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/lit/ - Literature

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15780661 No.15780661 [Reply] [Original]

>Ethiopian philosopher Zera Yacob came up with philosophy that prefigured Enlightenment thinkers Hume, Descartes, Locke, Kant, and the US Founding Fathers
I know /lit/ focuses on white people philosophy the most, but you have to admit that you've been BTFO with these findings

>> No.15780702

I'm not watching your shitty YouTuber you're being paid to shill for, bye!

>> No.15780708


>> No.15780711

Mkubutu Mbembe made a Rocktube video that this guy plagiarised 20000 years ago.

>> No.15780722

Keep seething

>> No.15780726

No I just don't care. Is there even any evidence he inspired Hume, Descartes, etc. or did they just happen to have similar ideas?

>> No.15780729

seriously now, pleb? the point is that blacks came up with the stuff for which you jerk off white philosophers

>> No.15780735

Ok then who cares?

>> No.15780739

every white-centric and/or racist people should care, for a start

>> No.15780748

Seething both as word and as concept was invented by Ibin Mkabu Mhubu, known Egyptian inventor from 60000 Before Yakub. Stop appropriating black achievements.

>> No.15780755

>implying Zera Yacob is made up
back to /pol/ with you

>> No.15780768

Yakub isn't made up you fool. Yakub created white monkeys like you.

>> No.15780779
File: 115 KB, 340x507, Yakub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DAS RITE MY BRUTHA! We will rule over wh*Te dogs once more.

>> No.15780782

Imagine being white and pathetic. BLACK POWER.

>> No.15780796

Really enjoying this thread my black bothers
Hope you guys aren't light brown niggas or I will have to slaughter you tho

>> No.15780808


>> No.15780812


>> No.15780814

>white people philosophy
You're aware that you're equally, if not more, obsessed with race than the 'racist' you're so eager to BTFO?
Even in a post that's supposed to spread awareness over an allegedly overlooked philosopher all you do is list their ethnicity without even attempting to elaborate on the philosophy itself.

People like you are the reason the accomplishments of so called minorities will always be segregated from real history, since all you find noteworthy about it in the first place is that it wasn't made by whitey.

>> No.15780833


>> No.15780838

Yeah yeah yeah shut the fuck up cracka and EDUCATE YOURSELF. We made enlightenment philosophy before your wh*Te dogs copied us and took the credit.
Now shut yo ass up and give your wife to an African king.

>> No.15780849

This anglo is most certainly going to be a tranny.

>> No.15780857

>Historical segregation

>> No.15780861
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>> No.15780869

Americans literally have a history month set aside for their blacks only. I agree it's laughable.

>> No.15780870

Holy shit niggers are sad and delusional.

>> No.15780880
File: 317 KB, 362x528, 1537492849410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am aiding in the destruction and domestication of the black race as my Master and Creator intended. What are you going to do about it, non-devil nigger?

>> No.15780884

You stole from my peoples. Before we met wh*Tes Africa was thriving. No war, no starving children, nothing bad. We were advanced mentally far beyond your comprehension. Educate yourself and you'll see this; your thinkers copied black peoples and covered us up, imagine the millions of black intellectuals forgotten because they were stolen from and swept away by wh*Tes?

>> No.15780892

so he wrote a 1667 treatise that "prefigures" Descartes' work from 1637. yea ok buddy.

>> No.15780898
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Soon, fellow understudy of the Master.

>> No.15780899

"Descartes" was a black man named DeShwantere. READ MORE.

>> No.15780901

Every heard of quantum time you dumb racist?

>> No.15780904

Who cares? Nobody then knew about him. He had no influence whatsoever. One philosopher for the whole continent while Europe in itself is *the* continent of philosophers, poets and artists.
Also I don't care to listen to some talking head on yt.

>> No.15780932
File: 475 KB, 1436x397, Philosophytube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>channel awesome of """philosophy"""

>> No.15781015

what did he mean by this

>> No.15781035

do black people unironically say this?
ive only seen the we wuz kangz meme utilized in a "critical of black americans" kinda of way

>> No.15781041

why would i care about who discovered it first, the ideas are the most important part

>> No.15781047

>his treatise prefiguring Descartes was published in 1667
>Descartes died in 1650

>> No.15781050

b-but muh racism

>> No.15781053

It was based off the ramblings of some black man on a podcast saying “We wuz n’ shit man”

>> No.15781055

Philosophy Tube has severe psychological issues, no?

>> No.15781072

>>Ethiopian philosopher Zera Yacob came up with philosophy that prefigured Enlightenment thinkers
I think this is a shitpost meant to annoy people.

