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15767923 No.15767923 [Reply] [Original]

Just wondering what the /lit/ opinion on this phenomena is: female aesthetic beauty. Very beautiful women seem to be know or at the very least give off a sense of greater knowing.

Maybe it's similar to how cats are linked to the supernatural. Something in the aesthetic and behaviour of cats seems to hint at a greater knowing beyond it's simple feral capabilities.

But, interestingly, this 'knowing' or 'universality' seems to fade with age. It's somehow linked to youth in that case too. Maybe it's simply the stupifying effect of seeing someone that is both young and beautiful.


>> No.15767943

It's very fucking simple.
You were hard-wired through billions of years of evolution to want to stick your dick in a woman. So when you see a woman those billions of years dance in your brain and cock. That's literally fucking it. Philosophers can pontificate all they want about aesthetics and the beauty of Le Human From but the simple, brute, depressing fact of the matter is that there's nothing more to it.

>> No.15767949

>feminine beauty
>posts pornstar

Thats gonna be a yikes from me

>> No.15767951

Okay anyone who isn't fourteen years old want to contribute?

>> No.15767966

>Very beautiful women seem to be know or at the very least give off a sense of greater knowing.
I don’t think this is a common view

>> No.15767975
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Finally a coomer thread :)

>> No.15767991

>recognizing pornstars
double yikes

>> No.15768012

I'm not 14 and the response is correct.
Also your OP is flat out wrong. The more beautiful the women, the more retarded they tend to be.

>> No.15768029

Its called the halo effect

>> No.15768061

They know that you are horny, thats all.

>> No.15768064

>Very beautiful women seem to be know or at the very least give off a sense of greater knowing.
Isn't this just confidence/arrogance bred from the attention recieved due to being attractive? What you are trying to imply with this "women seem to be in the know/have a greater sense of knowing" is incorrect, there is no phenomena, it is called confidence and self-awareness of one's own attractiveness.
I understand what you are trying to do but you are wrong, what greater knowing beyond could they possibly know?
>But, interestingly, this 'knowing' or 'universality' seems to fade with age.
Are you trying to ignore the fact that you are slightly answering your own question by saying this?
Women get older -> Fertility/Beauty decreases due to degeneration -> These women become less confident.

>> No.15768429

Shit that backfired

>> No.15768857

take meds sci schizo

>> No.15768882

But what he said is the literal opposite of what a schizo would say, it's in fact the most autistic thing one could say on this subject, and there is evidence that autism and schizophrenia are polar opposites on a spectrum.

>> No.15768892

define beauty, faggot.
hint: word "sweet"
hint: we love to hug kittens who are busy with something
hint: spirituality, breathing

how ironic, english is not my native, yet 99.99% of stupid english speaking pederasts think they know meaning of word spiritual and think that Buddhism and Christianity are spiritual. degenerates beyond salvation, only for lulz.

>> No.15768908
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>olã pendējõ

>> No.15769094

yes this

>> No.15769290

Why do I find sunsets and sunrises beautiful? And the smell of the rain? This is not only overly simplistic but easy and lazy

>> No.15769601
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I wrote what I could anon. It is wandering off into my own interests on the subject, but hopefully it provides some insight into your question.

I think you need to clarify what you mean by "knowing". Elegance is one way to distinguish from beauty, it is essentially a woman's knowledge of how to carry herself. This can give the beautiful woman a sense of power and the plain girl a sense of beauty. Beauty alone is inborn, a trait or an elemental force which gives character a determinant quality. For women this is the astrological sign which resists the scientific destruction of all old ways of seeing, persistent beyond what may be verified. The red lips of the masked woman: fate functions in her like a machine, and where nature fails her she will betray it. Every woman the rose of the world while each man confronts the occasio calvata in his own way.

Chramer, gip die varwe mir,
die min wengel roete,
damit ich die jungen man
an ir dank der minnenliebe noete.

(Shopkeeper, give me color
to make my cheeks red,
so that I can make the young men
love me, against their will )

What appears as natural to us goes without opposition, and often threatens with a tantalizing or seductive power, a matter of fate. This is effectively women's power, a strange thing to discuss as it is a remnant of noble figures but corrupted by all that wishes to turn power into a destructive force and eliminate hierarchies, the genealogy of time. One may see in this the fragments of the old world, the form of hierarchical ordering which resists the tendency of leveling - the noble character living on within the peasantry where the aristocracy has abandoned it. Men must find beauty, but for women it is a trait or gift of another world. In our time this has become a conflict of men adopting feminine traits to maintain their status, or otherwise adapting the totus floreo to an era which prefers mechanised woman - a second-order substratum dedicated to Pandora.

