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/lit/ - Literature

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15768603 No.15768603[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>ywn scissor with butterfly

>> No.15768611

anyone want to take bets on how long this thread stays up? I bet at least 1 hour

>> No.15768623

50 dollerydoos on bump limit.
And if it doesn't, I'll make sure it does.

>> No.15768634

She's menopausal by now

>> No.15768648

The /pol/ threads stay up forever, so should this.

>> No.15768655
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threads like these use to titillate my senses
now it only fuels my heartbreak
>buttercunt will never rub her tummy because she's preggers with your child

>> No.15768656

>tfw no family

>> No.15768659

Im thinking longer than that

>> No.15768661

I say 4 hours. I also wager that moth will magically appear to say her list of prepared witty remarks. Forest anon can't even post on /lit/ anymore yet we are still stuck with butterfly shitposting and derailing everything.

>> No.15768666

Quit making threads about yourself and go dial 8

>> No.15768667

What is wrong with other girls?

>> No.15768685

Whats butterfly famous for?

>> No.15768690

for being a cutie with questionable opinions

>> No.15768701

She's not cute and never was.

>> No.15768702

Being the one constant on /lit/ over the past decade.

>> No.15768707

Leaving us to read books with her gf

>> No.15768716

what opinouns? whats her story?

>> No.15768717

shes pretty cute my fren
and she has a body absolutely made to be mounted and bred

>> No.15768723
File: 1.07 MB, 1500x2284, SAGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it'll stay up as long as people keep bumping it. you guys do know this board has no jannies/mods, right?

>> No.15768728

Wait so is she actually cute or not?

>> No.15768732

So why was your last thread deleted within minutes

>> No.15768744

lurk more and it will only be a time before she unironically posts something that you disagree with
i sincerely wish to understand her story. the why and the how. she's an anomaly, and is this odd piece that doesnt fit into my understanding of "the world."

>> No.15768748
File: 469 KB, 1217x1621, 7E669526-F2B2-4DC2-9794-8CC1028531D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Butters has been immortalized in literature. From page 157 of the recent publication The Coronameron:

>> No.15768779

is she racist?

>> No.15768797

not to my knowledge. she might post the occasional "racist" comment, but its always with the flair of 4chan racism humor. i dont think she's actually racist.

>> No.15768831

she is based and redpilled

>> No.15768926

I want to become famous, write a book about 4chan and frame butterfly as an alt-right thought leader.

>> No.15768935

Influenced by Schopenhauer

>> No.15768946
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When is day of the net, lads.

>> No.15768979
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>> No.15769024

I will never get over what a fat, round head she has. Gross

>> No.15769055
File: 68 KB, 729x537, butterfly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15769089
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Im gonna ask her out when she posts something in this thread

>> No.15769095
File: 12 KB, 193x250, E69A0D8E-61FC-478C-9D86-9FEE915D2781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck anon

>> No.15769131


>> No.15769277

Butters hasn't had that trip for months now