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15788318 No.15788318 [Reply] [Original]

>clinically depressed
>raised a whore of a daughter with several mental illnesses
>refuses to address the JQ
>STILL has the gall to command you to get your shit together

How very surreal

>> No.15788349


>> No.15788356

Despite all that he is still more put together than the average 4channer.

>> No.15788361

Not a high bar.

>> No.15788419

Wow this sporter has a shitty personal life therefore you shouldn't listen to his advice even though he's the highest ranked sporter

>> No.15788425

Well he's never claimed that all his advice doesn't apply to himself and that he's somehow exempt. But nice try though.

>> No.15788426

>muh JQ
fuck off /pol/yp

>> No.15788435

>>raised a whore of a daughter with several mental illnesses
I have an irrational hatred for that bitch. She's clearly just using her father's name and he's enabling this petty nepotism. Not that I expected any better from a man that's so clearly driven by greed and egocentrism, but still - just shameful. Christianity was as lost on the good Dr. Peterson as it is on the ordinary Orthodox priests that drive luxury BMWs.

>> No.15788441

Imagine being this angry about being told to clean your room. Maybe you wouldn't be such a salty virgin faggot if you tried.

>> No.15788445
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except his "sport" IS dealing with personal life issues, stupid

>> No.15788449

>your life can only get better if the cosmic entropy aligns for you to succeed

The nigga just wants you to take control of your life even if shit isn't going your way. His work is not aimed at successful people.

>> No.15788455
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>this is her husband and her new "friend"
>why, yes, I too judge people on one picture alone

>> No.15788463
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>>refuses to address the JQ

>> No.15788469
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>> No.15788477

You should get your shit together, he's not wrong on that even if he's a coward when it comes to jews and tribalism.

>> No.15788497

What a dumb bitch.

>> No.15788768

I'd rather have advice from someone who fucked up multiple times than from a supposedly infallible person tbqh

>> No.15789108

You don’t have to be Jesus to be able to know things and give good insights.

That’s not how life works.

Go outside and gain some life experience.

>> No.15789147

The daughter of his father.

>> No.15789193
File: 52 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you take soccer lessons from someone who can't kick a ball?

Would you take car mechanic training from someone who can't change a tire?

No? Then why the hell are you taking life advice from a benzo addict, clinically depressed intellectual coward who couldn't even raise his daughter properly?

Are lobsterfags this delusional?

>> No.15789195

he's not commanding you to do anything. that is your choice

>> No.15789204

>Got obliterated by sniffing homeless man
You brainlet just aren't overdosing on enough benzos to understand what he meant by all this

>> No.15789208

So. If you were to study any science, would you rather go to a third rate professor who couldn't even do a simple equation or go to the finest one that improve in new knowledge and know how to handle equations with ease?

>> No.15789207

Yeah, nowhere did OP say he's a dictator who is forcing choices upon us? If you are a retard and give advice, it's fair for people to call you out as a bumbling retard, even if you're not forcing them to follow the advice. Understand, retard?

>> No.15789223

>overdosing on enough benzos
he was taking the dose he was prescribed but it didn't work for him, and he couldn't get off them because of the withdrawal

>> No.15789227

>Yeah I ask gamblers for investment advice, only repeated failure leads to maturity.
Never heard of a track record, can't stop doing mental gymnastics, never going to make it. It's over anon.

>> No.15789231

>He needs meds to deal with "life hard"
>0 will power
Why didn't he just clean his room bro? I thought winners could just will it?! KEK some memes write themselves

>> No.15789263

False equivalence.
If a compulsive gambler told you not to gamble, would you not take his advice?

>> No.15789271

so uhh... uhh.... if you were, uhh, gonna eat at a restaurant, yeah.... would you eat at a five start restaurant, or a three star one???

yeah, figure that one out.... let it really sink in....... really gotcha there, dude.

>> No.15789319

>five star restaurant
Michelin stars go up to three, brainlet

>> No.15789334

JP is actively portraying himself as the manly winner BTFO'ing the trannies. So it's the compulsive gambler telling me to "just beat the system, bro!". Nice mental gymnastics tho, it really is interesting to see how far people will twist logic to protect their idol and self insert. Can't have a personality on their own without em

>> No.15789346

>Guy sucks fat dick in life for being retarded
>Publishes book: Don't suck fat dick in life, don't be retarded
>16 y.o.s lose their shit, it was this simple all along!