>> No.15769617

Beauty may also be likened to the natural singer, where nothing is forced, she who is always in key and so focuses on the form of the music itself rather than its technical qualities. Arrangement is the only consideration and everything else flows into it. Also one who is naturally in time with the music.

The subtle softening of mistakes, or even playing with noise and time, is what gives power to music. The violin/fiddle bow is perhaps the best example of this. For instance, where the music is given life and power through bowing techniques like air, pulse, bounce. Such techniques lend a vitality to the notes and transitions through time. In a similar way, although less noticeable, the natural singer inflects the voice away from herself, as if its own being draws the performance and its audience away into another world. Apart from the festival this characteristic must be increased, which may account for the reverence of the idyllic in the operatic voice. The subtle vibrato against the forced note is more difficult to understand in theory, but is immediately noticeable even to the untrained.

Natural beauty is sensed like that of the uncultivated voice, the untrained through which time suggests great possibility, the talent which awaits fulfillment of the form. Just as the singer must anticipate their voice in time, we find love as if in a marriage arranged by fate, forced by our own being, or awaiting us in formality - the violent outbursts of the Greek wedding festival opposed to the consecration of virginity in Christianity, the taking of brides in war or the sodomy of nature in the Carmina Burana. At its limit two beings are sacrificed to Helicon, the heavens give way to the bride, or a nation is born out of the end of the world. A delicate balance must be maintained due to the potential weight behind simple decisions. This is lost to the modern dance of man and woman, the mechanical arrangement forces the sexes apart just as much as it brings them together at the surface level - connected like the tentacles of a virus under the microscope.

Minnet, tugentliche man,
minnecliche frouwen!
minne tuot iu hoch gemuot
unde lat iuch in hohen eren schouwen.

(Good men, love
women worthy of love!
Love ennobles your spirit
and gives you honor.)

>> No.15769637
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One can also consider the manner in which the free-spirited woman is 'tainted' in our times. Perhaps it is that she approaches freedom in a technical manner, similar to how the uncultured woman falters in elegance. Her movement is forced, unnatural, following the function rather than the form. This is a matter of character, and for women there may be a greater force of fate from which it is more difficult to break free from. Feminism can be seen as a misunderstanding of, or even failure to cultivate, this force.

Ernst Junger mentions the intimidating nature of an Athena figure as opposed to an Aphrodite. This may be isolated to our own era in that fear of the irrational world also reduces Athena to an enlightenment idol - all other character must be stripped from her. Aphrodite survives, as she always does but is otherwise unmentionable, a minor figure or even cursed to the fate of a nymph. This is opposed to the ancient understanding, where Aphrodite controls a dominion beyond that of the other gods; the monstrous and the gigantic, as becomes clear in the Judgement of Paris. All beings are threatened, whereas Athena curses the beautiful who stray from the human realm. This distinction is deepened in the myth of Pandora, where Athena gives her the gift of craft, weaving as a power to extend her beauty through skill - and through Aphrodite, the inborn cunning and cruel longing of earth forces which would both curse man to titanic striving and reduce him to weakness. Psyche and the invisible war of women, men carried off by the winds of Zephyr; Orphic tales often run backwards as a curse against power.

et letantur
in melle dulcedinis
qui conantur,
ut utantur
premio Cupidinis;
simus jussu Cypridis
et letantes
pares esse Paridis.

(They gloryand rejoice
in honeyed sweetness
who strive
to make use of
Cupid’s prize;
At Venus’ command
let us glory
and rejoice
in being Paris’ equals. Ah!)

Woman's power is often in her silence, this may be easily misinterpreted as a foolishness or necessity of moral law. Instead one should consider the natural force, the fate which proceeds without need of naming. In one sense the taking of another name is a sacrifice, and in another the receiving of higher qualities, a natural right she had been given at birth. But instead women have abandoned this ritual and demand their own rites of patriarchal rule, a naming which is not of their own. The relation between man and woman centers around the delicate balance of opposing worlds and the giving of one material for another is necessary in this - taking of the name is also a gift in that the man has freely received her beauty. The woman's fate is certain, but only together may they serve higher principles, whether that be freedom or the unity of a state.

>> No.15769639

you're just a simp, that's all.

