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15769110 No.15769110 [Reply] [Original]

Books about colonialism?

>> No.15769138

What a Chad.

>> No.15769146

Almost the entire oeuvre of Joseph Conrad

>> No.15769264

This gets me rock hard every time I read it. It's this pretending they dont understand or empathize with the easy money and quick pussy that pisses me off about the critics of colonialism. Like, bitch, look at you writing some sociological essay with an extremely safe opinion. Low risk high reward right? So why make it like what these dudes were doing was so alien and evil?
They're in denial about their inner scumbags. You accept the inner scumbag, you give it little treats, you never overindulge him. it leads to a balanced and highly moral life. Anyone who denies their inner scumbag even exists has a much more deranged and raunchy inner scumbag than me, who is close friends with his inner scumbag and never fails to keep him just a little bit hungry for more. He says "you and your wife should seduce the babysitter." He does not say "you should kidnap and kill the babysitter, stuff her body and use it as a sex toy."
That's the difference between me and your typical outspoken pearl clutching critic of colonialism.

>> No.15769296

isn't this literally from howard zinn? read that

>> No.15769309

>anyone who does not commit atrocities is virtue signaling

>> No.15769319

Destruction of the Indies by De Las Casas

>> No.15769330

Anyone who couldn't plausibly see themselves committing atrocities for ez money and copious pussy yeah they're virtual signaling. And by virtue signaling they're committing the same type of action as the atrocity.
Whereas you can look at an image like OP and be like "damn, I could see myself doing that. But then I'd feel like shit about taking that chick away from her family and raping her and hitting her with a rope. Better not. I'll just jerk off to it or roleplay it or something"
See I accept and indulge my inherent need to rape and pillage, universal in all people, but I sublimate it into productive and fun activities. Its the guy who acts like hed never rape or pillage who is actually gonna rape and pillage. Me, I'd get into the room and my cock would get soft from how sad I was about the situation.

>> No.15769346

Maugham writes a lot about (the end period of) colonialism. There are a bunch of collections of his short stories called something like "eastern stories" that have such content but it is also present in most of his novels. Alternatively you can just read the journals of James Cook or some similar explorer

>> No.15769349

>Anyone who couldn't plausibly see themselves committing atrocities for ez money and copious pussy yeah they're virtual signaling.
I wouldn't do that because I'm a Christian and there is a special place called hell for people like that.

>> No.15769380

Yet its Christians with real beliefs in hell who did all this bad stuff. Anyway accepting and developing humility about your imperfection is a huge part of faith, bro. I say this as a Christian myself.

>> No.15769386

>projecting this much

>> No.15769389

>productive and fun activities
>I'll just jerk off to it

>> No.15769400

Find Christ.

>> No.15769401

Cocks getting soft has nothing to do with it either way. It's the guy who focuses on sympathizing with the oppressor who is actually gonna rape and pillage. The fact that 100% of villains committed villainy does not mean 100% of people would do the same in the similar conditions, there is a negative you aren't seeing. If your point is that people should see some dark side, fine, but why would this serve as a defense of the pic from OP?

>> No.15769405

Ah, the threadly irrationally angry guy

>> No.15769406

Colonialism is awesome and the reason why everyone hates white people for conquering the entire world is because they were trying to do it too. Even those barely sentient injuns

>> No.15769416

I respect your abhorrent honesty, yet I am ashamed to share a board with you.

>> No.15769421

Not a defense, just an observation. It's hot as fuck. Makes sense why people did colonialism. I wouldn't do it but I get it. Weird I'm getting so many replies off this one.

>> No.15769436
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>I wouldn't do that because I'm a Christian
>Find Christ.

>> No.15769447

what is slaving but money for nothing and chicks for free?

>> No.15769449

Take a chill pill, wannabe serial murderer and rapist.

>> No.15769453

better than being a wannabe serial murderer and rapist who lies to himself about it. your defenses to the impulses are weak, once the opportunity arises I'll have the experience needed to abstain and you'll be off fucking severed heads or something.

>> No.15769454

Hope you like lakes of fire.

>> No.15769461

>projecting this hard
Get a grip.

