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15803558 No.15803558[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are Marxism and Anarchism currently experiencing a resurgence?

>> No.15803611

Because capitalism is staggering to the ground AGAIN.

>> No.15803624

Resurgence? Perhaps. But i think it always lingers and opportunistically manifests when social cohesion dissipates (floyd, jogger, pandemic). Contemporary leftists are extremely LARPy though and operate under capitalist incentives masquerading as anti-capitalism. Idk though, ive just been really into Land lately. ACCELERATE.

>> No.15803628

Same reason fascism and traditionalism are

>> No.15803635

Land would also think a lot of these tradfags and poltards are larpers as well

>> No.15803643

and it always will baby! Subsuming any bit of exit strategy. there is no post capitalism. we are at the end of history. marx was wrong, but not in the way he thought he was. Post-capitalism equals post-humanism and we are already there. Leftist-philosophy. There is no human to exit from capitalism.

>> No.15803647

>My Twitter feed is the window to the world. I see all!

>> No.15803648
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They have always been popular outside of the imperial core, but recent events have started to equalize the material conditions of the masses within and without, making American politics more like India, Bolivia, or South Africa and less of an outlier.

cringe. Just admit that you don't want to try doing anything because you probably would fail. Don't try to pretend you know how to play 4d chess while Nick Land is trying to take as many drugs as possible before he dies.

>> No.15803651

Including myself! I suck at this shit!

>> No.15803654

>Hey bby. May as well give up!

There’s a bootlicker who didn’t start with no Greeks

>> No.15803662

Union memberships are at an all time low, communist parties have far less members than they did in the 60s, online communities do not reflect the real world anon.
Commies and Fascists have been completely btfo by liberalism that their only refuge left is one given to them by liberalism itself, is there no bigger sign of defeat other than the fact that you could walk into a bookstore and buy Mein Kampf, the commie manifesto or whatever
meme radical pamphlet you subscribe to? it is basically the current system telling you how ineffective your ideologies are and how they will never see the light of day again, and even capitalizing on your defeat.
Had you been living under commies or nazis you can be sure the opposite ideology's theories would be burned, because that's how fragile both of those systems are.

>> No.15803663

Because they are toothless and nonthreatening to the establishment.

>> No.15803664

Accelerationism does not imply "not wanting to try anything." Actually the exact opposite in the Machiavellian sense. Imma accelerate myself directly into Cthulu's asshole

>> No.15803666

Well your view that post capitalism is post humanism is just a cope to avoid the ethical considerations of leftism and decouples leftist politics from its most important principles...

>> No.15803672

They put on the cop riots for them. They fear them well enough

>> No.15803678

That's just trump being a retard, the majority of those protesters are not commies.

>> No.15803680

members of the managerial class like to appropriate leftist activism as a fashion statement, in all those universities they usurped and turned into private clubs for themselves

don't worry, it's not real marxism. it's just left-liberalism. they are still fundamentally paternalistic bourgeois retards, see for example their fetishization of black people as perennial subhuman charity cases.

>> No.15803682

I will never give up. I want to raise atlantis and invoke LAM so i can find out the secrets of labor economics.

Fr tho, accelerationism, like nietzsche, inspires a more dedicated nihilism. That is why i throw on a jocko podcast and get shredded. I am a total chad.

>> No.15803686

in fact many big businesses are rallying behind their cause.

>> No.15803692

You mean you sit on your armchair and post hot takes on twitter all day long while being high on the smell of your farts?

>> No.15803695

based, and accelerationism >>15803624
is basically their coping mechanism to the fact that they can't do anything about it

>> No.15803705

I think that you are talking passed my point. How does post humanism avoid the ethical considerations of leftism? The claim already presupposes ethics. Meaning, it's an entirely different discussion and one in which would come down to the fundamental question: do we continue the advancement of technology?

>> No.15803708

wow an anon posting straight from 2014

>> No.15803712

I am confused by this critique. Why does accelerationism imply laziness? Certainly not who i am. It's just a realistic perception of what capital IS.

>> No.15803713

Yah, I would agree it is a coping mechanism. what political theory isnt?

>> No.15803714

The US has had the largest labor actions since the neoliberal era began. While it's nothing compared to even the 60s, it's not like the union movement was doing well in the 20s before it became ascendant in the 30s. There are decades where nothing happens followed by weeks where decades happen.

