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/lit/ - Literature

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15802943 No.15802943 [Reply] [Original]

How's the writing career coming, /lit/?

>> No.15803037

I disappointed my muse and maybe rekt my writing method.

>> No.15803039

my dad says I have to move out

>> No.15803044
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>> No.15803049

I made $83k this year. in other words I have abandoned it

>> No.15803053


>> No.15803100

I’m paid to write, but I’m waged rather than salaried which often doesn’t leave me with the flexibility to do my job properly.

>> No.15803110

How is it being a yacht boy, anyway?

>> No.15803125

Help me decide, /lit/. My writing project for the next 12 months will either be a short story collection or a novel, but I can't decide which. The idea is that the short stories will take place in a common setting, and that's what will tie them together. The novel would be an expansion of one of these short stories. Advice pls

>> No.15803127

>tfw I make 6 figures and take a creative writing course in the evening

>> No.15803142

>sent out 9 queries
>got 8 form rejections and 1 that sounded like the agent actually read it
Could be worse I guess. And looking back 3 months later, there was a lot room for improvement.

In the process of writing a new one … hopefully Corona didn't kill all of the agents by the time I'm done.

>> No.15803146

a new novel?

>> No.15803153

pretty terribly to be honest. I work at a pizza place and whenever I write I get pissed at the quality of my work and end up scrapping most if not all of my writing for the day.

>> No.15803162

Hell naw. A new query.

After 50 rejections I might consider letting it go and publishing the stuff on Amazon.

>> No.15803164

Going well actually. Writing some shit that I'm going to selfpublish. It isn't all that good but it's on par with the rest of the stuff in the genre. I feel so happy bros. I just wanted to write and now I'm doing it :)

>> No.15803243

Don’t make 6 figures but I’m comfortable enough and I’m also taking a class. Not sure about the class’ quality but having deadlines helps to force me to write.

>> No.15803297

Won a fancy little award in 2017. Got some doors opened. Shilled for some journalist organization for a while. They paid me for some pieces, but I was never really proud of them.
Started a novel about the internet and all its little ways to inflict secondary trauma upon us all. Decided it was too much. Shelved it for a little. Deleted it a few times. Restarted. Thought it was too dark. Pretty much my love letter to anon, and the deep heart that dwells in many of us, who only want to see justice when it comes to the abuse of the most vulnerable. Think The Tunnel meets hacker culture. Went through a messy breakup. Lost about two years of my life due to drinking. Wrote a screenplay that I haven't shown anyone, but I think about it all the time... I could really storyboard the thing if I wanted to at this point.

Still plunking away at the things I'm working on, but the booze is getting to me. I drunkenly pass off my little Gnostic-tinged poetic practices as something from Gravity's Rainbow here at times. I get a little gleam of happiness when I can fool an anon into thinking it's real.

>> No.15803302 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.15803308

2 questions:

Why are you still here? Were your books that good that they earned you that money? Dang.

>> No.15803311

I have bursting genius, I just need to do something with it.

I'm sure I'll do something any day now.

>> No.15803313

Do it now, you idiot, or you'll end up a drunk.

>> No.15803329

Bro, leave this board and read a book. Your literacy is not where it should be for posting here.

>> No.15803333


I write poems everyday since 2017

I'm yet to publish anything though

>> No.15803334
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>> No.15803344

Red Oreos?!

>> No.15803354
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Been working on an third person sci-fi/urban fantasy for almost two years now. The premise is good, the setting is good, but I think I need to just stop being a bitch and switch to first person. I'm just not getting the "hardboiled" tone I'm going for, that and I'm addicted to porn. I can't even get thirty pages together to send to this competition all the way in sept. and I already wrote the whole damn manuscript.

>> No.15803373
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>> No.15803405


>> No.15803460

Wasted time adds up, and it'll overflow with your writhing against yourself.

>> No.15803520

Shit taste my dude. Flat as a fuck and no arch. You are an uncultured swine

>> No.15803539

Is life going to be disappointing?

>> No.15803625
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I need someone else off of which to bounce my stuff. I am working on a very major project right now, something that, if I do things right, will be the greatest work of my life. But I used to have an old friend, a friend I'd known for a long time, to give me feedback on what I was writing. But he and I have recently had a falling out (I think in part due to his wife). So I now have no one to give me information and feedback about this thing on which I work. But I feel the need for feedback, because I take this very seriously, and I have grand ambitions for this current project. If I do things right, if I achieve everything I would like to achieve, it will be the greatest work of art of the 21st Century. But I know I need help to get there.

>> No.15803699

Seriously? This place is overrun with ESL posters and people who type in all lowercase. If anything, basic English literacy makes you *overqualified* t

>> No.15803703

>*overqualified* t
*overqualified to be here

>> No.15803909

This is a man.