>> No.15781077

Nice refutation there

>> No.15781100
File: 8 KB, 229x250, 1579994723122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>[non-European person or civilization] invented/theorized/discovered/created [technology, philosophy, idea, whatever] hundreds or thousands of years before the Europeans did!
>repeat for fucking everything
You have to wonder how all these cultures and peoples are so advanced, perfect, and great yet are either shitholes, used to be shitholes before Europeans invaded, or are only propped up because of European money.

>> No.15781113

great, that explains why Enlightenment philosophy is so shitty

>> No.15781118


>> No.15781155

>non-European figures out ideas about the power of reason and objective inquiry before Europeans did
>Conclusion is "haha checkmate whitey" instead of "See, even Africans agree that rationality and empirical research is way better than religious voodoo"

Really pathetic tbqh.

>> No.15781161

/lit/ is a religious board, pleb
you have to go back, and you know where to

>> No.15781183

I don't give a shit about your board culture you 12 year old.

>> No.15781188

r*ddit's that way

>> No.15781208


>> No.15781220

>nigger comes up with some crude "philosophy" that the Greeks and Egyptians were talking about thousands of years ago
>turns out the nigger didn't write it
>an Italian Franciscan Jesuit monk wrote it to get money

>> No.15781240

You can also find soft parallels between Scholasticism and Enlightenment philosophy, but no-one would argue St Aquinas prefigured Locke by half a millennium.

>> No.15781247

What are you talking about, schizo?

>> No.15781275

I see the racists here are already getting triggered

>> No.15781278

Because someone did it in a certain way before others? So what? Zera Yacob isn't as popular as Hume, Descartes, and the rest. It doesn't matter how early you do it, it matters how well you do it and how popular you become

>> No.15781287


>> No.15781289

>Though it is generally taken by most scholars of Ethiopic literature and of Africana Philosophy to an authentic work written by a certain Abyssinian from Aksum in the 17th Century, there have been doubts over his authorship since the early 20th Century. This comes from the fact that the Franciscan Jesuit monk Giusto Da Urbino had not sent the original manuscripts to his patron and collector Antoine D'Abbadie, but 'copies' he had made by his own hand. The other reason that doubts emerged arose from a rumour by a monk Teklehaymanot, who claimed that he had heard other people say that he might written the treatise himself. This and other plot-holes in the story of the acquisition by D'Abbadie and curious exchanges between D'Urbino and his patron, make authentic authorship all the more doubtful.

>> No.15781293

Yakuub created yall white neandertaals

>> No.15781297

>Yacob's name means "The Seed of Jacob" ("Zar" is the Ge'ez word for "seed"). Although his father was poor, he supported Yacob's attendance of traditional schools, where he became acquainted with the Psalms of David and educated in the Ethiopian Orthodox Christian faith

>> No.15781300
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>> No.15781418


If you can stand the autism, this guy breaks down Philosophy Tube's video.


>> No.15781436

Philosophy Tube's so hot

>> No.15781652


>> No.15781727

From a Spenglerian perspective there's just no way this guy came up with anything credited to him. Not only are these ideas through and through Faustian, he lived in an offshoot Magean empire, a Kultur that had intellectually exhausted itself by the 12th century. There's even a "Controversy over authorship" section on his wiki page

>> No.15781814

>From a Spenglerian perspective
>Not only are these ideas through and through Faustian
Do you talk like this in real life or only online?

>> No.15781821

Not him but
>noooo! You can’t use intellectual words to discuss important topics! You need to use easy words like my philosophical channel awesome friends

>> No.15781835

>/lit/ board
>"lol why are you using literary terms to describe something?"
Are you an avid breadtube viewer?

>> No.15781836

when will she finally crack?

>> No.15781841

this guy (?) has been btfo'd so many times by other jewtubers he's basically a pornstar

>> No.15781846

I'm just asking if how he speaks matches how he types? If I came off as condescending then I will apologize.
I'm sorry.

>> No.15781867

What's your problem?

>> No.15781871

ive never watched a video from this guy mainly because i only watch or listen to people in the 21st century that have obviously been in a fight before or gotten punched in the face before.

>> No.15781873

Gimme some vids

>> No.15781878

Isn't there only one BTFO made by the guy who philosophytube criticized in his Banon vide? Where are those "so many times" he's been BTFOd?

>> No.15781902

>I'm just asking if how he speaks matches how he types?
Is this an affirmation or a question? Your post reeks of Reddit.

>> No.15781953

Quick question, is there anyone on this board who would actually agree with Locke, Hume etc?
This might be a “gotcha” for the popsci crowd who see Descartes and and beyond as when philosophy became relevant (because it started to become subordinate to the hard sciences), but it seems to me that most people on this board care far more about pre-enlightenment philosophy.

