> No.15809149

>Linguists do not take him seriously.
He invented modern linguistics, shit-for-brains.

>> No.15809163


>> No.15809167

>t. Non-linguist
Yeah. In the same way Heinrich Schliemann invented modern archeology.
Popularizing something =/= inventing it.

>> No.15809176

No, he didn't "popularize" anything. He literally invented the techniques of modern syntax, phonology, etc. You have never studied linguistics.

>> No.15809220

Are you a MIT lingfag cause you sound like a pseud. He became famous for challenging Skinner which gave him intellectual clout. Formal syntax is useless and his in particular is only marginally functional for indo-european languages only. His own wife's research in L1 language acquisition discredits universal grammar.

>> No.15809270


>> No.15809271

Cringe. You've never studied linguistics.

>> No.15809287

ITT literal brainlets who think they know more than one of the most important figures in linguistics. Chomsky is the equivalent in linguistics of an Einstein. You cannot do the subject as it stands today without his work.

>> No.15809309


Cringe. Imagine thinking that modern linguistics is only syntax and phonology. remind me of his views on corpuslinguistics

>> No.15809321

And what crackpot theory of syntax do you subscribe to?

>> No.15809335

>Chomsky is the equivalent in linguistics of an Einstein.
So somebody only successful because of nepotism, repeating things discovered and published 20 years prior, and making assertions based on religious faith that were later proven to be obviously wrong?

>> No.15809339

>Imagine thinking that modern linguistics is only syntax and phonology
No, modern linguistics is Phonetics, Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, Semantics, and Pragmatics. What alternative to mainstream linguistics did you have in mind?

>> No.15809344


>> No.15809852


>> No.15809867

>the type of arguments made by Chomskyfags

>> No.15810586

Ok /lit/ i'll give you the big enchilada on who rules the world. are you ready?

>> No.15810595

>*Deep breath in*

>> No.15810599

The elite are all about transcendence and living forever and the secrets of the universe, and they want to know all this. Some are good, some are bad, some are a mix. But the good ones don’t ever want to organize; the bad ones tend to organize because they lust after power. Powerful consciousnesses don’t want to dominate other people, they want to empower them, so they don’t tend to get together, until things are really late in the game. Then they come together and evil’s always defeated, because good is so much stronger. We’re on this planet and Einstein’s physics show and Max Planck’s physics’ show that there are at least 12 dimensions. And now that’s what all the top scientists and billionaires are coming out saying, ‘it’s a false hologram—it is artificial.’ The computers are scanning it and finding tension points where it’s artificially projected, and gravity’s bleeding-in to this universe. That’s what they call ‘dark matter’. There’s this sub-transmission zone below the 3rd dimension that just turned over the most horrible things—it’s what it resonates to. And it’s trying to get up into the 3rd dimension—that’s just a basic level consciousness—to launch into the next levels. And our species is already way up at the 5th/6th dimension, consciousining (sic) our best people. But there’s this big war trying to basically destroy humanity, because humanity has free will. And there’s a decision to which level we want to go to. We have free will, so evil’s allowed to come and contend, and not just good. Which is kinda like a false transmission, because what they’re thinking is that they are is ugly and bad, projecting it onto themselves, instead of believing ‘no, it’s a human test about building us up.’

>> No.15810604

And so, Google was set up, 18/19 years ago (I knew about this before it was declassified—I’m just saying I have good sources) that they wanted to build a giant artificial system, and Google believes that the 1st artificial intelligence will be a supercomputer based on the neuron activities of the hive mind of humanity, with billions of people wired into it, with the internet of things. So all of our thoughts go into it. And we’re actually building a computer that has real neurons in real-time that’s also psychically connected to us, that are organic creatures, so that they will have current prediction powers, future prediction powers, a true crystal ball, but the big secret is: Once you have a crystal ball and know the future, you can add stimuli before-hand that make decisions that control the future, and so then it’s the end of consciousness and free will for individuals as we know, and a true 2.0 (and a very bad way) hive-mind consciousness with an AI jacked-into everyone, knowing our hopes and dreams, delivering it to us, not in some PKD wire-head system where we plug in and give up on consciousness because of unlimited pleasure, but because we were already wired-in and absorbed before we knew it by giving over our consciousness to the system, our daily decisions—that it was able to manipulate and control into a larger system. There’s now a human counter-strike taking place, to shut this off before it gets fully into place, and to block these systems and to try to have an actual debate about where humanity goes, and cut-off the pedophiles and psychic vampires that are in control of this AI system before humanity’s destroyed.

