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15797579 No.15797579 [Reply] [Original]

>reading ancient story or myth
>every fucking character is ready to kill someone over the slightest provocation or insult
>they really mean it too!

What the hell was was wrong with these people? Were we really like this?

>> No.15797620

I don't think people really cared too much about dying
What do you think?

>> No.15797637

people are still like that now, OP

>> No.15797639

That's what all of human history was, duels over minor slights were widespread into the 19th century. Youre just a loser whod rather live long and poorly than short and well.

>> No.15797642

>Bradley Campbell and Jason Manning show that in Western elite culture in 1800, as in violent inner-city neighborhoods today, insults were treated as violence, which can only be avenged by physical violence. But for most of us, who haven’t been inculcated into a touchy honor culture, verbal slights don’t carry the same emotional punch. We either ignore them or respond with a counter-insult. As the sociology of emotions tells us, the way societies and individuals emotionally respond to words is, to an important degree, socially constructed.
-Eric Kaufmann

>> No.15797645

Why? Life is good and death is scary

>> No.15797656

We still are that animal. However nowadays they need to milk that other person for taxes for the rest of their lives so when you kill them you face repercussions.

>> No.15797658

They are stores about the Uber mega Chad's form an old age.

>> No.15797661

>the words were violence
Holy shit, what a retarded kike. He's got the info laid out in front of him, and he still can't get it right. That's how foreign the concept of honor is to a jew.

>> No.15797679

now zoomers are killing eachother in Fortnite, what's the difference?

>> No.15797681

Lmao its the most Jewish thing I've ever read.

>> No.15797695

Idk, maybe life was just super crappy back then

>> No.15797742

Steven Pinker wrote about this in 'Better Angels of our Nature' ,if you're interested. He claims that human society HAS been historically violent, but that violence declines with the development of trade and complexity of society.

He explains duels to the death over minor insults as the result of an 'honour culture' that exists in places where it is hard to have central law enforcement. In these places, people have to show they will fight back against any attempted violation, as well as take revenge. Its vital for survival to maintain a reputation of willingness to fight for your honour, because it deters a potential attack. Even a small insult questions someone's honour, and so to maintain their safety they have to challenge the insulter to a duel to demonstrate that they do in fact fight back.

He also stipulates that with the growth of trade, it became more important to be a tempered and peaceful person, and that the act of defence & revenge against violation was transferred to the legal system.

>> No.15797794

The show The Sopranos is about mob guys getting their feeling hurt and killing each other. There are many times when Tony acts like a hysterical woman.

>> No.15797812

>Were we really like this?
I am still like that

>> No.15797850

me power me bonk your head

>> No.15797862

Why are guys so much like women? All of my friends pout.

>> No.15797863

It was better that way.

>> No.15797872


>> No.15797876

Decreased testosterone over the years.

>> No.15797880

>Were we really like this?
You'd be surprised, OP.

>> No.15797882

this, basically

>> No.15797889

ok that's it, tell me where you live so I can kill you, you stupid frog

>> No.15797902


>> No.15797912

what the fuck? Is this what you get when you write a high effort response in 2020 /lit/ ?

>> No.15797928
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it's just a meme, lighten up and pull that stick out of your ass

>> No.15798003

They were based

>> No.15798012
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>> No.15798093
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Yes. And that isn't enough, especially if there is no remorse for what they have done. It doesn't matter if the provocation or insult is slight. The injury caused in time is irremediable. It cannot ever be undone. Ever. Therefore death alone is insufficient and as such, they in turn deserve infinite punishment for their transgression, to the utmost torment of every sense of the body and faculty of mind that will never be diminished or accumulated to in the slightest degree; as first conceptualized by Plato. A rabid envy is what caused these bad actors to capriciously and meanspiritedly attack the just protagonist in the fictions you offer, just as the same in real life. There was no casus beli, no cause to harm the examples which provoked such men and gods to wrath in your myths. Virtue seeped out of them, they harmed no one, they wanted the best for their self and fellow man. Like a cruel child, the wicked seek to knock them down, and hurl rocks. But these are not children. They've grown in age as they've also progressed in vice and it culminates when they wish by their malice to inflict harm on the just. Justice is invoked and your outrage at their just reactions is only a mirror to your inner rottenness and is telling that you have wronged people to similar degrees and are here now trying to justify it.

>> No.15798213

at least this shitpost had effort, blood sweat and tears put into it, instead
>le ass xDDDD

>> No.15798426
File: 102 KB, 1080x1331, 343257A0-4AD3-4E25-9E96-F5228FED490B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

le ass xDDDD

>> No.15798680

We should destroy civilization unironically.

>> No.15798695

Undeniably based