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15783541 No.15783541[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This nigga stupid I swear to God

>> No.15783565


>> No.15783570

wow, i would never have guessed that elon musk doesn't like chomsky

>> No.15783574

Elon is just derailing his pedo escapades by shitting up his mentions.

>> No.15783581

elon musk is a moron. what else is new. Anyways, he just does this to make you think about him. Just ignore it and don't give him what he wants. He will only seem like a success in the eyes of reddit normies. He will never accomplish anything and he'll be forgotten in 100 years. Just ignore him and live your life.

>> No.15783607


Brilliant strategy. The feds can't touch him if he does this.

>> No.15783622

>capitalist doesn't like leftist

>> No.15783624


>> No.15783633

The last 5 years of social media should warn you not to underestimate the power of public opinion. Optics literally matter more than actual crime at this point.

>> No.15783634

He feels like one of those fast food restaurants that posts memes on their twitter to stay relevant these days. Im sure hes a cool dude to hang out with but its pretty cringey

>> No.15783642

Everyone report the thread for extremely low quality.

>> No.15783643

Musk is the very embodiment of reddit midwittery.

>> No.15783651

Ok rabbi

>> No.15783653

musk is like 2010 reddit, modern Reddit is a far gayer thing even than ilovescience techbroery

>> No.15783664

Ghislaine Maxwell is about to take him down.

>> No.15783665
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How come I'm not super rich?

>> No.15783678

you read chomsky

>> No.15783701

Reminder that Musk is a based Schopenhauerian ubermensch.
>I was 14 I started reading "the philosophers" like Nietzsche (go figure) and Schopenhauer, you know two 19th century ultra-pessimistic Germans into eugenics...
>Yeah. Dostoevsky sucks. I tried to read Crime and Punishment once. It was way too negative. That's why I like Nietzsche and Schopenhauer so much. They are nice, positive guys.

>> No.15783707

He doesn't like him for the wrong reasons I would say, lol. But Chomsky is so bad that perhaps there isn't a wrong reason to hate him.

>> No.15783724

based as fuck

>> No.15783887 [DELETED] 

didnt elon say that marx was a capitalist purely because of the das kapital name for his book?

>> No.15783903

Are you talking about chomsky?

>> No.15783921

He's just having a mid-life crisis

>> No.15783929

Name one thing Chomsky is right about. I'll wait.

>> No.15783960

>They are nice, positive guys
Lol wat

>> No.15783987

That attitude is what makes him a based Schopenhauerian ubermensch, anon.

>> No.15784008


Mainstream media outlets in the United States act as a sort of filter, a sort of pre approval type of mechanism that controls the flow of information that the masses are allowed to have access to. Privatized media outlets, as opposed to publicly funded independent media outlets, are subject to the profits over all else rule of Capitalism due to their very nature of being. Media outlets owned by private shareholders and run by the wealthiest members of society get more power and influence over what those institutions run as a stories and what passes for "worthy" and "unworthy" news. This control and flow of information trickles down to the masses, heavily watered down by all of the changing hands the information has gone through, so the average person who watches CNN, MSNBC, or Fox News, only gets PART of the full story, no matter what the topic is.

Therefore, Chomsky is right when he says this; privatized media in the United States and many other developed countries is designed to permit debate around certain issues only within certain bounds, bounds which the elites in society first must deem as acceptable or not in order to be discussed in the final analysis. Consent of all of these major wars, harmful policy decisions, etc. we've had the last fifty plus years has been manufactured by institutions more powerful than working class and middle class individuals. Citizens of the United States are being herded like sheep to think only within the framework of what the people at the top believe is an acceptable room for debate. Beyond that, you are considered fringe, or dismissed or hated altogether. True free thought in the United States is actively discouraged.

>> No.15784023

Public institutions also censor, as does Chomsky himself, the guy is on the record saying he thinks there is no value in talking about race for example.

>> No.15784030

Your parents don’t own African ruby mines that employ child slave labor.

>> No.15784031

Can you actually prove any of that working on the large-scale?

>> No.15784040

Oh no the poor African kids :(

>> No.15784042


That doesn't mean what he said was wrong. I wouldn't disagree with the notion that publicly funded institutions aren't capable of doing the same thing. But because they're publicly funded, it wouldn't be in the service of a profit motive. It would be in all likelihood done in the service of an authoritarian state doctrine, or a personal agenda of the people running the media outlet. I don't think Chomsky would disagree with those possibilities either.