>> No.15810628

a good book for you is the DSM-5

>> No.15810636
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>> No.15810685

A discourse on America and the World being run for the benefit of the Power Elite at everyone elses expense

>> No.15810710

ow wow. i guess if its on wikipedia its definitly true. and not just true, probably also makes him in the top 10 philosophers ever. Of course not a philosopher on the same level of anon.

>> No.15811174

>Chomsky is the equivalent in linguistics of an Einstein
oh so he is only well known due to ethnic nepotism?

>> No.15811196

now this is schizoposting

>> No.15811459

America bad >=[

>> No.15811489
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>> No.15811751

Time is short and a good life should be preserved by avoiding bad books

>> No.15811758

>concerned about time
>asks /lit/ for its opinion on a book that you are implying that you are about to read anyway

There are a lot of things here that just don’t add up, OP.

>> No.15811797

Kekd and saved

>> No.15812358

Cope harder dumbass

>> No.15812367

What are you talking about? Einstein was working in a patent office when he had his annus mirabilis

>> No.15812378

>if you're about to read it, it means there's no way you can possibly amend that action if new evidence surfaces

>> No.15812399

>>ashkeanzi jew so very intelligent
That's pretty banal way of thinking.
Even if they had the average IQ of 115, which they don't - at least in Israel, the intellectuals of Europeans and Asians would still outnumber them.

Besides, 115-130 IQ is not enough to be an intellectual, and for every 160 IQ person you'd have to have an equivalent weight beneath the average line to balance it out. But you knew that, right?

>> No.15812410

Yes, it was a joke, pseud

>> No.15812431

>Linguists do not take him seriously.
>"called the father of modern linguistics" 2nd line of his Wikipedia article.
what an absolutely retarded post. completely separated from reality.

>> No.15812472

>wikipedia is written by linguists

>> No.15812512

>coping syntax cultists who wasted their lives studying some useless bullshit that doesn't exist let alone accurately model language (in other words your entire field is pseudoscience)
YES, there are no such things as 'words' generally (not even phonologically).
YES, there is no difference between morphology and syntax.
YES, morphology and syntax are just autistic elaborations of traditional Greek/Latin grammar and utterly useless for explaining languages with due generality.
YES, semantics/pragmatics/etc. -- meaning -- are all that language is at a 'generative' level and the only way to understand nonindoeuropean languages correctly (discarding the presuppositions of Latin/Greek).

Your shit doesn't even model European languages accurately LMAO. Dishonest, autistic cretins.

>> No.15812529

>Language and Mind (1968)
>Reflections On Language (1976)
>Rules and Representations (1980)
>Knowledge of Language (1986)
>Language and Problems of Knowledge (1988)
>New Horizons in the Study of Language and Mind (2000)
literally all refuted by learning a language that isn't indoeuropean and being critical about your tools. even an amateur can do it.

>> No.15812543

>his ethnic group's IQ is only a measly 115
*laughs in ancient athenian citizen*

>> No.15812707

That's not an ethnicity brainlet

>> No.15812736

Stop reading Chomsky. He's a CIA funded fraud who plagiarized his better ideas from Micheal Parenti

>> No.15812808

You... you almost had something to say

>> No.15812859
File: 24 KB, 609x609, A17EE1D4-0721-45A2-87E7-8D2F06F28096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>triggers conservatives
>triggers Holocaust deniers
>triggers Holocaust believers
>triggers commies
>triggers tankies
>triggers sjws
>triggers trannies
>triggers liberals
>triggers continental philosophers
>triggers Cormac McCarthy
>triggers linguists
>triggers computer scientists
>triggers /pol/
>triggers /lit/
>triggers rebbit
>triggers twitter
Based beyond belief.

>> No.15812898

>no one even read it
>lol triggered