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File: 52 KB, 720x828, AD8ACB29-1D20-44E1-8754-2EBDDBDDDFFA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15767506 No.15767506 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone refute this?

>> No.15767516

I hate people who treat philosophers like celebrities

>> No.15767558

Where is Evola?

>> No.15767559

You are definitely a cop on the chart...

>> No.15767560
File: 176 KB, 417x640, 93CF855C-EC2D-42D2-B4E2-4625E1F9F6B0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>de Beauvoir

>> No.15767567

idk, things like this chart just scream "I read philosophy and really want you to know that I do so" to me

>> No.15767572

I thought conservatism was the new punk rock

>> No.15767600

So exactly what /lit/ is doing all the time?

>> No.15767615

Conservatives have never been the minority. They just acted like it when liberal ideas got slightly more popular and socially accepted.

>> No.15767617

No, no one reads in here. And we are all anons.

>> No.15767644
File: 445 KB, 1000x736, whos the punk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spiked my coat
And tyed my hair
Took my mind and put an A sign there
Leather jacket and spiky hair
Or should I have a mowhack there?
Am I punk?
Am I punk, yet
Am I punk?
Am I punk, yet?
Exploited records - got 'em all
Crass posters cover my wall
GBH - gods of al
Lace my Docs and Im all set
Am I punk, Am I punk yet?
Am I punk, Am I punk yet?
Spiked my coat
And tyed my hair
Took my mind and put an A sign there
Leather jacket and spiky hair
Or should I have a mowhack there?
Am I punk, Am I punk yet?
Am I punk, Am I punk yet?
Exploited records, got em all
Crass posters cover my wall
Lace my docs and Im all set
But please tell me, Am I punk?
Am I punk, Am I punk yet?
Am I punk, Am I punk yet?

>> No.15767658

I like how you can tell the average college-aged "I read theory" faggot evaluates philosophy by how close it is to validating trannies and other degeneracy

>> No.15767700


Judith Butler is not remotely "punk." Judith Butler represents the beginning of the end of any pretense that the counter culture poses a threat to the established order whatsoever. Ironic, considered how supposedly obsessed she is with what it means to be "subversive."


Take a look at this ridiculous shit for instance. This is the most astounding example I can think of illustrating how hollow and vapid the entire "the personal is political" philosophy is. "Taking a walk can be a revolutionary act." What a complete fucking joke. "What if we lived in a society where we helped each other." Seriously? You think nobody helps each other in society? That's your incisive analysis of the problems of our times? Get real. Judith Butler is a bullshitter.

The idea that they put her on this list above figures like Engels, Singer, or fucking NIETZSCHE is a complete goddamn joke.

Heidegger being more of a "cop" than Hobbes or Kant is also a complete fucking joke. Marcuse, the preeminent intellectual of the counter culture in the 1960's, studied under Heidegger and his thought was heavily indebted to him. There's literally no reason for him to have the place on this list that he does unless you literally don't know a single god damn thing about Heidegger besides that he was in the Nazi party for a year and a half (which he repudiates in many of his writings, particularly the Contributions, which was written between 1936-8) and made a handful of unsavory comments about Jews. There is no meaningful "radical" thought in the continental tradition that isn't massively indebted to Heidegger and his critiques of modernity and technological society. Sure, he was a pretty straight laced university philosopher, but the idea that he was more of a "cop" than someone like Hobbes or Confucious is just unbelievably illiterate.

>> No.15767743

Plato's response.

>> No.15767749

Marx is a bugman, not punk. Bataille is punk.

>> No.15767775
File: 211 KB, 1366x768, stikky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the problem not understanding philosophy, punk, or both?

>> No.15767781

Funny leddit maymays XDD

>> No.15767791


In some of the cases it's misunderstanding philosophy and in some of the cases it's misunderstanding punk. I'm sure there's cases where it is both at the same time but I can't literally read the mind of whoever made this leftbook "theory" garbage.

>> No.15767815

her thighs are so weird, kinda bloated. i would not fuck that

>> No.15767818
File: 68 KB, 720x828, 1593814303077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15767820

punk is all bugmen now

>> No.15767829

Ah,yes, of course,, Hume wasn't a philosopher

>> No.15767830

How is Mars more punk than Stirner?

>> No.15767832


>> No.15767877 [DELETED] 

where is stirner

>> No.15767909

>not a philosopher

>> No.15767925


>> No.15767927

Heidegger and Confucius are arguably the most punk

>> No.15767932

We need one for Metal

>> No.15767954


>Filial Piety is the new punk rock

Paul Joseph Watson in the Zhou dynasty

>> No.15768049

Marx? Are you fucking kidding? The Vanguard party is the least punk shit I've ever heard of. It's intellectual elitism which is inherently anti punk.

>> No.15768063

>Aristotle less punk than Plato

>> No.15768065


Explain how Aristotle is actually more punk than Plato right now

>> No.15768074

Punk was never "punk" to begin with. Anyone who thinks otherwise was duped by marketers.

>> No.15768085

Plato's philosophy hinges entirely on the belief that the smarter are inherently better than the commonalty, sure Aristotle was elitist as well, but not nearly as much as Plato.