>> No.15784044

His political takes are that of a facebook boomer.

>> No.15784084


>sucking ((circumcised)) penises

One at a time please.

>> No.15784091

>he's a wealthy capitalist so he must be a Jewish pedophile
You guys are fucking retarded.

>> No.15784102
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>> No.15784105


Yes. If you've read any of Chomsky's works, at least Manufacturing Consent, you would see that this has happened in practice for decades within the United States.

For example, look at Senator Bernie Sanders past two presidential campaigns. Fox News, and even many among the more left leaning networks such as MSNBC have run massive amounts of negative ad campaigns against him, brought on multiple speakers and news media correspondents to disavow his campaign. I remember James Carville accusing Bernie Sanders of being a Communist. But anybody with an actual basic understanding of history and political science would understand that Bernie Sanders is at best, a social democrat, not a communist, let alone even a democratic socialist as he calls himself.

This isn't the best example of my point, but I think you would understand that what these media pundits have all done, consecutively for years is basically shout down all forms of dissent, by any means necessary. What we're seeing now in our most recent elections is just constant blatant, bold faced lying, going completely unchecked in both major political parties and both major presidential campaigns currently left. Dissent was silenced in the case Bernie Sanders (that's not to say they didn't fuck up majorly either in many ways). Something as simple as a basic universal health care system, which many countries employ, is viewed as radical in a country where nearly 50,000 people die every year because they don't have health insurance or can't afford medical care. This is something that an overwhelming majority of the country now supports, and yet nobody running for higher office now supports it. Why is that? Because it's not profitable. So the people who own the media companies, the wealthiest members of society and the health care executives, are going to do everything they can to sow doubt amongst the population in order to retain their power.

Again, this isn't the best example, but it is one example of how red baiting, McCarthyism, and blatant disinformation campaigns are all used in the service of the military industrial complex (keeping the wars going because it's profitable), the privatized healthcare industry (healthcare is treated as a for profit business industry, not a human right), and any form of real dissent is treated as the equivalent of Joseph Stalin and the Gulags.

>> No.15784108

No but he is content in being their whore.

>> No.15784118

There is no great value talking about eyelash length, either. That doesn't mean he supports censoring such talk. In fact, he is on the record supporting free speech of all kinds, from holocaust denial to racism. Get your facts straight.

>> No.15784127

>[leftist] doesn't like leftist

>> No.15784142

Ah yeah leftists, famous for their relentlessness support of capitalism

>> No.15784151

^ This is the same schizo who larps as a devout Christian in other threads.

>> No.15784163

Leftism /= liberalism my anglo-brained companion.

>> No.15784164

Examples aren't proof. This all sounds like ideology to me.

>> No.15784197


Examples aren't proof? What? Then what do you do to prove that something works then? I don't understand. Do you have any idea how retarded you sound? You gotta be trolling.

>> No.15784207

There is no such thing as a "Schopenhauerian ubermensch"

>> No.15784213

They aren't proof of a large-scale operation. The examples are just, "Here's a single case. It played out this way. Doesn't it seem likely now that this happens everywhere, all the time, with this precise intention?" That's not proof, that's suggestion. It's different.

>> No.15784223

I think you should read Manufacturing Consent, because Chomsky and Herman do a great job of tracking down the actions of individuals in highly influential positions and with vast amounts of wealth pulling the strings and doing basically what I just described to you.Seriously. It's not an ideology. It's a series of observations, compared and contrasted to one another, and a hypothesis built on top of the mounting evidence supported by even more evidence of these things taking place.

Don't you understand how power works? Doesn't more money/capital = power? I don't think that can be disputed.

>> No.15784237


You're contradicting yourself. "the examples are just here's a single case"

It's not a single case. It's multiple cases being examined and used together to formulate a general hypothesis, then from there more examples are compared and contrasted under the framework of the hypothesis. The hypothesis is proven, so therefore it can be assumed to be right until information to the contrary appears.

>> No.15784264

>I don't think that can be disputed.
What can be disputed is the large-scale intent and the malicious characterization of it, if the examples provided in that work are anything like what was provided in the thread. Maybe I'll read it sometime.