>> No.15789355

Good on you for dodging the question. Just as one is able to take the gambler's advice to avoid becoming the gambler, one should also be able to take Peterson's advice to avoid becoming like him, no? Or are you just one of those people who can't listen to Mahler because he was jewish?

>> No.15789376

I don't know what ghost arguments your fighting in this dragon of chaos buddy, but I have no problems with jews. And no, you're twisting my example. If I am to ask somebody for life advice I'd ask a successful investor with a proven track record. If I want to know not to gamble I just take a look at the gambler and realize I shouldn't ask that guy, aka Peterson, any questions about life. Holly molly you are bad at this

>> No.15789382

The man in that picture is a huckster who makes his money selling pickup tactics to morons online. He's also rumoured to be a sex trafficker. What a great friend!

>> No.15789393

How is that a false equivalence? He is advocating for living a fulfilling life when he can't even get his shit together.

>> No.15789407

Sure. However, if both the successful one and the failed one give the same advice, what does it matter? The kind of advice that Peterson gives in this book is supported by a large quantity of successful psychologists. It sounds to me that you aren't capable to separate creation from the creator. Ooops, there I go again with my mental gymnastics, never gonna make it yada yada

>> No.15789420
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listening to Jewish music like (((Mahler))) IS bad for your brain though
>Research into the effects of music on verbal memory shows listening to Mozart sharpens the ability to recall words, while listening to Mahler has the opposite effect.

>> No.15789424

>homeless guy addresses you on the street
>"look kid, get your shit together, don't fall for addictions, try your best to be successful"
>"why? So I end up like you? Pfft, yeah, right"

>> No.15789441

Marcus Aurelius had a shitty kid too

>> No.15789452

This is interesting. What about atonality like Stravinsky and Schoenberg?

>> No.15789462

Terrible analogy. Peterson makes a living from giving life advice and considers himself an authority on the subject. The homeless man neither makes a living from his advice, nor does he consider himself a genuine authority in the professional sense.

>> No.15789506

Hehe. I guess. What I'm getting at is that a lot of people now seem completely dismissive of Peterson's advice because of his own mess of a personal life.

>> No.15789528

Don't believe everything you've read about Commodus. He was disliked by the Senate because he wouldn't engage in the usual (purely ceremonial) deference they felt was accorded to them. Roman history largely comes to us from the Senators and those they patronised. It is bound to be especially biased against those who did not (or did not at least appear) to follow procedure.

>> No.15789531

Would you follow the advise of a mechanic who couldn't fix their own car?

>> No.15789546


>> No.15789552

If that advice had been proven to work on the reparation of a majority of cars, yes. I would then conclude that it is the mechanic that isn't capable of applying his own advice in a proper manner.

>> No.15789553

>he’s not divorced. Where did you get that idea?
>he was depressed and manages to overcome it. That proves his ideas work
>he is not his daughter
>Idk what relevance the JQ has

>> No.15789576

>If that advice had been proven to work on the reparation of a majority of cars, yes.
It hasn't been though.

>> No.15789592

let it go, these people just want their 2 minutes of hate

>> No.15789596

>communists destroy and kill everything they touch
>still have to gall to go on living and telling people what's what

lmao just imagine

>> No.15789597

Yes, it has. Because, ironically, you give this work by Peterson way too much credit. More than half of the shit he says in this book is extremely common advice that's been spouted by the psychology department for decades.
>inb4 "but there's more depression now than ever"
That's a complete myth, unless you consider tumblr-core sadness to be depression.

>> No.15789604

>More than half of the shit he says in this book is extremely common advice
he packages it well in his speeches, that's why people like him
Also I don't remember him saying that his rules are something new and revolutionary

>> No.15789622

>I don't remember him saying that his rules are something new and revolutionary
Probably because they aren't, and I think most sane people know this. I think /lit/ is just obsessed with the man.

>> No.15789994

>rumored by my friends at /pol/

>> No.15790316

>More than half of the shit he says in this book is extremely common advice that's been spouted by the psychology department for decades.
Yes. I don't dispute this. In fact, it forms part of my argument against him.
It's all over the web, dude. Calm down.