>> No.15769466

if everyone smells like shit, maybe you've got shit on your upper lip

>> No.15769467

No, just you.

>> No.15769473

alright shitlip whatever you say

>> No.15769509

very cringe

>> No.15769549

youre a psycho dude, you need to see a therapist

>> No.15769555

>dude, I swear everyone is like me
At least people like Cioran, Bataille and Nietzsche were more eloquent and therefore more fun to read.

>> No.15769571

yeah well I'm working on it. these are my unironic opinions.

>> No.15769582

textbook projection

>> No.15769604
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>NAS member Bruce Gilley’s article, “The Case for Colonialism,” went through double blind peer review and was published in Third World Quarterly in 2017. It provoked enormous controversy and generated two separate petitions signed by thousands of academics demanding that it be retracted, that TWQ apologize, and that the editor or editors responsible for its publication be dismissed. Fifteen members of the journal’s thirty-four-member editorial board also resigned in protest. Publisher Taylor and Francis issued a detailed explanation of the peer review process that the article had undergone, countering accusations of “poorly executed pseudo-‘scholarship,’” in the words of one of the petitions. But serious threats of violence against the editor led the journal to withdraw the article, both in print and online. Gilley was also personally and professionally attacked and received death threats. On the good side, many rallied to his defence, including Noam Chomsky, and many supported the general argument of the article. We publish it here in its entirety, conformed to US English and our style.

>> No.15769611

So she really got into it later and enjoyed herself. A happy ending!

>> No.15769644

Ultra based, blood of conquerors and soul of a saint

>> No.15769656

Only based poster ITT

>> No.15769665
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This is a bit cringe but sometimes I do wonder what it would be like to feel this level of power and freedom. No state watching over you, no police to stop you, just the blood of your enemies dripping from your sword and the rush of victory surging through your veins.

It's so divorced from anything we can experience in our existence, must have been a hell of a trip.

>> No.15769675


>> No.15769685

Indians are pretty brutal, their cultures usually include routine torture of animals when children, later as they get older they move on to the torture of prisoners, and they are often are pretty brutal to their women, who were often treated as beasts of burden. Some South Anerican Indians enforce female obedience with a community gang rape... So it was what she was used to, and it sounds like it turned her on good and proper.

>> No.15769693

Damn right must have been a hell of a trip. Bet it fucked you up bigtime- man's not meant to exert that sort of control over fellow man. Bad for our psyches I think, absolute power corrupts absolutely. You know that's not just bad for the underfoot. Dictatorial paranoia, kingly isolation, etc etc etc. No way I'd prefer that over my common law abiding existence. I'll bend the rules where it's convenient thanks.

>> No.15769779
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Diaz, The Conquest of New Spain.

>> No.15770082

Settlers OP,


>> No.15770439
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The issue is that the majority of people are absolutely rotten on the inside but won't shut up about morality and how civilized and better than others they are. Men who are truly good are those who are aware of their evil nature and admit it, rather than repressing it. The average person will repress their evil, however, and they will try to present an image of absolute perfection. Those who do this will simply find other outlets for their repressed desires, and will be just as destructive. Or, in private, they will fantasize of terrible things; some, given the opportunity, will even carry out these terrible things and the next day continue on giving off the image of moral perfection. This is an issue Christians often have, for they are to imitate Christ (who is representative of the Self but also the perfect man). But man's perfection is impossible, and the Christians often fail to incorporate the evil side of one's personality.

>> No.15770452

My inner scumbag is interestingly not sexual though. I don't like people who sexual inner scumbags, but I do have an inner scumbag, yes.

>> No.15770466

who have*

>> No.15770468

Rape is a nigger tier offense dude. Sorry you're autism and can't get girls the normal way.

>> No.15770488


>> No.15770518
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History of the Conquest of Mexico and Peru by William H. Prescott is incredible.

>> No.15770542

Tell me about your inner scumbag.

>> No.15770573

Basically, I fantasize of torturing those who have wronged me while reading excerpts from philosophical and poetic texts. I would be inquiring into the questions of life as I gouge out their eyes. Something about pacing back and forth and circling them while reading theology, Schopenhauer, Hume, poetry, and etc. appeals to me.
However, I feel no sexual impulse. It strikes me as unclean and fundamentally against my inner scumbag. Moreover, I only become like this when someone pisses me off.

