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/lit/ - Literature

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15789542 No.15789542 [Reply] [Original]

Well, what is your gameplay level, /lit/?

>> No.15789554

>Clancy is accessible

This is the ultimate pleb filter

>> No.15789618

Looks like I dipped my toe into level 3 once or twice but I've read and understood most of level 2 so I guess im level 2.

I well.

>> No.15789640

Well I'm reading Ulysses now so I think that qualifies me for level 5. Most of my reading though is probably like between 2 and 3.

>> No.15789930

>pinnacle of high literature
Actually keked

>> No.15790035

5, mostly because of Beckett

>> No.15790084

6 because I read Finnegans Wake

>> No.15790175

I go down to the Borges and Eco level, but I’ve also read Beckett. Fuck Pynchon.

>> No.15790611

Where's Ted Kaczynski? Where's Ian Livingstone? I guess my brain is too big for this board

>> No.15790634

>gameplay level

this says it all about people who read unreadable doorstops, it's a challenge to be beaten like hard mode vidya, read the reviews of Women and Men on goodreads, endless dorks celebrating the fact that they completed a big heckin chonker of a novel

>> No.15790646

>tolkein lacks substance

>> No.15790648

KEK just let people have their fun, anon.

>> No.15790683

>Ted Kaczynski
level 0

>> No.15790695

confirmed braindead

>> No.15790777

Clearly it's a ranking of prose authors. Moreover, K's main work is a manifesto published in major newspapers, intended to be very simple and understandable. His other works are too written very simply and clearly for similar reasons. So he would rank very low, with the only detriment to his accessibility being the whole "but anon isn't this guy a terrorist? why are you recommending me to read this? are you some kinda incel?" thing.

>> No.15790784

very stupid chart desu

>> No.15790801

Has anyone here read anything by Julian Rios? I'm intrigued.

>> No.15790804

>misspelling Tolkien and putting him in level 0
I know this is a meme chart, but where would Homer and Dante be placed?

>> No.15790881

Where's my boy Pessoa

>> No.15791058

>level 2

>> No.15791149


>> No.15791193

Why is English so fucking garbage?

>> No.15791232

Why is Sorokin so low down? His style is extremely straight foreword and he doesn't really say much new?

>> No.15791314

Isn't Ted non fiction

>> No.15791748


I think level 0 and 1 should be like the novel tie-ins for popculture entertainment stuff, like the novel tie-ins for the Halo and Dead Space video games and junior novelizations of films. Level 0s should be bumped up to number 2 or 3.

>> No.15791762

>but where would Homer and Dante be placed
I mean it's clearly for modern prose writers.

>> No.15791811

Yeah, fucking garbage chart

>> No.15791875
File: 2.11 MB, 1700x7860, lit accessibility 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A challenger appears.
(you can help this chart by expanding it.)

>> No.15791886

Kafka, Proust and Hamsun below Camus, you tekkin the fackin piss lad?

>> No.15792129


No, your level 0s should be bumped up to level 1. Level 0 should be the novel tie-ins for popculture entertainment like I said here: >>15791748

Levels 1s should be bumped up to level 2 which should be bumped up to level 3 and likewise with all the others.

Also, I don't think Nietzsche should be level 2, probably higher since he seems to be a favorite amongst the scholars and intellectuals.

>> No.15792584


is there a Hamlet by someone other than Shakespeare that I haven't heard of? (yes I know about "Amleth")

or is the idea that Hamlet is so deep that no one can fathom it?

>> No.15793260

it's a joke you literal autist

>> No.15793513

>murakami lacks substance
t. pseud that has never read murakami

>> No.15793545

but Kazuo Ishiguro is highschool books

>> No.15795084

Tolkein that low, kek.
Shit chart.

>> No.15795099
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Get into my levels plebs

>> No.15795105
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>> No.15795108

Is Barth really that difficult?

>> No.15795119
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>> No.15795127

this is even more pseud. kys

>> No.15795154

Tolkien and Austen in 0 is a joke. Pynchon needs to go from 4 to 2. DFW goes to 1

>> No.15795159

4 dipping slowly into 5

>> No.15795460

>>murakami lacks substance
>t. pseud that has never read murakami
Murakami es worst than YA because is labeled as deep. At least you don't find people saying Suzane Collins is canonical.

>> No.15795551

>Higashino Keigo
>Above Level 0
His writing is literally anime in novel form. Everything, down to the plot and the dialogue, is the equivalent of a low-budget anime meant to appeal to the unintelligent. It is crap.

>> No.15795586

I made it to level 4 thanks to Breton (surprised)

I believe that I am at level 6 due to Giorgio de Chirico's Hebdomeros.
But you all don't know about that book :)

>> No.15796233

said the person who hasnt read his books

>> No.15796381

Oh, no need to be triggered, I finished The Pale King after a /lit/ readalong and I have read quite a few of his short stories. It is somewhat enjoyable and occasionally insightful but exalting him as a paragon of contemporary literature is just facetious and something which only a barely literate anglo would do.

>> No.15796636
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unrepentantly level 0
fuck this image and this thread, read what you like, not what other people tell you to like

>> No.15796723

>completionist Dazai

>> No.15796855

Also learn how to speak english lol

>> No.15796928

>Also learn how to speak english lol

>> No.15797073

lmao as if the most modernist = "the most difficult" try learning Homeric Greek you fucking dork