Multiple such cases still wouldn't prove a large-scale operation, especially one lasting several generations. It also wouldn't prove that the intent is to inflict harm, even in those cases. Gatekeeping is not concerned with inflicting harm.

>> No.15784296

It doesn't have to be a huge multi-generational conspiracy, and the intent of the people manipulating the media truly doesn't matter

>> No.15784299


>> No.15784301


Obviously it's not a drug ring. It might not be an intentional mission on the part of the those individuals involved in positions of significant wealth and power, but it is a part of how power works, and how people with power tend to want to keep that power, and profit and capital can and is heavily linked to power, as we have seen by who the dominant figures in our society are.

The idea that the two aren't somehow inherently connected under a capitalist system is simply false.Noticing that isn't ideological, it just is. If you deny that simple fact then you aren't living in reality. To say that we have to overthrow that system could be considered ideological. The example I provided you with was inherently malicious, simply for the fact that multiple people lied and spread false information about a political candidate in order to maintain their power. If it wasn't to maintain their power, then what was it for then?

The intent might not be to inflict harm, but it is to maintain power and distract.I don't understand what you mean by gatekeeping. Care to explain friendo?

>> No.15784322

why do marxoids think they get to play around with definitions however they please
liberalism is the very origin of the term leftism. and for the record virtually every 'conservative' is also a leftist.

>> No.15784325
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>Donkey Kong sucks

>> No.15784328

Now you're the one playing with definitions

>> No.15784334

>definitions never change

>> No.15784346

Bugman doesn't like Crybaby Socialist. WAHHH?

>> No.15784355

If Musk is a bugman, who isn't one?

>> No.15784356

let me guess, he hates chomsky because his theory on language is powering AI's parsing and understanding

>> No.15784366

Ghislaine Maxwell is about to be suicided

>> No.15784372

>The terms "left" and "right" appeared during the French Revolution of 1789 when members of the National Assembly divided into supporters of the king to the president's right and supporters of the revolution to his left
not all leftists are liberals, all liberals are leftists.
more like leftists just redefine, subvert, and proscribe as taboo words as they please to their political ends

>> No.15784373

Of course there is, anon. Goethe himself was one. That is not to say Musk is anywhere near Goethe in terms of basedness, but at least he is trying.

>> No.15784376

>publicly funded

>> No.15784379

She's gonna catch Coronavirus and, unfortunately, parish. Doctors did what they could for her

>> No.15784383

>not all leftists are liberals, all liberals are leftists.

>> No.15784387

Musk is close to El Chapo's wife, so it's more likely a cartel will drop him than an international investigation on nonces.

>> No.15784395

>privatized media in the United States and many other developed countries is designed to permit debate around certain issues only within certain bounds, bounds which the elites in society first must deem as acceptable or not in order to be discussed in the final analysis.
This. And just to be clear, the fact that jews are overrepresented among these elites is TOTALLY IRRELEVANT and is also not within the bounds of acceptability.

>> No.15784397

NPR and PBS are funded by corporations. They're even more biased than commercial media in many cases.

>> No.15784398

>using something that happened 230 years ago to define the modern political spectrum
You're a joke

>> No.15784402
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>> No.15784407

>that wasn't REAL public funding!

>> No.15784414

So according to you, Fascists and Ancaps and Theocrats and all other non-monarchists are now "leftists"?

>> No.15784415
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>> No.15784419

all that means is that the left won, and today all we see are lefties squabbling with each other. This is all entirely the left's fault

>> No.15784422

They literally tell you the names of the corporations that sponsor the programs, brainlet.

>> No.15784427

Do you guys remember when Chomsky literally demanded that American military invade the Middle East further to 'protect" the Kurds? Chomsky a completely discredited Jew.

>> No.15784430

Whatever retard

>> No.15784441

based shortcircuiting bot

>> No.15784446

Go back to your /pol/ bubble of misinformation, brainlet.

>> No.15784450

>It doesn't have to be a huge multi-generational conspiracy
What's Chomsky's point then?

>the intent of the people manipulating the media truly doesn't matter
Why not?

>The intent might not be to inflict harm, but it is to maintain power and distract.I don't understand what you mean by gatekeeping.
Gatekeeping means preserving culture, and culture requires an "oppressed" class. You're talking a lot about power, but do you know what it takes to have power and use it?