I mean the university PC crowd is very different than the DSA crowd. It's not a surprise that like the Pod Save fucks are completely in line with one while also being loathed by the other. One of those groups is organizing rn and the other is chanting "Peaceful Protest" at BLM events

>> No.15803732

Kill yourself tranny.

>> No.15803740

Everything other than the liberalist world order is, thanks to propaganda+psychology+social media drawing some blood from democracy. We're in a new age, we need new social orders, so we're desperately scrambling for anything in reach.

>> No.15803752

That’s the ploy. That this is a race riot and now the corporations are all woke and shyt. This is to obscure the labor movement, make protesting less desirable for the general public and scare the wildcat strikers.

>> No.15803757

Because all they want is a vote

>> No.15803788

The third way has just proved itself to be wholly incapable so you can expect some more polarization among the population, but it is inconsequential because the ruling class has already found their way of maintaining total control (see The End of History) without completely retarding the economic productivity and both extremes of the spectrum are just wasting their time beating each other while ignoring the actual perpetrators.

>> No.15803796

don't you fags ever cringe hearing yourselves? no you are not political scientists, you are just neets on an imageboard so what the fuck would you know about how to run a country? stop taking yourselves so seriously

>> No.15803810
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>stop taking yourselves so seriously
After you

>> No.15803812

I see you didn't grow up in Latin America

>> No.15803813

Because capitalism has fully stripped itself of accountability, meaning that fuck ups don’t get punished, meaning that the fuck ups will accumulate, until society itself becomes unstable. A good example of this is the wealth inequality. If you live in a gated community, and thus isolate yourself from the consequences of this, you have no idea that this is a massive problem, meaning that you’ll keep contributing to even more wealth inequality, until people have had enough

>> No.15803815

>no you are not political scientists, you are just neets on an imageboard
You’d be amazed how often the latter outperforms the former

>> No.15803821

It's just fashionable.

>> No.15803835

wow let me bow down in deference to POLITICAL SCIENTISTS, the world renowned experts at being neoliberal tranny apologists

>> No.15803838

And now accfag can't even post his twitter threads here, just has to spam threads with off-topic shit about the ultimate larper.

>> No.15803850

You're right but political scientists are just as dumb as the average /lit/ poster

>> No.15803866

No one really knows better when it comes to politics, unless you're some expert in urban development and you know the ins and outs of handling a federal budget then you're just a larper with irrelevant opinions.
Which most leaders are, you think Trump knows shit about politics? you think Lenin, Stalin or Hitler understood how to run a country? all of it was done by experts and is continuing to be done so, it's the only reason our society can function properly despite having morons on the top.

>> No.15803876

because Hillary lost, it literally happened over night

>> No.15803879

>all of it was done by experts and is continuing to be done so
Yeah, no

>> No.15803880

Exactly its the current fashion
Anyone remember climate change?
>fuck off thats so unhip grandpa, um all about smashing the capatalist state now man!!

>> No.15803921

Except it is, you think the average faggot sitting on the senate knows anything about running the country? everything is dumbed down for them so that the actual experts can do their job and the rest can debate on whether abortion is good or bad or some irrelevant shit that has nothing to do with the economy

>> No.15803933
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It's because we've all realized that capitalism is a retarded and degenerate form of human social relations, valuation, or even.. as a programmatic method for investment of our time and energy. So, we first turn to the capitalist critic par excellence for some insight.

IMO Marxism qua Marxism is a bit of a doomed thing because it has just so much baggage from the last century that still persists to this day, like those absolutely worthless communist parties in western nations that are obvious fed psyops and fly the hammer and sickle.

But, leftist anti-capitalist sentiment is burgeoning and has no signs of slowing down, considering how shit things have been recently

>> No.15804499

because of neoliberalism

>> No.15804741

>the university PC crowd is very different than the DSA crowd

did you watch the dsa convention? they are one and the same thing

>> No.15804751

I think you mean bastardization.

>> No.15804757

Because capitalist production continually strives to overcome its immanent limits, yet overcomes them only by means which again counterpose these limits to it in a more enormous measure.