>> No.15803919

Earned 30 thousand rubles and a few certificates from theatrical events over three years.

>> No.15803938

I realise this isn't a lot of buying power as far as USD goes, but would 30k rubles get you far in Russia?

>> No.15804163

I'm still plodding through Dante. When I started it I thought I might be able to do the whole thing in a year. That was five years ago (I haven't exactly been working on it full-time, though).

About 1/3rd through the Paradiso ATM. (I don't strictly do it Canto by Canto.) DEFINITELY GONNA FINISH THIS YEAR.

No-one will publish it, I'm sure. Screw 'em all. I might self-publish. I guess that means I ought to learn how to use LaTex. The typesetting is going to be pretty tricky coz of the footnotes and stuff. Also I really wanted a big (BIG) illuminated letter at the start of every canto, with creatures/monsters/angels/whatever from that canto all twining round it etc. Might have to kidnap some artist and lock her in basement until she produces what I need, since I personally cannot draw a line from point A to point B.

>> No.15804231

Might want to browse /ic/ to gain some insight on judging and hiring an artist.

>> No.15804261
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>any career at all

>> No.15804274
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you can do it anon, I believe in you

>> No.15804369

Around 1000 words of amusing smirk, I want to make people laugh and /lit/ has proven to me anyone can write.

I have to write everyday, it doesn't matter how many words. Just have to write every day.

>> No.15804591

I write thousands of words of political argument on imageboards every day, yet all I wish to do is drop politics from my life and write fiction.
I think it's dialogue. Outside very specific circumstances, I have always struggled with dialogue. Yet I'm drawn towards stories that require it.

>> No.15804671
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Halfway through 2 novels right now. Both sci-fi. People love the concepts when I lay them out, but I am struggling to finish them. I think it is because, deep down, I am insecure regarding the quality of my prose. On the one hand, it is sci-fi, so excellent writing is hardly expected. On the other, I couldn't publish a novel I did not firmly believe had a chance at being more than just a forgotten work.

So anyway, today I started a third novel.

>> No.15804699

He means he abandoned his writing aspirations and got a wagie job

>> No.15804738

An average monthly salary. Enough to get by for a month or two (if you have your own place to live or stretch it hard enough). You won't starve, but you will feel constrained.
To be fair, if we go by hours of work, it's the best pay I got.

>> No.15804833

I mostly write short plays and films which I direct. But lately I've been trying to write a short story because a part of me feels that it could help me and that I am not really a 'writer' In the traditional sense if I never write a novel. But boy is it boring, dialogue is easy and fun but writing description feels like writing bullshit fluff. Maybe I can't do all mediums and might just focus in the other two.

>> No.15804859


If you find that writing dialogue comes easily, have you tried writing a story in the first person?

>> No.15804873

Yeah my first few short pieces were essentially one long monologue, though I don't know if that could carry an entire story. Also I have heard most people don't like to read first-person.

>> No.15804939


>most people don't like to read first-person.
Hmm, that's news to me. Loads of well-loved classics are first-person.

What I hate most (especially in modern books) is the present tense. Everyone writes in the present tense all the time and they need to stop it.

>> No.15804994

If you haven't made it by your early 20s just give up now.

>> No.15805000
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>> No.15805026

the writing is great, but this is the worst time in history to be published.

It's amazing how niggers and trannies and feminists are a shoe in when it comes to be published, to the point where people will create entirely new publishing houses to get the cousin of an n'sync member's book published and then buy thousands of copies off amazon to artificially get it as a New York Times best seller, but if you don't drink the kool aide you're automatically out.

>> No.15805062

I have not written a single word of my great novel yet

>> No.15805066

Im a copywriter. I make 80k a year shilling boomers into tech stocks. its preddy gud being a writer

>> No.15805076

sounds like a scam

>> No.15805078

sounds like cope

>> No.15805092

everything people do is cope and everything people have done is a scam. the entire world history may be summarised by a twisted version of Julius Caesar's quote by saying I came, I coped, and I scammed.

>> No.15805100

how many times can the wheel turn before it cracks?

>> No.15805125

So I have a book what do I do to get published.

Seems weird becuase it’s long and who would read a long book without a guarantee of quality? Seems hopeless.

>> No.15805126

i hate myself

>> No.15805248

Sent the book I've been writing for almost two and a half years today to a publisher.

It's a 83 thousand word novel and I know my chances are slim. If everything else fails I've got a couple of independent publishers that seem keen on publishing the book, but I was aiming for one of the big ones in my country.
So for now, I'll just wait.

>> No.15805741

Aren’t you supposed to get a publicist to do that for you? What’s the process walk me through it

>> No.15805869

Not in my country (Portugal). The market is so small the publicists I contacted would only work with me if I was already published, so they could boost my next books. They won't bet on a newcomer.