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15798892 No.15798892 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people dislike the Paradiso, or say it's boring? I'm reading it right now and it's great. Yet you always hear people say that it's the least-loved part of the Comedy.

>> No.15799075

Paradise and perfection is uninteresting by nature. There’s a reason why Inferno is the most popular, and why there are so many more works of art and literature about Hell than Heaven. Human beings relate to suffering and conflict and struggle far more than they relate to pleasant utopia

>> No.15799089

>Why do people dislike the Paradiso, or say it's boring?
Cause they're brainlets who need to lrn2to metaphysics.

>Paradise and perfection is uninteresting by nature. There’s a reason why Inferno is the most popular
You're not wrong, as one Dante scholar said, there is much suspicion that most people who start the Comedy never finish the thing and just end it at the Inferno. Which is a same because the Purgatory might be the most beautiful part. And Paradiso itself has plenty of striking scenes, though they're not as much as visceral as the ones in Hell.

>> No.15799099

*not wrong, but

>> No.15800778

Paradiso is cool.

>> No.15801218

Because Inferno is supposed to be incredibly undesirable and Paradise very desirable. Inferno is indeed the place you'd never want to get into, but Paradise is just meh.

>> No.15801247

Yeah, because living in a world without death or suffering is totally meh compared to this world full of death and suffering, amirite?