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15790142 No.15790142 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /lit/, I have an argumentative essay project, and after hearing out one of my contenders, I am scared shitless. So please help me out, the topic is "climate change is the greatest threat faced by humanity today" I'll be going against it.

>> No.15790153
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>expecting us to do your homework for free

>> No.15790160

atleast tell me how to sound smart and shit.

>> No.15790165

heres a tip
talk about (((them)))

>> No.15790176

Start by telling us your main arguments.

>> No.15790188

Demographic change. Which also includes increase of pollution due to overpopulation

>> No.15790240

What does a “threat” to humanity mean? How do we know climate change won’t improve humanity? Disaster and war can shake things up for the better. If humans cause climate change, then it seems humans are the greatest threat to humanity. So maybe the lack of genetic engineering, or uncontrolled population growth, is the real threat. Or we might say that “sin” is the main threat, as it is the source of almost all human trouble.

Figure something out.

>> No.15790264

of course
the extra terrestrial nano-archons are much more of a threat to our humanity

>> No.15790463

To start with, yes climate change is a real threat, neglecting its existence would only be detrimental for us. But it is by far the greatest threat faced by humans today, something much more severe and sinister is standing in front of us today. As humans, we try to predict things, like to be in control all the time. That is why we want to predict anything from wars to the weather. We've predicted the rates for climate change, we've predicted at what rate the antarctic's ice will melt. What we can't predict is chaos, the unpredictable, you'll never know what happens next and when chaos takes over, all logic fades, things that seemed like you'd see on your screen come to life. Something just like this has occurred, it is the notorious coronavirus. Let me ask you this, what if I told you before this virus was well known, that a random virus would cause us to get locked inside our homes? Would you believe me if I said we are going to have to use these programs to study? No, of course not, but here we are.
The thing is, you never know what is going happen in the future, there have been many plagues in history, and we never predicted any of them. As of right now, this virus is one of the biggest threats we face. All we can do is make a list of threats that might become more severe, we'll never know which of these threats turns out to be the one which becomes much severe.

that's all i wrote

>> No.15790472

God I want to fuck her so bad

>> No.15791447

You don't address the issue of climate change, coronavirus is a pressing issue yes, but ultimately it is temporary.
I would suggest going down the route cause of why coronavirus was so devestating, globalisation. You can approach it with a view that a globalised economy will accelerate the demand for resources faster than climate change ever will. You could argue that it caused the decline in climate conditions we see today. Also the acceleration of the global economy has caused friction between superpowers to reach a extremely threatening level, along with friction between ideologies and religions, causing acts of domestic and foreign terrorism.
I would try and use sources for your arguments as well to make them more credible.