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/lit/ - Literature

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1577753 No.1577753 [Reply] [Original]

hey /lit/ how do you feel about fanfiction?
and before you rage, i'm talking about very well thought out, well written fanfiction

so you read it period?
do you have a moral resistance to it?
would you be willing to read one if it was by a good, established author?
is the association with retards like the sonic fanbase enough to make you gag at the thought of it?

not trolling, i'm honestly curious

>> No.1577773

it is unoriginal by its very nature

thumbs down

>> No.1577780

I refuse to acknowledge its existence.

>> No.1577786

I read fanfiction. A little, I'm not involved in the community or anything. A lot of fans and writers are retards, but that's life. Obviously, it's generally not going to be on the same level of merit as original work (tho there are exceptions) but I still enjoy it.

>> No.1577802

I read some. Not much - there's so much shit out there that finding good stuff is like finding a needle in a haystack made of needles, so if a friend recs me something I'll check it out. Also sometimes I'll read some just to laugh and laugh and laugh at how damn horrible it is.

But even with all that, there are probably only one or two fics I actually follow.

>> No.1577806


It's a good self-esteem booster.

>> No.1577808

>it's generally not going to be on the same level of merit as original work (tho there are exceptions)

Please, post one of these exceptions.

>> No.1577816

There's bound to be at least one good twilight fic.

>> No.1577825

To use a hackneyed argument: Paradise Lost. Seriously, though, it's more that I don't want to rule out the possibility that a work of fiction written in reference or response to another work will necessarily be worse.

>> No.1577826

Just post one of the examples of fan fiction that you consider good.

>> No.1577830


>> No.1577833


>> No.1577836


>"Will you two stay here whilst I fetch the others?" asked Edward.


I stopped there. Also what the fuck is an Airwolf?

>> No.1577838
File: 172 KB, 453x604, aeneid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1577840

You don't know what Airwolf is? Seriously? Look at this fuckin' guy, doesn't know what Airwolf is, who the fuck do you think you are, jesus, the balls on this guy. Airwolf is faster than any jet.

>> No.1577841
File: 197 KB, 2048x1536, 1292923703591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dobby relished his groinsaw's roar as he withdrew the flesh-choked blade from the astronaut's ruined skull. He turned to Harry, thrusting his bloody, retina-covered pelvis with elfin fervor.

>> No.1577842


>Implying wolves can fly

>Implying a prolonged aerial jump wouldn't be the best they could do.

>> No.1577843

A study in emerald is pretty good fan fiction.
It's a Lovecraftian universe and Sherlock Holmes cross.

>> No.1577846

>The skulls' eye sockets on his shoulders grew brilliant with an infernal cast and vomited a bolt of light through an astronaut; he was thrown back against the deathwall, his flesh boiling in another dimension.

Well, I have to admit I was wrong. Fan fiction can be quite good actually.

>> No.1577853


>> No.1577857


Holy fuck. That's gotta be the greatest television intro I've ever seen.

>> No.1577860


It's good if you can get past how ridiculous the premise is.

>> No.1577861

i read fanfiction, i have never finished one but im still looking for a good one

some times i think about writing mine

>> No.1577875


he's right, it's technically fanfiction

>> No.1577879

HA HA HA HA. Yeah the Aeneid really wasn't that great. And I read most of it Latin. So this proves the point even more so.

>> No.1577894

Well, anyone who enjoy anime must have alredy heard about Re-Take, a famous Evangelion fanfic regarded by many as a must-read.

>> No.1577933

I read some. Some of it has some captivating ideas, especially right after reading the real series.
I've never felt even remotely inclined to write my own.

>> No.1578029

i read it
think it's kinda dumb but whatever
i'd certainly check some out if it was by a good author, haven't really sought it out much though. i read a couple diablo novels. not as awesome as the story in the instruction book was though.

once in a while i write fanfiction. i like it because i can practice some elements of writing and because there's a built-in audience who will gve me some minor semi-useful feedback perhaps.

>> No.1578044

Yeah, you write like the kind of retard who writes fan fiction.

>> No.1578852

so; the general consensus is that fanfiction is generally poorly written, or has nonsensical premises, which is reason enough to avoid it

>> No.1578971

or enjoy it

>> No.1580198

I like fanfic. There's a book called Phantom based on Phantom of the Opera that is amazing. A lot of fanfic sucks, it can be full of typos and fucking and whatnot. But, when well-written (or at least well thought out) it can help expand your understanding of characters, even though it may not be canon.

>> No.1580205

Kink memes are a guilty pleasure. Overall, I think it's harmless.

>> No.1580218
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It would depend alot on the subject matter. FANFIC of Firefly, if well constructed could be interesting. I've read some of the Star Trek books and it's very hit or miss out there.

>> No.1580222

I want to live in that.