>> No.15769682

There is in this a reversal of the old tale of the man sacrificing himself in battle as a renunciation of a woman's betrayal, or the suicide at the wedding ceremony. The female suicide is always a rebirth or a curse, the passing on of judgement and trials before monsters. Otherwise there can only be total abandonment and return to noble character, where the peasant sacrifice restores the rule of the kingdom - as in the old folk songs. Or the natural transition between reverence for Aphrodite the beautiful and the mechanization of brutal Fate, as in Orff's arrangement.

Ave formosissima,
gemma pretiosa,
ave decus virginum,
virgo gloriosa,
ave mundi luminar
ave mundi rosa,
Blanziflor et Helena,
Venus generosa!

(Hail, most beautiful one,
precious jewel,
Hail, Pride among virgins,
glorious virgin,
Hail, light of the world,
Hail, rose of the world,
Blanchefleur and Helen,
noble Venus!)


>> No.15769683

tbf Stoya is one of the few pornstars whos genuinely beautiful

>> No.15769690

In short, there is likely much more to what you are sensing than "knowledge". Although this cannot be reduced to the crude forces of genetic survival, as one poster suggested - sexual identity as solution to the thing-in-itself.

>> No.15770185
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Simple as

>> No.15770441

Great series of posts anon. I have to say your reasoning as well as your conclusion are for some reason vague and blurry for me, but still I sense the truth of what you are saying. Could you give a simpler explanation, or at least refer me to some further sources?

>> No.15770604

t.ugly roastie

majority of beautiful women are also intelligent (for a women)

>> No.15770703 [DELETED] 
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This is the hardest cope for uggos, but yes, more beautifull people are also more intelligent on average. Their outer appearance only reflects their inner beauty. But I would disagree that it fades with age, insted of simple appeal it becomes gravitas. The beauty of a young lad becomes the respect which is due to an aged hero. The mesmerized effect of a young women becomes the maternal uncoditional love and sacrifice of an wringled woman.

Which is why both are discredited and looked down upon today. We shall not seek out to become the best we can be, to improve and transcent through lives suffering. We shall remain base beings only having lust in our minds.

Scruton put it well calling beauty a virtue.

>> No.15770715
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This is the hardest cope for uggos, but yes, more beautifull people are also more intelligent on average. Their outer appearance only reflects their inner beauty. But I would disagree that it fades with age, insted of simple appeal it becomes gravitas. The beauty of a young lad becomes the respect which is due to an aged hero. The mesmerized effect of a young women becomes the maternal uncoditional love and sacrifice of an wringled woman.

Which is why both are discredited and looked down upon today. We shall not seek out to become the best we can be, to improve and transcent through lives suffering. We shall remain base beings only having lust in our minds.

Scruton put it well calling beauty a virtue.


>> No.15770743

>pretending you don't watch pork
triple yikes

>> No.15770955

good looking people have grown up looking at their own appearance and are numbed to it the same way you are numbed to yours. their experience of themselves is filtered through the treatment they receive from others, also like you. whereas most people face indifference, the very beautiful and very ugly have unique experience of their own. the ugly become twisted in their hatred of humanity, and question every positive interaction as a type of trick or cruel joke. conversely the very beautiful receive little to no negative attention, so when that does happen it makes them curious temporarily to try and understand what has changed from their usual habit, but otherwise they see the entire world in a positive light, since they are surrounded by smiling faces and polite people.
the current inversion of beauty is due to a eugenic pressure on mankind, which has allowed for the ugly and cruel which harbor the hatred for all (and above all themselves) to reproduce in sufficient numbers to create strategic geniuses among them, which seek to eliminate mankind by eroding history, culture, values and advancing technology towards weapons of mass death.

likewise the world of plenty has lulled the beautiful into a sophomoric sleep, which paralyzes them to inaction against the threat of their impending demise, rather than dilute their own beauty through a continuation of their bloodlines they grasp on to their youth with gnarled bony fingers long into their senescence and wake up too late to realize the trap they have crawled into, floating on the winds of envy, drying up seeds on cracked sunbaked soil, mankind fades to the last dying whisper of love.

>> No.15771039

you are either healthy idiot or weak and fucked and pathetic. sane man can be seen by strong profound healthy laughter, most spiritual breathing.

>> No.15771051
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children look ok. why? they don't deny emotions, and blood freely circulates the body and the face? when people blush? when shamed, when hypocrisy, larping revealed. why red? because blood goes back to face muscles and rejuvenates tissues. toxic masculinity, adulthood, "sanity", morality makes people ugly stupid pederasts. compare north and south korean faces.