>> No.15784451

>heh lemme just shift everything left a bit so shitlibs are actually on the same side as absolutist monarchists
even if you want to act like the revolution that established the modern political system is irrelevant to defining it, then the simpler definition of the right would be an acceptance of natural order and hierarchy.
go wash some black feet chapoid

>> No.15784460

I am not american.

>> No.15784471

Fascists are neo-monarchists. Ancaps are leftists. "Theocrats" are monarchists.

>> No.15784473

imagine spending your entire life pretending to be anti-war, and then discrediting yourself like this.

>> No.15784476

Twitter drama posters must be purged
You are all morons itt

>> No.15784479

Fascism is like a stupid version of monarchy, it's still infected with modernist delusions

>> No.15784491

With a misinformed post on 4chan? Yeah, that's sad.

>> No.15784516

Lmao. I don't think the King of France would have liked to have been replaced by a ignoble facist dictator. How vulgar.

>> No.15784525

would probably prefer it to Macron though let's be real

>> No.15784547

One can only hope. Why this last bastion of apartheid South Africa is the pin up for a bunch of allegedly progressive allegedly liberal nothing people... I mean I know why but my mind boggles.

>> No.15784548

Go to bed, Carlyle.

>> No.15784555

If someone supports social hierarchies, then he is rightist. If he wants to topple/flatten them, he is a leftist.

>> No.15784557

You are eating from the trashcan my dear.

>> No.15784566

No, You'd be fucked with trying to work out Fabianism with that metric for example.

>> No.15784601

Why does Chomsky suck? Doesnt he talk about manufactured consent?

>> No.15784611

Are you the same guy? Because you're actually starting to make sense.

The right supports rigid hierarchies in which economic and political power is concentrated at the top. The left supports a more decentralized, less rigidly hierarchical distribution of power in which everyone shares ownership over the core political and economic infrastructure of the society. It's a spectrum of course. But that's about it.

>> No.15784615

sadly not

>> No.15784627

>Elon Musk
>He will never accomplish anything
dude, what you smoking?

>> No.15784630

Yeah, communist parties are totally not rigid and hierarchical, and besides communist parties aren't really communist anyways

>> No.15784638

The state capitalist parties of the USSR etc did not even pretend to be implementing communism. Read a book.

>> No.15784640

This. He impregnated Grimes, it's perhaps the greatest accomplishment in human history. It's also his only accomplishment (yes I am aware of his other children).

>> No.15784646

>left and right
>communist and noncommunist
too low resolution of sets

>> No.15784647

Lenin wasn't a REAL Leninist!

>> No.15784649

Again just goes to show that the US is not the "land of the free". In fact, I think Europeans have it better, but do not need to exalt this because every european knows the truth, and ignore what americans say.

>> No.15784655

you can literally go to jail in Europe for just saying things lmao. They imprisoned some 80 year old woman because she was arguing about the holocaust

>> No.15784658

Public broadcasters are even worse because they're directly taking tax money for the purpose of pushing ideology.

>> No.15784664

Why not?

>> No.15784668

Read The Brothers Karamazov

I’m sorry but anyone who thinks Dostoyevsky has got a serious case of the stoops.

>> No.15784673

lol yeah some kids in England got arrested for posting a reenactment of George Floyd death on Twitter. In America reenacting George Floyd death just gets you fired.

>> No.15784677

UH that doesn't count because it makes me uncomfortable

>> No.15784679

Go and argue with a US cop about killing the president. Go and speak to a crowd with intent to incite a riot. Go and see if the outcome is not the same as with the old lady only try not to get shot by a cop first if your skin hue is a shade darker than off-white.

>> No.15784693

Three accomplishments means you struck out. The third one may be just balls, though. Hehe.

>> No.15784695

In 2019, a total of 9 unarmed POCs were killed by police and 2 of them tried to run over the cops with their car

>> No.15784699

Sharing opinions is literally a crime in parts of Yurope. You are making a false equivalence.

>> No.15784700

There are no serious monarchists anymore

>> No.15784702

you are not more likely to be shot by a cop if you're black. They commit more crime, so they deal with police more, so they get shot more. Per encounter it's not higher. Also threatening to kill someone is not the same thing as disputing a historical event.

in short you are a fag, but you already know this in your soul

>> No.15784708

The first two is buying things. Buying things is not an accomplishment, it's just basic market transactions. I mean the third one might be buying things but I suspect Grimes would have been pregnant a while ago if that were the case, I think it's more down to indoctrination.