>> No.15781968
File: 11 KB, 187x248, 187px-Carl_Schmitt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that only confirms Enlightenment to be a nigger tier philosophy tbqh

>> No.15782128

>>Ethiopian philosopher Zera Yacob came up with philosophy that prefigured Enlightenment thinkers Hume, Descartes, Locke, Kant, and the US Founding Fathers
That’s a pretty wide net. Does he actually give us the specifics, or does he just make this assertion. I try to avoid watching long form YouTube content.
I had heard about this guy (Yacob) years ago, and there wasn’t much information out there.

>> No.15782322

I browse /lit/ to make sure I never turn into this.

>> No.15782335

This whole thread is a shitty bait

>> No.15782336

You're missing the point. Simply providing "Spenglerian perspective" for no apparent reason other than /lit/ autism comes off as anything *but* intellectual. Hurr durr i have nothing profound to say so i'll just add "Faustian" and "Kultur" for no reason

>> No.15782340


>> No.15782350

The point the post makes only makes sense in the context of Spengler's cultural morphology. If you don't know it then obviously you won't understand.

>> No.15782358

I've never heard of this guy, but still doesn't prove that they waz kangz because Abyssinia wasn't quite west africa was it now

>> No.15782364

I understand the terminology, I just don't see how there is any merit in analysing OPs claim from a Spenglerian perspective

>> No.15782408
File: 71 KB, 1280x720, fallist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't the whole point of contemporary leftist "intellectualism" that enlightenment thinking is racist and oppressive and exclusive to the west?
Does this refute that notion? does this mean we can finally talk about chromosomes, and iq and genes and say that western science is superior to african tribal witchcraft?

>> No.15782442

>people sometimes say similar things.

>> No.15782446

Cope, boy.

>making THIS much of a strawman

>> No.15782471

That's obvious. I'd say that at least half of these replies are also trolls.

>> No.15782477


>> No.15782491
File: 94 KB, 976x549, _98493925_lola1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15782512

enlightenment confirmed as nigger-tier

>> No.15782551
File: 317 KB, 1298x1014, Screenshot 2020-07-05 at 20.45.46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read up on it because retarded OP only posted a YouTube video, and the similarities are very superficial. He doesn't reach the cogito ergo sum for which Descartes is most influential and it's just a weaker spin-off of Greek Skepticism. OP will now tell me to "Cope" because he's mentally deficient.

>> No.15782578

Black enlightenment
>peaceful, would have created wakanda
White enlightenment
>evil, created the technology that let such a weak and cowardly race genocide innocents worldwide

>> No.15782588

So you found exception that enforces the rule? If you need to start looking for the exception that proves niggers can do something most other ethnicities are known to be able to do, it kind of undermines the whole thing. Also, you could have posted Yacobs writings and not shill some e-celeb, but you just couldn't hold your rampant faggotry.

>> No.15782592


>> No.15782603


>> No.15782604

Ethiopia is based and the west has barely scratched the surface of the ancient knowledge and philosophy it's produced. Shame that /lit/ is full of braindead racist teenagers.

>> No.15782617

lmao go kill yourself nigger

>> No.15782652

dude he's black how can you say that?

>> No.15782753

i don´t know what´s funnier, this guy lying about a black lady inventing modern philosophy or the fact that this lanky anglo is speaking on behalf the africans because most africans and negros don´t care about this subject to begin with

>> No.15782774

I don’t understand...all those philosophers you named were black...

>> No.15782775
File: 197 KB, 1200x1042, EJDMSA6UYAA5mHE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ethiopians are White

>> No.15782919

Which of his ideas are comparable to Kant and Hume? Did he come up with something comparable to the analytic/synthetic distinction or the problem of induction?
And more importantly, what is unique to his work that isn't found in the western tradition?

>> No.15782947

>Which of his ideas are comparable to Kant and Hume?
None of them
>Did he come up with something comparable to the analytic/synthetic distinction or the problem of induction?
>And more importantly, what is unique to his work that isn't found in the western tradition?

>> No.15783126

yea but he's black

>> No.15783166

I already know that the Enlightenment is nigger tier, no need to prove it further

>> No.15783207


>> No.15783210


>> No.15783215

>this guy lying about a black lady inventing modern philosophy
What do you mean by this?

>> No.15783345


>> No.15783564

Based and Schmittpilled

>> No.15783886


>> No.15783894


>> No.15783912

Wow, great arguments.

>> No.15783944

failed actor desperately trying to leverage his e-fame into something greater than it is

must hurt watching the viewers dwindle. back to being just some guy, soon enough

>> No.15783980

Isn't the number of his viewers growing?

>> No.15785063

>Isn't the whole point of contemporary leftist "intellectualism" that enlightenment thinking is racist and oppressive and exclusive to the west?
You've confused rich, conservative LARPers with what they're trying to roleplay again. It's a bit like how the fridge repair man doesn't fuck lots of housewives or how the pizza delivery boy doesn't have you suck him off through a hole in the pizza box GENERALLY SPEAKING.