>> No.15771065

>very least give off a sense of greater knowing.
until they open their mouth

ever talked with a model? it's rare you get both.

>> No.15771097

Because humans evolved to have affinity with their environment.

>> No.15771110


>> No.15771168

Models aren't picked for beauty, retard. They are picked for shock value or at best being inovensivly plain.

>> No.15771191

>Trusting feminists to have a firm grasp on aesthetics

>> No.15771222
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That very well may be true. Yet presenting this as some kind of explanation or valid dismissal is dishonest at best and plain retarded at worse. What it touches upon is the most elementary and surface level way of looking at it, without presenting a viable way to discover anything more about the subject, which means it's essentially useless.
>depressing fact of the matter is that there's nothing more to it.
Completely unjustified claim that doesn't at all follow from what you said in your post.
You can call just as well say that you were hard-wired through gazillions of decades of evolution to want to put two sticks together. That's engineering, but the simple, brute, depressing fact of the matter is that there's nothing more to it. Thus all the books about engineering are useless nonsense. I hope you realize how stupid that sounds.
Reductionism like yours is perhaps the most common fallacy that kids and teenagers employ. I know because I used to be like this as well. It's really funny how effective it seems to be on some people, given how large the logical gap is between what is claimed and the conclusions that the person tries to present (which don't follow at all).

>> No.15771234
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This reminds me of Scott Adams talking about just how effective the persuasion tactic is of saying "because X" even X completely unrelated to what you're talking about. "Human life doesn't matter/is meaningless because [our lifetimes are minuscule compared to the time that the universe has existed for]/[our size is minuscule compared to the size of the planets and galaxies]/[we're just made of atoms and atoms we will become]/[I bought a sandwich today and it didn't taste good]/[there is so much evil in the world]/[everything we value is just a product of interactions of atoms]". Notice how none of the explanations after "because" are even remotely connected to the claim they try to justify yet it's awesome how much they seem to persuade people.

>> No.15771251

>You can call just as well say that you were hard-wired through gazillions of decades of evolution to want to put two sticks together. That's engineering, but the simple, brute, depressing fact of the matter is that there's nothing more to it. Thus all the books about engineering are useless nonsense. I hope you realize how stupid that sounds.
false analogy

>> No.15771262

Whatever you say, big guy.

>> No.15771264


>> No.15771271

who knows why. not everyone finds sunsets and sunrises beautiful. i would reckon most people rarely take the time to observe a sunset or sunrise. that surely indicates how much value they place on the "beauty" of it. the same goes for rain.
the beauty of a sunset and the beauty of a woman are different enough to warrant a distinction. appreciation of beauty has, at best, a meta-narrative to it. appreciation of different types of beauties breaks down into differing reasons. you can appreciate the beauty of a rainbow because "the tranquility of nature" or "this must be evidence of divine providence." you can also appreciate the beauty of the empire state building because "marvel at the wonders and efforts it took to erect this monumental structure."

the majority of people are dumb. the majority of women are even dumber.
hypergamy and a gynocentric society has allowed women to obtain "success" without the necessity of cultivating themselves. women have immense value for the immutable fact that they were born with a vagina. couple that with their evolutionary prerogative of hypoagency and it makes sense why women tend to be dumber, especially if theyre beautiful.
theres a reason you rarely see women occupy positions in the elite of the elite. theres a reason women need their own chess division.
men need to cultivate themselves and bring actual value to the table in order to fulfill the basic biological instinct that has coursed through every single living organism to ever exist
>survive and breed
women do not need to

>> No.15771273

>people who spew this kind of inanity believes they are actually thinking
discard your opinions you need to start from scratch

>> No.15771281

I don’t

>> No.15771434


My two cents:

Yes, this is a real thing. The reason is SELF-POSSESSION.

If a woman is very attractive, the world will have been beating a path to her door since she was about 13. She doesn't need to make an effort to reach out to other people because they will make the effort to reach out to her. If anything, the reverse is true - she has to put effort into retaining privacy. (Think Greta Garbo "I want to be left alone", etc.)

If you're a normal person and you walk into a room where you don't know many people, your main worry is that you will either be ignored or mocked. Her worry is exactly the opposite - she'll be fawned over or hassled.

This means she exudes self-possession; in other words a sense of "I don't need other people; my inner resources are sufficient." (This isn't true, of course. She needs other people at least as much as anyone else. It just doesn't seem that way.)

And we naturally associate calm self-sufficiency with deep wisdom.

