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15789959 No.15789959 [Reply] [Original]

I’m readin the Castle by Kafka :P

>> No.15789969

Mason & Dixon, I just started it the other day.

>> No.15789988

What are your thoughts on The Castle OP?

I read it a while back and didn't really enjoy it, perhaps because the symbolism or whatever wasn't clear to me.

>> No.15789989

brothers karamazov.

she looks like she smells

>> No.15789997

The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome

>> No.15790008
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Read that. Humorously frustrating

I’m alternating between William Morris’ Well at World’s End and Life Without Money

>> No.15790009

Ulysses, just finished Lotus Eaters, it's very good, but also very hard and very easy to get lost if you lose your focus for even a second.

>> No.15790015

Submission by Houellebecq. Not sure why he describes getting his dick sucked in such detail.

>> No.15790042

I found it hard to get into at first but have since enjoyed the absurd complexity of the castle/village society and some really unexpected changes like the childish assistants actually being old and being higher in society than K. himself.

Probably gonna watch the Michael Haneke adaptation when I finish the book

>> No.15790089

what part you at? The devil has rheumatism

>> No.15790180


Mitya was going on a spree with the polacks and now the cops are about to arrest him because they found the bodies. I can't believe mitya is getting so worked up over this grushenka girl when they haven't even fucked. It's kinda pathetic. Ivan was smart for leaving them

>> No.15790219

resurrection by tolstoy.

>> No.15790318

Me too, OP. Just started reading it recently. I like the setting so far

>> No.15790344

I'll always be more of a Trial fan, but enjoy.

Currently half way through The Pale King, thinking about dropping it honestly. It's very good and has some of DFW's strongest writing, but it's lacking something. I know it was unfinished and all, but it's lacking that something that makes his other works so gripping.

>> No.15790401


Cringe. You got filtered INTO a /lit/ meme? Hah, how pathetic.

>> No.15790413

What's wrong with Mason & Dixon? Even Bloom loved it.

>> No.15790440

Dishonest skimmer, owner of a shit taste, and a writer of absurdly uninspired and derivative "criticism"

>What's wrong with Mason & Dixon
Obscurantism and a lack of actual depth. I have never meet an intelligent, well-read person (meaning non-mutt of course) in real life who liked Pynchon. It is only self-proclaimed 4chan/reddit intellectuals who pretend to "understand" what mere mortals like me can't see, while responding to every request of explanation with "cringe" and "filtered".

>> No.15790461

I don't know if obscurantism is really a legitimate criticism, especially against M&D, which is fundamentally just a novel about friendship. People who go into Pynchon trying to really dig deep into every reference are kinda missing the point.

>> No.15790469

The Old Man and the Sea

>> No.15790509

Literally read the first paragraph. You seriously can't believe there wasn't a better, simpler way to say the EXACT SAME THING.

Here's the first sentence:

Snow-Balls have flown their Arcs, starr'd the Sides of Outbuildings, as of Cousins, carried Hats away into the brisk Wind off Delaware,— the Sleds are brought in and their Runners carefully dried and greased, shoes deposited in the back Hall, a stocking'd-foot Descent made upon the great Kitchen, in a purposeful Dither since Morning, punctuated by the ringing Lids of various Boilers and Stewing-Pots, fragrant with Pie-Spices, peel'd Fruits, Suet, heated Sugar,— the Children, having all upon the Fly, among rhythmic slaps of Batter and Spoon, coax'd and stolen what they might, proceed, as upon each afternoon all this snowy Advent, to a comfortable Room at the rear of the House, years since given over to their carefree Assaults.

Even a high-schooler could rewrite this into something better, lacking pretension in the guise of vagueness and atmosphere.

See >>15790469 now that's how you write a masterpiece. Alternatively see Nabokov, for whom the occasional complexity of prose was a side-effect of depth.

>> No.15790563
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do u hate Gravity’s rainbow too? The Story Of Byron The Bulb? ur missing out.

>> No.15790583

haha its russian lit though! No one fucks

>> No.15790590
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Reading / playing The Sword of the Bastard Elf. Fucking great gamebook.

>> No.15790594

Dropped after 25%. I just don't get why anyone would write like this or why I anyone would find it enjoyable.

>> No.15790718

It’s enjoyable because it’s funny, to me atleast. But I enjoy it in a detached sort of way, it’s not very entertaining and is kindave painful, I get U.

>> No.15790727

shit man this is actually kinda bad imo. this is from gravity's rainbow? this is what everyone's always raving about here? seems very contrived

>> No.15790734

So basically, you were filtered.

