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/lit/ - Literature

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15779270 No.15779270 [Reply] [Original]

I want to start reading Nietzsche, can I start with Thus Spoke Zarathustra?

>> No.15779277

Yeah, go for it. It just reads like a story, gets his point across as a parable.
Gotta read his other stuff for context, though.

>> No.15779280

Yes you can. It doesn't hurt to know your Kant and Schopenhauer tho.

>> No.15779315

I did the reverse triology

Genealogy of morals -> Beyond good and Evil -> Zarathustra

>> No.15779400

I don't recommend it.. at all. Get familiar with Nietzsche's thinking first. This means reading his books with attention and rereading them. Once you get the feeling you "know" Nietzsche, that's when you can get the most out of his Zarathustra.

>> No.15779520

Which books should I read first

>> No.15779639

I read Zarathustra when I was an edgy 16-year-old and thought it was a masterpiece, had never read any Nietzsche before. I highly doubt I actually understood whatever it was supposed to be about though.

>> No.15779652
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>> No.15779734
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Assuming you're using Neitzsche as an brief intro to the deeper philosophical works then you'll want to start with Beyond Good and Evil.

>> No.15779896

> Guide to harry potter
> Absolute pottery
Fucking kek.
I read Zarathustra but treated it more like an opened ended religious text without delving too far into his other works. Went back after to finesse so you get what you put in I guess.

>> No.15779922

Yes, his mature works just expand on the ideas present in ASZ