>> No.15771447

based evolutionary chad

>> No.15771449

>be an intelligent young man
>renounce the world, pursue wisdom
>after years of self-work possibly end up with self-possession
>be wahmen
>be born semi beautiful
>also end up with self-possession
The world is a funny place desu.

>> No.15771461

You are all retards. Do you get horny when you see a female pig? What about a female bat? Or a queen bee? No you fucking dont, because you didn't evolve to. You evolved to get horny when you see a human woman, which is why you do. Psychologically you can't accept that's all there is, so you construct some gay ass philosophical aesthetic about the human form or 'made in god's image'. But male dogs, if they could talk, would also say that about female dogs. It's just fucking hormones.

>> No.15771616

That sounds extremely complicated. Why did we do that?

>> No.15771643
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I get horny when feel freedom, when divert attention from problems, questions, larping. and trust me, with enough nofap you will be horny seeing a male elephant.

>> No.15771679

>Isn't this just confidence/arrogance bred from the attention recieved

I don't think association of calm/confidence with wisdom is the whole thing. There's also animal calm and the blunt confidence of the physically sound plebian.

What OP is onto is a sensitivity to a particular, inevitable, idea which recurs among attractive women - namely that they, the chosen few of the sexual envirionment - are best equipped to see the world for what it is - a giant distraction from the controlling, essential subtext of attraction. Sex for them is like economics for Marxist historians - it secretly explains everything. It's just that everyone else is only partly aware of how pervasive its influence is because we're not so thoroughly exposed to it. What OP is detecting is a smugness at having figured out that the world is super simple.

Although, like all universalists/idealogues, they end up ignoring aspects of reality that don't fit the programme.

>> No.15771687

Why is first post always best post?

>> No.15772132


There's something in this but I don't think it's the be-all and end-all. I agree with the "smugness", but I don't think that's just because they've "got everything figured out". It's at least as much because they see successful and supposedly clever men behaving like stupid horny 14-year-olds around them. They needn't be thinking "haha, what we have inside our underwear rules the world"; just "haha, what we have inside our underwear makes all you bigshots hot and bothered any time we want".

Maybe it's a bit of a subtle distinction, but I think many women simply don't care about the big picture. They care about what's in front of their noses.

>> No.15772373
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>Or a queen bee?

>> No.15773729

You have to admit the topic at least generates interesting conversation.

>> No.15773759

What makes her beautiful? Is it the genital herpes?

>> No.15773773

>Do you get horny when you see a female pig? What about a female bat? Or a queen bee? No you fucking dont
Some people do though, which renders the rest of your post obsolete

>> No.15773938

How much money do you want to kys, commie scum?

>> No.15773946


>> No.15774112

Beauty is typically a result of good genes; intelligence and good looks are positively correlated (though obviously not one to one).

>> No.15774771

Seeing pic related take dicks up her asshole is a thing of beauty, indeed

>> No.15774869

too much free time i'd say

>> No.15775179
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>Or a queen bee?

>> No.15775192
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>a female pig?

>> No.15775200
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>What about a female bat?

>> No.15775251

This will get me called gay a whole lot but I think this bitch is completely insufferable. Not only she's not that hot, that stupid fake smirk she's got plastered on at all time absolutely kills any grace or charm she might have by having a natural expression.
But of course this is a cheap hooker so what do you expect.

>> No.15775259
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i think its more that they are genuinely happy. You can always tell that about a human. However, this ephemeral phase will more than likely "fade", following their physical beauty.

Of course there are still elder women into their 50s who look very lady like and possess an air of heavenly grace :)

>> No.15775282

It's ok to be gay anon.

>> No.15775420


I agree entirely and this would be somewhat excusable if the philosopher or writer in question believed in some special circumstance to man, such as being made in the image of God or the most “perfect “ being yet or what have you, but from otherwise secular philosophers and writers it demonstrate their incapacity to excuse themselves from the limitations of their relative position in time and space, it shows they cannot think beyond themselves, people who glorify this reduction of existence aren’t embracing the fullness of existence or current moment , they are nothing more than the average Normalfag who cannot think beyond himself. It demonstrates their thought cannot to beyond man into an objective view. The human body is not mathematically perfect; it does not contain any great symmetry in reality, and even on a material level the average human body is nothing to enjoy, the purely material non-abstract and non-ideal attraction to the human body is one of convenience and it is a common phenomena that as soon as one orgasms, the looks of the average person attracted to fade.

Over glorification of the human body is a larp.

>> No.15775903