>> No.15770591

sounds like you're just a pseud reenacting reservoir dogs
sex is everything.

>> No.15770620

>sex is everything.
Nope, you're the pseud for believing this. For example, if I were torturing you, I would be questioning this presupposition more. How do you know sex is everything? I presume you would answer with some retarded evolutionary or materialist explanation. What leads you believe physicalism/materialism to be true? Is qualia irreducible and what does that imply?
I'm not a pseud. I'm just interested in finding a basis for meta-ethics and normativity, that's all. You can consider me more like a priestly demon while you, yourself, are more like a bestial and stupid one. People like you disgust me, but you're right, I have an inner demon too.

>> No.15770634

lmao it's like old /b/ right now

>> No.15770636
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This is a very good general overview of political, cultural, military, and religious history of Latin America. I think it's the best place to start in regard to latin american history, you'll have a pretty good idea of which periods and cultures you want to learn more about after reading and you'll have a good bigger picture understanding. It was written in 1946 and is mildly racist which makes indios seethe but I'm a huehue monkey and I thought it's actually a well-balanced portrayal of colonization.

>> No.15770648

based poster desu

>> No.15770661

"What is everything" depends on one's answers to the important philosophical questions, which has burdened philosophers throughout the ages. What is the ground or constituents of reality? How does mind relate to matter? How can one justify his or her knowledge? Who am I? Can we give basis to any morality? What happens after death? Hume and every philosopher dealt with these important questions. My inner demon is much more intellectual than yours.
A real man asks these questions to the point of where his life hinges on them. Those who answer such questions dishonestly or with frivolity do not deserve to exist. They are serious questions that helps one interpret his experience and derive values.

>> No.15770672

well, when you said you had an "inner demon," I was just kidding when I asked you to describe it. And then when I provoked you, I knew you'd respond with several paragraphs.
I'm telling you now because I care about you- don't be this retarded anymore.

>> No.15770695

How did you provoke me? I'm just explaining what my inner demon resembles. Moreover, I only feel this way towards those who have significantly wronged me. Why should one forgive his enemies? How is what I'm claiming retarded? Of course, I would never do this as law remains in action, but in the advent of social breakdown, why not towards my enemies?

>> No.15770752

>reading that cuck
>not reading Bernal Díaz del Castillo

>> No.15770777
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mon negre right here

>> No.15770789

He bought that person from someone that probably fucked her AND didn't feed her

Nice coloring of history to turn all accomplished individuals into your villain though

>> No.15770803

Goddamn I want some Carib woman BDSM.

>> No.15770853


>> No.15770858

You know, I gotta be honest. Let's say you're in the situation of the colonialists. You have weaponry they have no tactic to defeat. You kill their men easily. There is no God. No authority. Nobody there to judge you. You dominate these people completely, and there will never be accountability.

After you fight and decimate their men, you see a beautiful woman, and get hard. Why wouldn't you take her? You have every power over her. She can't stop you. There is no God.

I don't know what this kind of absolute power feels like, and neither will any of you. But I have to imagine the calculus of "should I act on this sentiment?" changes when you have so much power over people.

I think there's probably some truth in what you're saying, that people have no real ability to see their darker sides, they're to skittish to accept they're capable of horrible things. But goddamn if you aren't a lunatic for bringing it up.

Still, I want some Carib pussy now.

>> No.15770890

Furio is the actual socialist there. This show was actually kind of annoying to watch when I remember it.

>> No.15770891

Good replies.

>> No.15770900

Not to mention, you read about where the muscle for the conquistadores and the colonists actually came from and you find they were barely elevated above common street thugs.
Imagine coming from nothing, even whores laugh at you, and suddenly there's all this fucking gold and all these hot vulnerable women and you've got all the power.
Anyone would buckle there.
Personally, I like to think I'd be more of a Jew hider than a Nazi. I've been taught to bend the rules if my personal morals disagree with them, it's given me a high quality of life and a serenity of mind I don't see a lot of my peers sharing.
That said, a lot of the conquistador guys didn't even have parents, let alone parents who bothered teaching their kids that about moral nuance.
So, the fault lies with the governments, or the commanders who got swept up in the raping and pillaging, or were too weak to stop it.
Or, maybe nobody even realized what they were doing was wrong. Girls can get to acting quite horny when they're afraid you're gonna hurt them. A life of vulnerability to men teaches certain coping skills that guys aren't necessarily privy to, unless we're small statured and find ourselves incarcerated in the united states.
All this is to say- the capability of committing genocide is in all of us, to deny it is to empower it. It's much more freeing, from shame and from the possibility of doing something truly awful, to hold that in your mind and soul every once in a while. In my own experience.

