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/lit/ - Literature

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1577017 No.1577017 [Reply] [Original]

Science Fiction novelist here. I'm having trouble getting myself to write; the usual tricks to boost my motivation just aren't doing it for me today.

Motivate me, /lit/.

In return, I'll let you fellows ask a professional novelist anything, should you be interested in doing so. I'll answer as best I can.

>> No.1577018

what books have you written?

>> No.1577019

Kill yourself.

>> No.1577021

>Science Fiction
stopped reading there

>> No.1577027

Have you ever considered writing literature?

>> No.1577030

I've written a total of 22 significant books, most being either apocalyptic fiction or biographical works. I hope to be published by Random House in a few months.

My books are published locally in Seattle, Washington.

>> No.1577032

If you write tonight...you can fuck my sister's butt...

>> No.1577033

I forget which layer of hell you belong on...
Could you refresh my memory?

>> No.1577034


Make these tools eat their foolish words.

Captcha: Earth otopinga

>> No.1577035

Kill Yourself.
Also, you're full of shit.

>> No.1577036

Try writing about something else, or about nothing at all.

>> No.1577037


>> No.1577039
File: 46 KB, 286x429, 1271068610722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ask /lit/ anything
>receive criticism

Furthermore, fuck your shit.

>> No.1577040
File: 100 KB, 600x463, dune_cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think about how stressed i will be later if i don't do this now, and then i do it, to avoid being stressed later about not doing it.
Sci-Fi is by far the best kind of fiction, tell me about what ur writing

>> No.1577038


>22 significant books
I lol'd

>> No.1577043

Link to any book you've written ANY of them, link us your best work. you are a LIAR.

>> No.1577046

I'm writing a speculative fiction short story with elements of literary nonsense used by Edward Gorey, Lewis Carrol and the like.

>> No.1577048

I'm working on a coming-of-age novella. Let me know what you think of this paragraph.

Spooks admired the trees. The big old oaks, wider than they were tall, boogying to the swampy breeze, lining the river and dipping into it, forming arboreal flying buttresses on the water. He puzzled a moment at a desert palm grown above the other trees, he supposed a farmer planted it years ago, or a seed blew in from the south and grew itself among the native trees. That sort of palm seemed to spread all over the state either way. He imagined a big hairy orangutang perched high up in the palm, an orangutang spying on him with binoculars. It would realize it’d been caught, and swing off in the woods, howling. Spooks laughed. The misplaced palm shifted along with the oaks, like some sort of tropical Ent dancing along with her adopted brothers. He paddled on.

>> No.1577050

It is shit like this, your faggy elitist attitude that hold /lit/ in the gutter of 4chan, compared to a board like /tg/ we are shit. I had such high hopes for us all.

>> No.1577051


If you prove that you've actually written even ONE book that got published ANYWHERE
if you prove you got published in some shitty column in a rinky dink magazine nobodies heard of I will buy all "22" of your books.

>> No.1577052

It's your stupidity in the face of an obvious troll that keeps us in the gutter.

>> No.1577053

OP, can you give us what may be your most famous book?

About your motivation problems, perhaps you should think about getting up, taking a walk? Go outside, get some fresh air, then get back into the mode for writing.

>> No.1577057
File: 26 KB, 260x320, Wind_up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you read the Windup Girl?
It is kinda sorta in a way what ur into, mostly i think because of the genetically modified cats the can camouflage themselves and are called cheshires

>> No.1577060


Hell if you post the .doc file of an entire book you've wrote start to finish!! IT DOESN'T EVEN NEED TO BE PUBLISHED! just prove that you can show us one book that is finished and I will buy ALL of your books/send you cash via paypal/mail/whatever you want.

But you can't because you are a liar.

>> No.1577061

So you agree we are in the gutter then.
Thank you for agreeing with me kind sir.

>> No.1577064

I don't think so, Tiko :) Revealing your identity on 4chan as a novelist has quite the negative impact; imagine for a moment, a world where novelists compete, browse boards like this for ideas, and claw at each other's throats. You may work out why I can't quite reveal who I am. My apologies.

It was enjoyable; to improve your wordplay, try to write paragraphs where you never use the same significant noun twice. For example, try to find more ornate ways to describe trees; that sort of fancy exploration will fit your writing style quite well. You're doing well :)

I laughed entirely too much at this, thank you.

>> No.1577071

None of them are at all famous, but I received fantastic reviews for my second novel, which was a fictional retelling of my life's stories through history. It drew parallels to myself and the past, finishing out in the modern day, and referencing the future.

>> No.1577074


It's the faggy elitist attitude that makes us /lit/. We must keep ourselves at a higher standard than the rest of 4chan.

>> No.1577079

This is /lit/ not /b/ we aren't like that. How long have you used 4chan? How old were you when you published your first book? How old are you now?

>> No.1577083

Why aren't I suprised that /lit/ isn't being helpful?

>> No.1577084

Yes I did, and it was rather enjoyable :) not a favorite, but certainly not bad.

>> No.1577234

Thanks for the suggestion, my reading has been so heavy lately and I need a page-turner.

