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/lit/ - Literature

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15786378 No.15786378 [Reply] [Original]

>/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/.

Mfw half the threads here are about politics or race or religion.

>> No.15786394

that's /pol/ for ya

It's so fucking annoying when people start threads with obviously inflammatory/racist/non-lit subject but then say "books for this" like suddenly that makes it alright

>> No.15786467

I saw a thread moved to /pol/ last week with a mod having posted a message announcing such as the final entry.

I wonder if there is some sort of rate limit on how often you can delete a thread or if the current janitorial staff just doesn't watch the catalog that closely.

>> No.15786519

some people just see what they wanna see if youbknow wjst I'm sayin. That's a cognitive bias. What's worse is abuse of authority in erasing witjout subtlety in a sweeping generalization omitting the nuance of topic insteadbof resorting to ad hominem.

>muh privilege
>b-but why don't you talk about what's relevant to me?
>jester! entertain me!

just words <- underrated

>> No.15786531
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Books for this feel?

>> No.15786549
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>> No.15786564
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Yeah I feel you man, but nobody is going to stop posting politics, religion, history or economics here because /his/ is basically a joke and /pol/ is too chaotic to have any significant discussion.
I just wan't somewhere to get some good recs about Economics but /biz/ is full of fianance and crypto stuff

>> No.15786662


The Money Launderers is a great read

I've read the 48 Laws of Power and my mother was like why is your outlook suddenly becoming machavelian but the fact of the matter is that readers often forget the detail in the preface, that the laws of power aren't only meant for readers who want to gain power, but to protect themselves from anyone trying to steal power, as a shield.

>> No.15786683

The board is dead
Jannies do nothing but jack it to trap porn nowadays

>> No.15786767

The most important literature are non fiction. Records, accounts, philosophy. All other stuff is just entertainment.

I come to lit to see what people think, in particular ancient intellectuals, not to talk about fables and their morals

>> No.15788033

Goes for /leftypol/ too though

>> No.15788039

>/his/ is basically a joke
It seems like one of the best boards on the site as someone who rarely uses it

>> No.15788046

It really isn't. And there's a reason why you haven't used it.

>> No.15788049

same thing. just countless shill brigades and agenda pushing human turds with zero nuance and 100% buzz

>> No.15788051

Protip: don't send him emails. You will be severely disappointed with the response (if you get one, which according to my experience you're likely to).

>> No.15788059

/his/ is good for historoy. & humanities made it worse for no reason. That moot2 guy should make /phil/ already because there's obviously 2 distinct groups of people on /lit/ who have very little to do with each other.

>> No.15788064

Why? How did he respond to you?

>> No.15788067
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I have nothing that backs this up but I feel that /lit/ is one of if not the whitest boards and /his/ (along with /pol/) are some of the most nonwhite.

Pic unrelated.

>> No.15788069

I just decided to check the front page after a few months of absence.
This place somehow got even worse. What an absolute cesspool of illiteracy, hiveminding, and borderline eceleb threads.
Might as well just erase this board. It no longer serves any purpose that /tv/ and /pol/ don't cover already.

>> No.15788073

>/his/ is good for historoy.
and to elaborate, even their haploautism is good as there are people with good knowledge on ancient genomes, and generally you find people who have in-depth knowledge about shit like mesoamerican history, byzantine empire, military history, and some obscure stuff. Sure there's some /pol/, but that's every 4chan board

>> No.15788082

Sounds about right about /lit/ being very Western

>> No.15788099

Damn, racism and white supremacy really exploded in the 2010s! Good thing NYT was there to catch it and protect us.

>> No.15788100

At least there don't seem to be the volumes of Christposters that we were getting a few years ago. Though we still have their demented stepbrothers, the philosophy posters.

>> No.15788143

5% of it is well informed discussion of historical topics, usually around a predictable number of subjects. 5% of it is decent philosophical or theological discussion. 10% of it is midwits arguing over ideology. The remaining 80% consists of larpers and sub-90 IQ monkeys holding 6th grade tier conversations.