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15786245 No.15786245[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15786249

By voting for Biden

>> No.15786371


>> No.15786380


>> No.15786391

Why people keep making those stupid threads mocking Chomsky?

>> No.15786409

Interesting, what foreign words for death and farting did you use to make this?

>> No.15786433

>Honey it’s time to vote neoliberal again!

>> No.15786441


>> No.15786455

ask God
lol hahahahaha

>> No.15786458
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>> No.15786475

erreemmmmm *swallows* mmmmmmweneedtobombthekurdsagainmmmmmmmm....mmm.mm...zzzzzz

>> No.15786520

Dubs say Chomsky dies from Covid19 within a month

>> No.15786617

chomsky's gay bitch

>> No.15786657


>> No.15786676


>> No.15786697

Dubs say he lives to 105

>> No.15786704

his legacy is to be remembered as the "vote biden" guy
was it worth it?

>> No.15786706


trips says he lives to 505


>> No.15786721

dubs and he dies this year

>> No.15786729

Dubs and I vote Biden

>> No.15786776
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If dubs then he is immortal

>> No.15786788

So close yet so far.

>> No.15786799
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Does this count?

>> No.15786805


>> No.15786806

i hope so

>> No.15786826

He has to outive Kissinger

>> No.15786833

>maybe noam was the real nazi all along

>> No.15786848


>But trusts can’t be all bad. After all, Chomsky, with a net worth north of $2,000,000, decided to create one for himself. A few years back he went to Boston’s venerable white-shoe law firm, Palmer and Dodge, and, with the help of a tax attorney specializing in “income-tax planning,” set up an irrevocable trust to protect his assets from Uncle Sam. He named his tax attorney (every socialist radical needs one!) and a daughter as trustees. To the Diane Chomsky Irrevocable Trust (named for another daughter) he has assigned the copyright of several of his books, including multiple international editions.

>Chomsky favors the estate tax and massive income redistribution—just not the redistribution of his income. No reason to let radical politics get in the way of sound estate planning.

>When I challenged Chomsky about his trust, he suddenly started to sound very bourgeois: “I don’t apologize for putting aside money for my children and grandchildren,” he wrote in one e-mail. Chomsky offered no explanation for why he condemns others who are equally proud of their provision for their children and who try to protect their assets from Uncle Sam. Although he did say that the tax shelter is okay because he and his family are “trying to help suffering people.”

>Indeed, Chomsky is rich precisely because he has been such an enormously successful capitalist. Despite the anti-profit rhetoric, like any other corporate capitalist he has turned himself into a brand name. As John Lloyd puts it, writing critically in the lefty New Statesman, Chomsky is among those “open to being ‘commodified’—that is, to being simply one of the many wares of a capitalist media market place, in a way that the badly paid and overworked writers and journalists for the revolutionary parties could rarely be.”

>Chomsky’s business works something like this. He gives speeches on college campuses around the country at $12,000 a pop, often dozens of times a year.

>> No.15786858

Not critique

>> No.15786901

Who said that was the aim, imbecile? The guy is obviously not trying to critique Chomsky's ideas, but his behavior (which is a valid criticism, considering that Chomsky is a public figure).
It amazes me how people can be so blind when trying to interpret a simple text.

>> No.15786943



>> No.15786961

Trips and he dies tomorrow

>> No.15786975

That and having Elon Musk publicly insult him on Twitter.

>> No.15787018

dubs and Chomsky dies in August

>> No.15787034

Dubs and he dies now.

>> No.15787055

dubs and he's already dead

>> No.15787068
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>> No.15787190

top kek

>> No.15787210

Dubs and he lives a long life :)

>> No.15787227

Guys, leave him alone. He did a lot throughout his life. People break down at some point. Remember the good times.

>> No.15787379

The man has already lived to 97 and commies will still think his death will be a "win" for them. Just lmao

>> No.15787401

>a net worth of $2m at age 91 is evidence of someone being an enormously successful capitalist
completely delusional

>> No.15787406

Nervous about Trump not making it.

>> No.15787416

Looks like old YandereDev.

>> No.15787732

Someone is mad that Chomsky will have his life’s work vindicated when he outlives the United States.

>> No.15787735

He'll be dead by the end of Summer.
And when he'll be, then America will really be lost forever.

