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/lit/ - Literature

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15801758 No.15801758[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

My step son was super femm even before I came into the scene. Dude has zero muscles and already sort of talks like he’s gay

He’s 11 and his mom had this gay friend and was single for 9 years.

His bio dad is a drug addict trash bot.

I take him outdoors and have had many conversations with him about sexuality and mental strength.

We have had conversations about how mentally ill modern tans people are.

I came into his life and have given him structure and responsibility.

He thinks I’m mean for telling him to do chores and holding him accountable for his actions.

Is all hope lost?

>> No.15801771

1. Not literature.
2. You married a whore. You should never have agreed to do that. Now you will suffer the consequences. No one can help help you.

>> No.15801783

No, just lift with him and do stuff w him. I'd get him into reading with you.

Then smash his bp wen he's ready to seal the deal.

>> No.15801794

Imagine being this kid and having to deal with a grown man who posts on 4chan giving you the sex talk every day just because your mother is desperate.

>> No.15801802

That’s what I’ve been doing. He has a little brother who is way more on track. I got to him younger.

I have a rule where the kids need to read one book every 2 weeks and then we talk about it together.

We talk as much as possible about the bs going on today.

Maybe in time it will smooth itself out as I keep consistency.

>> No.15801807

You can talk about it but he has to feel pride in progressing in his own work.
Lift, read, martial arts, hunting something, writing is good too.

Again alternatively you can double down and have him dress up and watch anime. You'll be his favorite father

>> No.15801821

Yes because my entire existence consists of being on 4 Chan.

It’s a good forum bro. Reddit is dece for some things but when 4chan delivers it’s pretty worth it.

No need to put people down.

>> No.15801823

You're an amazing father, I definitely think it irons itself out. If you have a particular trait you think needs to be worked on I usually google 'how to teach your kid x (empathy)' or hardworking etc and you get really good articles on it

>> No.15801832

Yeah that’s pretty much how I feel too. Guess I’ll just see the fruits of all this in the coming years. Thanks bro.

>> No.15801853
File: 6 KB, 275x183, 81BB2B3F-E133-48D8-93BC-FDDD9106ACEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my STEP “son”

>> No.15801858

That kid ain't his, bitch.

>> No.15801862
File: 102 KB, 684x461, Turnher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is nothing wrong with being super femm just give him the right books to read.

>> No.15801870

There is truth to what you say. People don’t want to admit it but my own bio children have a very strong spiritual connection with me that’s very different from my step sons.

>> No.15801880

Castrate your step sons and raise them to be servants of the clan, subservient to your own blood

>> No.15801882

You and he should read 12 rules for life.

>> No.15801885

I was just going to start reading this. Good idea bro.

>> No.15801887

Was I supposed to mention your lucrative career as a line cook or your future fentanyl addiction? Who cares

>> No.15801891

dude hes right, what ur doing is unremarkable and at best lynchian

>> No.15801900

It's honestly great. Everyone who has ever had something bad to say about it is a larper plain and simple.

>> No.15801919

he is 11 years old you have been in his life for how long? it's not very manly to let some random guy fuck your mum then boss you around after 2 months

>> No.15801927
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>my wifes son

>> No.15801931

yea, op is real ignorant and doesnt see it from the kids perspective. if anything op is going to destroy whatever ego he has left. op, hear me out you have to let him come to you. you have to be a role model - but dont force him and dont formally show him. let him figure it out - you just cant break character around him

>> No.15801953

If the kid is a faggot then just let him be a faggot. Trying to turn him into something he isn't is only going to fuck him up even more.

>> No.15801957

It’s not just spiritual, it’s biological, organisms care less about individuals they’re less related to. Both science and soul would show that biological children should matter more to you than step children

>> No.15801973

This is true bro.

>> No.15801975

Ignore the lonely larpers, I'm sure you are doing a great job.

>> No.15802744

Is this a shitpost? Please tell me it's a shitpost
An 11 yo boy has not even started puberty, he is not meant to be manly yet, or to have muscles, or to give a fuck about sexuality and trans people, you crazy fuck. Poor kid's going to be wrecked by this in the long run, and yes, all hope is indeed lost.

>> No.15802758
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when he's old enough give him confessions of a mask and some of mishima's photography and say son, one day this could be you

>> No.15802770


>> No.15802788

You have serious issues, which explains the company you keep
Please stay away from children
Also not /lit/

>> No.15802806


>> No.15802814


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

>> No.15802819

>No need to put people down
What about trans people? How are they mentally ill?

>> No.15802851
File: 496 KB, 828x821, 242A4716-F248-444F-B82A-38BE6BF8FC26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just know he’s gonna be a great father