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/lit/ - Literature

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15804906 No.15804906 [Reply] [Original]

>Virginia Woolf is a writer driven by resentment and insignificant, two-bit anglo elitism. You can always tell which writers Woolf owes the most to because she vehemently bad-mouths them at every turn. She couldn't stand that an Irish plebeian did everything she wanted to do in literature 10 years before she developed the awareness to even try. Woolf's attempt to capture the transcendent details, the momentariness of life, and the subjectivity of being human, were all done first in A Portrait of the Artist and killed off in Ulysses. Everything To the Lighthouse tried to do was done in Dubliners and with a more deft hand. All of her stream of consciousness schlock is utter garbage compared to Molly Bloom's soliloquy. Not only this, but Virginia Woolf had no talent for realism. It must have been a sorry day when poor old Virginia realized that she was destined to play second fiddle to Joyce and had no other choice but to write the only thing she could. She could not make the transition to realism. Woolf knew that even if she tried, her writing would never ascend to that Chekhovian beauty and intricacy captured in the work of her former friend Katherine Mansfield. Of course, like Joyce, it didn't take long for Virginia to turn sour on Mansfield. What a laugh that Woolf has been shouldered as some sort of champion of women's lit, when she tore down other talented female writers in an attempt to claw her way to the top. If it were not for the fact that her husband ran a printing house, this woman would be languishing in out of print, 7/10 novels read by mentally challenged fucking retards who believe that reading a British woman whose father and brothers went to Cambridge is somehow progressive and fair-minded.

>Virginia Woolf was a woman driven by envy and poisoned with bitterness. What a colossally derivative fucking harpy cunt.

>> No.15804912

I've seen so many over the years, I don't think I could find any.

>> No.15804925
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>> No.15804931

>Everything To the Lighthouse tried to do was done in Dubliners and with a more deft hand
Hearty kek

>> No.15804949

All my posts desu

>> No.15805160

Oh totally, read Theodore Dalrymple's review of her book Three Guineas.

>> No.15805170

Same. I go read them again every now and then