>> No.1577245

>"having trouble getting myself to write"
>come to /lit/
There's your problem.

Just do this: remember that you'll have to go back to telemarketing and selling dimes to teenagers if you don't write, so write.

>> No.1577279

Hello professional sciene fiction novelist. I am touched by your notion - no doubt it relates to your genre - that you think 4chan can help you. Stay away from the internet. Technology is not the writer's friend, whatever prose you're putting out. You aren't on here for inspiration. You're here because you're lost. Deeply, deeply lost. I know this because I'm a novelist too.

Instead, I would suggest alcohol, caffeine, cigarettes, and music. If that doesn't work buy a new desk.

By the way, unless the contract has actually already been signed and the manuscript edited, there's no way Random House are publishing your book in a few months. Hope that helps.

>> No.1577288
File: 115 KB, 433x239, 69.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw there isn't a single chapter without rape in it.

>> No.1577337 [DELETED] 

After reading your post, it's my opinion you are not professional.

>Hello professional sciene
you mean 'science'.
>fiction novelist. I am touched by your notion - no doubt it relates to your genre -
Here it seems you are saying that a notion, not 4chan itself, relates to science fiction. You probably mean to say that 4chan is related to science fiction, but other then it being a website, I don't see how the two relate.
>that you think 4chan can help you. Stay away from the internet. Technology is not the writer's friend, whatever prose you're putting out.
One would imagine that technology would be the friend of a science fiction writer.
>You aren't on here for inspiration.
Did OP say he was?
>If that doesn't work buy a new desk.
You need a comma between 'work' and 'buy', but it's a good joke, nonetheless.
>By the way, unless the contract has actually already been signed and the manuscript edited, there's no way Random House are publishing your book in a few months.
'Random House is publishing,' not 'are.'

I know I'm being a dick, but I'm pretty sure you're not a novelist. I'm not buying it for some reason. Don't let me sketch you out, if you are. What do I know? I'm not a novelist, I just read the things.

So, was I right?

>> No.1577340

After reading your post, it's my opinion you are not a professional writer.

>Hello professional sciene
you mean 'science'.
>fiction novelist. I am touched by your notion - no doubt it relates to your genre -
Here it seems you are saying that a notion, not 4chan itself, relates to science fiction. You probably mean to say that 4chan is related to science fiction, but other then it being a website, I don't see how the two relate.
>that you think 4chan can help you. Stay away from the internet. Technology is not the writer's friend, whatever prose you're putting out.
One would imagine that technology would be the friend of a science fiction writer.
>You aren't on here for inspiration.
Did OP say he was?
>If that doesn't work buy a new desk.
You need a comma between 'work' and 'buy', but it's a good joke, nonetheless.
>By the way, unless the contract has actually already been signed and the manuscript edited, there's no way Random House are publishing your book in a few months.
'Random House is publishing,' not 'are.'

I know I'm being a dick, but I'm pretty sure you're not a novelist. I'm not buying it for some reason. Don't let me sketch you out, if you are. What do I know? I'm not a novelist, I just read the things.

So, was I right?

>> No.1577344

Living Japanese Sex Doll XD XD

>> No.1577348

Anna and Gregory were talking out on the deck chatting in the warm setting summer sun.
"Did you hear about the DuVAlls' car?" Greg started but was interrupted by Bill coming through the sliding glass door.
"Hey guys! Tina is about to make mixed drinks! Why don't you join us inside?" Music and laughter drifted through the opening behind him. Then the house exploded in a not at all too dissimilar fashion from the one in this link.

>r u inspired yet?

>> No.1577352

Do you think OP is a professional novelist? Like actually? cause I doubt it just as a matter of course.

>> No.1577378

Kill yourself.

>> No.1577414

Well, he says he has had twenty-two books published by a local press. That's not impossible. The size of a press varies greatly; I knew a woman once who told me that she'd been published some poems, and later found that her publisher made their books of folder paper and staples.

From his prose, he seems gentle, and I like that in a person, so I'm inclined to believe he is published in such a way that it's profitable to him. I imagine he subsidizes his income by teaching, editing, or copy writing.

>> No.1577501
File: 46 KB, 433x640, 1297911590188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw he probably has a BDSM dungeon

>> No.1578587


Wrong! Typos, ambiguous sentence structure, missing punctuation marks: none of these things are barriers to being a novelist.** It's called the final draft for a reason. You're not supposed to have some whip-tight English teacher perma-vigilance over the rules of language as regards every single utterance you ever put to paper/screen, you're supposed to have ideas, and a little style, plus the committment/patience/derangement to notch up 80,000 plus words of some consecutive meaning.

You is confusing novelling with proof-reading. And of course proof-reading is important - for what it's worth I try to as do much of it as possible myself and I'm told I get it pretty clean - but I find it's a verrrry different aspect. I suspect a good number of truly great novelists would never have laid down an opening chapter if they had felt obliged to always meet some absolute standard of gramamtical prowess.

Incidentally don't agree with all of your "corrections". Meh.

**Neither is being completely full of shit, for that matter, or an asshole.