>> No.15770906

yeah no shit
stupida facking post

>> No.15770920

And it's definitely not inherent to any one race or gender. Shaming like it is is fucking retarded.
Everybody's ancestors pretty much would have done (did do) whatever they could get away with. Even heinous examples like the behavior of Belgians in the Congo can be understood once your realize the were making billions in todays dollars without even having to pay their workforce. Imagine that industry. People would go fucking crazy, we see it today with tech scams and multi level marketing and shit. The American South is another example. money for nothing is too enticing a prospect for anyone to turn down, it's literally the dream. The Christian Heaven is basically the idea of having all your needs and desires met without labor.

>> No.15770935

>There is no God.
>Anyone would buckle there.
I am not a nigger. Even if an omnipotent God did not exist, there could be another metaphysical schema which gives basis to meta-ethical or normative ethics. How do you know without studying this matter deeply and without significant practice in various traditions?
I don't want pussy. I want the the answers to life unveiled. The fact you place pussy above wisdom disgusts me. You do not deserve to live.

>> No.15771091
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i love how orbiters think they are alphas

>> No.15771104
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yes this is what any humanist feels deep down. hedonists will always go back to their hedonistic nature, no matter how much they delude themselves they are altruistic in their society.

>> No.15771107


All of these virtue signaling pearl clutching cock sucking dumbfucks

All of you fuck off, nothing this guy is saying is weird or wrong

>> No.15771125


>> No.15771213

>After you fight and decimate their men, you see a beautiful woman, and get hard. Why wouldn't you take her? You have every power over her. She can't stop you. There is no God.
Call me a pussy but it's still outright rape. I'm not going to pretend to be that much of a fucking saint and say that I would not take advantage of the power structure of the aftermath but just fucking raping a woman is no go. Especially since I probably fucking caved her father and brother's head in in front of her and who knows if she'll bite my throat out as I sleep.

>> No.15771232
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>> No.15772001

"Atheists have no foundation for morality - A case study"

>> No.15772038

>Reading books on non-anglo countries written by anglos

Yeah I think I will pass

>> No.15772176
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Fucking BASED to the max.

>> No.15772192

Is it just true that 99% of literature on colonialism just conquered peoples forever seething in print that they lost the clash of civilizations?

>> No.15772233
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Is this nigger right?

>> No.15772293

and yet the real people these thoughts are based on were christians. Being forgiven all your sins is a very pleasing metaphysical doctrine for the amoral.

>> No.15772304

Cringe but redpilled

>> No.15772332

Plot twist: he ended up getting happily pegged by her

>> No.15772374
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>> No.15772396

Men have a lower median point on the bell curve, this means that there are more unintelligent men than there are unintelligent women, but there are also more intelligent men there are intelligent women. This is primely evident in the abundance of men in academia and crime, with but a few noteworthy female exceptions that prove the rule.

>> No.15772422
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>the bell curve

>> No.15772442

>50% are below the median and 50% are above the median
>um source? Sources? Where are your PEER REVIEWED studies that say that? What's this? This is in fucking German, do you even know German? Do you even have a mathematics degree to be able to make correct conclusions from this study? You fucking Nazis can never back your claims up

>> No.15772450

>inner scumbag

I like to call it the Douche no Hado.

>> No.15772463

>t. trannies

>> No.15772504
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ya seethe?

>> No.15772531

A lot of balls on this guy, posting this shit in 4th of July, of all days.

>> No.15773011

We were just culturally enriching them

>> No.15773155

all the unironic "therapy" replies, fucking summer. this isn't even that edgy, you fucking retards.