>> No.15787767

That article was written in 2006 you fucking moron

>> No.15787769

dubs says your mother does instead

>> No.15787801

>When Saruman chops down your forest

>> No.15787907


>> No.15787933

I hope you're not so stupid to imply that any respectable liberal likes Kissinger? Dude, not even a fucking conservatives like this ghoul. Fuck off with your psyop.

>> No.15788995

I'm absolutely certain it's shills, gov ops and various establishment goons.

No one in these threads ever do anything to substantially argue against Chomsky's works or ideas. They just take a fat shit on him, and hope that their shear coordination will bury the substance of his intellectual activity. There is no one who actually possesses the gall and tenacity to go point by point through Manufacturing Consent and actually refute any of it, so all these lowlifes can do is imply that he's some idiot that only naive college students just fall in with, rather than one of the most serious intellectuals of the century.

>> No.15789974

Yeah, and they’re just salty that the current trends in US and global economics and politics are proving that Chomsky has been right all along. To first consider the unprecedented power the United States possessed at the end of World War II, and then realize just how quickly it was all frittered away during the War on Terror and the Trump administration, you really have to understand just how rotten a system is for this turnabout to happen in so short a time. It’s something that Chomsky knew perfectly well, and now all the elites can do is make fun of Chomsky getting old and hope people ignore his sixty-plus years of warning us against our swaggering arrogance.

>> No.15790012

>Trump is worse than Hitler
I'm not American, can anyone explain?
Even if it's hyperbole it just seems so overblown, I don't really remember Trump doing anything, might as well still be Obama from my perspective

>> No.15790024

>Chomsky has been right all along. To first consider the unprecedented power the United States possessed at the end of World War II
Holy shit Chomsky was the only one who understood geopolitics in the whole world?

>> No.15790069

The most zealous Trump haters hate Trump because he doesn't play the civility game they have invested so much into. He threatens their entire identity of means tested bureaucratic credentialism and "being the adult in the room" just by existing. Every moment he is in power he weakens them by breaking the illusion of American politics they spent decades curating. This is why they have rehabilitated Bolton, Bush, and even fucking DICK CHENEY in their attempt to restore "normalcy". In reality, Trump is not a good president, but he is still far better than Bush and Clinton.

>> No.15790087

You’re so salty.

>> No.15790104

Chomsky argues that the two greatest threats to human survival are the climate crisis and nuclear warfare. Trump has made the problem worse and may have pushed us beyond the point of no return.

>> No.15790117

CHeck em' A D D I T I V E

>> No.15790141

Guess you are right on that, if I look at his personal twitter feed for example he seems more human and less dignified than any other politician I could think of, especially on that level

Ah, I don't know much about Chomsky so I wasn't aware he's one of those guys who are really worried about the climate
As far as nukes go I really don't think we are anywhere close to cold war levels, what is the point of even having nukes if nobody thinks you'll ever use them

>> No.15790178

>taking the piss out of a 91 year old man for looking old

>> No.15790195

hell yeah

>> No.15790197

Chomsky has been working for like 50+ years and is known to be extremely anti-consoomer. 2 million dollars is literally nothing

>> No.15790252

>neo con think tank literally funded by corporations

>> No.15790260

>expecting 4chan to be civil
how new?

>> No.15790263


>> No.15790290

The multicultural project is necessarily built on an acquiescing majority population. You can't massively grow the workforce with immigration unless you already have a functioning ecosystem with relatively little corruption and conflict. In the case of western nations it's the white majority that holds this stuff together. Lefties might respond to this with "what even is white" or "irish weren't considered white, they became white" which are just demands for more acquiescence and not really a sober look on what immigration really is. There are no free rides, not even with immigration
The free ride is over, lower class whites are feeling the squeeze, they don't want to become a minority and suffer further status devaluation. Trump could've been avoided if there had been less immigration or if the tools for shaming/ostracizing (white privilege, systematic racism, colonial guilt) had been more effective. Trump is worse than Hitler because Trump is a first real step towards a new world order where either the multicultural project is seen as a failure or where the multicultural project becomes less effective (because of internal conflict with "dividers" like Trump) than other players, such as China

>> No.15790398

>As far as nukes go I really don't think we are anywhere close to cold war levels, what is the point of even having nukes if nobody thinks you'll ever use them
No, we’re in deep shit. The US doesn’t have the economic infrastructure or geopolitical strategy to keep the Chinese in check. The only tool left in the tool box is it’s military. Likewise, if US power is on the decline, it might push Russia around, not expecting Russia will push back.
