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/lit/ - Literature

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15789303 No.15789303 [Reply] [Original]

Is it unconstitutional for the state or federal government to enforce mask wearing and handing out fines for people not wearing one?
Also, any literature on where this all ends up? Maybe some literature on one world totalitarian police states or something?

>> No.15789354

It's a weird case because your freedom to not wear it is arguably overridden by the potential danger of having it and spreading it to people. It's a bit like the drunk driving scenario in that sense, you are maybe not directly hurting anyone but you are creating a situation that could likely hurt someone. With the virus it's more ambiguous because there is no immediate way to check if you have it, and there is really no way to check who you gave it to if you did.

Given how small of an inconvenience wearing a mask is I don't really see the problem in enforcing it. I don't particularly like the idea of arresting people for not wearing one either. Maybe you should only arrest those who don't wear one and come within 6 feet of other people. This would be hard to enforce without a lot of cameras everywhere.

this is why I am an irrelevant retard whose opinions don't matter.

>> No.15789410

Don’t forget to take into account that there is no virus

>> No.15789493

I'm all about liberty. I'm a Texan. But right now, we're fucked because of dumbass people who sit in small enclosed spaces without masks. Still going to vote for Trump, but going to vote against our governor.

>> No.15789505

What do you mean about people who sit in small enclosed spaces without masks?

>> No.15789585

Federal, yes. State: not by federal law, but it depends on the state's constitution.

>> No.15789632

Don't worry bro, Christians on /x/ are already saying covid is a great delusion and bill gates is the antichrist

>> No.15789654
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I know, it's weird that the crazy people are actually right for once

>> No.15789805
File: 32 KB, 552x685, D1F18A0C-3B93-4E40-B0D1-3A0EA2AD8FF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a bit like the drunk driving scenario
Not it’s not you faggot leftist. Forcing everyone to wear a mask is like saying “well, you could drive drunk, so we’re going to punish you as if you already have.” You’re putting the cart before the horse. There is absolutely no reason to compulsively force everyone to you stupid faggot rules because you’re “worried” about getting “sick”. There’s also no reason to care if people actually get sick and die, since this will help me our overpopulation and climate change crisis right? I thought leftists fags we’re all about saving the climate and humans are an evil stain upon the earth. Shouldn’t you fags be running around trying to spread this “super killer disease”?

>> No.15789815

I actually am pro-drunk driving

>> No.15789832

I am a pro at drunk driving

>> No.15789833

>I’m actually just a faggot
Yes, that’s already well established.

>> No.15789843

take your meds bro

>> No.15789847
File: 78 KB, 664x1024, BB892FF1-9704-45FF-BFA2-6B1BF4CCBFDF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take your meds faggot leftists

>> No.15789868

This is why I pay to fuck hookers raw knowing I have two viral STDs.

>> No.15789892

>already posting graphs

>> No.15790321

If can speak german, the YouTuber Gunnar Kaiser (a philosophy- and literature teacher who also wrote a few guest articles in german newspapers and even his own novel) basically has been dedicating his entire channel to Corona, the meassurements being too strict, and the potential consequences this will have for the future, on the basis of philosophers and literature.

If you cant speak german, why bother browsing /lit/ when not being able to use the language of poets and philosophers?