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/lit/ - Literature

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15806485 No.15806485[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Bros I'm trying really to not commit suicide.

>> No.15806492

Please leave this place and go see a therapist man, 4chan is absolutely awful for mental health.

>> No.15806501 [DELETED] 

There hasn't been a internet suicide in ages, last one was that muslim kid who took his head of with a shotty, that was what like 2017 or sth

>> No.15806504

Then dont do it

>> No.15806510
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Neat. Go talk to the suicide hotline or something dipshit. This a board in which we discuss literature.

>> No.15806511


Please don't

>> No.15806514

I don't get the suicide meme. You're already dead, it's 100% gonna happen. Why skip the part you won't remember anyway. There's still a chance you get your dick sucked or something. Just never made sense to me not to see the carnival while it's in town

>> No.15806522

Can't blame you for feeling that way in this pathetic clown world.

>> No.15806524

Le long term solution to short term problem

>> No.15806529

(Try to) leave this place. Go for a walk. Try to do more outdoors activities. It gets better, OP.

>> No.15806536

Yeah this cold uncaring chaoic world already has a death cooked up for you why bother doing it yourself
>muh own terms
fuck off

>> No.15806540

U need Allah in Ur life anon,pornography is haram and that has ruined Ur life .This is why u need to accept the mighty Allah in Ur mind and soul.

>> No.15806551

That line is good for a stock speculator who's about to jump out the window cuz he shorted TSLA based on tips from anonymous blog, but what if the "short term problem" is a lifetime of autism?

>> No.15806572

unironically true

>> No.15806574

mr tennis bandana's famous analogy is very apt. Living becomes intolerable to some people.

>> No.15806599


>> No.15806690

Go to a therapist and leave this shit board

>> No.15806982

Get a therapist and read the Myth of Sispyhus and Kierkegaard anon.

>> No.15806991

>4chan is absolutely awful for mental health.
This. But to be honest, so is ALL modern technology

>> No.15807001
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>> No.15807075

Life is not a one way road to a destination. Clearly you are not satisfied with your life right now, I say get up one morning and try something different, go exploring, move somewhere else, get off websites that accelerate your depression and try something new and interesting instead. Even though you may not care about yourself, there are other people that care about you and love you. Take care.

>> No.15807078

>kill yourself because pain is intolerable
>just seek more pain as a solution

>> No.15807107

I don't think the responses of telling this person not to kill themselves is appropriate. If someone is truly in pain - why not let them commit suicide? Lets be honest - most humans have nothing to look forward to in life. We work until we're dead, and that's it. We largely live in a world that is dying, and nobody cares, so what is the point? Death solves the problem of life. It just isn't worth living.

>> No.15807120

Try to power through it OP, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Feelings can be hell and overwhelming, but they pass. If this is situational depression, from loneliness or something, know you're not alone. Focus on learning and improving yourself, work on your goals. It's a bitter pill to swallow, but you can only count on yourself at the end of the day. I believe in you!

>> No.15807125

if some anon telling you not to kill yourself makes you not kill yourself, then your impulse to kill yourself was literally weaker than the whisper of anonymous shit-flingers on a basket weaving forum. nobody weak should be killing themselves. killing yourself from a strong position is based - thats completely different

>> No.15807126

If this world if hell, why are you still here then? I think I answered your question. Clearly there is something keeping you here.

>> No.15807128

I hold the same view as all ancient societies did, suicide is only acceptable at certain defeat in battle, for honor in battle, or as an absolutely last resort for tremendous physical pain as a means of ascending into the Above

>> No.15807133

If your head hurts, you could kill yourself or take an aspirin. Both work, but you might as well start with the aspirin before committing to the other option.

>> No.15807134
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Dont do it, you might get reincarnated as a nigger

>> No.15807140
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Reminder that virtually no one in western civilization takes good care of their brain. Be gentle with it, feed it plenty of interesting knowledge, and realize most of your suffering is based on unnecessary and unrealistic desires. Turn your fucking tv off and breathe.

>> No.15807153

Shitty, off-topic thread. Should be deleted.

>> No.15807164

Imagine being so jealous of a role called 'janitor' that you actually larp it without the underlying authority? Amazing. Bumped.

>> No.15807167

Youth suicide is almost always as a result of philosophical cucking. It's on topic.

>> No.15807432

did you discuss this with those who invited you to this planet?

>> No.15807808
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We all are

>> No.15808053

maybe cause the carnival fucking sucks and you'd literally rather not exist than attend it lmao
>kill me

>> No.15808583

What book is that, OP? Sounds like shit.

>> No.15808621
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why not?

>> No.15808625

The carnival will go on, but you cannot enjoy it, no matter how fun it is. You are in pain, you are sick, and will never recover. Have you ever gone to a party while you had the flu? It wouldn't be very enjoyable. Everything is ruined, you're ruined, and it hurts every day of your life to live like this. This is the mentality. I do not support this mentality, though.

>> No.15808690

>4chan is absolutely awful for mental health.

The absurd of existence is awful for mental health.

>> No.15808706
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All smart people commit suicide.
If you haven't killed yourself yet, you're not really smart.

>> No.15808711

Stay strong anon

>> No.15808717

dont do it. seek out a therapist. i go to one that couldnt be cheaper and it helps so much. no fancy park ave leather sofa person, just a normal person i can complain to and speak about my life with. keep moving forward!

>> No.15808719

Do it faggot

>> No.15808765 [DELETED] 

if you have tried therapy, reached out to the people that matter in your life, tried to find purpose, tried hobbies and took medication. but still you can't cope with your pain/mental health.
take your time(maybe move inna woods) and try to deeply examine life from a high vantage point if all this doesn't make any sense then fuck it, kick the bucket.

>> No.15808774

you should really be trying to post about literature

>> No.15808779

>not realizing that all worthwhile literature contents with the OP statement
Read more

>> No.15808791

>Go to a therapist and leave this shity place.

>> No.15808801

Me too, man. Me too. I hate this modern world. I hate how all my mistakes are ingrained in my mind like stone. I've been getting drunk every night for the last three months.
I'm about to check myself in to a pysch ward soon.

>> No.15808819

maybe if you're a delusional doomer double nigger without a shred of intelligence or self-awareness

>> No.15808866

Plz don't commit suicide anon. Also don't listen to the people saying "do it faggot" or something similar. The amount of time they've spent on this website has caused them to forget that other posters are human, making their opinion on this matter less than worthless.

>> No.15808878

Are you still alive OP?

>> No.15808890

I just can't relate to that, I find the rng of life pretty interesting, but if I could relate I would kill myself, sure.

Yeah, I mean if you really can't enjoy it then killing yourself makes sense, but also there are lots of young guys who due to not having vaginas and mouths available, think they are in pain and sick and will never recover. In reality they are suffering 20sitis. They don't really need to kys

>> No.15808895

That’s not a book. You drop this shit on >>>/adv/