>> No.15768091

>camus & marx are more punk than nietzsche
I would have never said so in my life.

>> No.15768094


So you think punk is...*squints* validating everything the herd believes? How is Socrates drinking the hemlock less punk than Aristotle's aristocratic conception of politics and "ethics"? Aristotle literally argues you can't have a fully happy life unless you are beautiful and rich.

>> No.15768097

elitism is punk

>> No.15768108
File: 945 KB, 1056x1566, Augustine2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come Aquinas is on there but not Augustine? Where would Augustine be?

>> No.15768150

It's more punk than The Republic. Though I'm not arguing Aristotle should be high, just higher than Plato.

>> No.15768180

Nietzsche should be at the top and Bataille shouldbe on the list also (and pretty high up). Otherwise it's good.

>> No.15768192


It's more punk than the Republic where Plato argues that there is no reason women couldn't be qualified to be philosopher kings (I guess they'd be queens technically), whereas Aristotle argues that they're literally half-baked (unfully developed in the womb) men?

>> No.15768194

Marx is pretty punk desu

>> No.15768205

Christianity isn't very punk. I would out him at in between not punk and anti-punk (although he is one of my favorite Christian philosophers.)

>> No.15768267
File: 3.54 MB, 4160x3050, Bernardino_Mei_(Italian_(Sienese)_-_Christ_Cleansing_the_Temple_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buddha's up there near "Punkish," but Christianity is more punk than fucking Buddhism, that's for sure. You didn't see Siddhartha Gautama smashing tables and chasing people with a whip, did you?

>> No.15768273

I see your point. Buddha should be at anti-punk then.

>> No.15768332

>punk is women and jews
makes sense desu

>> No.15768371

literally makes no sense, i have no idea how they're coming to these conclusions seems very arbitrary

also how did they rank Plato and Socrates so radically different? lol

>> No.15768390

>also how did they rank Plato and Socrates so radically different?
they probably thought Plato fucking hated poetry, which is a standard misconception

>> No.15768407

>Groomed college girls for her spastic manlet lover
pretty based desu

>> No.15768432

i guess? i really just think the list is pure bait. legit no logic to it

how is Hume not punk? dude literally flipped all existing philosophy on its head and completely altered the course of intellectualism. is that somehow conformist?

>> No.15768443

Jewish and Communists are punk, authentic philosophers are non-punk. Fuck punk.

>> No.15768477

Did not know that punks today were so cringe.

>> No.15768683
File: 44 KB, 664x462, images (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The true punk rockers nowadays are the kids who go to church every sunday are 100% hetetosexual and respect the SHIT out of our police and military. Seriously what are lgbtsjwtfnpc leftists but consumer cattle with pink hair purpose engineered biopolitical clientele for the globohomo managerial state? Sheepish infantilized easily frightened, cant create or appreciate art. The real punks are ot there reading SIEGE, the turner diaries, isaif, old copies of jim goads answer me! and MDE's how to bomb the us gov't recording lo fi neofolk with subversive metapolitical themes, they are out there studying heidegger, dugin, the quintessence of the order of nine angles 4th generation warfare by william s. Lind the vedas and the doctrine of esoteric hitlerism.

>> No.15768719

Man, they had them in the 80s. Punk always had a reactionary segment, what are you talking about?

>> No.15768733

Punk was a moment in time, anybody post 70s-80s westcoast hardcore is just doing an anachronistic LARP

>> No.15768740

with a few exceptions this is just a left wing / right wing axis

>> No.15768750

What's punk about if not the forbidden, power, domination, transgression, excess, sodomy, nonutilitarian expenditure, the simulacrum of the destruction of norms? What. Could be more transgressive than the swastika and giving yourself over to the cause of the impossible the unspeakable the ultimate perversion and the most abominable of crimes, under thekali yuga of neoliberal political theology transfigured into the defence of order the family and the one true God. Coincidentia oppositorum! Someday I will take you to disneyland...

>> No.15768777
File: 116 KB, 640x800, dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would anyone want to be punk? they're not edgy, they dress like shit, and they listen to the worst music ever made. fuck punkfags

>> No.15768782
File: 2.69 MB, 1200x1165, 1593715365194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delet this

>> No.15769927

Punk doesn't equal liberal. Punk is rebellion and finding common cause to rebel with your fellow man. "The masses are unqualified to lead themselves but I'm not like other girls so I'll lead them" is the least punk shit I've ever heard.

>> No.15770002

>cause to rebel with your fellow man
against* your fellow man

>> No.15770030

is hating the human race and worshipping satan really a philosophy, though? its more a religion.

>> No.15770042


>> No.15770048

yeah its basically akin to scientism, "philosophism"

>> No.15770050

i hate marx too, but your post is fucking cringe

>> No.15770115

Punk is just a way to reaffirm bourgeois prejudices while affecting rebelliousness.

>> No.15770160

>Sextus Empericis
I've never heard this guy until today, I haven't gotten too far into Roman classics yet.

Can someone help me on him? I looking through his wiki but don't quite see what his general philosophy is.

>> No.15770198

He was a Pyrrhonist. He’s more of a transmitter of ideas than an original thinker.

