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15803457 No.15803457 [Reply] [Original]

this is pretty much just 1984 Lite

>> No.15803463

Except it's good and isn't muh 'neo-liberal' bullshit. Kafka was a real writer, Orwell was a coward and a traitor.

>> No.15803467

Orwell was a hack who wrote clunky parables that were undeserved lauded as prophetic. Kafka was a genius.

>> No.15803476

This, 1984 was like a nice horror story nothing more. It's philosophy and sociology/anthropology is non-existent. He also doesn't commit to a critique on atheism or technology. It's just shock value the novel with no greater ideas or any worthwhile analysis. "Woah guys let's not get too crazy with that totalitarianism here."

>> No.15803478


>> No.15803495

The biggest takeaway from 1984 is that power is in itself a motivation to certain people. There was no other motivation behind the party other than simply holding power. As an American and one raised to value freedom above all I couldn't even fathom this as anyone's motivation when I read this in high school. I thought 1984 was much better than Fahrenheit 451. The newspeak and the telescreens and the prole music are all true now. Brave New World is a lot more accurate in a lot of ways though in terms of just making a population too comfortable to care about anything.

>> No.15803500

Lol, read Animal Farm. The guy literally just 1:1 copied everything that was happening in the USSR and added animals. There is zero insight or subtext to any of it. People that like Orwell are brainlets.

>> No.15803506

Why'd they rip off evangelion with that cover?

>> No.15803514

kafka looks like that chick with the unibrow that painted herself as a deer and fucked chimps

>> No.15803522

This is what Orwell fags have to resort to.

>> No.15803524

Bro, Kafka didn't even finish writing it and requested that it be destroyed. Pretending it is better than 1984 is peak edgy pseudery

>> No.15803530

Speaks volumes about Orwell's writing that a 80% written work is better than his so-called magnum opus.

>> No.15803555

Both works are great. To say that The Trial is 1984-lite is quite retarded and inaccurate. The feature of "persecution by an organization" is practically the only one shared between the books.

>> No.15803569

Orwell never set foot in USSR

>> No.15803574

Yeah but i have a kino edition my father gave me, with scratchy macabre drawings in a beautiful hardcover on pages like alabaster.
Kafka is good, but not as much as you make him out to be. Great stylist but with such a small body of work and with some profound moments it's quite easily to believe such a thing.

>> No.15803581

Not even comparable. Neither in terms of quality or the ideas presented.

>> No.15803604

Except you are just pure wrong, as evidenced by the author himself requesting the work be destroyed

>> No.15803760


>> No.15803771

more like 1984 heavy you dumb cuckold faggot kys

>> No.15804004

It's not the best but you two clearly didn't read the book.