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/lit/ - Literature

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15782070 No.15782070 [Reply] [Original]

Is he unironically right?

>> No.15782081

>books that have the greatest message are the best
>Dosto is irrelevant
Is he implying that the Dostoevsky's books have poor messages? How?

>> No.15782088
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maybe this will be easier on the eyes

>> No.15782091

4chan has a bizarre mindset that if its isn't taken up by the majority of people, it is somehow "dead." There are still plenty of people in the west, and hundreds of millions of people in the world, that believe in traditional religion and marriage.

If you think that not being popular with the majority of people means something is "dead," then literature as a whole might as well be dead in the west.

Stupid pseuds read a handful of books then think they are justified in making these sort of grand claims.

>> No.15782132

But the marching of time is only headed further and further away from the concepts and ideological battles of the literary and artistic canon as a whole.

One day, with enough time, DFW will become absurdly irrelevant.

>> No.15782140

Who cares? I don't read things because they are popular. I read things because they are interesting and make me think in different ways.

>> No.15782157
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Outdated messages.

>> No.15782167

Kazantzakis > Dosto and it's not even fucking close. Dosto would've shined with and editor with a fucking meatcleaver

>> No.15782178

Dostoevsky is quite understanding of freaks. Trying to paint him as some stuffy moralist is completely ridiculous, he was literally edgy at the time for writing about prostitutes and shit.

>> No.15782189

In what way?

>> No.15782205


Good new old bad

>> No.15783290

This is a pretty absurd way to look at things. Even if you are reading only out of some sense of utility, for collecting perspectives and descriptions that you can apply to current moment- reading outdated' things is still useful. It can take an extra but of work in understanding historical context, but understanding why authors like dosto wrote what they did in their circumstances can then be reflected upon as you decide how to react how you will to your circumstances. All this requires is a bit of critical thinking and perspective, which can be challenging- but also rewarding.

>> No.15783502

What point are you even trying to make? You are just pointing out the obvious, society changes, culture changes, everybody that isn't a drooling retard knows that, so?

>> No.15783591

very right. values people value changed tremendously. though civilization is one huge mental hospital, people back then and now belong to different wards.

>> No.15783606

Reality doesn't shift, it builds upon itself. The true is a moment of the false

>> No.15783720

They're acting on a presumption that the masses are stupid and if something is to be had in common with them, it should be reevaluated.

>> No.15783740

No. Classics are news that stay news.

>> No.15783781

That would be less ludicrous if current times didn't look so much like older times. We modern people are so enamored with our modernity that we want to believe we invented both technology and degeneracy. But a lot of our fundamental problems are just heightened versions of issues that have been going on since the renaissance, and the heart of it is already mentioned Ecclesiastes.

>> No.15783788

he strikes me as unironically left

>> No.15783975

>i don't identify with the christian girl in his book!
>i want to be a slut!
bear the consequences, harlot
bear them without aborting them like the many accidental children you nearly mothered.

>> No.15784060

Most famous Dosto book involved a murderer getting a prostitute waifu. Kinda romantic, but not very trad.

>> No.15784288

This. Ironically actual Christians tend to be very left-leaning in real life despite trad LARPer protests.

>> No.15784403

jesus's teachings are at odds with right wing policies and thought. there is no way around that

>And again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”
Matthew 19:24

>> No.15784701

Let's look at context.
>3 And Jesus said to his disciples, “Truly, I say to you, only with difficulty will a rich person enter the kingdom of heaven. 24 Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.” 25 When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished, saying, “Who then can be saved?” 26 But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
Communicates a different idea.

>> No.15784711

Actual Christians support traditional hierarchies, personal accountability in society for the individual's lot (as opposed to collective social justice), and traditional family. Those are not left wing traits.

>> No.15784789

should one live according to jesus's teachings or just ignore them altogether?
his teachings are the same whether or not everyone gets to enter the kingdom of god

>> No.15784790
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>it's another "retards argue past each other by assigning strawmen to one another using the words 'left' and 'right' that are never even defined" chapter
This author is a fucking hack

>> No.15784795
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Actually, this anon was the most right.

>> No.15784801

"Traditional marriage and wives" are the norm in the vast majority of countries in the world. Just because the West abandoned it doesn't mean it's dead

>> No.15784813

>actual christians
zoomer trad larpers, you mean. and perhaps christians support those ideas in theory but their application of them is very fucking inconsistent.

>> No.15786009

She's an Epicurean. Nuff said.

>> No.15786105

I was just trying to speak for the anon. Haven’t read Dostoevsky yet.

>> No.15787645

Doestoevsky just had a cuck fetish. Some anons think he secretly wanted to be the bull

>criticising him
>hasn't read any of his works

>> No.15787662

4chan is americanist

>> No.15787793

>The true is a moment of the false
In a world that has really been turned upside down, the true is a moment of the false.

>> No.15788213

His work is more relevant than ever today, you pseud. Especially "Demons".

>> No.15788217


>> No.15788222

As somebody that's into cucking and is both a cuck and a bull I can 100% guarantee you he was. Brothers Karamazov is basically one amazing cucking story.

>> No.15788229

4chan is built on an atheist meme. Coined "meme" by Dawkins

>> No.15788269

This is unironically the correct thing to do

>> No.15789444