>> No.15770232

Wasn't that the philosophy of that Athenian who believed like there was no "physical" existence? (sorry I'm a brainlet and trying to get into philosophy so I'm likely explaining it poorly) Like straight up extreme skeptic, brain in the vat shit?

>> No.15770264


And you think that Aristotle is somehow MORE rebellious than Plato? Drinking the hemlock because you refuse to stop questioning and embarrassing the most powerful people in society is less punk than whatever Aristotle was up to?

You're a fucking moron. I'm not even digging into obscure shit here this is Plato 101.

Spend less time venting your half baked opinions about philosophy on leftbook and actually fucking read something every once and a while.

Based retard.

>> No.15770270

Behold, the perfect list of philosophers from least to most based

>> No.15770273

You might be thinking of Parmenides? Pyrrhonism is distinct from other schools of scepticism (like Academic Scepticism, I think) in that it doesn’t rule out positive knowledge of the world as impossible, since that would be a dogma and contentious claim like any other. Pyrrhonism tries to restrict itself to the epistemological status of the conscious agent instead of making claims about ‘true’ reality.

Pyrrhonists also think that uncertainty (epoché) can ultimately lead to a state of peace (ataraxia). Not feeling compelled to assent to all the different doctrines of the world.

>> No.15770622

Yeah, that's who I was mixing up. He's the pre-Socratic who was (supposedly) like "fire can't hurt me" because he was so skeptical.

I have't gotten to any Pyrrhonism yet then I suppose. I guess I don't see what's "punk" about it.

>> No.15771052

Punk is an outdated corporate fashion movement, so of course Marx being outdated and a shill for corporations belongs on top.

>> No.15771105

Heraclitus should be up there with Diogenes.

>War is the father of all and king of all

>> No.15771226

>Socrates not punk
>Marx punk
Lamo what joke

>> No.15771245

Socrates drinking the hemlock doesn't make Plato punk by proxy faggot.

>> No.15771263

Kant is by far the most cop of them all, he needs his own category.

>> No.15771270

punk is legit the gayest thing

>> No.15771362

Because they're the oppressed ones who have to stand up against white men

>> No.15771374

Are Kant, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Locke, Descartes, Aquinas, and Rawls right-wing?

>> No.15771379

Wittgenstein is the dumb man's smart man.

>> No.15771385

meant to quote >>15768740

>> No.15771621

>Punk ideologies are inherently left-wing and go against right-wing ideology.

>> No.15772031

basically the least punk you could get. Marx should be punk because he makes so many people seethe

>> No.15772063

Good post anon

>> No.15773327

So does Heidegger and Kant

>> No.15773634

>respect the SHIT out of our police and military
yikes. and you probably pretend to hate reddit.

>> No.15773734

Extremely based

>> No.15774432

Good post.

>> No.15774712

Filial Piety isn’t the only concept of Confucius, if you knew Confuciuses opinions on Music, or the legalism of Chinese philosophy you wouldn’t be such a little bitch

>> No.15774726

Lmaooo 4chan as a whole has been anti reddit since before 2016 I guess you’re a migrant

>> No.15774754

If you only knew (2)

>> No.15774778

Jesus is Henry Rollins and St. Paul is Sid Vicious tebehe. Zizek is GG Alin

>> No.15774785

>stirner less punk than marx
>muh digoenes le ebin rando meme
>schopenhauer not punk, maybe fair but he was based on women

>> No.15774787


>> No.15775621

I don't agree that Buddha or Hume are punkish.

>> No.15775713

>The idea that they put her on this list above figures like Engels, Singer, or fucking NIETZSCHE is a complete goddamn joke.
It's an instagram meme you retard

>> No.15775748

>s the beginning of the end of any pretense that the counter culture poses a threat to the established order whatsoever
Why? Judith Butler is part of the establishment, why are you expecting her to be the counter culture? You still have counter-culture (e.g. even 4chan) but obvioulsy not mainstream

>> No.15776089

Ok how about hardcore credentials?

>> No.15776922

Fucking retard

>> No.15777407

>Not basically a cop

>> No.15777813

Nah this chart screams "I haven't read any philosophy but I know the names of some philosophers"

Its just sub-par bait

>> No.15777972



>> No.15778022

not really
hell no
I don't really know

>> No.15778048

Hegel is a little bit more complicated than that. Ardent and vocal supporter of the French Revolution, but ultimately a sort of constitutional monarchist (though he admits that he has no idea where America/Russia will end up, and that the future of politics and world-history is in their hands).

>> No.15779233

How is Hegel right-wing?

>> No.15780249

I agree with you, but that' kind of what this shitty board is based upon

>> No.15780265

Wrong, we treat them like retards and pseuds

>> No.15780287

The most similar ideology today would be fascism crossed with social democracy.

>> No.15780303

None of them were ultranationalists, supporters of violence, adopted fascist aesthetics, etc. In fact, Kant wrote about perpetual peace, Descartes didn't give a shit about politics, Locke was obviously an antifa, etc

>> No.15780308

>Foucault that high
Literally a psyop

>> No.15780310

>respect the SHIT out of our police and military