The true barrier to capitalist production is capital itself. It is that capital and its self-valorization appear as the starting and finishing point, as the motive and purpose of production; production is production only for capital, and not the reverse, i.e. the means of production are not simply means for a steadily expanding pattern of life for the society of the producers. The barriers within which the maintenance and valorization of the capital-value has necessarily to move – and this in turn depends on the dispossession and impoverishment of the great mass of the producers – therefore come constantly into contradiction with the methods of production that capital must apply to its purpose and which set its course towards an unlimited expansion of production, to production as an end in itself, to an unrestricted development of the social productive powers of labour. The means – the unrestricted development of the forces of social production – comes into persistent conflict with the restricted end, the valorization of the existing capital. If the capitalist mode of production is therefore a historical means for developing the material powers of production and for creating a corresponding world market, it is at the same time the constant contradiction between this historical task and the social relations of production corresponding to it.

This is correct. But there are some faggot redditors deluded into thinking that by saying "nigger" in public and voting for Sanders one assumes an opposite political standpoint to the one of those PC liberals.

>> No.15805156


>> No.15805192


>> No.15805200

because iq is decreasing

>> No.15805227
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Bravo, sir. Dare I say based?

>> No.15805240

>american communism
I truly pity anglos.

>> No.15805244

emmanuel "je suis maoïste" macron

>> No.15805256
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monsieur Macron... sil vous plait.. Maoisme est le plus bonne!

>> No.15805268

It’s not capitalism. It’s only capitalism for the middle class and poor. It’s socialism for the rich. Look at any economics textbooks and they will say every economy is a mix of capitalism and socialism. Of course they never mention the class division...

>> No.15805313

They are?

>> No.15805333

I would have no problem people internalized and became anarcho - socialists/communists.

It would mean they will focus more on their lives and change culture around...

While political Marxists, classical socialists would say - ah but look we still want to CONSUM, we are heavily atheistic/materialistic and you should be too, and we're going to kill you anyway because we want all the power.

Sprinkle the first with religious values (true religions, not the ones people invented for money) and you're golden.

Once the people are changed and the culture is better, it'll produce even in a parliamentary liberal order (hopefully less laisez-faire) a better material order.

>> No.15805364

I think social media is the window to autism.

>> No.15805369

Its mostly just LARPing millenials and zoomzooms

>> No.15805372

God is dead.

People are looking to the sciences for wisdom, and the academies are full of overthinking losers looking to rationalize their own failures and importance.
For losers Marxism is an easy utopic vision with which to focus political efforts that also easily expresses ones "virtue".

Its easy to pick up, it's easy to identify with, its easy to express false virtue with, and it explains why they're a loser who has failed instead of their unfitness.

>> No.15805409

It's mostly just online propagandists, the recent riots are just pandemic fatigue to finally be aloud out and in crowds but you can cloak yourself with "Righteousness" even though they are literally breaking the exact rules they bitched at suburban moms who were at brunch about.

>> No.15805551

Democratic socialism and China owning a monopoly on rare metal production has fucked over the West and social media and Photoshop have given Marxists and anarchists new and powerful means to add fuel to the growing fire.

>> No.15805592

>Socialism is when the government does stuff

>> No.15805609

Most of modern day political groups are composed of marginals. Goes to both left and right wing.

>> No.15805662

They are just useful idiots for the left leaning liberals, used to terrorize their mildly socially conservative liberal opposition. All the leftist protesters will vote for Joe Biden for "harm reduction", while Biden is running red scare propaganda against Trump and saying that he'll properly wage war against Venezuela and Iran instead of being a soft Russian asset.
Fukuyama was mostly right. Capitalism is the end of history. It's just that it'll be China style surveillance capitalism instead of the free market liberalism that values free speech and stuff. Charlottesville killed the right wing populists forever and the social democrat surges in the UK and USA were completely destroyed without having any backup plans.

>> No.15805666

>The political "left" has dominated western culture for more than 50 years now.
>Marxism and its bastard offspring like critical theory were never purged out of academia for the failed and cancerous ideas that they are.
>Mega corporations, headed by individuals who care only about lining their own pockets and garnering prestige, allow Marxists and social justice types to run amuck in middle management position because neither group possesses a sense of responsibility or ownership of business that they inherited.
>Consolidation in tech and the egregious censorship of opposing ideas by ideologues has boosted the visibly of certain ideas and made them seem much more prevalent than they actually are.
>Subverse of elements of traditional western society by elements hostile to it, ie Marxists and their ilk, have created a vacuum of meaning which someone people will attempt to fill with any thing.