>> No.15790345

The web doesn't extend to fake rumors made by bunch of larpers on 4chin.

>> No.15790355

from reality

>> No.15791375

Q: Why are promiscuous women shamed, while promiscuous men praised?
A: Sexism

>> No.15791573

Hey guys I got some 12 rules of life myself. Thought I could share them with you guys because you guys are cool in my book.

Number 1: Clean your penis
Number 2: Clean your penis
Number 3: Clean your penis
Number 4: Clean your penis
Number 5: Clean your penis (this one is very important)
Number 6: Clean your penis
Number 7: Clean your penis (this one is pretty obvious but it a lot of people forget about is)
Number 8: Clean your penis
Number 9: Clean your penis
Number 10: Clean your penis
Number 11: Clean your penis (it really works, trust me)
And finally number 12: Become a god

That's it! The 12 rules of life.

>> No.15791604

i'm a little confused by step six but i think i truly understand step 4. thank you, Anonymous. where can i buy your book and watch your youtube videos? do you have any of you absolutely owning the liberals?

>> No.15791642

Yeah, my channel has a little bit of a following, don't know if you've heard it before. It's called pewdiepie.

>> No.15792120

Did you just try to compare Jordan Peterson to Marcus Aurelius?
You’re comparing a guy who started his academic career by taking Jung SUPER LITERALLY and therefore getting it all wrong with one of the five great Roman emperors?
Holy shit you people are delusional.

>> No.15792147

>>raised a whore of a daughter with several mental illnesses
this is just proof that all women are hooers. if Jesus had a daughter, she prob would be a hooer too.
hooering is the nature of women.

>> No.15792175

It's an extremely apt comparison. Commodus was a ruinous emperor. Why didn't Marcus Aurelius raise him properly? And why did he not adopt a competent nephew or godson instead? Clearly he wasn't such a great emperor after all, like how Peterson is a poor psychologist, right?

>> No.15792188

Peterson’s a shitty psychologist and it has nothing to do with how he raised his daughter, his philosophies suck. Aurelius was a great emperor and it has nothing to do with how he raised his son, his empire was great.

>> No.15792208

This thread is about Jordan Peterson being a bad psychologist because of his daughter mate. Clearly you disagree with that line of reasoning and the comparison holds within the scope of this argument

>> No.15792218

I think the argument is more so that he doesn’t have his own shit together, his daughter is just being used as evidence of that and not the main argument.

>> No.15792324

>what is ad hominem fallacy

>> No.15792352

So what are some refutations to anything JBP has said?

>> No.15792450

Women are followers, and if the culture doesn't program virtue into them during their socialization they'll become decadent and vacuous. Until the rebirth of stricture in culture there's no hope for them.

>> No.15792472

Nietzsche was a train-wreck, so can we discount him to? If the personal quality of the arguer is the determinant of the validity of the argument we can throw most philosophy and science away right now.

>> No.15792476

tldr: he takes Jung way too seriously and doesn’t allow for any interpretations outside of the Eurocentric world that Jung worked in, despite the fact that we as a society have moved on from it

>> No.15792487

In what world is Peterson a thinker on the level of Nietzsche? The comparisons in this thread between Peterson and actual thinkers are laughable.

>> No.15792502

It's not a matter of comparison, it's a matter of the fact that ad hom isn't a valid basis on which to dismiss someone's work

>> No.15792518

the reason why we should dismiss his work is because the only reason why someone’s even bringing it up here is because /pol/ also exists on this website

>> No.15792525

It might surprise you to know that JP is, whatever his merit, a well known figure outside of 4chan and /pol/.

>> No.15792529

/pol/ have never liked peterson. to even suggest that indicates you have never been on /pol/

>> No.15792533

my point is he’s only discussed as an intellectual in alt-right circles, which tells you all you need to know

>> No.15792549

That's plainly not true unless you consider everyone right of the typical progressive liberal to be the alt-right.

>> No.15792612

no one cares about him except for people trying to prop him up as a great thinker because he’s like the only professor to have right-wing beliefs

>> No.15793618

t. whore

>> No.15793636

>Author's name bigger than the title
Why do people do this?

>> No.15793687

you know it's true

>> No.15793707

Yet you still made a thread about him. Let go of your resentment, it’s not doing you any good.