>> No.15784712

>Doesn't more money/capital = power?
I'm not sure about that. Knowledge itself is power. If you have vast amount of knowledge, you can get rich and can move up the chain. Knowledge is all you need.

>> No.15784717

>threatening to kill someone is not the same thing as disputing a historical event
it's not, but that was not your argument. your argument was that Europe is worse because you can be arrested for arguing. the same result can happen in the US.

>> No.15784719

Only if it may incite violence, it's a concept that goes back to the Romans dear boy.

>> No.15784721

surely you feel embarrassed stooping to this sophistry

>> No.15784722

That's like saying "You're more likely to die from heart disease than from a terrorist attack." True, but irrelevant.

>> No.15784724 [DELETED] 

The only reason Musk was allowed to get rich in the first place is because everyone thought his name was an anglicized version of Muskovitz and his first name his hebrew. If his name had been Benedict Washington or something he'd be writing backend server code for Ebay or something right now.

>> No.15784728

It is nothing like that, and I am not particularly interested in knowing what fevered imitation of logic led you to say such a thing.

>> No.15784731

Say, that reminds me, you're more likely to be killed by a terrorist than a cop if you are an unarmed non-felon, so how come it's ok to be scared of the cops but not be scared of terrorism?

>> No.15784732

It's everything like that, you poor benighted soul.

>> No.15784733

Shut the fuck up.

Oh and the decision on whether or not an idea might incite violence is conveniently decided by the government. And why are you citing Romans in trying to prove that Yurope has freer speech rights than America?

Your entire post is irrelevant.

>> No.15784736

Jews know this btw. Kabbalah. Antisemites are not wrong in pointing out that Jews hold a lot of authority in modern society, but they're wrong in thinking it's all about lying and nepotism.

>> No.15784738

Your entire post is nauseatingly irrelevant.

>> No.15784740

>The only reason Musk was allowed to get rich in the first place is because
If that comment doesn't end with "he is the child of apartheid South Africa gem mines" then you're an idiot. He is rich because he was born rich.

>> No.15784741

Keep believing and it might come true lol

>> No.15784746

I believe Musk founded SpaceX. He is also among the initial employees of Tesla but not the actual founder. Still, these are impressive accomplishments given what these companies have produced. As for Grimes, well, maybe the child will produce some nifty bangers and that will be Musk's greatest accomplishment.

>> No.15784752

>he is the child of apartheid South Africa gem mines

His family are Pennsylvania Dutch and Canadian. They had nothing to do with apartheid you mongoloid.

>> No.15784753

>but they're wrong in thinking it's all about lying and nepotism.
It's just mostly about lying, nepotism, and having a dual morality. Jews promote one set of values to gentiles (tolerance, openness, fairness, truthfulness) while practicing a different set of values themselves (intolerance, closedness, cutthroat selfishness, lying).

>> No.15784763

>Oh and the decision on whether or not an idea might incite violence is conveniently decided by the government. And why are you citing Romans in trying to prove that Yurope has freer speech rights than America?
Pax Romana.

>> No.15784764

Who embody low,mid,and high-wittery? Person and website

>> No.15784771

Musk paid to get his name put into the Tesla founders list, so you're right that he's not an actual founder. "Initial employee" is a bit vague, but the point is that he isn't a genius or a visionary, just rich. Being rich is good enough, of course.

>> No.15784775

What in the god damn does that have to do with free speech?

>> No.15784783

your thoughts on SpaceX? you've avoided that bit twice now.

>> No.15784799

>Musk was born to a Canadian mother and South African father and raised in Pretoria, South Africa.
But keep sucking his cock, maybe he'll grant you a fiefdom

>> No.15784800

implying you dont get arrested in the US

>> No.15784815

You're talking to more than one person. Musk founded this company, but merely wanting to go to space isn't visionary. Every kid has a space phase. Musk didn't design or build the rockets.

>> No.15784816

Do you have any morals at all?

>> No.15784818

Grimes is an accomplishment?
I dont want to be an asshole, but he dated better looking women.

