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/lit/ - Literature

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15803842 No.15803842 [Reply] [Original]

Since the last one didnt go so great ,i made another one .
Post books with less than 300 pages that are worth reading .
When i have enough might make a mega of them and upload them here

>> No.15803843

last thread :

>> No.15803960
File: 141 KB, 996x1400, 71o3aS8qwOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thread. Heres one I like.
Most of Ryu Murukamis books are also in the 200 page range.

>> No.15804017

What you like about it ?
Also i always had doubts on reading Murakami ,mostly with the fact that /lit/ says he is not that great , what's your opinion ?

>> No.15804043


>> No.15804052
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Very kino "low" sci-fi

>> No.15804065

Blanchot - Thomas The Obscure
Bernhard - Yes, Concrete
Beckett - Texts for Nothing
tao te ching
capital realism

>> No.15804760
File: 29 KB, 281x475, 888891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joseph Mcelroy's The letter left to me
>Written by a father to his son almost three years before the father's death, the letter in question is discovered a few days after the funeral. Powerful and moving when the boy first opens the envelope, his father's sober woprds warn him against life's daily distractions

>> No.15805054

The crying of Lot 49.
If on a winter's night a traveler

>> No.15805810
File: 28 KB, 246x357, In_the_Miso_Soup_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its written as an introspective analysis on an acquaintances suicide but really author killed himself shortly after this was published. I like the poetic and fragmented way he writes. A lot of quotables.
I think people may dislike Murukami since he borders thriller genre fiction but I think he elevates it enough to be worth reading. His stuff is short so you can make your own determination if you like his style without wasting too much time.

>> No.15805917

You’re talking about Haruki Murakami and he’s talking about Ryu Murakami.

>> No.15805969

fuck ,yes you are right .Ryu is great ,one of the best on the east side of the transgressive literature

>> No.15807037
File: 23 KB, 181x278, 1233488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Piere Guyotat's Eden,Eden,Eden
Jan 27, 2013
Nefariousbig rated it it was amazing
Recommends it for: the unoffendable
Shelves: reviewed
Recommended for: the unoffendable reader in search of artistic avant-garde narrative streams of unpalatable filth that stabs at your sense of decency.

This extremely pornographic, epic narrative is not only utterly and completely unpalatable, it is artistically inspired and enthralling. It truly IS for that unoffendable lot who will reach into the bonfire to save Love’s precious art, and Life’s freedom of expression. Many would not brave the fire for this one.

[Excerpts taken from Preface by Roland Barthes]

Eden, Eden, Eden is a free text: free of all subjects, of all objects, of all symbols, written in space (the abyss or blind-spot) where the traditional constituents of discourse … would be superfluous.

It is hard to breathe when reading this book. There are no hard stops. There are no periods. There are only spaces, pauses that seem to genuflect to the next sequence of thoughts. There is no space between the spaces in between. Only stale air, and stagnant streams. It’s exhilarating, nauseating, and unpalatably vulgar.

>> No.15807565

Seconding Blanchot

>> No.15807579

what's is it about ?

>> No.15808410
File: 12 KB, 165x254, 12885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

John Barth's Lost in the Funhouse
>Barth's lively, highly original collection of short pieces is a major landmark of experimental fiction. Though many of the stories gathered here were published separately, there are several themes common to them all, giving them new meaning in the context of this collection.

>> No.15809387
File: 28 KB, 425x633, The Last Picture Show.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody talks about it, but The Last Picture Show is incredibly poignant and has stuck with me vividly. It captures so much so beautifully well and does so with zero pretension. It's the only book I can think of that doesn't write teenagers weird. If you are remotely familiar with nowhere towns and the kind of people who live there, this book will pierce your soul. The movie is highly acclaimed and considered a classic, but it was underwhelming to see after reading the book. It really doesn't compare. Plus, it's got a scene where some kids get together and gang rape a cow.

>> No.15809416

Wow that last part . You got me there

>> No.15809679

Glad to hear.
>LARRY MCMURTRY has deposited $0.02 into your account.

>> No.15810342

Picked this up and have already read a 3rd of it, great rec!

>> No.15810347

Thirding this recommendation. Good shit. You can see it either before or after the film, too, because they're completely different.