>> No.15805682

You do realize the critical theorists were perpetually seething about how capitalism used the radio and TV to replace classical music and theatre with rock music and sitcoms, right?

>> No.15805758

Critical theory is so self contradictory that nothing that comes out of it is relevent at all.

>> No.15805874

A living proof that people should stay away from economics textbooks if they want to understand what capitalism and socialism are.

>While political Marxists, classical socialists would say - ah but look we still want to CONSUM, we are heavily atheistic/materialistic and you should be too, and we're going to kill you anyway because we want all the power.
Your Twitter buddies are not Marxists, despite their red avatars.

>> No.15806006

Adorno isn't representative of critical theory as a whole.

>> No.15806064

because the definition had to keep being watered down by reactionaries and elites in order to keep anti-socialism propaganda going. obama was a socialist, bernie was a communist, biden is a socialist. the lie is too obvious; they want anti-intellectual workers that obey. they want privatized profit and to pass losses their losses onto society. socialism is just an umbrella ideology that seeks to prioritize the collective good. whether that be state socialism or
libertarian socialism

>> No.15806076

Because we are currently undergoing a second industrial revolution, i.e. the digital revolution, and accordingly entering a second gilded age.

>> No.15806086

>Mega corporations are responsible for the resurgence of Marxism

You're completely correct for the completely incorrect reason

>> No.15806482

Isn't it more like we're approaching the end of the second gilded age with another Panic of 1893 now beginning?

>> No.15806566

I only follow some Christian orthodox writers on Twitter.

And I open it once two weeks, but it bores me quickly.

>> No.15806681

marxists are seeing a resurgence but anarchists are most likely not

>> No.15806719

The poor and decreasing middle classes know their lot in life is shit and they know it. Unfortunately this leaves them vulnerable to those that would exploit them such as the Marxist elite and those simply looking to burn the world around them. Damn the future, they can't see more than a step ahead of them and even that is questionable. The elites don't care how badly the peasants harm each other so long as they continue to live in decadence.

>> No.15806763

>Why are Marxism and Anarchism currently experiencing a resurgence?
Because the west is filled to the brim with absolute losers.

>> No.15806768


>> No.15806779

if a couple of people fail while most are doing well it might be their fault.
if majority of people are losers maybe it's the fault of their environment
think about it anon

>> No.15806792

>Marxist elite

>> No.15806804

>>Marxism and its bastard offspring like critical theory were never purged out of academia for the failed and cancerous ideas that they are.
what is the red scare. retard.

>> No.15806816

the red scare was a joke. if you want to actually eradicate an ideology you do something like the denazification in postwar Germany

>> No.15807017

Marxism is largely a cult. Socialism, Communism etc has never been achieved, and the "proletariat" has largely been domesticated by capital. The working movement was never the revolutionary subject, as history as shown, as revolutionary movements have only led more advanced, reformed states of capitalism.
Marxists spend most of their days as despotic sects that compete for rackets that are already cogs in the capitalist machine. There are no methods of overcoming capital, and the best you can do is just minimize your interaction with it by becoming self sufficient.

>> No.15807484

yes of course. these are ideologies for autists from moms basements.

>> No.15807529

the red scare was simply to remove the midwits who were making america's conversion into a communist country too fucking obvious

>> No.15807560
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god died.
people must justify existence
capitalism and communism are 2 sides of the same coin.
capitalism exhausted itself.
communism already failed but its utopian ideology replaces religion for traumatized atheists.
these atheists become communists in devotion and fulfill religious duties.
it fills the void for awhile but drives them to suicide, assassination, or cheka zealots/any of the other ideological mass murder gangs. the abyss already conquered them.

>> No.15807569

"give up"
there was never any objective from the start.

>> No.15807610

because liberal democracy sucks, and most people aren't really into fascism

>> No.15807693

This. Although I believe that the resurgence of communism and fascism comes from liberal democracy sucking(Well in the eyes of the marginalized) Fascism and communism are picking up people who feel deprived and desperate for change.

