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15796598 No.15796598 [Reply] [Original]

Show us your favorite place where you buy your books

>> No.15796612

The bookstore

>> No.15796621
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show us your favorite bookstore*

>> No.15796638

My diary desu...it's the only book worth reading

>> No.15796663
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>> No.15796715

This (paste on google maps):

MMFP+VJ Monterrey, Nuevo León, México

MM8Q+W2 Monterrey, Nuevo León, México

And Amazon.

>> No.15796750

eso me gusta

>> No.15796833

>eso me gusta
Gracias fren <3

>> No.15796880

no te gusta la Gandhi de Hidalgo?

Haven't bought books in a long time. I just use b-ok.org

>> No.15796897
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the supercosy oxfam bookshop in parchment street, winchester

>> No.15796936

>no te gusta la Gandhi de Hidalgo?
Si, pero últimamente no he ido, aveces compró en línea, en cuarentena sexto piso tuvo muchos descuentos y sus libros son muy especiales, ahí aproveche, deberías de ver si hay algo que te guste.

>> No.15796959

aren't 98% of books in oxfams genre/airport shite?

>> No.15796977
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>> No.15796991


>> No.15796997

too soon

>> No.15797018

Based and checked

>> No.15797026


>> No.15797160

in normal oxfams, maybe. oxfam bookshops tend to have a better selection.

>> No.15797413

only picture I could find online, they call it a "giving library" and you can take and give books as you please. the classics section is full of paperbacks that were required for courses and the rest is airport novels. still it suits my needs and is free.

>> No.15797472
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forgot pic

>> No.15797528
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They took this from us

>> No.15797664
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it's called Voltaire & Rousseau. if you're ever in Glasgow, I highly recommend you pop in

>> No.15798057
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Most of the time I order from independant sellers through Ebay, but sometimes I go pic related

>> No.15798072

I get 90% of the stuff I read from this since I've purchased a e-reader.
But one day, I will ascend my poor worker condition and be able to constitute an amazing private library
Or just keep reading e-book and then kill myself

>> No.15798232

Based fellow Glesga /lit/poster

>> No.15798400

Which are you going into first, bros? I'd see uncle hugo first desu

>> No.15798417

>he doesn't know
BLM burned it down a few weeks ago. I watched it as it happened on a stream.

>> No.15798813
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>She trusts me, her hand gentle, the longlashed eyes. Now where the blue hell am I bringing her beyond the veil? Into the ineluctable modality of the ineluctable visuality. She, she, she. What she? The virgin at Hodges Figgis’ window on Monday looking in for one of the alphabet books you were going to write. Keen glance you gave her. Wrist through the braided jesse of her sunshade.

>> No.15798830
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I usually just order direct from publisher, but I liked visiting here when I lived in AZ.

>> No.15798891

>empowers women

I mostly pirate, but if I do buy them then it is amazon or google books, I'd rather not give commision to jews but if the author is too lazy to set up his own online shop then there aren't any other options.

>> No.15798962
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>> No.15799062
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Mostly online antiquarian shops, sometimes rag shops.

>> No.15799340

Couldn't they have made an effort to make the signage more complimentary to the architecture? What a fucking waste.

>> No.15799517
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The best place to buy books in London.

>> No.15800976

best regards from brest man

>> No.15801015

Any Penn state bros here go to websters?

>> No.15801014
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>> No.15801020

> Genius. Is. Angry! Taking the Nerd Rage perk allows you to take half damage and deal double damage when your health falls below 20 percent.

>> No.15801054

Hope none of you actually read sci-fi and fantasy

>> No.15801057

>paying for books

>> No.15801346


Based, you can find some real gems in Oxfam bookshops. Shrewsbury has a great one, I found Vols 1+2 of World as Will and Representation and some Deleuze in there would you believe. Also tonnes of old classics

>> No.15802319
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The Harvard Coop in Harvard Square always felt really cozy and nice

>> No.15802738

Absolutely based, was in those stores constantly back in Tucson. And the trade-in policy was so generous I literally made money from them.

>> No.15802991

The Strand (NY)
City Lights (SF)
Moe's (Berkeley)
The Last Bookstore (LA)
Powell's (Portland)

>> No.15803093

I like to write in the margins and underline sometimes. Depends on the book

>> No.15804014

half price books dumpster

>> No.15804038

Nearest bookstore is 45 minutes away, and it's a Barnes and Nobles, which has absolutely awful prices, so I just use Amazon.

>> No.15804172

>buy your books
Use your library once it is open, tards.

>> No.15804175

Ah what the sshit I need my glasses; didn't read filename.
Wise choise, OP. thouh you should still use your library

>> No.15804230


>> No.15804327

Why don't you bros just buy online? You can get used books dirt cheap, plus you always get to see what the previous owner decided to write in the margins

>> No.15804354

because a warm cosy bookshop full of hidden treasures is a joy, anon

>> No.15804362

I'm not going to write in library books bro

>> No.15804678

this... there's a lack of good second hand book shops anywhere near me. So i put the ISBN into a comparison site and buy the cheapest 'very good' condition there is... usually from abebooks.

>> No.15804690
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How are those used disposable books treating you?

>> No.15804697

It’s been a shite hole for a few years now. Think they’re refurbishing atm though. Did get some wonderful books there but if you don’t prefer Caledonia you’re an idiot

>> No.15804700

absolutely fine actually, thanks for your concern x