>> No.15784831

>Musk benefited from South African apartheid because his father owned a gem mine in Zambia

Just listened to how dumb the shit your seething ass is saying is

>> No.15784837

>He is also among the initial employees of Tesla
Sort of, he invested a lot and got into a massive legal shit fit with the real brains/founders and got all the IP and was retroactively made a "founder" while kicking everyone else out.

The SpaceX thing is more complicated but he's pretty much thrown money at anything that moves and has been left with some basic but good ideas. I vaguely know some of the materials science people involved (they love the publicity, but that's kinda how that sector is). That's why some of the big design choices keep shifting quite dramatically too. It's impressive he's not burned through all his cash already, although his recent actions are fucking weird frankly and do not suggest a man with comfortable finances. I would guess at this point he is drowning in debt.

>His family are Pennsylvania Dutch
His dad's side are very much South African and a bit British, I think you're getting confused with where Musk failed his education.

>> No.15784841

It's mostly about education, and all educated intellects behave that way.

>> No.15784852

Chomsky is garbage though. Too many liberals, like him, have professionalize anarchism for the retarded masses. People need to go straight back to the classics like Stirner, Novatore and Proudhon and stop wasting time with faggots like him

>> No.15784860

Than why are the media and banking industries dominated by jews and not methodists or mormons or some other group which objectively has a greater number of highly educated members?

>> No.15784863

You haven't made a coherent point. The Musks absolutely benefited from apartheid in South Africa, Musk's father was from an old and wealthy enough family and ran a massive construction business in Pretoria.

>> No.15784865

>It's impressive he's not burned through all his cash already, although his recent actions are fucking weird frankly and do not suggest a man with comfortable finances. I would guess at this point he is drowning in debt.

If you read the WSJ instead of hateristic Tweets by randos, they explained the real reason Musk sold his houses which is that he needs cash to exercise his latest round of TSLA stock options.

>> No.15784869

>Than why are the media and banking industries dominated by jews and not methodists or mormons
This is an autistically wrong Nazi trope, and even if it was true, who the fuck cares? Just stop watching the news then you dumb nigger

>> No.15784878

Errol Musk allegedly spoke to a journalist for Business Insider about owning half an emerald mine, but whether that story is indeed true, Elon's dad was exceptionally wealthy.

>> No.15784880

Why are you pointing out jews in particular? I think what youre saying is part of human nature.

>> No.15784884

Zambia isn't in South Africa you utter mong, and it was independent from the British by the 60s, but keeping moving the goal posts "oh he didn't benefit directly from apartheid, but like he did own a business in Africa which is obviously bad"

>> No.15784886

>objectively has a greater number of highly educated members
Because they objectively don't have the greatest number of the HIGHEST educated members

>> No.15784899

>Elon Musk’s dad has had a baby with his stepdaughter, who is 42 years younger than him - report


>> No.15784912

>Zambia isn't in South Africa
I never said it was. The dad's family are from Pretoria going back generations, they aren't from Zambia. The dad bought the mine as an adult in some weird af deal.

>> No.15784922

Superhumanly based.

>> No.15784926


>> No.15784928

No, stop this shit elon.

>> No.15785074

Holy shit, Chompsky Honk BTFO forever. How will he recover?

>> No.15785168

I can stand in town square while wearing an SS uniform with an AK slung over my shoulder and loudly proclaim over a loud speaker that the holocaust never happened, and argue why it should have happened.

>> No.15785183

Absolutely based.

Fuck Chomsky.

>> No.15785186

Is Chunky actually a good linguicist?

>> No.15785191

Go do it then and post a video as proof.

>> No.15785196

One of the bestest.

>> No.15785270

I don't see any point in holding Chomsky sacred but I'd stand up for everything he's said before I stood up for anything Musk has.

>> No.15785275

Chomsky does sound like a pretentious stoner liberal

>> No.15785287

Explain why anyone who is disgusting rich, and happy would ever be a communist. They are the natural antagonists to it.

>> No.15785315

But you have no actual power over how your country is run. What actually gets done is wholly determined by corporate lobbyists. So, yes, you can be an autist clown in the town square, but you're still a powerless nonentity.

>> No.15785335

>But you have no actual power over how your country is run
Neither do you.
>So, yes, you can be an autist clown in the town square
Or say whatever I wish to challenge the existing power structure, such as deny the founding myth. Something some other people do not have the benefit of.

>> No.15785373

Ha. Nailed it.