>> No.15807755

but fascism and communism are also 2 sides of the same coin. one is simply the ideology yet nationally focused the other internationally. all change is brought about by these utopian speaking socialists, however, and concepts of 'mass movements' totally alien to the foundation of all Western mythos. There are no heroics in mass movements, just the void. therefore, both movements took place simuatelenously and caused the final traumuatic death blow to the West in the form of WW2 in which all contemporary belief systems stem from. It replaced the dead-god religion with a new religion of hyper-senisitive moralism to try and purge the trauma from ww2 from the psyche of Western people. it isn't working and won't ever work. In the USA, this has taken a very radical form with people kneeling together, chanting in public while committing to 'social distancing' and other government newspeak buzzwords. they promote the concepts of 'silence is violence' etc. the reality is that this new religion is founded on trauma purely and looking to escape from it. but the trauma is that god is dead and there is nothing tangible to replace it. most people aren't interested in trying to transcend this paradigm and most will likely die long before they even remotely self-actualize (e.g. the "npc meme" that is popular). the latest fad now is moral crusading, which is a sure predecessor to civilization collapse as people desperately compete for "goodness" in a dying empire at the expense of one another (e.g. doxing, mass brigading against wrongthink, etc).

ultimately these 2 concepts are rooted, perhaps, in some kind of cosmic struggle however. but most likely the West has lost the last of its fighting ability and will pamper out of existence as it is currently similar to the Roman world did. overrun by barbarians at the gates, etc. the in-fighting of the Roman world meant nothing as it was sacked and pillaged from the outside world. the difference is there were living cultures to fill that void e.g. the establishment of the "third rome" in the east and the HRE in the west - a kind of temporal bandage to link the cultural shift. but the cultutral shift in the West is not as clear. in this case, China and/or Russia will attempt to fill this void, yet both are exhausted themselves and both are hastening their collapse. the vaccuum from the collapse of the american empire will be, in my opinion, far more catastrophic than that of Rome.

>> No.15807768

Because a tiny part of the population hoards all the wealth lol

>> No.15807800

wealth is a meaningless entity in the West as it largely takes the form of printed paper backed by nothing. this allows them control but it's superficial. wealth in antiquity was easier to define because it was largely based not only in objects of clear value (e.g. gold, silver, etc) but also largely because these objects could only be obtained by deeds. the greeks would erect shrines solely to heroes of local towns as tokens of aspiration for its youth. this is unheard of in the contemporary West and would be impossible under Communism which desposes of heroics in favor of mass movement.

regardless of this point, "hoarding the wealth" today means very little because you would therefore have to suggest that these barons are immune to the cultural decline. it is like saying that the french aristocracy just prior to the revolution held any kind of authority worth mentioning, they were living on borrowed time. but the end result was not the toppling of aristocracy with an improvement, rather just a decline in Form. communism is essentially the rock bottom you can hit. anarchism is just a kind of mythos constructed because anarchists are incredible totalitarians.

>> No.15807811

Lmao this, capitalists let "radicals" bitch and moan online to relieve their impotent rage, meanwhile nothing ever changes. Other than more welfare for niggers, current civil unrest will change nothing

>> No.15807823

i am reminded of those executions via gulag imprisonment of various recipients of the "hero of the soviet union", for example, following the Culture Destroyer War (ww2). with the death of heroics and the metaphysical transcendence that this entailed (e.g. the disregard for pseudomorality which instead was known as VIRTUE) we see only decline into the abyss ever since. Like those neo-marxist 'historians' that write about how those barrow mounds that the indo-europeans built were symbols of "authority" and not the fact that the community celebrated the passing of a great and noble man. it's all been poisoned and corrupted by a lesser people known as communists, but communism is the logical conclusion to the decadence of christianity/abramhamic religion in general (e.g. judaism and islam).

>> No.15807846

>people shouldn't read about capitalism and socialism if they want to know what capitalism and socialism are they should just read this propaganda pamphlet then they'll really understand

No thanks my transgender friend I think Economics textbooks are a more valuable source of information than twitter users that listen to Chapo Trap House all day but what do I know

>> No.15807847

Because americans cant understans terminology

>> No.15807859


>> No.15808046

Why hopefully?

>> No.15808295

Because the massive wealth inequality and unstable cycles of boom and bust inherent to capitalism are bad and I hope that they come to an end soon.

>> No.15808341

¿ ÓwÒ ?

>> No.15808485

And Europeans cannot spell words properly. Maybe if you spent less time going to jail for sending a mean tweet then you could work on your English skills.