>> No.15790741

high end poetic prose

>> No.15790757

>I enjoy it in a detached sort of way
That's the difference. I can't imagine myself ever saying something like this. I once believed in personal value/enjoyment and perceived literary quality being different things. I no longer do so. Literature is a completely personal endevour. There's no artistic beauty which can be separated from the reader as a conscious being. I would also advice you to engage in deep personal reflection to challenge yourself on whether or not even that "detached enjoyment" is actually true enjoyment, or just a sense of accomplishment from getting through a 1000 book which you find "painful".

Also, see >>15790734 a perfect specimen of the so called Pynchon fans.

>> No.15790764

I would smell her

>> No.15790782

I’m really enjoying Mason & Dixon, it’s just fun desu

>> No.15790791

I am reading... The Castle by Franz Kafka. Curious!

>> No.15790813 [DELETED] 

I would smell even her after she jogged

>> No.15790823
File: 50 KB, 499x750, muh queen margo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she looks like she smells
probably not as bad as you do

>> No.15790867

Can anybody who read The Castle explain what they interpreted as the main themes in the book?

I really couldn't understand it beyond a superficial level.

>> No.15790872

I have never read Pynchon in my life. He seems to be an American meme more than anything btw, and I mistrust anything too American in the context of a board full of freshmen with their tidy all-American curriculums.
I was referring to your criticism ("simpler way to say", "rewrite into something better"), which is a pretty inane thing to say about any text.
Maybe stick to John went to hunt by Hemmmingway or biographies/easy to read non fiction (like a newspaper article or the new issue of Vogue).

>> No.15790911

This is Isabelle Adjani right??

>> No.15790926

What is wrong with you? Why would you want needless complexity? It is not about dumbing it down, it is about the elegance of expression. Pynchon literally says banal, simplistic things in the most difficult to understand way possible. How is it in any way preferable to the genius of Hemingway?

>> No.15790949

Is that Luxembourg Gardens? Either that or Tuileries
It appears to be

>> No.15790971
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try this orgy scene, you may like it more

>> No.15790987
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But Pynchon is fun. And he isn’t above making fun of himself either as you can see from pic related lol

>> No.15791037
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The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times. It amazes me how much interconnection between knowledge you can achieve by reading Guénon.

>> No.15791127

grapes of wrath. i'm enjoying it

>> No.15791132

Can you give me a rundown? Saw a thread about this earlier, I thought it was just a novel

>> No.15791147

I want to throw her in the fountain
Maybe just pick up the chair with her on it and dump her in

>> No.15791200
File: 64 KB, 386x419, bastard_elf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I made that thread lol. By the way, It's a gamebook.

You don't read it linearly, rather you're the protagonist and move along different paragraphs, choosing your own adventure; its setting is fantasy, however it's kind of parodistic in that regard and it's greatly influenced by pop culture (especially from the 80s). Nothing too overdone, of course.

You're a bastard elf who gets kicked off your house at age 60 and so you struggle to find your place in the world (in fact, the gamebook can either end with your death or with a different ending).

More specifically, you solve combat with dice, make choices, manage your items/cash, come up with strategies, read maps, drink in taverns and there's even a rulebook similar to Dungeons & Dragons where you can play the book in multiplayer.

To put it simply, outside of combat, it goes with something like this: If you want to go north, turn to 991. If you want to go south, turn to 115. If you want to masturbate profusely and get even deeper in your existential crisis, turn to 563.

Overall it's a great way to get actively immersed into the world of a book. If you want to know more about it, The Bottled Imp made a nice video about it


>> No.15791239

Good lord.

>> No.15791250

this might be funny in context but out of context it honestly comes off as tryhard and uninspired to me. I'm actually really disappointed I expected better :(

>> No.15791267

Sounds somewhat interesting, not for the writing but for the single player DnD experience

>> No.15791293

Just started A Farewell To Arms.

Just finished Magician/Silverthorn/A Darkness at Sethanon. Before that all the Witcher books.

Searching for something to fill the post Malazan Book of the Fallen gap...

>> No.15791302
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>> No.15791319

be careful, you will break off the tip

>> No.15791333

If you like pen and paper games like DnD, gamebooks are the closest thing to a single-player experience, yes.
Also, I should point out that the writing is not just fantasy and subtly parodistic, but very contemporaneous at times. Sometimes grumpy, rarely melancholic; I don't know. I think I can't do it enough justice with a description, in my defense, it's a pretty damn big book. Don't worry though, your adventure can last 10 hours as it can last 10 minutes. That's the beauty of it.

>> No.15792308

Also reading Kafka at the moment, just started reading the trial.

>> No.15792709


>> No.15793041

Extraordinary Tales by Poe


Cybernetics: Or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine by Weiner

>> No.15793935
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read the entirety of the grapes of wrath today, was a fun read

>> No.15793945

En route - Huysmans

>> No.15793958

i just started the agony of eros by byung-chul han

>> No.15794316
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critique of pure reason
yeats' selected poems